Lua | 1488 lines | 976 code | 264 blank | 248 comment | 214 complexity | 915f11b3b271d7bc89f947a6819ffb10 MD5 | raw file
- -- This file is loaded from "CanIMogIt.toc"
- local L = CanIMogIt.L
- CanIMogIt.DressUpModel = CreateFrame('DressUpModel')
- CanIMogIt.DressUpModel:SetUnit('player')
- -----------------------------
- -- Maps --
- -----------------------------
- ---- Transmog Categories
- -- 1 Head
- -- 2 Shoulder
- -- 3 Back
- -- 4 Chest
- -- 5 Shirt
- -- 6 Tabard
- -- 7 Wrist
- -- 8 Hands
- -- 9 Waist
- -- 10 Legs
- -- 11 Feet
- -- 12 Wand
- -- 13 One-Handed Axes
- -- 14 One-Handed Swords
- -- 15 One-Handed Maces
- -- 16 Daggers
- -- 17 Fist Weapons
- -- 18 Shields
- -- 19 Held In Off-hand
- -- 20 Two-Handed Axes
- -- 21 Two-Handed Swords
- -- 22 Two-Handed Maces
- -- 23 Staves
- -- 24 Polearms
- -- 25 Bows
- -- 26 Guns
- -- 27 Crossbows
- -- 28 Warglaives
- local BAG = "INVTYPE_BAG"
- local inventorySlotsMap = {
- [HEAD] = {1},
- [SHOULDER] = {3},
- [BODY] = {4},
- [CHEST] = {5},
- [ROBE] = {5},
- [WAIST] = {6},
- [LEGS] = {7},
- [FEET] = {8},
- [WRIST] = {9},
- [HAND] = {10},
- [CLOAK] = {15},
- [WEAPON] = {16, 17},
- [SHIELD] = {17},
- [WEAPON_2HAND] = {16, 17},
- [WEAPON_MAIN_HAND] = {16},
- [RANGED] = {16},
- [RANGED_RIGHT] = {16},
- [WEAPON_OFF_HAND] = {17},
- [HOLDABLE] = {17},
- [TABARD] = {19},
- }
- -- This is a one-time call to get a "transmogLocation" object, which we don't actually care about,
- -- but some functions require it now.
- local transmogLocation = TransmogUtil.GetTransmogLocation(inventorySlotsMap[HEAD][1], Enum.TransmogType.Appearance, Enum.TransmogModification.Main)
- local MISC = 0
- local CLOTH = 1
- local LEATHER = 2
- local MAIL = 3
- local PLATE = 4
- local COSMETIC = 5
- local classArmorTypeMap = {
- ["HUNTER"] = MAIL,
- ["MAGE"] = CLOTH,
- ["SHAMAN"] = MAIL,
- }
- -- Class Masks
- local classMask = {
- [1] = "WARRIOR",
- [2] = "PALADIN",
- [4] = "HUNTER",
- [8] = "ROGUE",
- [16] = "PRIEST",
- [32] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
- [64] = "SHAMAN",
- [128] = "MAGE",
- [256] = "WARLOCK",
- [512] = "MONK",
- [1024] = "DRUID",
- [2048] = "DEMONHUNTER",
- }
- local armorTypeSlots = {
- [HEAD] = true,
- [SHOULDER] = true,
- [CHEST] = true,
- [ROBE] = true,
- [WRIST] = true,
- [HAND] = true,
- [WAIST] = true,
- [LEGS] = true,
- [FEET] = true,
- }
- local miscArmorExceptions = {
- [HOLDABLE] = true,
- [BODY] = true,
- [TABARD] = true,
- }
- -- Get the name for Cosmetic. Uses http://www.wowhead.com/item=130064/deadeye-monocle.
- local COSMETIC_NAME = select(3, GetItemInfoInstant(130064))
- -- Built-in colors
- -- TODO: move to constants
- local BLIZZARD_RED = "|cffff1919"
- local BLIZZARD_GREEN = "|cff19ff19"
- local BLIZZARD_DARK_GREEN = "|cff40c040"
- local BLIZZARD_YELLOW = "|cffffd100"
- -------------------------
- -- Text related tables --
- -------------------------
- -- Maps a text to its simpler version
- local simpleTextMap = {
- }
- -- List of all Known texts
- local knownTexts = {
- [CanIMogIt.KNOWN] = true,
- [CanIMogIt.KNOWN_BOE] = true,
- }
- local unknownTexts = {
- [CanIMogIt.UNKNOWN] = true,
- }
- -----------------------------
- -- Exceptions --
- -----------------------------
- local exceptionItems = {
- [HEAD] = {
- -- [134110] = CanIMogIt.KNOWN, -- Hidden Helm
- [133320] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Illidari Blindfold (Alliance)
- [112450] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Illidari Blindfold (Horde)
- -- [150726] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Illidari Blindfold (Alliance) - starting item
- -- [150716] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Illidari Blindfold (Horde) - starting item
- [130064] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Deadeye Monocle
- },
- [SHOULDER] = {
- [119556] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Trailseeker Spaulders - 100 Salvage Yard ilvl 610
- [117106] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Trailseeker Spaulders - 90 boost ilvl 483
- [129714] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Trailseeker Spaulders - 100 trial/boost ilvl 640
- [150642] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Trailseeker Spaulders - 100 trial/boost ilvl 600
- [153810] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Trailseeker Spaulders - 110 trial/boost ilvl 870
- [162796] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Wildguard Spaulders - 8.0 BfA Pre-Patch event
- [119588] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Mistdancer Pauldrons - 100 Salvage Yard ilvl 610
- [117138] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Mistdancer Pauldrons - 90 boost ilvl 483
- [129485] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Mistdancer Pauldrons - 100 trial/boost ilvl 640
- [150658] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Mistdancer Pauldrons - 100 trial/boost ilvl 600
- [153842] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Mistdancer Pauldrons - 110 trial/boost ilvl 870
- [162812] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Serene Disciple's Padding - 8.0 BfA Pre-Patch event
- [134112] = CanIMogIt.KNOWN, -- Hidden Shoulders
- },
- [BODY] = {},
- [CHEST] = {},
- [ROBE] = {},
- [WAIST] = {
- [143539] = CanIMogIt.KNOWN, -- Hidden Belt
- },
- [LEGS] = {},
- [FEET] = {},
- [WRIST] = {},
- [HAND] = {
- [119585] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Mistdancer Handguards - 100 Salvage Yard ilvl 610
- [117135] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Mistdancer Handguards - 90 boost ilvl 483
- [129482] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Mistdancer Handguards - 100 trial/boost ilvl 640
- [150655] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Mistdancer Handguards - 100 trial/boost ilvl 600
- [153839] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Mistdancer Handguards - 110 trial/boost ilvl 870
- [162809] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Serene Disciple's Handguards - 8.0 BfA Pre-Patch event
- },
- [CLOAK] = {
- -- [134111] = CanIMogIt.KNOWN, -- Hidden Cloak
- [112462] = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE, -- Illidari Drape
- },
- [WEAPON] = {},
- [SHIELD] = {},
- [WEAPON_2HAND] = {},
- [RANGED] = {},
- [RANGED_RIGHT] = {},
- [HOLDABLE] = {},
- [TABARD] = {
- -- [142504] = CanIMogIt.KNOWN, -- Hidden Tabard
- },
- }
- -----------------------------
- -- Helper functions --
- -----------------------------
- CanIMogIt.Utils = {}
- function CanIMogIt.Utils.pairsByKeys (t, f)
- -- returns a sorted iterator for a table.
