Ruby | 454 lines | 392 code | 62 blank | 0 comment | 2 complexity | 48add0cc0d810279b19fae56ae9432a0 MD5 | raw file
- require 'spec_helper'
- describe Gitlab::Workhorse do
- let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) }
- let(:repository) { project.repository }
- def decode_workhorse_header(array)
- key, value = array
- command, encoded_params = value.split(":")
- params = JSON.parse(Base64.urlsafe_decode64(encoded_params))
- [key, command, params]
- end
- describe ".send_git_archive" do
- let(:ref) { 'master' }
- let(:format) { 'zip' }
- let(:storage_path) { Gitlab.config.gitlab.repository_downloads_path }
- let(:base_params) { repository.archive_metadata(ref, storage_path, format) }
- let(:gitaly_params) do
- base_params.merge(
- 'GitalyServer' => {
- 'address' => Gitlab::GitalyClient.address(project.repository_storage),
- 'token' => Gitlab::GitalyClient.token(project.repository_storage)
- },
- 'GitalyRepository' => repository.gitaly_repository.to_h.deep_stringify_keys
- )
- end
- subject do
- described_class.send_git_archive(repository, ref: ref, format: format)
- end
- context 'when Gitaly workhorse_archive feature is enabled' do
- it 'sets the header correctly' do
- key, command, params = decode_workhorse_header(subject)
- expect(key).to eq('Gitlab-Workhorse-Send-Data')
- expect(command).to eq('git-archive')
- expect(params).to include(gitaly_params)
- end
- end
- context 'when Gitaly workhorse_archive feature is disabled', :skip_gitaly_mock do
- it 'sets the header correctly' do
- key, command, params = decode_workhorse_header(subject)
- expect(key).to eq('Gitlab-Workhorse-Send-Data')
- expect(command).to eq('git-archive')
- expect(params).to eq(base_params)
- end
- end
- context "when the repository doesn't have an archive file path" do
- before do
- allow(project.repository).to receive(:archive_metadata).and_return(Hash.new)
- end
- it "raises an error" do
- expect { subject }.to raise_error(RuntimeError)
- end
- end
- end
- describe '.send_git_patch' do
- let(:diff_refs) { double(base_sha: "base", head_sha: "head") }
- subject { described_class.send_git_patch(repository, diff_refs) }
- context 'when Gitaly workhorse_send_git_patch feature is enabled' do
- it 'sets the header correctly' do
- key, command, params = decode_workhorse_header(subject)
- expect(key).to eq("Gitlab-Workhorse-Send-Data")
- expect(command).to eq("git-format-patch")
- expect(params).to eq({
- 'GitalyServer' => {
- address: Gitlab::GitalyClient.address(project.repository_storage),
- token: Gitlab::GitalyClient.token(project.repository_storage)
- },
- 'RawPatchRequest' => Gitaly::RawPatchRequest.new(
- repository: repository.gitaly_repository,
- left_commit_id: 'base',
- right_commit_id: 'head'
- ).to_json
- }.deep_stringify_keys)
- end
- end
- context 'when Gitaly workhorse_send_git_patch feature is disabled', :skip_gitaly_mock do
- it 'sets the header correctly' do
- key, command, params = decode_workhorse_header(subject)
- expect(key).to eq("Gitlab-Workhorse-Send-Data")
- expect(command).to eq("git-format-patch")
- expect(params).to eq("RepoPath" => repository.path_to_repo, "ShaFrom" => "base", "ShaTo" => "head")
- end
- end
- end
- describe '.terminal_websocket' do
- def terminal(ca_pem: nil)
- out = {
- subprotocols: ['foo'],
- url: 'wss://example.com/terminal.ws',
- headers: { 'Authorization' => ['Token x'] },
- max_session_time: 600
- }
- out[:ca_pem] = ca_pem if ca_pem
- out
- end
- def workhorse(ca_pem: nil)
- out = {
- 'Terminal' => {
- 'Subprotocols' => ['foo'],
- 'Url' => 'wss://example.com/terminal.ws',
- 'Header' => { 'Authorization' => ['Token x'] },
- 'MaxSessionTime' => 600
- }
- }
- out['Terminal']['CAPem'] = ca_pem if ca_pem
- out
- end
- context 'without ca_pem' do
- subject { described_class.terminal_websocket(terminal) }
- it { is_expected.to eq(workhorse) }
- end
- context 'with ca_pem' do
- subject { described_class.terminal_websocket(terminal(ca_pem: "foo")) }
- it { is_expected.to eq(workhorse(ca_pem: "foo")) }
- end
- end
- describe '.send_git_diff' do
- let(:diff_refs) { double(base_sha: "base", head_sha: "head") }
