Python | 358 lines | 259 code | 61 blank | 38 comment | 73 complexity | 992494a95d2278f8fbf7775c1ea3e177 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import os
- import sys
- import time
- import importlib
- import subprocess
- import signal
- import traceback
- import usb1
- from multiprocessing import Process
- from common.services import service_list
- import zmq
- from setproctitle import setproctitle
- from selfdrive.swaglog import cloudlog
- import selfdrive.messaging as messaging
- from selfdrive.thermal import read_thermal
- from selfdrive.registration import register
- import common.crash
- from common.params import Params
- from selfdrive.loggerd.config import ROOT
- # comment out anything you don't want to run
- managed_processes = {
- "uploader": "selfdrive.loggerd.uploader",
- "controlsd": "selfdrive.controls.controlsd",
- "radard": "selfdrive.controls.radard",
- "calibrationd": "selfdrive.calibrationd.calibrationd",
- "loggerd": "selfdrive.loggerd.loggerd",
- "logmessaged": "selfdrive.logmessaged",
- "logcatd": ("logcatd", ["./logcatd"]),
- "boardd": ("boardd", ["./boardd"]), # switch to c++ boardd
- "ui": ("ui", ["./ui"]),
- "visiond": ("visiond", ["./visiond"]),
- "sensord": ("sensord", ["./sensord"]), }
- running = {}
- # due to qualcomm kernel bugs SIGKILLing visiond sometimes causes page table corruption
- unkillable_processes = ['visiond']
- # processes to end with SIGINT instead of SIGTERM
- interrupt_processes = ['loggerd']
- car_started_processes = ['controlsd', 'loggerd', 'sensord', 'radard', 'calibrationd', 'visiond']
- def register_managed_process(name, desc, car_started=False):
- global managed_processes, car_started_processes
- print "registering", name
- managed_processes[name] = desc
- if car_started:
- car_started_processes.append(name)
- # ****************** process management functions ******************
- def launcher(proc, gctx):
- try:
- # import the process
- mod = importlib.import_module(proc)
- # rename the process
- setproctitle(proc)
- # exec the process
- mod.main(gctx)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- cloudlog.info("child %s got ctrl-c" % proc)
- except Exception:
- # can't install the crash handler becuase sys.excepthook doesn't play nice
- # with threads, so catch it here.
- common.crash.capture_exception()
- raise
- def nativelauncher(pargs, cwd):
- # exec the process
- os.chdir(cwd)
- # because when extracted from pex zips permissions get lost -_-
- os.chmod(pargs[0], 0o700)
- os.execvp(pargs[0], pargs)
- def start_managed_process(name):
- if name in running or name not in managed_processes:
- return
- proc = managed_processes[name]
- if isinstance(proc, basestring):
- cloudlog.info("starting python %s" % proc)
- running[name] = Process(name=name, target=launcher, args=(proc, gctx))
- else:
- pdir, pargs = proc
- cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- if pdir is not None:
- cwd = os.path.join(cwd, pdir)
- cloudlog.info("starting process %s" % name)
- running[name] = Process(name=name, target=nativelauncher, args=(pargs, cwd))
- running[name].start()
- def kill_managed_process(name):
- if name not in running or name not in managed_processes:
- return
- cloudlog.info("killing %s" % name)
- if running[name].exitcode is None:
- if name in interrupt_processes:
- os.kill(running[name].pid, signal.SIGINT)
- else:
- running[name].terminate()
- # give it 5 seconds to die
- running[name].join(5.0)
- if running[name].exitcode is None:
- if name in unkillable_processes:
- cloudlog.critical("unkillable process %s failed to exit! rebooting in 15 if it doesn't die" % name)
- running[name].join(15.0)
- if running[name].exitcode is None:
- cloudlog.critical("FORCE REBOOTING PHONE!")
