https://gitlab.com/realsatomic/gitlab · Ruby · 486 lines · 341 code · 111 blank · 34 comment · 70 complexity · ce38ea58b7203fd1d86999f5ed55f728 MD5 · raw file
- # frozen_string_literal: true
- module Gitlab
- module Diff
- class File
- include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize
- attr_reader :diff, :repository, :diff_refs, :fallback_diff_refs, :unique_identifier
- delegate :new_file?, :deleted_file?, :renamed_file?,
- :old_path, :new_path, :a_mode, :b_mode, :mode_changed?,
- :submodule?, :expanded?, :too_large?, :collapsed?, :line_count, :has_binary_notice?, to: :diff, prefix: false
- # Finding a viewer for a diff file happens based only on extension and whether the
- # diff file blobs are binary or text, which means 1 diff file should only be matched by 1 viewer,
- # and the order of these viewers doesn't really matter.
- #
- # However, when the diff file blobs are LFS pointers, we cannot know for sure whether the
- # file being pointed to is binary or text. In this case, we match only on
- # extension, preferring binary viewers over text ones if both exist, since the
- # large files referred to in "Large File Storage" are much more likely to be
- # binary than text.
- DiffViewer::Image
- ].sort_by { |v| v.binary? ? 0 : 1 }.freeze
- def initialize(
- diff,
- repository:,
- diff_refs: nil,
- fallback_diff_refs: nil,
- stats: nil,
- unique_identifier: nil)
- @diff = diff
- @stats = stats
- @repository = repository
- @diff_refs = diff_refs
- @fallback_diff_refs = fallback_diff_refs
- @unique_identifier = unique_identifier
- @unfolded = false
- # Ensure items are collected in the the batch
- new_blob_lazy
- old_blob_lazy
- diff.diff = Gitlab::Diff::CustomDiff.preprocess_before_diff(diff.new_path, old_blob_lazy, new_blob_lazy) || diff.diff unless use_renderable_diff?
- end
- def use_renderable_diff?
- strong_memoize(:_renderable_diff_enabled) { Feature.enabled?(:rendered_diffs_viewer, repository.project, default_enabled: :yaml) }
- end
- def has_renderable?
- rendered&.has_renderable?
- end
- def position(position_marker, position_type: :text)
- return unless diff_refs
- data = {
- diff_refs: diff_refs,
- position_type: position_type.to_s,
- old_path: old_path,
- new_path: new_path
- }
- if position_type == :text
- data.merge!(text_position_properties(position_marker))
- else
- data.merge!(image_position_properties(position_marker))
- end
- Position.new(data)
- end
- def line_code(line)
- return if line.meta?
- Gitlab::Git.diff_line_code(file_path, line.new_pos, line.old_pos)
- end
- def line_for_line_code(code)
- diff_lines.find { |line| line_code(line) == code }
- end
- def line_for_position(pos)
- return unless pos.position_type == 'text'
- # This method is normally used to find which line the diff was
- # commented on, and in this context, it's normally the raw diff persisted
- # at `note_diff_files`, which is a fraction of the entire diff
- # (it goes from the first line, to the commented line, or
- # one line below). Therefore it's more performant to fetch
- # from bottom to top instead of the other way around.
- diff_lines
- .reverse_each
- .find { |line| line.old_line == pos.old_line && line.new_line == pos.new_line }
- end
- def position_for_line_code(code)
- line = line_for_line_code(code)
- position(line) if line
- end
- def line_code_for_position(pos)
- line = line_for_position(pos)
- line_code(line) if line
- end
- # Returns the raw diff content up to the given line index
- def diff_hunk(diff_line)
- diff_line_index = diff_line.index
- # @@ (match) header is not kept if it's found in the top of the file,
- # therefore we should keep an extra line on this scenario.
- diff_line_index += 1 unless diff_lines.first.match?
- diff_lines.select { |line| line.index <= diff_line_index }.map(&:text).join("\n")
- end
- def old_sha
- diff_refs&.base_sha
- end
- def new_sha
- diff_refs&.head_sha
- end
- def new_content_sha
- return if deleted_file?
