Python | 328 lines | 286 code | 8 blank | 34 comment | 20 complexity | d2878b599d0013c83e60cdac1750ccc1 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/python
- ## Binary Analysis Tool
- ## Copyright 2009-2016 Armijn Hemel for Tjaldur Software Governance Solutions
- ## Licensed under Apache 2.0, see LICENSE file for details
- '''
- This file contains a few methods that check for the presence of marker
- strings that are likely to be found in certain programs. It is far from fool
- proof and false positives are likely, so either check the results, or replace
- it with your own more robust checks.
- '''
- import string, re, os, magic, subprocess, sys, tempfile, copy
- import extractor, elfcheck
- ## generic searcher for certain marker strings
- ## TODO: implement overlap between subsequent buffer reads
- def genericSearch(filename, markerDict, blacklist=[], unpacktempdir=None):
- results = []
- ## first see if the entire file has been blacklisted
- filesize = os.stat(filename).st_size
- carved = False
- foundmarkers = set()
- if blacklist != []:
- if extractor.inblacklist(0, blacklist) == filesize:
- return None
- datafile = open(filename, 'rb')
- lastindex = 0
- datafile.seek(lastindex)
- ## make a copy and add a bogus value for the last
- ## byte to a temporary blacklist to make the loop work
- ## well.
- blacklist_tmp = copy.deepcopy(blacklist)
- blacklist_tmp.append((filesize,filesize))
- for i in blacklist_tmp:
- if i[0] == lastindex:
- lastindex = i[1] - 1
- datafile.seek(lastindex)
- continue
- if i[0] > lastindex:
- ## read the data, then search for markers
- data = datafile.read(i[0] - lastindex)
- if len(data) <=1:
- ## set lastindex to the next
- lastindex = i[1] - 1
- datafile.seek(lastindex)
- continue
- for marker in markerDict.keys():
- if marker in foundmarkers:
- continue
- for markerstring in markerDict[marker]:
- markeroffset = data.find(markerstring)
- if markeroffset != -1:
- results.append(marker)
- foundmarkers.add(marker)
- break
- ## set lastindex to the next
- lastindex = i[1] - 1
- datafile.seek(lastindex)
- datafile.close()
- else:
- datafile = open(filename, 'rb')
- databuffer = []
- offset = 0
- datafile.seek(offset)
- databuffer = datafile.read(100000)
- while databuffer != '':
- for marker in markerDict.keys():
- if marker in foundmarkers:
- continue
- for markerstring in markerDict[marker]:
- markeroffset = databuffer.find(markerstring)
- if markeroffset != -1:
- results.append(marker)
- foundmarkers.add(marker)
- break
- ## move the offset 100000
- datafile.seek(offset + 100000)
- databuffer = datafile.read(100000)
- offset = offset + len(databuffer)
- datafile.close()
- if results != []:
- return list(set(results))
- return None
- ## The result of this method is a list of library names that the file dynamically links
- ## with. The path of these libraries is not given, since this is usually not recorded
- ## in the binary (unless RPATH is used) but determined at runtime: it is dependent on
- ## the dynamic linker configuration on the device. With some mixing and matching it is
- ## nearly always to determine which library in which path is used, since most installations
- ## don't change the default search paths.
- def searchDynamicLibs(filename, tags, cursor, conn, filehashes, blacklist=[], scanenv={}, scandebug=False, unpacktempdir=None):
- if not 'elf' in tags:
- return
- dynamicres = elfcheck.getDynamicLibs(filename, scandebug)
- if dynamicres == {} or dynamicres == None:
- return None
- if 'needed_libs' in dynamicres:
- return (['libs'], dynamicres['needed_libs'])
- ## This method determines the architecture of the executable file.
- ## This is necessary because sometimes leftovers from different products (and
- ## different architectures) can be found in one firmware.
- def scanArchitecture(filename, tags, cursor, conn, filehashes, blacklist=[], scanenv={}, scandebug=False, unpacktempdir=None):
- if not 'elf' in tags:
- return
- archres = elfcheck.getArchitecture(filename, tags)
- if archres != None:
- return (['architecture'], archres)
- ## search markers for various open source programs
- ## This search is not accurate, but might come in handy in some situations
- def searchMarker(filename, tags, cursor, conn, filehashes, blacklist=[], scanenv={}, scandebug=False, unpacktempdir=None):
- markerStrings = {
- 'loadlin': [ 'Ooops..., size of "setup.S" has become too long for LOADLIN,'
- , 'LOADLIN started from $'
- ],
- 'iptables':[ 'iptables who? (do you need to insmod?)'
