Python | 268 lines | 189 code | 50 blank | 29 comment | 34 complexity | 818e5ecd009367001c86abec168cd24c MD5 | raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #************************************************************************
- # --- Copyright (c) INRS 2016
- # --- Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS)
- # ---
- # --- Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3.0.
- # --- See accompanying file LICENSE.txt.
- #************************************************************************
- from . import FEMesh
- from . import DTData
- try:
- from .DTReducOperation import REDUCTION_OPERATION as Operation
- except ImportError:
- from .DTReducOperation_pp import REDUCTION_OPERATION as Operation
- import numpy as np
- import logging
- LOGGER = logging.getLogger("INRS.H2D2.Tools.Data.Field")
- class DTField:
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def getDataAtTime(self, reducOp = Operation.op_noop, tsteps = None, cols = []):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def getDataAtStep(self, reducOp = Operation.op_noop, tsteps = None, cols = []):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def getDataActual(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def getData(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def doInterpolate(self, X, Y):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def doProbe(self, X, Y):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def getGrid(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def getDataMin(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def getDataMax(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- class DT2DFiniteElementField(DTField):
- def __init__(self, mesh, data=None):
- super(DT2DFiniteElementField, self).__init__()
- self.mesh = mesh # FEMesh or subgrid
- self.data = data # DTData
- self.tstp = None # (Operation, Time steps)
- self.cols = None # Columns in data
- self.actu = None # Activ data
- self.itrp = FEMesh.FEInterpolatedPoints(self.mesh) if self.mesh else None
- self.prbe = FEMesh.FEProbeOnPoints(self.mesh) if self.mesh else None
- self.ndgb = self.mesh.getNodeNumbersGlobal() if self.mesh and self.mesh.isSubMesh() else None
- def __copy__(self):
- """
- Shallow copy, while reseting the activ data
- """
- newone = type(self)(None)
- newone.mesh = self.mesh
- newone.ndgb = self.ndgb
- newone.itrp = self.itrp
- newone.prbe = self.prbe
- newone.data = self.data
- newone.tstp = None
- newone.cols = None
- newone.actu = None
- return newone
- def __str__(self):
- if self.tstp:
- o, t = self.tstp
- if o == Operation.op_noop:
- s = ''
- else:
- s = '%s(' % o.name
- if len(t) == 1:
- s += '%f' % t[0]
- else:
- s += '[%f,%f]' % (t[0], t[-1])
- if o != Operation.op_noop:
- s += ')'
- else:
- s = ''
- return s
- def getDataAtTime(self, reducOp=Operation.op_noop, tsteps=None, cols=[]):
- LOGGER.debug('DT2DFiniteElementField: Get data with op %s at times (%s)', reducOp, tsteps)
- if (reducOp, tsteps) != self.tstp or cols != self.cols:
- op = DTData.DTDataReduc()
- op.compute(self.data, reducOp=reducOp, tsteps=tsteps, cols=cols)
- self.tstp = (reducOp, tsteps)
- self.cols = cols
- self.actu = op.getVal()[self.ndgb] if self.ndgb else op.getVal()
- return self.actu
- def getDataAtStep(self, reducOp=Operation.op_noop, tsteps=None, cols=[]):
- LOGGER.debug('DT2DFiniteElementField: Get data with op %s at steps (%s)', reducOp, tsteps)
- if (reducOp, tsteps) != self.tstp or cols != self.cols:
- op = DTData.DTDataReduc()
- op.compute(self.data, reducOp=reducOp, tsteps=tsteps, cols=cols)
- self.tstp = (reducOp, tsteps)
- self.cols = cols
- self.actu = op.getVal()[self.ndgb] if self.ndgb else op.getVal()
- return self.actu
- def getDataActual(self):
- return self.actu
- def getData(self):
- return self.data
- def doInterpolate(self, X, Y):
- self.itrp.setCoord(X, Y)
- i = self.itrp.interpolate(self.actu)
- return i
- def doProbe(self, X, Y):
- return self.prbe.interpolate(X, Y, self.actu)