- return @new_content_sha if defined?(@new_content_sha)
- refs = diff_refs || fallback_diff_refs
- @new_content_sha = refs&.head_sha
- end
- def old_content_sha
- return if new_file?
- return @old_content_sha if defined?(@old_content_sha)
- refs = diff_refs || fallback_diff_refs
- @old_content_sha = refs&.base_sha
- end
- def new_blob
- strong_memoize(:new_blob) do
- new_blob_lazy&.itself
- end
- end
- def old_blob
- strong_memoize(:old_blob) do
- old_blob_lazy&.itself
- end
- end
- def new_blob_lines_between(from_line, to_line)
- return [] unless new_blob
- from_index = from_line - 1
- to_index = to_line - 1
- new_blob.load_all_data!
- new_blob.data.lines[from_index..to_index]
- end
- def content_sha
- new_content_sha || old_content_sha
- end
- def blob
- new_blob || old_blob
- end
- def highlighted_diff_lines=(value)
- clear_memoization(:diff_lines_for_serializer)
- @highlighted_diff_lines = value
- end
- # Array of Gitlab::Diff::Line objects
- def diff_lines
- @diff_lines ||=
- Gitlab::Diff::Parser.new.parse(raw_diff.each_line, diff_file: self).to_a
- end
- # Changes diff_lines according to the given position. That is,
- # it checks whether the position requires blob lines into the diff
- # in order to be presented.
- def unfold_diff_lines(position)
- return unless position
- unfolder = Gitlab::Diff::LinesUnfolder.new(self, position)
- if unfolder.unfold_required?
- @diff_lines = unfolder.unfolded_diff_lines
- @unfolded = true
- end
- end
- def unfolded?
- @unfolded
- end
- def highlight_loaded?
- @highlighted_diff_lines.present?
- end
- def highlighted_diff_lines
- @highlighted_diff_lines ||=
- Gitlab::Diff::Highlight.new(self, repository: self.repository).highlight
- end
- # Array[<Hash>] with right/left keys that contains Gitlab::Diff::Line objects which text is highlighted
- def parallel_diff_lines
- @parallel_diff_lines ||= Gitlab::Diff::ParallelDiff.new(self).parallelize
- end
- def raw_diff
- diff.diff.to_s
- end
- def next_line(index)
- diff_lines[index + 1]
- end
- def prev_line(index)
- diff_lines[index - 1] if index > 0
- end
- def paths
- [old_path, new_path].compact
- end
- def file_path
- new_path.presence || old_path
- end
- def file_hash
- Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(file_path)
- end
- def added_lines
- strong_memoize(:added_lines) do
- @stats&.additions || diff_lines.count(&:added?)
- end
- end
- def removed_lines
- strong_memoize(:removed_lines) do
- @stats&.deletions || diff_lines.count(&:removed?)
- end
- end
- def file_identifier
- "#{file_path}-#{new_file?}-#{deleted_file?}-#{renamed_file?}"
- end
- def file_identifier_hash
- Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(file_identifier)
- end
- def diffable?
- diffable_by_attribute? && !text_with_binary_notice?
- end
- def binary_in_repo?
- has_binary_notice? || try_blobs(:binary_in_repo?)
- end
- def text_in_repo?
- !binary_in_repo?
- end
- def external_storage_error?
- try_blobs(:external_storage_error?)
- end
- def stored_externally?
- try_blobs(:stored_externally?)
- end
- def external_storage
- try_blobs(:external_storage)
- end
- def content_changed?
- return blobs_changed? if diff_refs
- return false if new_file? || deleted_file? || renamed_file?
- text? && diff_lines.any?
- end
- def different_type?
- old_blob && new_blob && old_blob.binary? != new_blob.binary?
- end
- # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
- def size
- valid_blobs.sum(&:size)
- end
- # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
- # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
- def raw_size
- valid_blobs.sum(&:raw_size)
- end
- # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
- def empty?
- valid_blobs.map(&:empty?).all?
- end
- def binary?
- strong_memoize(:is_binary) do
- try_blobs(:binary?)
- end
- end
- def text?
- strong_memoize(:is_text) do
- !binary? && !different_type?