- -- https://www.lua.org/pil/19.3.html
- -- Why is it not a built in function? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- local a = {}
- for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(a, n) end
- table.sort(a, f)
- local i = 0 -- iterator variable
- local iter = function () -- iterator function
- i = i + 1
- if a[i] == nil then return nil
- else return a[i], t[a[i]]
- end
- end
- return iter
- end
- function CanIMogIt.Utils.copyTable (t)
- -- shallow-copy a table
- if type(t) ~= "table" then return t end
- local target = {}
- for k, v in pairs(t) do target[k] = v end
- return target
- end
- function CanIMogIt.Utils.spairs(t, order)
- -- Returns an iterator that is a sorted table. order is the function to sort by.
- -- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15706270/sort-a-table-in-lua
- -- Again, why is this not a built in function? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- -- collect the keys
- local keys = {}
- for k in pairs(t) do keys[#keys+1] = k end
- -- if order function given, sort by it by passing the table and keys a, b,
- -- otherwise just sort the keys
- if order then
- table.sort(keys, function(a,b) return order(t, a, b) end)
- else
- table.sort(keys)
- end
- -- return the iterator function
- local i = 0
- return function()
- i = i + 1
- if keys[i] then
- return keys[i], t[keys[i]]
- end
- end
- end
- function CanIMogIt.Utils.strsplit(delimiter, text)
- -- from http://lua-users.org/wiki/SplitJoin
- -- Split text into a list consisting of the strings in text,
- -- separated by strings matching delimiter (which may be a pattern).
- -- example: strsplit(",%s*", "Anna, Bob, Charlie,Dolores")
- local list = {}
- local pos = 1
- if string.find("", delimiter, 1) then -- this would result in endless loops
- error("delimiter matches empty string!")
- end
- while 1 do
- local first, last = string.find(text, delimiter, pos)
- if first then -- found?
- table.insert(list, string.sub(text, pos, first-1))
- pos = last+1
- else
- table.insert(list, string.sub(text, pos))
- break
- end
- end
- return list
- end
- function CanIMogIt.Utils.tablelength(T)
- -- Count the number of keys in a table, because tables don't bother
- -- counting themselves if it's filled with key-value pairs...
- -- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- local count = 0
- for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end
- return count
- end
- -----------------------------
- -- CanIMogIt Core methods --
- -----------------------------
- -- Variables for managing updating appearances.
- local appearanceIndex = 0
- local sourceIndex = 0
- local getAppearancesDone = false;
- local sourceCount = 0
- local appearanceCount = 0
- local buffer = 0
- local sourcesAdded = 0
- local sourcesRemoved = 0
- local loadingScreen = true
- local appearancesTable = {}
- local removeAppearancesTable = nil
- local appearancesTableGotten = false
- local doneAppearances = {}
- local function LoadingScreenStarted(event)
- if event ~= "LOADING_SCREEN_ENABLED" then return end
- loadingScreen = true
- end
- CanIMogIt.frame:AddEventFunction(LoadingScreenStarted)
- local function LoadingScreenEnded(event)
- if event ~= "LOADING_SCREEN_DISABLED" then return end
- loadingScreen = false
- end
- CanIMogIt.frame:AddEventFunction(LoadingScreenEnded)
- local function GetAppearancesTable()
- -- Sort the C_TransmogCollection.GetCategoryAppearances tables into something
- -- more usable.
- if appearancesTableGotten then return end
- for categoryID=1,28 do
- local categoryAppearances = C_TransmogCollection.GetCategoryAppearances(categoryID, transmogLocation)
- for i, categoryAppearance in pairs(categoryAppearances) do
- if categoryAppearance.isCollected then
- appearanceCount = appearanceCount + 1
- appearancesTable[categoryAppearance.visualID] = true
- end
- end
- end
- appearancesTableGotten = true
- end
- local function AddSource(source, appearanceID)
- -- Adds the source to the database, and increments the buffer.
- buffer = buffer + 1
- sourceCount = sourceCount + 1
- local sourceID = source.sourceID
- local sourceItemLink = CanIMogIt:GetItemLinkFromSourceID(sourceID)
- local added = CanIMogIt:DBAddItem(sourceItemLink, appearanceID, sourceID)
- if added then
- sourcesAdded = sourcesAdded + 1
- end
- end
- local function AddAppearance(appearanceID)
- -- Adds all of the sources for this appearanceID to the database.