- , 'Will be implemented real soon. I promise ;)'
- , 'can\'t initialize iptables table `%s\': %s'
- ],
- 'dproxy': [ '# dproxy monitors this file to determine when the machine is'
- , '# If you want dproxy to log debug info specify a file here.'
- ],
- 'ez-ipupdate': [ 'ez-ipupdate Version %s, Copyright (C) 1998-'
- , '%s says that your IP address has not changed since the last update'
- , 'you must provide either an interface or an address'
- ],
- 'libusb': [ 'Check that you have permissions to write to %s/%s and, if you don\'t, that you set up hotplug (http://linux-hotplug.sourceforge.net/) correctly.'
- , 'usb_os_find_busses: Skipping non bus directory %s'
- , 'usb_os_init: couldn\'t find USB VFS in USB_DEVFS_PATH'
- ],
- 'vsftpd': [ 'vsftpd: version'
- , '(vsFTPd '
- , 'run two copies of vsftpd for IPv4 and IPv6'
- ],
- 'hostapd': [ 'hostapd v'],
- 'wpasupplicant': [ 'wpa_supplicant v'],
- 'iproute': [ 'Usage: tc [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }'
- , 'tc utility, iproute2-ss%s'
- , 'Option "%s" is unknown, try "tc -help".'
- ],
- 'wireless-tools': [ "Driver has no Wireless Extension version information."
- , "Wireless Extension version too old."
- , "Wireless-Tools version"
- , "Wireless Extension, while we are using version %d."
- , "Currently compiled with Wireless Extension v%d."
- ],
- 'redboot': ["Display RedBoot version information"],
- 'uboot': [ "run script starting at addr"
- , "Hit any key to stop autoboot: %2d"
- , "## Binary (kermit) download aborted"
- , "## Ready for binary (ymodem) download "
- ]}
- res = genericSearch(filename, markerStrings, blacklist)
- if res != None:
- return (res, res)
- '''
- ## What actually do these dependencies mean?
- ## Are they dependencies of the installer itself, or of the programs that are
- ## installed by the installer?
- def searchWindowsDependencies(filename, tags, cursor, conn, filehashes, blacklist=[], scanenv={}, scandebug=False, unpacktempdir=None):
- ## first determine if we are dealing with a MS Windows executable
- ms = magic.open(magic.MAGIC_NONE)
- ms.load()
- mstype = ms.file(filename)
- ms.close()
- if not 'PE32 executable for MS Windows' in mstype and not "PE32+ executable for MS Windows" in mstype:
- return None
- deps = extractor.searchAssemblyDeps(filename)
- if deps == None:
- return None
- if deps == []:
- return None
- else:
- return (['windowsdependencies'], deps)
- '''
- ## method to extract meta information from PDF files
- def scanPDF(filename, tags, cursor, conn, filehashes, blacklist=[], scanenv={}, scandebug=False, unpacktempdir=None):
- ## Only consider whole PDF files. If anything has been carved from
- ## it, skip it. Blacklists are a good indicator.
- if blacklist != []:
- return None
- if not 'pdf' in tags:
- return None
- p = subprocess.Popen(['pdfinfo', "%s" % (filename,)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- (stanout, stanerr) = p.communicate()
- if p.returncode != 0:
- return
- pdfinfo = {}
- pdflines = stanout.rstrip().split("\n")
- for pdfline in pdflines:
- pdfsplit = pdfline.split(":", 1)
- if len(pdfsplit) != 2:
- continue
- (tag, value) = pdfsplit
- if tag == "Title":
- pdfinfo['title'] = value.strip()
- if tag == "Author":
- pdfinfo['author'] = value.strip()
- if tag == "Creator":
- pdfinfo['creator'] = value.strip()
- if tag == "CreationDate":
- pdfinfo['creationdate'] = value.strip()
- if tag == "Producer":
- pdfinfo['producer'] = value.strip()
- if tag == "Tagged":
- pdfinfo['tagged'] = value.strip()
- if tag == "Pages":
- pdfinfo['pages'] = int(value.strip())
- if tag == "Page size":
- pdfinfo['pagesize'] = value.strip()
- if tag == "Encrypted":
- pdfinfo['encrypted'] = value.strip()
- if tag == "Optimized":
- pdfinfo['optimized'] = value.strip()
- if tag == "PDF version":
- pdfinfo['version'] = value.strip()
- return (['pdfinfo'], pdfinfo)
- ## scan for mentions of licenses
- ######################################
- ######################################
- ## This should only be used as an indicator for further investigation,
- ## never as proof that a binary is actually licensed under a license!
