https://gitlab.com/benjamin.bonnal/viastitching · Python · 334 lines · 206 code · 63 blank · 65 comment · 61 complexity · 9b1afa1e1ef123b7a1e9651508f02536 MD5 · raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # ViaStitching for pcbnew
- # This is the plugin WX dialog
- # (c) Michele Santucci 2019
- #
- import wx
- import pcbnew
- import gettext
- import math
- from .viastitching_gui import viastitching_gui
- from math import sqrt
- _ = gettext.gettext
- __version__ = "0.2"
- __timecode__= 1972
- class ViaStitchingDialog(viastitching_gui):
- '''Class that gathers all the Gui controls.'''
- def __init__(self, board):
- '''Initialize the brand new instance.'''
- super(ViaStitchingDialog, self).__init__(None)
- self.SetTitle(_(u"ViaStitching v{0}").format(__version__))
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.onCloseWindow)
- self.m_btnCancel.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onCloseWindow)
- self.m_btnOk.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onProcessAction)
- self.m_rClear.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.onRadioButtonCheck)
- self.m_rFill.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.onRadioButtonCheck)
- self.board = pcbnew.GetBoard()
- #Use the same unit set int PCBNEW
- self.ToUserUnit = None
- self.FromUserUnit = None
- units_mode = pcbnew.GetUserUnits()
- if units_mode == 0:
- self.ToUserUnit = pcbnew.ToMils
- self.FromUserUnit = pcbnew.FromMils
- self.m_lblUnit1.SetLabel(_(u"mils"))
- self.m_lblUnit2.SetLabel(_(u"mils"))
- self.m_txtVSpacing.SetValue("40")
- self.m_txtHSpacing.SetValue("40")
- elif units_mode == 1:
- self.ToUserUnit = pcbnew.ToMM
- self.FromUserUnit = pcbnew.FromMM
- self.m_lblUnit1.SetLabel(_(u"mm"))
- self.m_lblUnit2.SetLabel(_(u"mm"))
- self.m_txtVSpacing.SetValue("1")
- self.m_txtHSpacing.SetValue("1")
- elif units_mode == -1:
- wx.MessageBox(_(u"Not a valid frame"))
- self.Destroy()
- #Get default Vias dimensions
- via_dim_list = self.board.GetViasDimensionsList()
- via_dims = via_dim_list.pop()
- self.m_txtViaSize.SetValue("%.6f" % self.ToUserUnit(via_dims.m_Diameter))
- self.m_txtViaDrillSize.SetValue("%.6f" % self.ToUserUnit(via_dims.m_Drill))
- via_dim_list.push_back(via_dims)
- self.area = None
- self.net = None
- self.overlappings = None
- #Check for selected area
- if not self.GetAreaConfig():
- wx.MessageBox(_(u"Please select a valid area"))
- self.Destroy()
- else:
- #Get overlapping items
- self.GetOverlappingItems()
- #Populate nets checkbox
- self.PopulateNets()
- def GetOverlappingItems(self):
- """Collect overlapping items.
- Every item found inside are bounding box is a candidate to be inspected for overlapping.
- """
- area_bbox = self.area.GetBoundingBox()
- if hasattr(self.board, 'GetModules'):
- modules = self.board.GetModules()
- else:
- modules = self.board.GetFootprints()
- tracks = self.board.GetTracks()
- self.overlappings = []
- for item in tracks:
- if (type(item) is pcbnew.PCB_VIA) and (item.GetBoundingBox().Intersects(area_bbox)):
- self.overlappings.append(item)
- for item in modules:
- if item.GetBoundingBox().Intersects(area_bbox):
- for pad in item.Pads():
- self.overlappings.append(pad)
- #TODO: change algorithm to 'If one of the candidate area's edges overlaps with target area declare candidate as overlapping'
- for i in range(0, self.board.GetAreaCount()):
- item = self.board.GetArea(i)
- if item.GetBoundingBox().Intersects(area_bbox):
- if item.GetNetname() != self.net:
- self.overlappings.append(item)
- def GetAreaConfig(self):
- """Check selected area (if any) and verify if it is a valid container for vias.
- Returns:
- bool: Returns True if an area/zone is selected and match implant criteria, False otherwise.
- """
- for i in range(0, self.board.GetAreaCount()):
- area = self.board.GetArea(i)
- if area.IsSelected():
- if not area.IsOnCopperLayer():
- return False
- elif area.GetDoNotAllowCopperPour():
- return False
- self.area = area
- self.net = area.GetNetname()
- return True
- return False
- def PopulateNets(self):
- '''Populate nets widget.'''
- nets = self.board.GetNetsByName()
- #Tricky loop, the iterator should return two values, unluckly I'm not able to use the
- #first value of the couple so I'm recycling it as netname.
- for netname, net in nets.items():
- netname = net.GetNetname()
- if (netname != None) and (netname != ""):
- self.m_cbNet.Append(netname)
- #Select the net used by area (if any)
- if self.net != None:
- index = self.m_cbNet.FindString(self.net)
- self.m_cbNet.Select(index)
- def ClearArea(self):
- '''Clear selected area.'''
- undo = self.m_chkClearOwn.IsChecked()
- drillsize = self.FromUserUnit(float(self.m_txtViaDrillSize.GetValue()))
- viasize = self.FromUserUnit(float(self.m_txtViaSize.GetValue()))
- netname = self.m_cbNet.GetStringSelection()
- netcode = self.board.GetNetcodeFromNetname(netname)
- #commit = pcbnew.COMMIT()
- viacount = 0
- for item in self.board.GetTracks():
- if type(item) is pcbnew.PCB_VIA:
- #If the user selected the Undo action only signed vias are removed,
- #otherwise are removed vias matching values set in the dialog.