- -- returns early if the buffer is reached.
- local sources = C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSources(appearanceID, 1, transmogLocation)
- if sources then
- for i, source in pairs(sources) do
- if source.isCollected then
- AddSource(source, appearanceID)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Remembering iterators for later
- local appearancesIter, removeIter = nil, nil
- local function _GetAppearances()
- -- Core logic for getting the appearances.
- if getAppearancesDone then return end
- C_TransmogCollection.ClearSearch(APPEARANCES_ITEMS_TAB)
- GetAppearancesTable()
- buffer = 0
- if appearancesIter == nil then appearancesIter = CanIMogIt.Utils.pairsByKeys(appearancesTable) end
- -- Add new appearances learned.
- for appearanceID, collected in appearancesIter do
- AddAppearance(appearanceID)
- if buffer >= CanIMogIt.bufferMax then return end
- appearancesTable[appearanceID] = nil
- end
- if removeIter == nil then removeIter = CanIMogIt.Utils.pairsByKeys(removeAppearancesTable) end
- -- Remove appearances that are no longer learned.
- for appearanceHash, sources in removeIter do
- for sourceID, source in pairs(sources.sources) do
- if not C_TransmogCollection.PlayerHasTransmogItemModifiedAppearance(sourceID) then
- local itemLink = CanIMogIt:GetItemLinkFromSourceID(sourceID)
- local appearanceID = CanIMogIt:GetAppearanceIDFromSourceID(sourceID)
- CanIMogIt:DBRemoveItem(appearanceID, sourceID, itemLink, appearanceHash)
- sourcesRemoved = sourcesRemoved + 1
- end
- buffer = buffer + 1
- end
- if buffer >= CanIMogIt.bufferMax then return end
- removeAppearancesTable[appearanceHash] = nil
- end
- getAppearancesDone = true
- appearancesTable = {} -- cleanup
- CanIMogIt:ResetCache()
- appearancesIter = nil
- removeIter = nil
- CanIMogIt.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
- if CanIMogItOptions["printDatabaseScan"] then
- CanIMogIt:Print(CanIMogIt.DATABASE_DONE_UPDATE_TEXT..CanIMogIt.BLUE.."+" .. sourcesAdded .. ", "..CanIMogIt.ORANGE.."-".. sourcesRemoved)
- end
- end
- local timer = 0
- local function GetAppearancesOnUpdate(self, elapsed)
- -- OnUpdate function with a reset timer to throttle getting appearances.
- -- We also don't run things if the loading screen is currently up, as some
- -- functions don't return values when loading.
- timer = timer + elapsed
- if timer >= CanIMogIt.throttleTime and not loadingScreen then
- _GetAppearances()
- timer = 0
- end
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetAppearances()
- -- Gets a table of all the appearances known to
- -- a character and adds it to the database.
- if CanIMogItOptions["printDatabaseScan"] then
- end
- removeAppearancesTable = CanIMogIt.Utils.copyTable(CanIMogIt.db.global.appearances)
- CanIMogIt.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", GetAppearancesOnUpdate)
- end
- function CIMI_GetVariantSets(setID)
- --[[
- It seems that C_TransmogSets.GetVariantSets(setID) returns a number
- (instead of the expected table of sets) if it can't find a matching
- base set. We currently are checking that it's returning a table first
- to prevent issues.
- ]]
- local variantSets = C_TransmogSets.GetVariantSets(setID)
- if type(variantSets) == "table" then
- return variantSets
- end
- return {}
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetSets()
- -- Gets a table of all of the sets available to the character,
- -- along with their items, and adds them to the sets database.
- C_TransmogCollection.ClearSearch(APPEARANCES_SETS_TAB)
- for i, set in pairs(C_TransmogSets.GetAllSets()) do
- -- This is a base set, so we need to get the variant sets as well
- for i, sourceID in pairs(C_TransmogSets.GetAllSourceIDs(set.setID)) do
- CanIMogIt:SetsDBAddSetItem(set, sourceID)
- end
- for i, variantSet in pairs(CIMI_GetVariantSets(set.setID)) do
- for i, sourceID in pairs(C_TransmogSets.GetAllSourceIDs(variantSet.setID)) do
- CanIMogIt:SetsDBAddSetItem(variantSet, sourceID)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function CanIMogIt:_GetRatio(setID)
- -- Gets the count of known and total sources for the given setID.
- local have = 0
- local total = 0
- for _, knownSource in pairs(C_TransmogSets.GetSetSources(setID)) do
- total = total + 1
- if knownSource then
- have = have + 1
- end
- end
- return have, total
- end
- function CanIMogIt:_GetRatioTextColor(have, total)
- if have == total then
- return CanIMogIt.BLUE
- elseif have > 0 then
- return CanIMogIt.RED_ORANGE
- else
- return CanIMogIt.GRAY
- end
- end
- function CanIMogIt:_GetRatioText(setID)
- -- Gets the ratio text (and color) of known/total for the given setID.
- local have, total = CanIMogIt:_GetRatio(setID)
- local ratioText = CanIMogIt:_GetRatioTextColor(have, total)
- ratioText = ratioText .. "(" .. have .. "/" .. total .. ")"
- return ratioText
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetSetClass(set)
- --[[
- Returns the set's class. If it belongs to more than one class,
- return an empty string.
- This is done based on the player's sex.
- Player's sex
- 1 = Neutrum / Unknown
- 2 = Male
- 3 = Female
- ]]
- local playerSex = UnitSex("player")
- local className
- if playerSex == 2 then
- className = LOCALIZED_CLASS_NAMES_MALE[classMask[set.classMask]]
- else
- className = LOCALIZED_CLASS_NAMES_FEMALE[classMask[set.classMask]]
- end
- return className or ""
- end
- local classSetIDs = nil
- function CanIMogIt:CalculateSetsText(itemLink)
- --[[
- Gets the two lines of text to display on the tooltip related to sets.
