Python | 334 lines | 301 code | 22 blank | 11 comment | 64 complexity | 502493af1c01ccc89a0ed4cf3aa40c4b MD5 | raw file
- import copy
- from collections import OrderedDict
- from typing import Any
- from typing import Dict
- from typing import List
- async def update_tags(
- hub,
- ctx,
- resource_id,
- old_tags: List[Dict[str, Any]],
- new_tags: List[Dict[str, Any]],
- ):
- """
- Update tags of AWS CloudTrail resources
- Args:
- hub:
- ctx:
- resource_id: aws resource id
- old_tags: list of old tags
- new_tags: list of new tags
- Returns:
- {"result": True|False, "comment": A message Tuple, "ret": None}
- """
- tags_to_add = []
- tags_to_remove = []
- old_tags_map = {tag.get("Key"): tag for tag in old_tags or []}
- tags_result = copy.deepcopy(old_tags_map)
- if new_tags is not None:
- for tag in new_tags:
- if tag.get("Key") in old_tags_map:
- if tag.get("Value") != old_tags_map.get(tag.get("Key")).get("Value"):
- tags_to_add.append(tag)
- del old_tags_map[tag.get("Key")]
- else:
- tags_to_add.append(tag)
- tags_to_remove = [
- {"Key": tag.get("Key"), "Value": tag.get("Value")}
- for tag in old_tags_map.values()
- ]
- result = dict(comment=(), result=True, ret=None)
- if (not tags_to_remove) and (not tags_to_add):
- return result
- if tags_to_remove:
- if not ctx.get("test", False):
- delete_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.cloudtrail.remove_tags(
- ctx, ResourceId=resource_id, TagsList=tags_to_remove
- )
- if not delete_ret["result"]:
- result["comment"] = delete_ret["comment"]
- result["result"] = False
- return result
- [tags_result.pop(key.get("Key"), None) for key in tags_to_remove]
- if tags_to_add:
- if not ctx.get("test", False):
- add_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.cloudtrail.add_tags(
- ctx, ResourceId=resource_id, TagsList=tags_to_add
- )
- if not add_ret["result"]:
- result["comment"] = add_ret["comment"]
- result["result"] = False
- return result
- result["ret"] = {"tags": list(tags_result.values()) + tags_to_add}
- result["comment"] = (f"Update tags: Add [{tags_to_add}] Remove [{tags_to_remove}]",)
- return result
- async def update_trail(
- hub,
- ctx,
- before: Dict[str, Any],
- s3_bucket_name: str,
- s3_key_prefix: str,
- sns_topic_name: str,
- include_global_service_events: bool,
- is_multi_region_trail: bool,
- enable_logfile_validation: bool,
- cloud_watch_logs_loggroup_arn: str,
- cloud_watch_logs_role_arn: str,
- kms_key_id: str,
- is_organization_trail: bool,
- ):
- result = dict(comment=(), result=True, ret=None)
- update_payload = {}
- resource_parameters = OrderedDict(
- {
- "S3BucketName": s3_bucket_name,
- "S3KeyPrefix": s3_key_prefix,
- "SnsTopicName": sns_topic_name,
- "IncludeGlobalServiceEvents": include_global_service_events,
- "IsMultiRegionTrail": is_multi_region_trail,
- "CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn": cloud_watch_logs_loggroup_arn,
- "CloudWatchLogsRoleArn": cloud_watch_logs_role_arn,
- "KmsKeyId": kms_key_id,
- "IsOrganizationTrail": is_organization_trail,
- }
- )
- if "LogFileValidationEnabled" in before.keys():
- if (
- enable_logfile_validation is not None
- ) and enable_logfile_validation != before["LogFileValidationEnabled"]:
- update_payload["EnableLogFileValidation"] = enable_logfile_validation
- for key, value in resource_parameters.items():
- if key in before.keys():
- if (value is not None) and value != before[key]:
- update_payload[key] = resource_parameters[key]
- if update_payload:
- if not ctx.get("test", False):
- update_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.cloudtrail.update_trail(
- ctx, Name=before.get("Name"), **update_payload
- )
- if not update_ret["result"]:
- result["comment"] = result["comment"] + update_ret["comment"]
- result["result"] = False
- return result
- result["ret"] = {}
- result = update_result(result, update_payload)
- return result
- def update_result(
- result: Dict[str, Any], update_payload: Dict[str, Any]
- ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- parameters = OrderedDict(
- {
- "S3BucketName": "s3_bucket_name",
- "S3KeyPrefix": "s3_key_prefix",
- "SnsTopicName": "sns_topic_name",
- "IncludeGlobalServiceEvents": "include_global_service_events",
- "IsMultiRegionTrail": "is_multi_region_trail",
- "EnableLogFileValidation": "enable_logfile_validation",
- "CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn": "cloud_watch_logs_loggroup_arn",
- "CloudWatchLogsRoleArn": "cloud_watch_logs_role_arn",
- "KmsKeyId": "kms_key_id",
- "IsOrganizationTrail": "is_organization_trail",
- }
- )
- for raw_parameter, present_parameter in parameters.items():
- if raw_parameter in update_payload:
- result["ret"][present_parameter] = update_payload[raw_parameter]
- result["comment"] = result["comment"] + (
- f"Update {present_parameter}: {update_payload[raw_parameter]}",
- )
- return result
- async def update_trail_attributes(
- hub,
- ctx,
- before: Dict[str, Any],
- resource_id: str,
- is_logging: bool,
- update_insight_selectors: List,
- update_event_selectors: List,
- update_advanced_event_selectors: List,
- ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- result = dict(comment=(), result=True, ret=None)
- exising_attributes = await existing_attributes(hub, ctx, before, resource_id)
- result["ret"] = {}
