Python | 120 lines | 75 code | 28 blank | 17 comment | 5 complexity | 1336f82da9ab426d28045878418a3f6e MD5 | raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Copyright(C) 2013 Vincent A
- #
- # This file is part of weboob.
- #
- # weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- # along with weboob. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- from weboob.deprecated.browser import Browser, BrowserIncorrectPassword
- from weboob.deprecated.browser.parsers.iparser import IParser
- import BeautifulSoup
- from .pages import PagePrivateThreadsList, PagePrivateThread, PageLogin, PageIndex, DummyPage, PageUserProfile, PageCityList
- __all__ = ['OvsBrowser']
- class SoupParser(IParser):
- def parse(self, data, encoding=None):
- return BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(data.read().decode(encoding or 'utf-8'), convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.BeautifulStoneSoup.ALL_ENTITIES)
- class OvsBrowser(Browser):
- PROTOCOL = 'http'
- DOMAIN = 'paris.onvasortir.com'
- ENCODING = 'cp1252'
- def __init__(self, city, username, password, *a, **kw):
- self.DOMAIN = '%s.onvasortir.com' % city
- self.PAGES = {
- '%s://%s/' % (self.PROTOCOL, self.DOMAIN): PageIndex,
- r'%s://%s/message_read.php\?Id=.+' % (self.PROTOCOL, self.DOMAIN): PagePrivateThread,
- '%s://%s/vue_messages_recus.php' % (self.PROTOCOL, self.DOMAIN): PagePrivateThreadsList,
- '%s://%s/vue_messages_envoyes.php' % (self.PROTOCOL, self.DOMAIN): PagePrivateThreadsList,
- '%s://%s/page_action_connect.php' % (self.PROTOCOL, self.DOMAIN): PageLogin,
- r'%s://%s/\?Langue=EN' % (self.PROTOCOL, self.DOMAIN): DummyPage,
- '%s://%s/page_action_boost.php' % (self.PROTOCOL, self.DOMAIN): DummyPage,
- '%s://%s/vue_profil_all.php.php' % (self.PROTOCOL, self.DOMAIN): DummyPage,
- r'%s://%s/message_msg_envoi_ok.php\?.*' % (self.PROTOCOL, self.DOMAIN): DummyPage,
- '%s://%s/message_action_envoi.php' % (self.PROTOCOL, self.DOMAIN): DummyPage,
- r'%s://%s/profil_read.php\?.+' % (self.PROTOCOL, self.DOMAIN): PageUserProfile,
- 'http://www.onvasortir.com/?': PageCityList,
- 'http://www.urbeez.com/?': PageCityList,
- }
- kw['parser'] = SoupParser()
- Browser.__init__(self, username, password, *a, **kw)
- self.city = city
- def iter_threads_list(self):
- self.location('/vue_messages_recus.php')
- assert self.is_on_page(PagePrivateThreadsList)
- for thread in self.page.iter_threads_list():
- yield thread
- self.location('/vue_messages_envoyes.php')
- assert self.is_on_page(PagePrivateThreadsList)
- for thread in self.page.iter_threads_list():
- yield thread
- def get_thread(self, _id):
- self.location('/message_read.php?Id=%s&AffMsg=all' % _id)
- assert self.is_on_page(PagePrivateThread)
- return self.page.get_thread(_id)
- def login(self):
- assert not self.is_logged()
- self.page.login(self.username, self.password)
- if not self.is_logged():
- raise BrowserIncorrectPassword()
- self.location('/?Langue=EN')
- self.location('/page_action_boost.php')
- self.location('/')
- def is_logged(self):
- return (self.is_on_page(DummyPage) or self.page.is_logged())
- def post_to_thread(self, thread_id, subject, body):
- self.location('/message_read.php?Id=%s' % thread_id.encode(self.ENCODING)) # FIXME
- assert self.is_on_page(PagePrivateThread)
- self.page.post_to_thread(thread_id, subject, body)
- def create_thread(self, recipient, subject, body):
- self.location('/profil_read.php?%s' % recipient.encode(self.ENCODING)) # FIXME
- assert self.is_on_page(PageUserProfile)
- self.page.create_thread(recipient, subject, body)
- def get_contact(self, id):
- self.location('/profil_read.php?%s' % id.encode(self.ENCODING)) # FIXME
- assert self.is_on_page(PageUserProfile)
- return self.page.get_contact()
- def get_french_cities(self):
- self.location('http://www.onvasortir.com')
- assert self.is_on_page(PageCityList)
- return self.page.get_cities('onvasortir.com')
- def get_world_cities(self):
- self.location('http://www.urbeez.com')
- assert self.is_on_page(PageCityList)
- return self.page.get_cities('urbeez.com')