- Example:
- Demon Hunter: Garb of the Something or Other
- Ulduar: 25 Man Normal (2/8)
- This function is not cached, so avoid calling often!
- Use GetSetsText whenever possible!
- ]]
- local sourceID = CanIMogIt:GetSourceID(itemLink)
- if not sourceID then return end
- local setID = CanIMogIt:SetsDBGetSetFromSourceID(sourceID)
- if not setID then return end
- local set = C_TransmogSets.GetSetInfo(setID)
- local ratioText = CanIMogIt:_GetRatioText(setID)
- -- Build the classSetIDs table, if it hasn't been built yet.
- if classSetIDs == nil then
- classSetIDs = {}
- for i, baseSet in pairs(C_TransmogSets.GetBaseSets()) do
- classSetIDs[baseSet.setID] = true
- for i, variantSet in pairs(C_TransmogSets.GetVariantSets(baseSet.setID)) do
- classSetIDs[variantSet.setID] = true
- end
- end
- end
- local setNameColor, otherClass
- if classSetIDs[set.setID] then
- setNameColor = CanIMogIt.WHITE
- otherClass = ""
- else
- setNameColor = CanIMogIt.GRAY
- otherClass = CanIMogIt:GetSetClass(set) .. ": "
- end
- local secondLineText = ""
- if set.label and set.description then
- secondLineText = CanIMogIt.WHITE .. set.label .. ": " .. BLIZZARD_GREEN .. set.description .. " "
- elseif set.label then
- secondLineText = CanIMogIt.WHITE .. set.label .. " "
- elseif set.description then
- secondLineText = BLIZZARD_GREEN .. set.description .. " "
- end
- -- TODO: replace CanIMogIt.WHITE with setNameColor, add otherClass
- -- e.g.: setNameColor .. otherClass .. set.name
- return CanIMogIt.WHITE .. set.name, secondLineText .. ratioText
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetSetsText(itemLink)
- -- Gets the cached text regarding the sets info for the given item.
- local line1, line2;
- if CanIMogIt.cache:GetSetsInfoTextValue(itemLink) then
- line1, line2 = unpack(CanIMogIt.cache:GetSetsInfoTextValue(itemLink))
- return line1, line2
- end
- line1, line2 = CanIMogIt:CalculateSetsText(itemLink)
- CanIMogIt.cache:SetSetsInfoTextValue(itemLink, {line1, line2})
- return line1, line2
- end
- function CanIMogIt:CalculateSetsVariantText(setID)
- --[[
- Given a setID, calculate the sum of all known sources for this set
- and it's variants.
- ]]
- local baseSetID = C_TransmogSets.GetBaseSetID(setID)
- local variantSets = {C_TransmogSets.GetSetInfo(baseSetID)}
- for i, variantSet in ipairs(CIMI_GetVariantSets(baseSetID)) do
- variantSets[#variantSets+1] = variantSet
- end
- local variantsText = ""
- for i, variantSet in CanIMogIt.Utils.spairs(variantSets, function(t,a,b) return t[a].uiOrder < t[b].uiOrder end) do
- local variantHave, variantTotal = CanIMogIt:_GetRatio(variantSet.setID)
- variantsText = variantsText .. CanIMogIt:_GetRatioTextColor(variantHave, variantTotal)
- -- There is intentionally an extra space before the newline, for positioning.
- variantsText = variantsText .. variantHave .. "/" .. variantTotal .. " \n"
- end
- -- uncomment for debug
- -- variantsText = variantsText .. "setID: " .. setID
- return string.sub(variantsText, 1, -2)
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetSetsVariantText(setID)
- -- Gets the cached text regarding the sets info for the given item.
- if not setID then return end
- local line1;
- if CanIMogIt.cache:GetSetsSumRatioTextValue(setID) then
- line1 = CanIMogIt.cache:GetSetsSumRatioTextValue(setID)
- return line1
- end
- line1 = CanIMogIt:CalculateSetsVariantText(setID)
- CanIMogIt.cache:SetSetsSumRatioTextValue(setID, line1)
- return line1
- end
- function CanIMogIt:ResetCache()
- -- Resets the cache, and calls things relying on the cache being reset.
- CanIMogIt.cache:Clear()
- CanIMogIt:SendMessage("ResetCache")
- -- Fake a BAG_UPDATE event to updating the icons. TODO: Replace this with message
- CanIMogIt.frame:ItemOverlayEvents("BAG_UPDATE")
- end
- function CanIMogIt:CalculateSourceLocationText(itemLink)
- --[[
- Calculates the sources for this item.
- This function is not cached, so avoid calling often!
- Use GetSourceLocationText whenever possible!
- ]]
- local output = ""
- local appearanceID = CanIMogIt:GetAppearanceID(itemLink)
- if appearanceID == nil then return end
- local sources = C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSources(appearanceID, 1, transmogLocation)
- if sources then
- local totalSourceTypes = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
- local knownSourceTypes = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
- local totalUnknownType = 0
- local knownUnknownType = 0
- for _, source in pairs(sources) do
- if source.sourceType ~= 0 and source.sourceType ~= nil then
- totalSourceTypes[source.sourceType] = totalSourceTypes[source.sourceType] + 1
- if source.isCollected then
- knownSourceTypes[source.sourceType] = knownSourceTypes[source.sourceType] + 1
- end
- elseif source.sourceType == 0 and source.isCollected then
- totalUnknownType = totalUnknownType + 1
- knownUnknownType = knownUnknownType + 1
- end
- end
- for sourceType, totalCount in ipairs(totalSourceTypes) do
- if (totalCount > 0) then
- local knownCount = knownSourceTypes[sourceType]
- local knownColor = CanIMogIt.RED_ORANGE
- if knownCount == totalCount then
- knownColor = CanIMogIt.GRAY
- elseif knownCount > 0 then
- knownColor = CanIMogIt.BLUE
- end
- output = string.format("%s"..knownColor.."%s ("..knownColor.."%i/%i"..knownColor..")"..CanIMogIt.WHITE..", ",
- output, _G["TRANSMOG_SOURCE_"..sourceType], knownCount, totalCount)
- end
- end
- if totalUnknownType > 0 then
- output = string.format("%s"..CanIMogIt.GRAY.."Unobtainable ("..CanIMogIt.GRAY.."%i/%i"..CanIMogIt.GRAY..")"..CanIMogIt.WHITE..", ",
- output, knownUnknownType, totalUnknownType)
- end
- output = string.sub(output, 1, -3)
- end
- return output
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetSourceLocationText(itemLink)
- -- Returns string of the all the types of sources which can provide an item with this appearance.
