Markdown | 360 lines | 284 code | 76 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | 19fb0b5ac4d8df3c3cdbe817d870c40f MD5 | raw file
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- stage: Manage
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- info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments
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- # Exploratory testing of CAPTCHAs
- You can reliably test CAPTCHA on review apps, and in your local development environment (GDK).
- You can always:
- - Force a reCAPTCHA to appear where it is supported.
- - Force a checkbox to display, instead of street sign images to find and select.
- To set up testing, follow the configuration on this page.
- ## Use appropriate test data
- Make sure you are testing a scenario which has spam/CAPTCHA enabled. For example:
- make sure you are editing a _public_ snippet, as only public snippets are checked for spam.
- ## Enable feature flags
- Enable any relevant feature flag, if the spam/CAPTCHA support is behind a feature flag.
- ## Set up Akismet and reCAPTCHA
- 1. To set up reCAPTCHA:
- 1. Review the [GitLab reCAPTCHA documentation](../../integration/recaptcha.md).
- 1. Get Google's official test reCAPTCHA credentials using the instructions from
- [Google's reCAPTCHA documentation](https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/faq#id-like-to-run-automated-tests-with-recaptcha.-what-should-i-do).
- 1. For **Site key**, use: `6LeIxAcTAAAAAJcZVRqyHh71UMIEGNQ_MXjiZKhI`
- 1. For **Secret key**, use: `6LeIxAcTAAAAAGG-vFI1TnRWxMZNFuojJ4WifJWe`
- 1. Go to **Admin -> Settings -> Reporting** settings: `http://gdk.test:3000/admin/application_settings/reporting#js-spam-settings`
- 1. Select **Enable reCAPTCHA**. Enabling for login is not required unless you are testing that feature.
- 1. Enter the **Site key** and **Secret key**.
- 1. To set up Akismet:
- 1. Review the [GitLab documentation on Akismet](../../integration/akismet.md).
- 1. Get an Akismet API key. You can sign up for [a testing key from Akismet](https://akismet.com).
- You must enter your local host (such as`gdk.test`) and email when signing up.
- 1. Go to GitLab Akismet settings page, for example:
- `http://gdk.test:3000/admin/application_settings/reporting#js-spam-settings`
- 1. Enable Akismet and enter your Akismet **API key**.
- 1. To force an Akismet false-positive spam check, refer to the
- [Akismet API documentation](https://akismet.com/development/api/#comment-check) and
- [Akismet Getting Started documentation](https://docs.akismet.com/getting-started/confirm/) for more details:
- 1. You can use `akismet-guaranteed-spam@example.com` as the author email to force spam using the following steps:
- 1. Go to user email settings: `http://gdk.test:3000/-/profile/emails`
- 1. Add `akismet-guaranteed-spam@example.com` as a secondary email for the administrator user.
- 1. Confirm it in the Rails console: `bin/rails c` -> `User.find_by_username('root').emails.last.confirm`
- 1. Switch this verified email to be your primary email:
- 1. Go to **Avatar dropdown list -> Edit Profile -> Main Settings**.
- 1. For **Email**, enter `akismet-guaranteed-spam@example.com` to replace `admin@example.com`.
- 1. Select **Update Profile Settings** to save your changes.
- ## Test in the web UI
- After you have all the above configuration in place, you can test CAPTCHAs. Test
- in an area of the application which already has CAPTCHA support, such as:
- - Creating or editing an issue.
- - Creating or editing a public snippet. Only **public** snippets are checked for spam.
- ## Test in a development environment
- After you force Spam Flagging + CAPTCHA using the steps above, you can test the
- behavior with any spam-protected model/controller action.
- ### Test with CAPTCHA enabled (CONDITIONAL_ALLOW verdict)
- If CAPTCHA is enabled in these areas, you must solve the CAPTCHA popup modal before you can resubmit the form:
- - **Admin -> Settings -> Reporting -> Spam**
- - **Anti-bot Protection -> Enable reCAPTCHA**
- <!-- vale gitlab.Substitutions = NO -->
- ### Testing with CAPTCHA disabled ("DISALLOW" verdict)
- <!-- vale gitlab.Substitutions = YES -->
- If CAPTCHA is disabled in **Admin -> Settings -> Reporting -> Spam** and **Anti-bot Protection -> Enable reCAPTCHA**,
- no CAPTCHA popup displays. You are prevented from submitting the form at all.