- if not exising_attributes["result"]:
- result["comment"] = exising_attributes["comment"]
- result["result"] = False
- if (
- is_logging is not None
- and exising_attributes["result"]
- and is_logging != exising_attributes["ret"].get("existingTrailStatus")
- ):
- if not ctx.get("test", False):
- if is_logging:
- update_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.cloudtrail.start_logging(
- ctx, Name=before["TrailARN"]
- )
- else:
- update_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.cloudtrail.stop_logging(
- ctx, Name=before["TrailARN"]
- )
- if not update_ret["result"]:
- result["comment"] = result["comment"] + update_ret["comment"]
- result["result"] = False
- return result
- result["ret"]["is_logging"] = is_logging
- result["comment"] = result["comment"] + (f"Update is_logging: {is_logging}",)
- if (
- exising_attributes["result"]
- and update_insight_selectors is not None
- and (
- not hub.tool.aws.state_comparison_utils.are_lists_identical(
- update_insight_selectors,
- exising_attributes["ret"].get("existingInsightSelectors"),
- )
- )
- ):
- if not ctx.get("test", False):
- update_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.cloudtrail.put_insight_selectors(
- ctx,
- TrailName=before["TrailARN"],
- InsightSelectors=update_insight_selectors,
- )
- if not update_ret["result"]:
- result["comment"] = result["comment"] + update_ret["comment"]
- result["result"] = False
- return result
- result["ret"]["insight_selectors"] = update_insight_selectors
- result["comment"] = result["comment"] + (
- f"Update insight_selectors: {update_insight_selectors}",
- )
- ## Update event selectors
- if (
- exising_attributes["result"]
- and update_event_selectors is not None
- and (
- not hub.tool.aws.state_comparison_utils.are_lists_identical(
- update_event_selectors, exising_attributes["ret"].get("event_selectors")
- )
- )
- ):
- if not ctx.get("test", False):
- update_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.cloudtrail.put_event_selectors(
- ctx,
- TrailName=before["TrailARN"],
- EventSelectors=update_event_selectors,
- AdvancedEventSelectors=update_advanced_event_selectors,
- )
- if not update_ret["result"]:
- result["comment"] = result["comment"] + update_ret["comment"]
- result["result"] = False
- return result
- result["ret"]["event_selectors"] = update_event_selectors
- result["comment"] = result["comment"] + (
- f"Update event_selectors: {update_event_selectors}",
- )
- if (
- exising_attributes["result"]
- and update_advanced_event_selectors is not None
- and (
- not hub.tool.aws.state_comparison_utils.are_lists_identical(
- update_advanced_event_selectors,
- exising_attributes["ret"].get("advanced_event_selectors"),
- )
- )
- ):
- if not ctx.get("test", False):
- update_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.cloudtrail.put_event_selectors(
- ctx,
- TrailName=before["TrailARN"],
- EventSelectors=update_event_selectors,
- AdvancedEventSelectors=update_advanced_event_selectors,
- )
- if not update_ret["result"]:
- result["comment"] = result["comment"] + update_ret["comment"]
- result["result"] = False
- return result
- result["ret"]["advanced_event_selectors"] = update_advanced_event_selectors
- result["comment"] = result["comment"] + (
- f"Update advanced_event_selectors: {update_advanced_event_selectors}",
- )
- return result
- async def existing_attributes(
- hub, ctx, before: Dict[str, Any], resource_id: str
- ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- result = dict(comment=(), result=True, ret=None)
- existing_logging = None
- existing_insight_selectors = None
- existing_event_selectors = None
- existing_advanced_event_selectors = None
- if not ctx.get("test", False):
- existingTrailStatus = await hub.exec.boto3.client.cloudtrail.get_trail_status(
- ctx, Name=resource_id
- )
- if existingTrailStatus["result"]:
- existing_logging = existingTrailStatus["ret"]["IsLogging"]
- else:
- result["comment"] = result["comment"] + existingTrailStatus["comment"]
- result["result"] = False
- if not ctx.get("test", False):
- existingInsightSelectors = (
- await hub.exec.boto3.client.cloudtrail.get_insight_selectors(
- ctx,
- TrailName=resource_id,
- )
- )
- if before["HasInsightSelectors"]:
- if existingInsightSelectors["result"]:
- existing_insight_selectors = existingInsightSelectors["ret"][
- "InsightSelectors"
- ]
- else:
- result["comment"] = (
- result["comment"] + existingInsightSelectors["comment"]
- )
- result["result"] = False
- if not ctx.get("test", False):
- existingEventSelectors = (
- await hub.exec.boto3.client.cloudtrail.get_event_selectors(
- ctx,
- TrailName=resource_id,
- )
- )
- if existingEventSelectors["result"]:
- if "EventSelectors" in existingEventSelectors["ret"]:
- existing_event_selectors = existingEventSelectors["ret"][
- "EventSelectors"
- ]
- else:
- existing_advanced_event_selectors = existingEventSelectors["ret"][
- "AdvancedEventSelectors"
- ]
- else:
- result["comment"] = result["comment"] + existingEventSelectors["comment"]
- result["result"] = False
- result["ret"] = {
- "existingTrailStatus": existing_logging,
- "existingInsightSelectors": existing_insight_selectors,
- "event_selectors": existing_event_selectors,
- "advanced_event_selectors": existing_advanced_event_selectors,
- }
- return result