- cached_value = CanIMogIt.cache:GetItemSourcesValue(itemLink)
- if cached_value then
- return cached_value
- end
- local output = CanIMogIt:CalculateSourceLocationText(itemLink)
- CanIMogIt.cache:SetItemSourcesValue(itemLink, output)
- return output
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetPlayerArmorTypeName()
- local playerArmorTypeID = classArmorTypeMap[select(2, UnitClass("player"))]
- return select(1, GetItemSubClassInfo(4, playerArmorTypeID))
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetItemID(itemLink)
- return tonumber(itemLink:match("item:(%d+)"))
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetItemLinkFromSourceID(sourceID)
- return select(6, C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSourceInfo(sourceID))
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetItemQuality(itemID)
- return select(3, GetItemInfo(itemID))
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetItemExpansion(itemID)
- return select(15, GetItemInfo(itemID))
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetItemMinTransmogLevel(itemID)
- -- Returns the minimum level required to transmog the item.
- -- This uses the expansion ID of the item to figure it out.
- -- Expansions before Shadowlands are all opened at level 10
- -- as of 9.0. Shadowlands is opened at level 48.
- local expansion = CanIMogIt:GetItemExpansion(itemID)
- if expansion == nil or expansion == 0 then return end
- if expansion < CanIMogIt.Expansions.SHADOWLANDS then
- else
- end
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetItemClassName(itemLink)
- return select(2, GetItemInfoInstant(itemLink))
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetItemSubClassName(itemLink)
- return select(3, GetItemInfoInstant(itemLink))
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetItemSlotName(itemLink)
- return select(4, GetItemInfoInstant(itemLink))
- end
- function CanIMogIt:IsReadyForCalculations(itemLink)
- -- Returns true of the item's GetItemInfo is ready, or if it's a keystone,
- -- or if it's a battlepet.
- local itemInfo = GetItemInfo(itemLink)
- local isKeystone = string.match(itemLink, ".*(keystone):.*") == "keystone"
- local isBattlepet = string.match(itemLink, ".*(battlepet):.*") == "battlepet"
- if itemInfo or isKeystone or isBattlepet then
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function CanIMogIt:IsItemArmor(itemLink)
- local itemClass = CanIMogIt:GetItemClassName(itemLink)
- if itemClass == nil then return end
- return GetItemClassInfo(4) == itemClass
- end
- function CanIMogIt:IsArmorSubClassID(subClassID, itemLink)
- local itemSubClass = CanIMogIt:GetItemSubClassName(itemLink)
- if itemSubClass == nil then return end
- return select(1, GetItemSubClassInfo(4, subClassID)) == itemSubClass
- end
- function CanIMogIt:IsArmorSubClassName(subClassName, itemLink)
- local itemSubClass = CanIMogIt:GetItemSubClassName(itemLink)
- if itemSubClass == nil then return end
- return subClassName == itemSubClass
- end
- function CanIMogIt:IsItemSubClassIdentical(itemLinkA, itemLinkB)
- local subClassA = CanIMogIt:GetItemSubClassName(itemLinkA)
- local subClassB = CanIMogIt:GetItemSubClassName(itemLinkB)
- if subClassA == nil or subClassB == nil then return end
- return subClassA == subClassB
- end
- function CanIMogIt:IsArmorCosmetic(itemLink)
- return CanIMogIt:IsArmorSubClassID(COSMETIC, itemLink)
- end
- function CanIMogIt:IsArmorAppropriateForPlayer(itemLink)
- local playerArmorTypeID = CanIMogIt:GetPlayerArmorTypeName()
- local slotName = CanIMogIt:GetItemSlotName(itemLink)
- if slotName == nil then return end
- local isArmorCosmetic = CanIMogIt:IsArmorCosmetic(itemLink)
- if isArmorCosmetic == nil then return end
- if armorTypeSlots[slotName] and isArmorCosmetic == false then
- return playerArmorTypeID == CanIMogIt:GetItemSubClassName(itemLink)
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- local function IsHeirloomRedText(redText, itemLink)
- local itemID = CanIMogIt:GetItemID(itemLink)
- if redText == _G["ITEM_SPELL_KNOWN"] and C_Heirloom.IsItemHeirloom(itemID) then
- return true
- end
- end
- local function IsLevelRequirementRedText(redText)
- if string.match(redText, _G["ITEM_MIN_LEVEL"]) then
- return true
- end
- end
- function CanIMogIt:CharacterCanEquipItem(itemLink)
- -- Can the character equip this item eventually? (excluding level)
- if CanIMogIt:IsItemArmor(itemLink) and CanIMogIt:IsArmorCosmetic(itemLink) then
- return true
- end
- local redText = CanIMogItTooltipScanner:GetRedText(itemLink)
- if redText == "" or redText == nil then
- return true
- end
- if IsHeirloomRedText(redText, itemLink) then
- -- Special case for heirloom items. They always have red text if it was learned.
- return true
- end
- if IsLevelRequirementRedText(redText) then
- -- We ignore the level, since it will be equipable eventually.
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function CanIMogIt:IsValidAppearanceForCharacter(itemLink)
- -- Can the character transmog this appearance right now?