- ### HTML page to render reCAPTCHA
- If you use **Google's official test reCAPTCHA credentials** listed in
- [Set up Akismet and reCAPTCHA](#set-up-akismet-and-recaptcha), the
- CAPTCHA response string does not matter. It can be any string. If you use a
- real, valid key pair, you must solve the CAPTCHA to obtain a
- valid CAPTCHA response to use. You can do this once only, and only before it expires.
- To directly test the GraphQL API via [GraphQL Explorer](http://gdk.test:3000/-/graphql-explorer),
- get a reCAPTCHA response string via this form: `public/recaptcha.html` (`http://gdk.test:3000/recaptcha.html`):
- ```html
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>reCAPTCHA demo: Explicit render after an onload callback</title>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var onloadCallback = function() {
- grecaptcha.render('html_element', {
- 'sitekey' : '6Ld05AsaAAAAAMsm1yTUp4qsdFARN15rQJPPqv6i'
- });
- };
- function onSubmit() {
- window.document.getElementById('recaptchaResponse').innerHTML = grecaptcha.getResponse();
- return false;
- }
- </script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <form onsubmit="return onSubmit()">
- <div id="html_element"></div>
- <br>
- <input type="submit" value="Submit">
- </form>
- <div>
- <h1>recaptchaResponse:</h1>
- <div id="recaptchaResponse"></div>
- </div>
- <script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=onloadCallback&render=explicit"
- async defer>
- </script>
- </body>
- </html>
- ```
- ## Spam/CAPTCHA API exploratory testing examples
- These sections describe the steps needed to perform manual exploratory testing of
- various scenarios of the Spam and CAPTCHA behavior for the REST and GraphQL APIs.
- For the prerequisites, you must:
- 1. Perform all the steps listed above to enable Spam and CAPTCHA in the development environment,
- and force form submissions to require a CAPTCHA.
- 1. Ensure you have created an HTML page to render CAPTCHA under the `/public` directory,
- with a page that contains a form to manually generate a valid CAPTCHA response string.
- If you use **Google's official test reCAPTCHA credentials** listed in
- [Set up Akismet and reCAPTCHA](#set-up-akismet-and-recaptcha), the contents of the
- CAPTCHA response string don't matter.
- 1. Go to **Admin -> Settings -> Reporting -> Spam and Anti-bot protection**.
- 1. Select or clear **Enable reCAPTCHA** and **Enable Akismet** according to your
- scenario's needs.
- The following examples use snippet creation as an example. You could also use
- snippet updates, issue creation, or issue updates. Issues and snippets are the
- only models with full Spam and CAPTCHA support.
- ### Initial setup
- 1. Create an API token.
- 1. Export it in your terminal for the REST commands: `export PRIVATE_TOKEN=<your_api_token>`
- 1. Ensure you are logged into GitLab development environment at `localhost:3000` before using GraphiQL explorer,
- because it uses your logged-in user as authorization for running GraphQL queries.
- 1. For the GraphQL examples, use the GraphiQL explorer at `http://localhost:3000/-/graphql-explorer`.
- 1. Use the `--include` (`-i`) option to `curl` to print the HTTP response headers, including the status code.
- ### Scenario: Akismet and CAPTCHA enabled
- In this example, Akismet and CAPTCHA are enabled:
- 1. [Initial request](#initial-request).
- <!-- TODO in future edit
- Some example videos:
- GraphQL API:
- -->
- #### Initial request
- This initial request fails because no CAPTCHA response is provided.