- subject { described_class.send_git_diff(repository, diff_refs) }
- context 'when Gitaly workhorse_send_git_diff feature is enabled' do
- it 'sets the header correctly' do
- key, command, params = decode_workhorse_header(subject)
- expect(key).to eq("Gitlab-Workhorse-Send-Data")
- expect(command).to eq("git-diff")
- expect(params).to eq({
- 'GitalyServer' => {
- address: Gitlab::GitalyClient.address(project.repository_storage),
- token: Gitlab::GitalyClient.token(project.repository_storage)
- },
- 'RawDiffRequest' => Gitaly::RawDiffRequest.new(
- repository: repository.gitaly_repository,
- left_commit_id: 'base',
- right_commit_id: 'head'
- ).to_json
- }.deep_stringify_keys)
- end
- end
- context 'when Gitaly workhorse_send_git_diff feature is disabled', :skip_gitaly_mock do
- it 'sets the header correctly' do
- key, command, params = decode_workhorse_header(subject)
- expect(key).to eq("Gitlab-Workhorse-Send-Data")
- expect(command).to eq("git-diff")
- expect(params).to eq("RepoPath" => repository.path_to_repo, "ShaFrom" => "base", "ShaTo" => "head")
- end
- end
- end
- describe ".secret" do
- subject { described_class.secret }
- before do
- described_class.instance_variable_set(:@secret, nil)
- described_class.write_secret
- end
- it 'returns 32 bytes' do
- expect(subject).to be_a(String)
- expect(subject.length).to eq(32)
- expect(subject.encoding).to eq(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
- end
- it 'accepts a trailing newline' do
- open(described_class.secret_path, 'a') { |f| f.write "\n" }
- expect(subject.length).to eq(32)
- end
- it 'raises an exception if the secret file cannot be read' do
- File.delete(described_class.secret_path)
- expect { subject }.to raise_exception(Errno::ENOENT)
- end
- it 'raises an exception if the secret file contains the wrong number of bytes' do
- File.truncate(described_class.secret_path, 0)
- expect { subject }.to raise_exception(RuntimeError)
- end
- end
- describe ".write_secret" do
- let(:secret_path) { described_class.secret_path }
- before do
- begin
- File.delete(secret_path)
- rescue Errno::ENOENT
- end
- described_class.write_secret
- end
- it 'uses mode 0600' do
- expect(File.stat(secret_path).mode & 0777).to eq(0600)
- end
- it 'writes base64 data' do
- bytes = Base64.strict_decode64(File.read(secret_path))
- expect(bytes).not_to be_empty
- end
- end
- describe '#verify_api_request!' do
- let(:header_key) { described_class::INTERNAL_API_REQUEST_HEADER }
- let(:payload) { { 'iss' => 'gitlab-workhorse' } }
- it 'accepts a correct header' do
- headers = { header_key => JWT.encode(payload, described_class.secret, 'HS256') }
- expect { call_verify(headers) }.not_to raise_error
- end
- it 'raises an error when the header is not set' do
- expect { call_verify({}) }.to raise_jwt_error
- end
- it 'raises an error when the header is not signed' do
- headers = { header_key => JWT.encode(payload, nil, 'none') }
- expect { call_verify(headers) }.to raise_jwt_error
- end
- it 'raises an error when the header is signed with the wrong key' do
- headers = { header_key => JWT.encode(payload, 'wrongkey', 'HS256') }
- expect { call_verify(headers) }.to raise_jwt_error
- end
- it 'raises an error when the issuer is incorrect' do
- payload['iss'] = 'somebody else'
- headers = { header_key => JWT.encode(payload, described_class.secret, 'HS256') }
- expect { call_verify(headers) }.to raise_jwt_error
- end
- def raise_jwt_error
- raise_error(JWT::DecodeError)
- end
- def call_verify(headers)
- described_class.verify_api_request!(headers)
- end
- end
- describe '.git_http_ok' do
- let(:user) { create(:user) }
- let(:repo_path) { repository.path_to_repo }
- let(:action) { 'info_refs' }
- let(:params) do
- {
- GL_ID: "user-#{user.id}",
- GL_USERNAME: user.username,
- GL_REPOSITORY: "project-#{project.id}",
- RepoPath: repo_path,
- ShowAllRefs: false
- }
- end
- subject { described_class.git_http_ok(repository, false, user, action) }
- it { expect(subject).to include(params) }
- context 'when is_wiki' do
- let(:params) do
- {
- GL_ID: "user-#{user.id}",
- GL_USERNAME: user.username,
- GL_REPOSITORY: "wiki-#{project.id}",