- if not CanIMogIt:CharacterIsHighEnoughLevelForTransmog(itemLink) then
- return false
- end
- if CanIMogIt:CharacterCanEquipItem(itemLink) then
- if CanIMogIt:IsItemArmor(itemLink) then
- return CanIMogIt:IsArmorAppropriateForPlayer(itemLink)
- else
- return true
- end
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function CanIMogIt:CharacterIsHighEnoughLevelForTransmog(itemLink)
- local minLevel = CanIMogIt:GetItemMinTransmogLevel(itemLink)
- if minLevel == nil then return true end
- return UnitLevel("player") > minLevel
- end
- function CanIMogIt:IsItemSoulbound(itemLink, bag, slot)
- return CanIMogItTooltipScanner:IsItemSoulbound(itemLink, bag, slot)
- end
- function CanIMogIt:IsItemBindOnEquip(itemLink, bag, slot)
- return CanIMogItTooltipScanner:IsItemBindOnEquip(itemLink, bag, slot)
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetItemClassRestrictions(itemLink)
- if not itemLink then return end
- return CanIMogItTooltipScanner:GetClassesRequired(itemLink)
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetExceptionText(itemLink)
- -- Returns the exception text for this item, if it has one.
- local itemID = CanIMogIt:GetItemID(itemLink)
- local slotName = CanIMogIt:GetItemSlotName(itemLink)
- if slotName == nil then return end
- local slotExceptions = exceptionItems[slotName]
- if slotExceptions then
- return slotExceptions[itemID]
- end
- end
- function CanIMogIt:IsEquippable(itemLink)
- -- Returns whether the item is equippable or not (exluding bags)
- local slotName = CanIMogIt:GetItemSlotName(itemLink)
- if slotName == nil then return end
- return slotName ~= "" and slotName ~= BAG
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetSourceID(itemLink)
- local sourceID = select(2, C_TransmogCollection.GetItemInfo(itemLink))
- if sourceID then
- return sourceID, "C_TransmogCollection.GetItemInfo"
- end
- -- Some items don't have the C_TransmogCollection.GetItemInfo data,
- -- so use the old way to find the sourceID (using the DressUpModel).
- local itemID, _, _, slotName = GetItemInfoInstant(itemLink)
- local slots = inventorySlotsMap[slotName]
- if slots == nil or slots == false or C_Item.IsDressableItemByID(itemID) == false then return end
- local cached_source = CanIMogIt.cache:GetDressUpModelSource(itemLink)
- if cached_source then
- return cached_source, "DressUpModel:GetItemTransmogInfo cache"
- end
- CanIMogIt.DressUpModel:SetUnit('player')
- CanIMogIt.DressUpModel:Undress()
- for i, slot in pairs(slots) do
- CanIMogIt.DressUpModel:TryOn(itemLink, slot)
- local transmogInfo = CanIMogIt.DressUpModel:GetItemTransmogInfo(slot)
- if transmogInfo and
- transmogInfo.appearanceID ~= nil and
- transmogInfo.appearanceID ~= 0 then
- -- Yes, that's right, we are setting `appearanceID` to the `sourceID`. Blizzard messed
- -- up the DressUpModel functions, so _they_ don't even know what they do anymore.
- -- The `appearanceID` field from `DressUpModel:GetItemTransmogInfo` is actually its
- -- source ID, not it's appearance ID.
- sourceID = transmogInfo.appearanceID
- if not CanIMogIt:IsSourceIDFromItemLink(sourceID, itemLink) then
- -- This likely means that the game hasn't finished loading things
- -- yet, so let's wait until we get good data before caching it.
- return
- end
- CanIMogIt.cache:SetDressUpModelSource(itemLink, sourceID)
- return sourceID, "DressUpModel:GetItemTransmogInfo"
- end
- end
- end
- function CanIMogIt:IsSourceIDFromItemLink(sourceID, itemLink)
- -- Returns whether the source ID given matches the itemLink.
- local sourceItemLink = select(6, C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSourceInfo(sourceID))
- if not sourceItemLink then return false end
- return CanIMogIt:DoItemIDsMatch(sourceItemLink, itemLink)
- end
- function CanIMogIt:DoItemIDsMatch(itemLinkA, itemLinkB)
- return CanIMogIt:GetItemID(itemLinkA) == CanIMogIt:GetItemID(itemLinkB)
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetAppearanceID(itemLink)
- -- Gets the appearanceID of the given item. Also returns the sourceID, for convenience.
- local sourceID = CanIMogIt:GetSourceID(itemLink)
- return CanIMogIt:GetAppearanceIDFromSourceID(sourceID), sourceID
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetAppearanceIDFromSourceID(sourceID)
- -- Gets the appearanceID from the sourceID.
- if sourceID ~= nil then
- local appearanceID = select(2, C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSourceInfo(sourceID))
- return appearanceID
- end
- end
- function CanIMogIt:_PlayerKnowsTransmog(itemLink, appearanceID)
- -- Internal logic for determining if the item is known or not.
- -- Does not use the CIMI database.
- if itemLink == nil or appearanceID == nil then return end
- local sources = C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSources(appearanceID, 1, transmogLocation)
- if sources then
- for i, source in pairs(sources) do
- local sourceItemLink = CanIMogIt:GetItemLinkFromSourceID(source.sourceID)
- if CanIMogIt:IsItemSubClassIdentical(itemLink, sourceItemLink) and source.isCollected then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function CanIMogIt:PlayerKnowsTransmog(itemLink)
- -- Returns whether this item's appearance is already known by the player.
- local appearanceID = CanIMogIt:GetAppearanceID(itemLink)
- if appearanceID == nil then return false end
- local requirements = CanIMogIt.Requirements:GetRequirements()
- if CanIMogIt:DBHasAppearanceForRequirements(appearanceID, itemLink, requirements) then
- if CanIMogIt:IsItemArmor(itemLink) then
- -- The character knows the appearance, check that it's from the same armor type.
- for sourceID, knownItem in pairs(CanIMogIt:DBGetSources(appearanceID, itemLink)) do
- if CanIMogIt:IsArmorSubClassName(knownItem.subClass, itemLink)
- or knownItem.subClass == COSMETIC_NAME then
- return true
- end
- end
- else
- -- Is not armor, don't worry about same appearance for different types
- return true
- end
- end
- -- Don't know from the database, try using the API.