- if undo and (item.GetTimeStamp() == __timecode__):
- self.board.Remove(item)
- viacount+=1
- #commit.Remove(item)
- elif (not undo) and self.area.HitTestInsideZone(item.GetPosition()) and (item.GetDrillValue() == drillsize) and (item.GetWidth() == viasize) and (item.GetNetname() == netname):
- self.board.Remove(item)
- viacount+=1
- #commit.Remove(item)
- if viacount > 0:
- wx.MessageBox(_(u"Removed: %d vias!") % viacount)
- #commit.Push()
- pcbnew.Refresh()
- def CheckClearance(self, p1, area, clearance):
- """Check if position specified by p1 comply with given clearance in area.
- Parameters:
- p1 (wxPoint): Position to test
- area (pcbnew.ZONE_CONTAINER): Area
- clearance (int): Clearance value
- Returns:
- bool: True if p1 position comply with clearance value False otherwise.
- """
- corners = area.GetNumCorners()
- #Calculate minimum distance from corners
- #TODO: remove?
- for i in range(0, corners):
- corner = area.GetCornerPosition(i)
- p2 = corner.getWxPoint()
- distance = sqrt((p2.x - p1.x)**2 + (p2.y - p1.y)**2)
- if distance < clearance:
- return False
- #Calculate minimum distance from edges
- for i in range(0, corners):
- if i == corners-1:
- corner1 = area.GetCornerPosition(corners-1)
- corner2 = area.GetCornerPosition(0)
- else:
- corner1 = area.GetCornerPosition(i)
- corner2 = area.GetCornerPosition(i+1)
- pc1 = corner1.getWxPoint()
- pc2 = corner2.getWxPoint()
- if pc1.x != pc2.x:
- m = (pc1.y - pc2.y)/(pc1.x - pc2.x)
- q = pc1.y - (m*pc1.x)
- distance = math.fabs(p1.y-m*p1.x-q)/math.sqrt(1+m**2)
- else:
- distance = math.fabs(pc1.x - p1.x)
- if distance < clearance:
- return False
- return True
- def CheckOverlap(self, via):
- """Check if via overlaps or interfere with other items on the board.
- Parameters:
- via (pcbnew.VIA): Via to be checked
- Returns:
- bool: True if via overlaps with an item, False otherwise.
- """
- for item in self.overlappings:
- if type(item) is pcbnew.D_PAD:
- if item.GetBoundingBox().Intersects( via.GetBoundingBox() ):
- return True
- elif type(item) is pcbnew.PCB_VIA:
- #Overlapping with vias work best if checking is performed by intersection
- if item.GetBoundingBox().Intersects( via.GetBoundingBox() ):
- return True
- elif type(item) is pcbnew.ZONE_CONTAINER:
- if item.HitTestInsideZone( via.GetPosition() ):
- return True
- return False
- def FillupArea(self):
- '''Fills selected area with vias.'''
- drillsize = self.FromUserUnit(float(self.m_txtViaDrillSize.GetValue()))
- viasize = self.FromUserUnit(float(self.m_txtViaSize.GetValue()))
- step_x = self.FromUserUnit(float(self.m_txtHSpacing.GetValue()))
- step_y = self.FromUserUnit(float(self.m_txtVSpacing.GetValue()))
- clearance = self.FromUserUnit(float(self.m_txtClearance.GetValue()))
- bbox = self.area.GetBoundingBox()
- top = bbox.GetTop()
- bottom = bbox.GetBottom()
- right = bbox.GetRight()
- left = bbox.GetLeft()
- netname = self.m_cbNet.GetStringSelection()
- netcode = self.board.GetNetcodeFromNetname(netname)
- #commit = pcbnew.COMMIT()
- viacount = 0
- x = left
- #Cycle trough area bounding box checking and implanting vias
- layer = self.area.GetLayer()
- while x <= right:
- y = top
- while y <= bottom:
- p = pcbnew.wxPoint(x,y)
- if self.area.HitTestInsideZone(p):
- via = pcbnew.VIA(self.board)
- via.SetPosition(p)
- via.SetLayer(layer)
- via.SetNetCode(netcode)
- via.SetDrill(drillsize)
- via.SetWidth(viasize)
- via.SetTimeStamp(__timecode__)
- if not self.CheckOverlap(via):
- #Check clearance only if clearance value differs from 0 (disabled)
- if (clearance == 0) or self.CheckClearance(p, self.area, clearance):
- self.board.Add(via)
- #commit.Add(via)
- viacount +=1
- y += step_y
- x += step_x
- if viacount > 0:
- wx.MessageBox(_(u"Implanted: %d vias!") % viacount)
- #commit.Push()
- pcbnew.Refresh()
- else:
- wx.MessageBox(_(u"No vias implanted!"))
- def onProcessAction(self, event):
- '''Manage main button (Ok) click event.'''
- if(self.m_rFill.GetValue()):
- self.FillupArea()
- else:
- self.ClearArea()
- self.Destroy()
- def onRadioButtonCheck(self, event):
- '''Manage radio button state change event.'''
- if self.m_rClear.GetValue():
- self.m_chkClearOwn.Enable()
- else:
- self.m_chkClearOwn.Disable()
- def onCloseWindow(self, event):
- '''Manage Close button click event.'''
- self.Destroy()
- def InitViaStitchingDialog(board):
- '''Initalize dialog.'''
- dlg = ViaStitchingDialog(board)
- dlg.Show(True)
- return dlg