- os.system("date > /sdcard/unkillable_reboot")
- os.system("reboot")
- raise RuntimeError
- else:
- cloudlog.info("killing %s with SIGKILL" % name)
- os.kill(running[name].pid, signal.SIGKILL)
- running[name].join()
- cloudlog.info("%s is dead with %d" % (name, running[name].exitcode))
- del running[name]
- def cleanup_all_processes(signal, frame):
- cloudlog.info("caught ctrl-c %s %s" % (signal, frame))
- for name in running.keys():
- kill_managed_process(name)
- sys.exit(0)
- # ****************** run loop ******************
- def manager_init():
- global gctx
- reg_res = register()
- if reg_res:
- dongle_id, dongle_secret = reg_res
- else:
- raise Exception("server registration failed")
- # set dongle id
- cloudlog.info("dongle id is " + dongle_id)
- os.environ['DONGLE_ID'] = dongle_id
- version = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "common", "version.h")).read().split('"')[1]
- cloudlog.bind_global(dongle_id=dongle_id, version=version)
- common.crash.bind_user(dongle_id=dongle_id, version=version)
- # set gctx
- gctx = {
- "calibration": {
- "initial_homography": [1.15728010e+00, -4.69379619e-02, 7.46450623e+01,
- 7.99253014e-02, 1.06372458e+00, 5.77762553e+01,
- 9.35543519e-05, -1.65429898e-04, 9.98062699e-01]
- }
- }
- def manager_thread():
- # now loop
- context = zmq.Context()
- thermal_sock = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['thermal'].port)
- health_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['health'].port)
- cloudlog.info("manager start")
- cloudlog.info(dict(os.environ))
- start_managed_process("logmessaged")
- start_managed_process("logcatd")
- start_managed_process("uploader")
- start_managed_process("ui")
- panda = False
- if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is None:
- # *** wait for the board ***
- panda = wait_for_device() == 0x2300
- # flash the device
- if os.getenv("NOPROG") is None:
- boarddir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+"/../board/"
- mkfile = "Makefile.panda" if panda else "Makefile"
- print "using", mkfile
- os.system("cd %s && make -f %s" % (boarddir, mkfile))
- start_managed_process("boardd")
- started = False
- logger_dead = False
- count = 0
- # set 5 second timeout on health socket
- # 5x slower than expected
- health_sock.RCVTIMEO = 5000
- while 1:
- # get health of board, log this in "thermal"
- td = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=True)
- print td
- # replace thermald
- msg = read_thermal()
- # loggerd is gated based on free space
- statvfs = os.statvfs(ROOT)
- avail = (statvfs.f_bavail * 1.0)/statvfs.f_blocks
- # thermal message now also includes free space
- msg.thermal.freeSpace = avail
- with open("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity") as f:
- msg.thermal.batteryPercent = int(f.read())
- with open("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/status") as f:
- msg.thermal.batteryStatus = f.read().strip()
- thermal_sock.send(msg.to_bytes())
- print msg
- # TODO: add car battery voltage check
- max_temp = max(msg.thermal.cpu0, msg.thermal.cpu1,
- msg.thermal.cpu2, msg.thermal.cpu3) / 10.0
- # uploader is gated based on the phone temperature
- if max_temp > 85.0:
- cloudlog.info("over temp: %r", max_temp)
- kill_managed_process("uploader")
- elif max_temp < 70.0:
- start_managed_process("uploader")
- if avail < 0.05:
- logger_dead = True
- # start constellation of processes when the car starts
- # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone is bricked
- if td is not None and td.health.started and avail > 0.02:
- if not started:
- Params().car_start()
- started = True
- for p in car_started_processes:
- if p == "loggerd" and logger_dead:
- kill_managed_process(p)
- else:
- start_managed_process(p)
- else:
- started = False
- logger_dead = False
- for p in car_started_processes:
- kill_managed_process(p)
- # shutdown if the battery gets lower than 10%, we aren't running, and we are discharging
- if msg.thermal.batteryPercent < 5 and msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging":
- os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown')
- # check the status of all processes, did any of them die?
- for p in running:
- cloudlog.debug(" running %s %s" % (p, running[p]))
- # report to server once per minute
- if (count%60) == 0:
- cloudlog.event("STATUS_PACKET",
- running=running.keys(),
- count=count,
- health=(td.to_dict() if td else None),
- thermal=msg.to_dict())
- count += 1
- # optional, build the c++ binaries and preimport the python for speed
- def manager_prepare():
- # build cereal first
- subprocess.check_call(["make", "-j4"], cwd="../cereal")
- os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
- for p in managed_processes:
- proc = managed_processes[p]
- if isinstance(proc, basestring):
- # import this python
- cloudlog.info("preimporting %s" % proc)
- importlib.import_module(proc)
- else:
- # build this process
- cloudlog.info("building %s" % (proc,))
- try:
- subprocess.check_call(["make", "-j4"], cwd=proc[0])
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- # make clean if the build failed
- cloudlog.info("building %s failed, make clean" % (proc, ))
- subprocess.check_call(["make", "clean"], cwd=proc[0])
- subprocess.check_call(["make", "-j4"], cwd=proc[0])
- def wait_for_device():
- while 1:
- try:
- context = usb1.USBContext()
- for device in context.getDeviceList(skip_on_error=True):
- if (device.getVendorID() == 0xbbaa and device.getProductID() == 0xddcc) or \
- (device.getVendorID() == 0x0483 and device.getProductID() == 0xdf11):
- bcd = device.getbcdDevice()
- handle = device.open()
- handle.claimInterface(0)
- cloudlog.info("found board")
- handle.close()
- return bcd
- except Exception as e:
- print "exception", e,
- print "waiting..."
- time.sleep(1)
- def main():
- if os.getenv("NOLOG") is not None:
- del managed_processes['loggerd']
- if os.getenv("NOUPLOAD") is not None:
- del managed_processes['uploader']
- if os.getenv("NOVISION") is not None:
- del managed_processes['visiond']
- if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is not None:
- del managed_processes['boardd']
- if os.getenv("LEAN") is not None:
- del managed_processes['uploader']
- del managed_processes['loggerd']
- del managed_processes['logmessaged']
- del managed_processes['logcatd']
- if os.getenv("NOCONTROL") is not None:
- del managed_processes['controlsd']
- del managed_processes['radard']
- # support additional internal only extensions
- try:
- import selfdrive.manager_extensions
- selfdrive.manager_extensions.register(register_managed_process)
- except ImportError:
- pass
- params = Params()
- params.manager_start()
- manager_init()
- manager_prepare()
- if os.getenv("PREPAREONLY") is not None:
- sys.exit(0)
- try:
- manager_thread()
- except Exception:
- traceback.print_exc()
- common.crash.capture_exception()
- finally:
- cleanup_all_processes(None, None)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()