- local knowsTransmog = CanIMogIt:_PlayerKnowsTransmog(itemLink, appearanceID)
- if knowsTransmog then
- CanIMogIt:DBAddItem(itemLink)
- end
- return knowsTransmog
- end
- function CanIMogIt:PlayerKnowsTransmogFromItem(itemLink)
- -- Returns whether the transmog is known from this item specifically.
- local slotName = CanIMogIt:GetItemSlotName(itemLink)
- if slotName == TABARD then
- local itemID = CanIMogIt:GetItemID(itemLink)
- return C_TransmogCollection.PlayerHasTransmog(itemID)
- end
- local appearanceID, sourceID = CanIMogIt:GetAppearanceID(itemLink)
- if sourceID == nil then return end
- -- First check the Database
- if CanIMogIt:DBHasSource(appearanceID, sourceID, itemLink) then
- return true
- end
- local hasTransmog;
- hasTransmog = C_TransmogCollection.PlayerHasTransmogItemModifiedAppearance(sourceID)
- -- Update Database
- if hasTransmog then
- CanIMogIt:DBAddItem(itemLink, appearanceID, sourceID)
- end
- return hasTransmog
- end
- function CanIMogIt:CharacterCanLearnTransmog(itemLink)
- -- Returns whether the player can learn the item or not.
- local slotName = CanIMogIt:GetItemSlotName(itemLink)
- if slotName == TABARD then return true end
- local sourceID = CanIMogIt:GetSourceID(itemLink)
- if sourceID == nil then return end
- if select(2, C_TransmogCollection.PlayerCanCollectSource(sourceID)) then
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetReason(itemLink)
- local reason = CanIMogItTooltipScanner:GetRedText(itemLink)
- if reason == "" then
- reason = CanIMogIt:GetItemSubClassName(itemLink)
- end
- return reason
- end
- function CanIMogIt:IsTransmogable(itemLink)
- -- Returns whether the item is transmoggable or not.
- -- White items are not transmoggable.
- local quality = CanIMogIt:GetItemQuality(itemLink)
- if quality == nil then return end
- if quality <= 1 then
- return false
- end
- local is_misc_subclass = CanIMogIt:IsArmorSubClassID(MISC, itemLink)
- if is_misc_subclass and miscArmorExceptions[CanIMogIt:GetItemSlotName(itemLink)] == nil then
- return false
- end
- local itemID, _, _, slotName = GetItemInfoInstant(itemLink)
- -- See if the game considers it transmoggable
- local transmoggable = select(3, C_Transmog.CanTransmogItem(itemID))
- if transmoggable == false then
- return false
- end
- -- See if the item is in a valid transmoggable slot
- if inventorySlotsMap[slotName] == nil then
- return false
- end
- return true
- end
- function CanIMogIt:TextIsKnown(text)
- -- Returns whether the text is considered to be a KNOWN value or not.
- return knownTexts[text] or false
- end
- function CanIMogIt:TextIsUnknown(unmodifiedText)
- -- Returns whether the text is considered to be an UNKNOWN value or not.
- return unknownTexts[unmodifiedText] or false
- end
- function CanIMogIt:PreLogicOptionsContinue(itemLink)
- -- Apply the options. Returns false if it should stop the logic.
- if CanIMogItOptions["showEquippableOnly"] and
- not CanIMogIt:IsEquippable(itemLink) then
- -- Don't bother if it's not equipable.
- return false
- end
- return true
- end
- function CanIMogIt:PostLogicOptionsText(text, unmodifiedText)
- -- Apply the options to the text. Returns the relevant text.
- if CanIMogItOptions["showUnknownOnly"] and not CanIMogIt:TextIsUnknown(unmodifiedText) then
- -- We don't want to show the tooltip if it's already known.
- return "", ""
- end
- if CanIMogItOptions["showTransmoggableOnly"]
- and (unmodifiedText == CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE
- or unmodifiedText == CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE_BOE) then
- -- If we don't want to show the tooltip if it's not transmoggable
- return "", ""
- end
- if not CanIMogItOptions["showVerboseText"] then
- text = simpleTextMap[text] or text
- end
- return text, unmodifiedText
- end
- function CanIMogIt:CalculateTooltipText(itemLink, bag, slot)
- --[[
- Calculate the tooltip text.
- No caching is done here, so don't call this often!
- Use GetTooltipText whenever possible!
- ]]
- local exception_text = CanIMogIt:GetExceptionText(itemLink)
- if exception_text then
- return exception_text, exception_text
- end
- local isTransmogable = CanIMogIt:IsTransmogable(itemLink)
- -- if isTransmogable == nil then return end
- local playerKnowsTransmogFromItem, isValidAppearanceForCharacter,
- characterIsHighEnoughLevelToTransmog, playerKnowsTransmog, characterCanLearnTransmog,
- isItemSoulbound, text, unmodifiedText;
- local isItemSoulbound = CanIMogIt:IsItemSoulbound(itemLink, bag, slot)
- -- Is the item transmogable?
- if isTransmogable then
- --Calculating the logic for each rule
- -- If the item is transmogable, bug didn't give a result for soulbound state, it's
- -- probably not ready yet.
- if isItemSoulbound == nil then return end
- playerKnowsTransmogFromItem = CanIMogIt:PlayerKnowsTransmogFromItem(itemLink)
- if playerKnowsTransmogFromItem == nil then return end
- isValidAppearanceForCharacter = CanIMogIt:IsValidAppearanceForCharacter(itemLink)
- if isValidAppearanceForCharacter == nil then return end
- playerKnowsTransmog = CanIMogIt:PlayerKnowsTransmog(itemLink)
- if playerKnowsTransmog == nil then return end
- characterCanLearnTransmog = CanIMogIt:CharacterCanLearnTransmog(itemLink)
- if characterCanLearnTransmog == nil then return end
- -- Is the item transmogable?