- def getGrid(self):
- return self.mesh
- def getDataMin(self):
- if self.actu.ndim == 1:
- return np.min(self.actu)
- else:
- return np.min(np.linalg.norm(self.actu, axis=self.actu.ndim-1))
- def getDataMax(self):
- if self.actu.ndim == 1:
- return np.max(self.actu)
- else:
- return np.max(np.linalg.norm(self.actu, axis=self.actu.ndim-1))
- class DT2DRegularGridField(DTField):
- def __init__(self, rgrid, source):
- super(DT2DRegularGridField, self).__init__()
- self.rgrid = rgrid
- self.source = source # DTField
- self.actu = None # Activ data
- def getDataAtTime(self, reducOp = Operation.op_noop, tsteps = None, cols = []):
- LOGGER.debug('DT2DRegularGridField: Get data with op %s at times (%s)', reducOp, tsteps)
- self.source.getDataAtTime(reducOp, tsteps, cols)
- self.actu = self.source.doInterpolate(*self.rgrid.getCoordinates())
- return self.actu
- def getDataAtStep(self, reducOp = Operation.op_noop, tsteps = None, cols = []):
- LOGGER.debug('DT2DRegularGridField: Get data with op %s at steps (%s)', reducOp, tsteps)
- self.source.getDataAtStep(reducOp, tsteps, cols)
- self.actu = self.source.doInterpolate(*self.rgrid.getCoordinates())
- return self.actu
- def getData(self):
- return self.source.getData()
- def getDataActual(self):
- #nx, ny = self.rgrid.getGridSize()
- #nd = np.size(self.actu[0])
- #shp = (nx, ny, nd)
- #if nd <= 1: shp = (nx, ny)
- #return np.array(self.actu).reshape(shp)
- return self.actu
- def doInterpolate(self, X, Y):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def doProbe(self, X, Y):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def getGrid(self):
- return self.rgrid
- def getDataMin(self):
- """
- return min ignoring nan
- """
- if self.actu.ndim == 1:
- return np.nanmin(self.actu)
- else:
- return np.nanmin(np.linalg.norm(self.actu, axis=self.actu.ndim-1))
- def getDataMax(self):
- """
- return max ignoring nan
- """
- if self.actu.ndim == 1:
- return np.nanmax(self.actu)
- else:
- return np.nanmax(np.linalg.norm(self.actu, axis=self.actu.ndim-1))
- class DT1DRegularGridField(DTField):
- def __init__(self, rgrid, source):
- super(DT1DRegularGridField, self).__init__()
- self.rgrid = rgrid
- self.source = source # DTField
- self.actu = None # Activ data
- def getDataAtTime(self, reducOp = Operation.op_noop, tsteps = None, cols = []):
- LOGGER.debug('DT1DRegularGridField: Get data with op %s at times (%s)', reducOp, tsteps)
- self.source.getDataAtTime(reducOp, tsteps, cols)
- self.actu = self.source.doInterpolate(*self.rgrid.getCoordinates())
- return self.actu
- def getDataAtStep(self, reducOp = Operation.op_noop, tsteps = None, cols = []):
- LOGGER.debug('DT1DRegularGridField: Get data with op %s at steps (%s)', reducOp, tsteps)
- self.source.getDataAtStep(reducOp, tsteps, cols)
- self.actu = self.source.doInterpolate(*self.rgrid.getCoordinates())
- return self.actu
- def getData(self):
- return self.source.getData()
- def getDataActual(self):
- nx, ny = self.rgrid.getGridSize()
- nd = np.size(self.actu[0])
- shp = (nx, ny, nd)
- if nd <= 1: shp = (nx, ny)
- return np.array(self.actu).reshape(shp)
- def doInterpolate(self, X, Y):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def doProbe(self, X, Y):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def getGrid(self):
- return self.rgrid
- def getDataMin(self):
- """
- return min ignoring nan
- """
- return np.nanmin(self.actu)
- def getDataMax(self):
- """
- return max ignoring nan
- """
- return np.nanmax(self.actu)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- # pylint: disable=all
- def main():
- import os
- p = 'E:/Projets_simulation/EQ/Dry-Wet/Simulations/GLOBAL_01/Simulation/global01_0036'
- f = os.path.join(p, 'simul000.pst.sim')
- reader = DTData.constructReaderFromFile(f) #, cols = (3,))
- blocs = reader.readStructNoStats()
- streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler()
- LOGGER.addHandler(streamHandler)
- LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- main()