- end
- end
- def viewer
- rich_viewer || simple_viewer
- end
- def simple_viewer
- @simple_viewer ||= simple_viewer_class.new(self)
- end
- def rich_viewer
- return @rich_viewer if defined?(@rich_viewer)
- @rich_viewer = rich_viewer_class&.new(self)
- end
- def alternate_viewer
- alternate_viewer_class&.new(self)
- end
- def rendered_as_text?(ignore_errors: true)
- simple_viewer.is_a?(DiffViewer::Text) && (ignore_errors || simple_viewer.render_error.nil?)
- end
- # This adds the bottom match line to the array if needed. It contains
- # the data to load more context lines.
- def diff_lines_for_serializer
- strong_memoize(:diff_lines_for_serializer) do
- lines = highlighted_diff_lines
- next if lines.empty?
- next if blob.nil?
- last_line = lines.last
- if last_line.new_pos < total_blob_lines(blob) && !deleted_file?
- match_line = Gitlab::Diff::Line.new("", 'match', nil, last_line.old_pos, last_line.new_pos)
- lines.push(match_line)
- end
- lines
- end
- end
- def fully_expanded?
- return true if binary?
- lines = diff_lines_for_serializer
- return true if lines.nil?
- lines.none? { |line| line.type.to_s == 'match' }
- end
- def rendered
- return unless use_renderable_diff? && ipynb?
- strong_memoize(:rendered) { Rendered::Notebook::DiffFile.new(self) }
- end
- private
- def diffable_by_attribute?
- repository.attributes(file_path).fetch('diff', true)
- end
- # NOTE: Files with unsupported encodings (e.g. UTF-16) are treated as binary by git, but they are recognized as text files during encoding detection. These files have `Binary files a/filename and b/filename differ' as their raw diff content which cannot be used. We need to handle this special case and avoid displaying incorrect diff.
- def text_with_binary_notice?
- text? && has_binary_notice?
- end
- def fetch_blob(sha, path)
- return unless sha
- Blob.lazy(repository, sha, path)
- end
- def total_blob_lines(blob)
- @total_lines ||= begin
- line_count = blob.lines.size
- line_count -= 1 if line_count > 0 && blob.lines.last.blank?
- line_count
- end
- end
- def modified_file?
- new_file? || deleted_file? || content_changed?
- end
- def ipynb?
- modified_file? && file_path.ends_with?('.ipynb')
- end
- # We can't use Object#try because Blob doesn't inherit from Object, but
- # from BasicObject (via SimpleDelegator).
- def try_blobs(meth)
- old_blob&.public_send(meth) || new_blob&.public_send(meth)
- end
- def valid_blobs
- [old_blob, new_blob].compact
- end
- def text_position_properties(line)
- { old_line: line.old_line, new_line: line.new_line }
- end
- def image_position_properties(image_point)
- image_point.to_h
- end
- def blobs_changed?
- old_blob && new_blob && old_blob.id != new_blob.id
- end
- def new_blob_lazy
- fetch_blob(new_content_sha, file_path)
- end
- def old_blob_lazy
- fetch_blob(old_content_sha, old_path)
- end
- def simple_viewer_class
- return DiffViewer::Collapsed if collapsed?
- return DiffViewer::NotDiffable unless diffable?
- return DiffViewer::Text if modified_file? && text?
- return DiffViewer::NoPreview if content_changed?
- return DiffViewer::Added if new_file?
- return DiffViewer::Deleted if deleted_file?
- return DiffViewer::Renamed if renamed_file?
- return DiffViewer::ModeChanged if mode_changed?
- DiffViewer::NoPreview
- end
- def rich_viewer_class
- viewer_class_from(RICH_VIEWERS)
- end
- def viewer_class_from(classes)
- return if collapsed?
- return unless diffable?
- return unless modified_file?
- find_renderable_viewer_class(classes)
- end
- def alternate_viewer_class
- return unless viewer.instance_of?(DiffViewer::Renamed)
- find_renderable_viewer_class(RICH_VIEWERS) || (DiffViewer::Text if text?)
- end
- def find_renderable_viewer_class(classes)
- return if different_type? || external_storage_error?
- verify_binary = !stored_externally?
- classes.find { |viewer_class| viewer_class.can_render?(self, verify_binary: verify_binary) }
- end
- end
- end
- end