Python | 319 lines | 296 code | 14 blank | 9 comment | 7 complexity | 5500b496a58a5345da8dd7d519961953 MD5 | raw file
- import copy
- import uuid
- from collections import ChainMap
- import pytest
- @pytest.mark.asyncio
- @pytest.mark.localstack(pro=True)
- async def test_metric_alarm(hub, ctx):
- metric_alarm_temp_name = "idem-test-metric-alarm-" + str(uuid.uuid4())
- alarm_description = "description"
- ok_actions = []
- actions_enabled = True
- metric_name = "CPUUtilization_test"
- namespace = "AWS/EC2"
- statistic = "Minimum"
- extended_statistic = None
- # For testing added dummy instance id
- dimensions = [{"Name": "InstanceId", "Value": "i-0aaab28e6c0c771d7"}]
- period = 60
- evaluation_periods = 1
- datapoints_to_alarm = 1
- threshold = 0.1
- comparison_operator = "GreaterThanThreshold"
- threshold_metric_id = ""
- tags = [{"Key": "alarm", "Value": metric_alarm_temp_name}]
- alarm_actions = [
- "arn:aws:swf:us-east-2:460671877902:action/actions/AWS_EC2.InstanceId.Stop/1.0"
- ]
- insufficient_data_actions = ["arn:aws:automate:us-east-2:ec2:stop"]
- # Create metric alarm with test flag
- test_ctx = copy.deepcopy(ctx)
- test_ctx["test"] = True
- ret = await hub.states.aws.cloudwatch.metric_alarm.present(
- test_ctx,
- name=metric_alarm_temp_name,
- alarm_description=alarm_description,
- ok_actions=ok_actions,
- actions_enabled=actions_enabled,
- alarm_actions=alarm_actions,
- insufficient_data_actions=insufficient_data_actions,
- metric_name=metric_name,
- namespace=namespace,
- statistic=statistic,
- extended_statistic=extended_statistic,
- dimensions=dimensions,
- period=period,
- evaluation_periods=evaluation_periods,
- datapoints_to_alarm=datapoints_to_alarm,
- threshold=threshold,
- comparison_operator=comparison_operator,
- threshold_metric_id=threshold_metric_id,
- tags=tags,
- )
- assert ret["result"], ret["comment"]
- assert not ret.get("old_state") and ret.get("new_state")
- assert (
- f"Would create aws.cloudwatch.metric_alarm {metric_alarm_temp_name}"
- in ret["comment"]
- )
- resource = ret.get("new_state")
- assert ok_actions == resource.get("ok_actions")
- assert insufficient_data_actions == resource.get("insufficient_data_actions")
- assert namespace == resource.get("namespace")
- assert_metric_alarm(
- hub,
- resource,
- metric_alarm_temp_name,
- alarm_description,
- actions_enabled,
- alarm_actions,
- metric_name,
- statistic,
- dimensions,
- period,
- evaluation_periods,
- datapoints_to_alarm,
- threshold,
- comparison_operator,
- tags,
- )
- # Create metric alarm in real
- ret = await hub.states.aws.cloudwatch.metric_alarm.present(
- ctx,
- name=metric_alarm_temp_name,
- alarm_description=alarm_description,
- ok_actions=ok_actions,
- actions_enabled=actions_enabled,
- alarm_actions=alarm_actions,
- insufficient_data_actions=insufficient_data_actions,
- metric_name=metric_name,
- namespace=namespace,
- statistic=statistic,
- extended_statistic=extended_statistic,
- dimensions=dimensions,
- period=period,
- evaluation_periods=evaluation_periods,
- datapoints_to_alarm=datapoints_to_alarm,
- threshold=threshold,
- comparison_operator=comparison_operator,
- tags=tags,
- )
- assert ret["result"], ret["comment"]
- assert f"Created '{metric_alarm_temp_name}'" in ret["comment"]
- assert not ret.get("old_state") and ret.get("new_state")
- resource = ret.get("new_state")
- assert ok_actions == resource.get("ok_actions")
- assert insufficient_data_actions == resource.get("insufficient_data_actions")
- assert namespace == resource.get("namespace")
- assert_metric_alarm(
- hub,
- resource,
- metric_alarm_temp_name,
- alarm_description,
- actions_enabled,
- alarm_actions,
- metric_name,
- statistic,
- dimensions,
- period,
- evaluation_periods,
- datapoints_to_alarm,
- threshold,
- comparison_operator,
- tags,
- )
- resource = ret.get("new_state")
- resource_id = resource.get("resource_id")
- # Describe metric alarm
- describe_ret = await hub.states.aws.cloudwatch.metric_alarm.describe(ctx)
- assert resource_id in describe_ret
- assert "aws.cloudwatch.metric_alarm.present" in describe_ret.get(resource_id)
- described_resource = describe_ret.get(resource_id).get(
- "aws.cloudwatch.metric_alarm.present"
- )
- described_resource_map = dict(ChainMap(*described_resource))
- described_resource_map["name"] = resource.get("name")
- assert ok_actions == resource.get("ok_actions")
- assert insufficient_data_actions == resource.get("insufficient_data_actions")
- assert namespace == resource.get("namespace")
- assert_metric_alarm(
- hub,
- described_resource_map,
- metric_alarm_temp_name,
- alarm_description,
- actions_enabled,
- alarm_actions,