- REST request:
- ```shell
- curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $PRIVATE_TOKEN" "http://localhost:3000/api/v4/snippets?title=Title&file_name=FileName&content=Content&visibility=public"
- ```
- REST response:
- ```shell
- {"needs_captcha_response":true,"spam_log_id":42,"captcha_site_key":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","message":{"error":"Your snippet has been recognized as spam. Please, change the content or solve the reCAPTCHA to proceed."}}
- ```
- GraphQL request:
- ```graphql
- mutation {
- createSnippet(input: {
- title: "Title"
- visibilityLevel: public
- blobActions: [
- {
- action: create
- filePath: "BlobPath"
- content: "BlobContent"
- }
- ]
- }) {
- snippet {
- id
- title
- }
- errors
- }
- }
- ```
- GraphQL response:
- ```json
- {
- "data": {
- "createSnippet": null
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "Request denied. Solve CAPTCHA challenge and retry",
- "locations": [
- {
- "line": 22,
- "column": 5
- }
- ],
- "path": [
- "createSnippet"
- ],
- "extensions": {
- "needs_captcha_response": true,
- "spam_log_id": 140,
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ```
- #### Second request
- This request succeeds because a CAPTCHA response is provided.
- REST request:
- ```shell
- export CAPTCHA_RESPONSE="<CAPTCHA response obtained from HTML page to render CAPTCHA>"
- export SPAM_LOG_ID="<spam_log_id obtained from initial REST response>"
- curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $PRIVATE_TOKEN" --header "X-GitLab-Captcha-Response: $CAPTCHA_RESPONSE" --header "X-GitLab-Spam-Log-Id: $SPAM_LOG_ID" "http://localhost:3000/api/v4/snippets?title=Title&file_name=FileName&content=Content&visibility=public"
- ```
- REST response:
- ```shell
- {"id":42,"title":"Title","description":null,"visibility":"public", "other_fields": "..."}
- ```
- GraphQL request:
- The GitLab GraphiQL implementation doesn't allow passing of headers, so we must write
- this as a `curl` query. Here, `--data-binary` is used to properly handle escaped double quotes
- in the JSON-embedded query.
- ```shell
- export CAPTCHA_RESPONSE="<CAPTCHA response obtained from HTML page to render CAPTCHA>"
- export SPAM_LOG_ID="<spam_log_id obtained from initial REST response>"
- curl --include "http://localhost:3000/api/graphql" --header "Authorization: Bearer $PRIVATE_TOKEN" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "X-GitLab-Captcha-Response: $CAPTCHA_RESPONSE" --header "X-GitLab-Spam-Log-Id: $SPAM_LOG_ID" --request POST --data-binary '{"query": "mutation {createSnippet(input: {title: \"Title\" visibilityLevel: public blobActions: [ { action: create filePath: \"BlobPath\" content: \"BlobContent\" } ] }) { snippet { id title } errors }}"}'
- ```
- GraphQL response:
- ```json
- {"data":{"createSnippet":{"snippet":{"id":"gid://gitlab/PersonalSnippet/42","title":"Title"},"errors":[]}}}
- ```
- ### Scenario: Akismet enabled, CAPTCHA disabled
- For this scenario, ensure you clear **Enable reCAPTCHA** in the Admin Area settings as described above.
- If CAPTCHA is not enabled, any request flagged as potential spam fails with no chance to resubmit,
- even if it could otherwise be resubmitted if CAPTCHA were enabled and successfully solved.
- The REST request is the same as if CAPTCHA was enabled:
- ```shell
- curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $PRIVATE_TOKEN" "http://localhost:3000/api/v4/snippets?title=Title&file_name=FileName&content=Content&visibility=public"
- ```
- REST response:
- ```shell
- {"message":{"error":"Your snippet has been recognized as spam and has been discarded."}}
- ```
- GraphQL request:
- ```graphql
- mutation {
- createSnippet(input: {
- title: "Title"
- visibilityLevel: public
- blobActions: [
- {
- action: create
- filePath: "BlobPath"
- content: "BlobContent"
- }
- ]
- }) {
- snippet {
- id
- title
- }
- errors
- }
- }
- ```
- GraphQL response:
- ```json
- {
- "data": {
- "createSnippet": null
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "Request denied. Spam detected",
- "locations": [
- {
- "line": 22,
- "column": 5
- }
- ],
- "path": [
- "createSnippet"
- ],
- "extensions": {
- "spam": true
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ```
- ### Scenario: allow_possible_spam feature flag enabled
- With the `allow_possible_spam` feature flag enabled, the API returns a 200 response. Any
- valid request is successful and no CAPTCHA is presented, even if the request is considered
- spam.