- if playerKnowsTransmogFromItem then
- -- Is this an appearance that the character can use now?
- if isValidAppearanceForCharacter then
- -- The player knows the appearance from this item
- -- and the character can transmog it.
- text = CanIMogIt.KNOWN
- unmodifiedText = CanIMogIt.KNOWN
- else
- -- Can the character use the appearance eventually?
- if characterCanLearnTransmog then
- -- The player knows the appearance from this item, but
- -- the character is too low level to use the appearance.
- unmodifiedText = CanIMogIt.KNOWN_BUT_TOO_LOW_LEVEL
- else
- -- The player knows the appearance from this item, but
- -- the character can never use it.
- end
- end
- -- Does the player know the appearance from a different item?
- elseif playerKnowsTransmog then
- -- Is this an appearance that the character can use/learn now?
- if isValidAppearanceForCharacter then
- -- The player knows the appearance from another item, and
- -- the character can use it.
- unmodifiedText = CanIMogIt.KNOWN_FROM_ANOTHER_ITEM
- else
- -- Can the character use/learn the appearance from the item eventually?
- if characterCanLearnTransmog then
- -- The player knows the appearance from another item, but
- -- the character is too low level to use/learn the appareance.
- else
- -- The player knows the appearance from another item, but
- -- this charater can never use/learn the apperance.
- end
- end
- else
- -- Can the character learn the appearance?
- if characterCanLearnTransmog then
- -- The player does not know the appearance and the character
- -- can learn this appearance.
- text = CanIMogIt.UNKNOWN
- unmodifiedText = CanIMogIt.UNKNOWN
- else
- -- Is the item Soulbound?
- if isItemSoulbound then
- -- The player does not know the appearance, the character
- -- cannot use the appearance, and the item cannot be mailed
- -- because it is soulbound.
- .. BLIZZARD_RED .. CanIMogIt:GetReason(itemLink)
- unmodifiedText = CanIMogIt.UNKNOWABLE_SOULBOUND
- else
- -- The player does not know the apperance, and the character
- -- cannot use/learn the appearance.
- .. BLIZZARD_RED .. CanIMogIt:GetReason(itemLink)
- unmodifiedText = CanIMogIt.UNKNOWABLE_BY_CHARACTER
- end
- end
- end
- else
- -- This item is never transmogable.
- unmodifiedText = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE
- end
- -- if CanIMogItOptions["showBoEColors"] then
- -- -- Apply the option, if it is enabled then check item bind.
- -- text, unmodifiedText = CanIMogIt:CheckItemBindType(text, unmodifiedText, itemLink, bag, slot)
- -- end
- return text, unmodifiedText
- end
- function CanIMogIt:CheckItemBindType(text, unmodifiedText, itemLink, bag, slot)
- --[[
- Check what binding text is used on the tooltip and then
- change the Can I Mog It text where appropirate.
- ]]
- local isItemBindOnEquip = CanIMogIt:IsItemBindOnEquip(itemLink, bag, slot)
- if isItemBindOnEquip == nil then return end
- if isItemBindOnEquip then
- if unmodifiedText == CanIMogIt.KNOWN then
- text = CanIMogIt.KNOWN_BOE
- unmodifiedText = CanIMogIt.KNOWN_BOE
- elseif unmodifiedText == CanIMogIt.KNOWN_BUT_TOO_LOW_LEVEL then
- unmodifiedText = CanIMogIt.KNOWN_BUT_TOO_LOW_LEVEL_BOE
- elseif unmodifiedText == CanIMogIt.KNOWN_BY_ANOTHER_CHARACTER then
- elseif unmodifiedText == CanIMogIt.KNOWN_FROM_ANOTHER_ITEM then
- unmodifiedText = CanIMogIt.KNOWN_FROM_ANOTHER_ITEM_BOE
- elseif unmodifiedText == CanIMogIt.KNOWN_FROM_ANOTHER_ITEM_BUT_TOO_LOW_LEVEL then
- elseif unmodifiedText == CanIMogIt.KNOWN_FROM_ANOTHER_ITEM_AND_CHARACTER then
- elseif unmodifiedText == CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE then
- unmodifiedText = CanIMogIt.NOT_TRANSMOGABLE_BOE
- end
- -- elseif BoA
- end
- return text, unmodifiedText
- end
- local foundAnItemFromBags = false
- function CanIMogIt:GetTooltipText(itemLink, bag, slot)
- --[[
- Gets the text to display on the tooltip from the itemLink.
- If bag and slot are given, this will use the itemLink from
- bag and slot instead.
- Returns two things:
- the text to display.
- the unmodifiedText that can be used for lookup values.
- ]]
- if bag and slot then
- itemLink = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot)
- if not itemLink then
- if foundAnItemFromBags then
- return "", ""
- else
- -- If we haven't found any items in the bags yet, then
- -- it's likely that the inventory hasn't been loaded yet.
- return nil
- end
- else
- foundAnItemFromBags = true
- end
- end
- if not itemLink then return "", "" end
- if not CanIMogIt:IsReadyForCalculations(itemLink) then
- return
- end
- local text = ""
- local unmodifiedText = ""
- if not CanIMogIt:PreLogicOptionsContinue(itemLink) then return "", "" end
- -- Return cached items
- local cachedData = CanIMogIt.cache:GetItemTextValue(itemLink)
- if cachedData then
- local cachedText, cachedUnmodifiedText = unpack(cachedData)
- return cachedText, cachedUnmodifiedText
- end
- text, unmodifiedText = CanIMogIt:CalculateTooltipText(itemLink, bag, slot)
- text = CanIMogIt:PostLogicOptionsText(text, unmodifiedText)
- -- Update cached items
- if text ~= nil then
- CanIMogIt.cache:SetItemTextValue(itemLink, {text, unmodifiedText})
- end
- return text, unmodifiedText
- end
- function CanIMogIt:GetIconText(item