- def scanLicenses(filename, tags, cursor, conn, filehashes, blacklist=[], scanenv={}, scandebug=False, unpacktempdir=None):
- licenseidentifiers = {}
- ## identifiers for any GNU license (could apply to multiple licenses)
- licenseidentifiers['GNU'] = ["General Public License", "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/", "http://gnu.org/licenses/", "http://www.gnu.org/gethelp/", "http://www.gnu.org/software/"]
- ## identifiers for a version of GNU GPL
- licenseidentifiers['GPL'] = ["http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html", "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html",
- "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt", "http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php",
- "http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html"]
- ## identifiers specifically for GPLv2
- licenseidentifiers['GPL-2.0'] = ["http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html", "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html"]
- ## identifiers specifically for LGPLv2.1
- licenseidentifiers['LGPL-2.1'] = ["http://gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html"]
- ## identifiers specifically for Apache 2.0
- licenseidentifiers['Apache-2.0'] = ["http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0", "http://opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php"]
- ## identifiers for MPL license
- licenseidentifiers['MPL'] = ["http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/"]
- ## identifiers for MIT license
- licenseidentifiers['MIT'] = ["http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php"]
- ## identifiers for BSD license
- licenseidentifiers['BSD'] = ["http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php"]
- ## identifiers specifically for OpenOffice
- licenseidentifiers['OpenOffice'] = ["http://www.openoffice.org/license.html"]
- ## identifiers specifically for BitTorrent
- licenseidentifiers['BitTorrent'] = ["http://www.bittorrent.com/license/"]
- ## identifiers specifically for Tizen
- licenseidentifiers['Tizen'] = ["http://www.tizenopensource.org/license"]
- ## identifiers specifically for OpenSSL
- licenseidentifiers['OpenSSL'] = ["http://www.openssl.org/source/license.html"]
- ## identifiers specifically for Boost
- licenseidentifiers['BSL-1.0'] = ["http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt", "http://pocoproject.org/license.html"]
- ## identifiers specifically for zlib
- licenseidentifiers['Zlib'] = ["http://www.zlib.net/zlib_license.html"]
- ## identifiers specifically for jQuery
- licenseidentifiers['jQuery'] = ["http://jquery.org/license"]
- ## identifiers specifically for libxml
- licenseidentifiers['libxml'] = ["http://xmlsoft.org/FAQ.html#License"]
- ## identifiers specifically for ICU
- licenseidentifiers['ICU'] = ["http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icu/trunk/license.html"]
- licenseresults = genericSearch(filename, licenseidentifiers, blacklist)
- if licenseresults != None:
- return (['licenses'], licenseresults)
- else:
- return None
- ## scan for mentions of several forges
- ## Some of the URLs of the forges no longer work or are redirected, but they
- ## might still pop up in binaries.
- def scanForges(filename, tags, cursor, conn, filehashes, blacklist=[], scanenv={}, scandebug=False, unpacktempdir=None):
- forgeidentifiers = {}
- forgeidentifiers['sourceforge.net'] = ["sourceforge.net"]
- forgeidentifiers['freedesktop.org'] = ["http://cvs.freedesktop.org/", "http://cgit.freedesktop.org/"]
- forgeidentifiers['code.google.com'] = ["code.google.com", "googlecode.com"]
- forgeidentifiers['savannah.gnu.org'] = ["savannah.gnu.org/"]
- forgeidentifiers['github.com'] = ["github.com", "github.io"]
- forgeidentifiers['bitbucket.org'] = ["bitbucket.org"]
- forgeidentifiers['tigris.org'] = ["tigris.org"]
- forgeidentifiers['svn.apache.org'] = ["http://svn.apache.org/"]
- forgeidentifiers['launchpad.net'] = ["https://git.launchpad.net/", "launchpad.net"]
- ## various gits:
- ## http://git.fedoraproject.org/git/
- ## https://fedorahosted.org/
- forgeresults = genericSearch(filename, forgeidentifiers, blacklist)
- if forgeresults != None:
- return (['forges'], forgeresults)
- else:
- return None