Python | 143 lines | 100 code | 26 blank | 17 comment | 12 complexity | 65a107fdc226a2565e16e6fd09e5fc28 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
- #************************************************************************
- # --- Copyright (c) 2007-2018 INRS
- # --- Copyright (c) Yves Secretan 2019
- # ---
- # --- Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3.0.
- # --- See accompanying file LICENSE.txt.
- #************************************************************************
- """
- Extrait les commandes de H2D2
- """
- import enum
- import glob
- import os
- import xml.etree.ElementTree
- def if_else(p, n1, n2):
- if (p): return n1
- return n2
- class Info:
- type = enum.Enum('type', ('NIL', 'Module', 'Classe', 'Command', 'Method'))
- def __init__(self, name = ''):
- self.file = None
- self.dep = []
- self.name = name
- self.type = Info.type.NIL
- # if self.classe: self.grp = self.classe.split('_')[0]
- # if self.command: self.grp = self.command.split('_')[0]
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return (self.name == other.name)
- def isMdl(self):
- return self.type == Info.type.Module
- def isCls(self):
- return self.type == Info.type.Classe
- def isCmd(self):
- return self.type == Info.type.Command
- class Writer:
- def __init__(self, fname):
- self.fout = open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
- def __writeLine(self, l):
- self.fout.write('%s\n' % l)
- def __writeHdr(self):
- hdr = 'H2D2 - Commands menu'
- self.__writeLine(hdr)
- def __writeFtr(self):
- ftr = ''
- self.__writeLine(ftr)
- def __writeOneCmd(self, i):
- f = i.file
- n = i.name
- t = 'command'
- self.__writeLine( '\t\t\t<li><a target="main" href="%s#%s">%s</a></li>' % (f, n, n))
- def __writeOneCls(self, i):
- f = i.file
- n = i.name
- t = 'class'
- self.__writeLine( '\t\t\t<li><a target="main" href="%s#%s">%s</a></li>' % (f, n, n))
- def __writeMdl(self, info):
- self.__writeLine('\t<li class="liClosed">%s' % info.name)
- self.__writeLine('\t\t<ul>')
- for i in info.dep:
- if (i.isMdl()):
- self.__writeMdl(i)
- elif (i.isCls()):
- self.__writeOneCls(i)
- elif (i.isCmd()):
- self.__writeOneCmd(i)
- self.__writeLine('\t\t</ul>')
- self.__writeLine('\t</li>')
- def __writeMenu(self, infos):
- infos.sort()
- self.__writeLine('<!-- tree -->')
- self.__writeLine('<a href="#" onClick="expandTree(\'tree1\'); return false;"><img src="plus.gif" alt="Expand all"></a>')
- self.__writeLine('<a href="#" onClick="collapseTree(\'tree1\'); return false;"><img src="minus.gif" alt="Collapse all"></a>')
- # self.__writeLine('<A href="#" onClick="expandToItem(\'tree1\',\'login\'); return false;">Expand and find login.html</a>')
- self.__writeLine('')
- self.__writeLine('<ul class="mktree" id="tree1">')
- for k in keys:
- self.__writeLine( '\t<li class="liClosed">%s' % (k))
- cls_infos = dico[k]
- cls_infos.sort()
- self.__writeLine('\t\t<ul>')
- for i in cls_infos:
- f = i.file
- n = if_else(i.classe, i.classe, i.command)
- t = if_else(i.classe, 'class', 'command')
- self.__writeLine( '\t\t\t<li><a target="main" href="%s#%s">%s</a></li>' % (f, n, n))
- self.__writeLine('\t\t</ul>')
- self.__writeLine('\t</li>')
- self.__writeLine('</ul>')
- def write(self, cmds):
- self.__writeHdr()
- self.__writeMenu(cmds)
- self.__writeFtr()
- def readInfos(f, infos):
- tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(f)
- root = tree.getroot()
- try:
- name = root.attrib['name']
- assert (name not in infos)
- file = root.attrib['file']
- file = os.path.basename(file)
- infos[name] = [ file ]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- for child in root:
- name = child.attrib['name']
- infos[name] = [ file ]
- return infos
- def main():
- infos = {}
- for f in glob.glob('*.tree.xml'):
- readInfos(f, infos)
- for i in infos: print(i)
- # w = Writer("_h2d2_cmd_tree.html")
- # w.write(infos)
- main()