- RepoPath: repo_path,
- ShowAllRefs: false
- }
- end
- subject { described_class.git_http_ok(repository, true, user, action) }
- it { expect(subject).to include(params) }
- end
- context 'when Gitaly is enabled' do
- let(:gitaly_params) do
- {
- GitalyServer: {
- address: Gitlab::GitalyClient.address('default'),
- token: Gitlab::GitalyClient.token('default')
- }
- }
- end
- before do
- allow(Gitlab.config.gitaly).to receive(:enabled).and_return(true)
- end
- it 'includes a Repository param' do
- repo_param = {
- storage_name: 'default',
- relative_path: project.full_path + '.git',
- gl_repository: "project-#{project.id}"
- }
- expect(subject[:Repository]).to include(repo_param)
- end
- context "when git_upload_pack action is passed" do
- let(:action) { 'git_upload_pack' }
- let(:feature_flag) { :post_upload_pack }
- it 'includes Gitaly params in the returned value' do
- allow(Gitlab::GitalyClient).to receive(:feature_enabled?).with(feature_flag).and_return(true)
- expect(subject).to include(gitaly_params)
- end
- context 'show_all_refs enabled' do
- subject { described_class.git_http_ok(repository, false, user, action, show_all_refs: true) }
- it { is_expected.to include(ShowAllRefs: true) }
- end
- end
- context "when git_receive_pack action is passed" do
- let(:action) { 'git_receive_pack' }
- it { expect(subject).to include(gitaly_params) }
- end
- context "when info_refs action is passed" do
- let(:action) { 'info_refs' }
- it { expect(subject).to include(gitaly_params) }
- context 'show_all_refs enabled' do
- subject { described_class.git_http_ok(repository, false, user, action, show_all_refs: true) }
- it { is_expected.to include(ShowAllRefs: true) }
- end
- end
- context 'when action passed is not supported by Gitaly' do
- let(:action) { 'download' }
- it { expect { subject }.to raise_exception('Unsupported action: download') }
- end
- end
- end
- describe '.set_key_and_notify' do
- let(:key) { 'test-key' }
- let(:value) { 'test-value' }
- subject { described_class.set_key_and_notify(key, value, overwrite: overwrite) }
- shared_examples 'set and notify' do
- it 'set and return the same value' do
- is_expected.to eq(value)
- end
- it 'set and notify' do
- expect_any_instance_of(::Redis).to receive(:publish)
- .with(described_class::NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL, "test-key=test-value")
- subject
- end
- end
- context 'when we set a new key' do
- let(:overwrite) { true }
- it_behaves_like 'set and notify'
- end
- context 'when we set an existing key' do
- let(:old_value) { 'existing-key' }
- before do
- described_class.set_key_and_notify(key, old_value, overwrite: true)
- end
- context 'and overwrite' do
- let(:overwrite) { true }
- it_behaves_like 'set and notify'
- end
- context 'and do not overwrite' do
- let(:overwrite) { false }
- it 'try to set but return the previous value' do
- is_expected.to eq(old_value)
- end
- it 'does not notify' do
- expect_any_instance_of(::Redis).not_to receive(:publish)
- subject
- end
- end
- end
- end
- describe '.send_git_blob' do
- include FakeBlobHelpers
- let(:blob) { fake_blob }
- subject { described_class.send_git_blob(repository, blob) }
- context 'when Gitaly workhorse_raw_show feature is enabled' do
- it 'sets the header correctly' do
- key, command, params = decode_workhorse_header(subject)
- expect(key).to eq('Gitlab-Workhorse-Send-Data')
- expect(command).to eq('git-blob')
- expect(params).to eq({
- 'GitalyServer' => {
- address: Gitlab::GitalyClient.address(project.repository_storage),
- token: Gitlab::GitalyClient.token(project.repository_storage)
- },
- 'GetBlobRequest' => {
- repository: repository.gitaly_repository.to_h,
- oid: blob.id,
- limit: -1
- }
- }.deep_stringify_keys)
- end
- end
- context 'when Gitaly workhorse_raw_show feature is disabled', :skip_gitaly_mock do
- it 'sets the header correctly' do
- key, command, params = decode_workhorse_header(subject)
- expect(key).to eq('Gitlab-Workhorse-Send-Data')
- expect(command).to eq('git-blob')
- expect(params).to eq('RepoPath' => repository.path_to_repo, 'BlobId' => blob.id)
- end
- end
- end
- end