- metric_name,
- statistic,
- dimensions,
- period,
- evaluation_periods,
- datapoints_to_alarm,
- threshold,
- comparison_operator,
- tags,
- )
- alarm_description = "test description by update"
- metric_name = "CPUUtilization_update"
- period = 120
- evaluation_periods = 2
- statistic = "Average"
- dimensions = [{"Name": "InstanceId", "Value": "i-0aaab28e6c0c771d8"}]
- datapoints_to_alarm = 2
- threshold = 0.5
- comparison_operator = "LessThanThreshold"
- tags = [
- {"Key": "alarm", "Value": metric_alarm_temp_name},
- {"Key": "Type", "Value": "EC2"},
- ]
- alarm_actions = [
- "arn:aws:swf:us-east-2:460671877902:action/actions/AWS_EC2.InstanceId.Terminate/1.0"
- ]
- # Update metric alarm with test flag
- ret = await hub.states.aws.cloudwatch.metric_alarm.present(
- test_ctx,
- name=metric_alarm_temp_name,
- resource_id=resource_id,
- alarm_description=alarm_description,
- actions_enabled=actions_enabled,
- alarm_actions=alarm_actions,
- metric_name=metric_name,
- namespace=namespace,
- statistic=statistic,
- dimensions=dimensions,
- period=period,
- evaluation_periods=evaluation_periods,
- datapoints_to_alarm=datapoints_to_alarm,
- threshold=threshold,
- comparison_operator=comparison_operator,
- tags=tags,
- )
- assert ret["result"], ret["comment"]
- assert ret.get("old_state") and ret.get("new_state")
- resource = ret.get("new_state")
- assert_metric_alarm(
- hub,
- resource,
- metric_alarm_temp_name,
- alarm_description,
- actions_enabled,
- alarm_actions,
- metric_name,
- statistic,
- dimensions,
- period,
- evaluation_periods,
- datapoints_to_alarm,
- threshold,
- comparison_operator,
- tags,
- )
- # Update metric alarm in real
- ret = await hub.states.aws.cloudwatch.metric_alarm.present(
- ctx,
- name=metric_alarm_temp_name,
- resource_id=resource_id,
- alarm_description=alarm_description,
- actions_enabled=actions_enabled,
- alarm_actions=alarm_actions,
- metric_name=metric_name,
- namespace=namespace,
- statistic=statistic,
- dimensions=dimensions,
- period=period,
- evaluation_periods=evaluation_periods,
- datapoints_to_alarm=datapoints_to_alarm,
- threshold=threshold,
- comparison_operator=comparison_operator,
- tags=tags,
- )
- assert ret["result"], ret["comment"]
- assert ret.get("old_state") and ret.get("new_state")
- resource = ret.get("new_state")
- assert_metric_alarm(
- hub,
- resource,
- metric_alarm_temp_name,
- alarm_description,
- actions_enabled,
- alarm_actions,
- metric_name,
- statistic,
- dimensions,
- period,
- evaluation_periods,
- datapoints_to_alarm,
- threshold,
- comparison_operator,
- tags,
- )
- # Delete metric alarm with test flag
- ret = await hub.states.aws.cloudwatch.metric_alarm.absent(
- test_ctx, name=metric_alarm_temp_name, resource_id=resource_id
- )
- assert ret["result"], ret["comment"]
- assert ret.get("old_state") and not ret.get("new_state")
- assert (
- f"Would delete aws.cloudwatch.metric_alarm '{metric_alarm_temp_name}'"
- in ret["comment"]
- )
- # Delete metric alarm in real
- ret = await hub.states.aws.cloudwatch.metric_alarm.absent(
- ctx, name=metric_alarm_temp_name, resource_id=resource_id
- )
- assert ret["result"], ret["comment"]
- assert ret.get("old_state") and not ret.get("new_state")
- # Delete already deleted metric alarm
- ret = await hub.states.aws.cloudwatch.metric_alarm.absent(
- ctx, name=metric_alarm_temp_name, resource_id=resource_id
- )
- assert ret["result"], ret["comment"]
- assert (not ret.get("old_state")) and (not ret.get("new_state"))
- assert f"'{metric_alarm_temp_name}' already absent" in ret["comment"]
- def assert_metric_alarm(
- hub,
- resource,
- metric_alarm_temp_name,
- alarm_description,
- actions_enabled,
- alarm_actions,
- metric_name,
- statistic,
- dimensions,
- period,
- evaluation_periods,
- datapoints_to_alarm,
- threshold,
- comparison_operator,
- tags,
- ):
- assert metric_alarm_temp_name == resource.get("name")
- assert alarm_description == resource.get("alarm_description")
- assert actions_enabled == resource.get("actions_enabled")
- assert alarm_actions == resource.get("alarm_actions")
- assert metric_name == resource.get("metric_name")
- assert statistic == resource.get("statistic")
- assert dimensions == resource.get("dimensions")
- assert period == resource.get("period")
- assert evaluation_periods == resource.get("evaluation_periods")
- assert datapoints_to_alarm == resource.get("datapoints_to_alarm")
- assert threshold == resource.get("threshold")
- assert comparison_operator == resource.get("comparison_operator")
- assert tags == resource.get("tags")
- assert hub.tool.aws.state_comparison_utils.are_lists_identical(
- tags, resource.get("tags")
- )