C++ | 339 lines | 274 code | 21 blank | 44 comment | 48 complexity | e58572a6ebb18e54c9d551bcac77fbc2 MD5 | raw file
- /****************************************************************************
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- ** This file is part of the qmake application of the Qt Toolkit.
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- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "ioutils.h"
- #include <qdir.h>
- #include <qfile.h>
- #include <qregularexpression.h>
- #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
- # include <qt_windows.h>
- #else
- # include <sys/types.h>
- # include <sys/stat.h>
- # include <unistd.h>
- # include <utime.h>
- # include <fcntl.h>
- # include <errno.h>
- #endif
- #define fL1S(s) QString::fromLatin1(s)
- using namespace QMakeInternal;
- QString IoUtils::binaryAbsLocation(const QString &argv0)
- {
- QString ret;
- if (!argv0.isEmpty() && isAbsolutePath(argv0)) {
- ret = argv0;
- } else if (argv0.contains(QLatin1Char('/'))
- #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
- || argv0.contains(QLatin1Char('\\'))
- #endif
- ) { // relative PWD
- ret = QDir::current().absoluteFilePath(argv0);
- } else { // in the PATH
- QByteArray pEnv = qgetenv("PATH");
- QDir currentDir = QDir::current();
- #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
- QStringList paths = QString::fromLocal8Bit(pEnv).split(QLatin1String(";"));
- paths.prepend(QLatin1String("."));
- #else
- QStringList paths = QString::fromLocal8Bit(pEnv).split(QLatin1String(":"));
- #endif
- for (QStringList::const_iterator p = paths.constBegin(); p != paths.constEnd(); ++p) {
- if ((*p).isEmpty())
- continue;
- QString candidate = currentDir.absoluteFilePath(*p + QLatin1Char('/') + argv0);
- if (QFile::exists(candidate)) {
- ret = candidate;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return QDir::cleanPath(ret);
- }
- IoUtils::FileType IoUtils::fileType(const QString &fileName)
- {
- Q_ASSERT(fileName.isEmpty() || isAbsolutePath(fileName));
- #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
- DWORD attr = GetFileAttributesW((WCHAR*)fileName.utf16());
- return FileNotFound;
- return (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ? FileIsDir : FileIsRegular;
- #else
- struct ::stat st;
- if (::stat(fileName.toLocal8Bit().constData(), &st))
- return FileNotFound;
- return S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) ? FileIsDir : S_ISREG(st.st_mode) ? FileIsRegular : FileNotFound;
- #endif
- }
- bool IoUtils::isRelativePath(const QString &path)
- {
- if (path.startsWith(QLatin1String(":/")))
- return false;
- #endif
- #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
- // Unlike QFileInfo, this considers only paths with both a drive prefix and
- // a subsequent (back-)slash absolute:
- if (path.length() >= 3 && path.at(1) == QLatin1Char(':') && path.at(0).isLetter()
- && (path.at(2) == QLatin1Char('/') || path.at(2) == QLatin1Char('\\'))) {
- return false;
- }
- // ... unless, of course, they're UNC:
- if (path.length() >= 2
- && (path.at(0).unicode() == '\\' || path.at(0).unicode() == '/')
- && path.at(1) == path.at(0)) {
- return false;
- }
- #else
- if (path.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
- return false;
- #endif // Q_OS_WIN
- return true;
- }
- QStringView IoUtils::pathName(const QString &fileName)
- {
- return QStringView{fileName}.left(fileName.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/')) + 1);
- }
- QStringView IoUtils::fileName(const QString &fileName)
- {
- return QStringView(fileName).mid(fileName.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/')) + 1);
- }
- QString IoUtils::resolvePath(const QString &baseDir, const QString &fileName)
- {
- if (fileName.isEmpty())
- return QString();
- if (isAbsolutePath(fileName))
- return QDir::cleanPath(fileName);
- #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Add drive to otherwise-absolute path:
- if (fileName.at(0).unicode() == '/' || fileName.at(0).unicode() == '\\') {
- Q_ASSERT_X(isAbsolutePath(baseDir), "IoUtils::resolvePath", qUtf8Printable(baseDir));
- return QDir::cleanPath(baseDir.left(2) + fileName);
- }
- #endif // Q_OS_WIN
- return QDir::cleanPath(baseDir + QLatin1Char('/') + fileName);
- }
- inline static
- bool isSpecialChar(ushort c, const uchar (&iqm)[16])
- {
- if ((c < sizeof(iqm) * 8) && (iqm[c / 8] & (1 << (c & 7))))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- inline static
- bool hasSpecialChars(const QString &arg, const uchar (&iqm)[16])
- {
- for (int x = arg.length() - 1; x >= 0; --x) {
- if (isSpecialChar(arg.unicode()[x].unicode(), iqm))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- QString IoUtils::shellQuoteUnix(const QString &arg)
- {
- // Chars that should be quoted (TM). This includes:
- static const uchar iqm[] = {
- 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xdf, 0x07, 0x00, 0xd8,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x38, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x78
- }; // 0-32 \'"$`<>|;&(){}*?#!~[]
- if (!arg.length())
- return QString::fromLatin1("''");
- QString ret(arg);
- if (hasSpecialChars(ret, iqm)) {
- ret.replace(QLatin1Char('\''), QLatin1String("'\\''"));
- ret.prepend(QLatin1Char('\''));
- ret.append(QLatin1Char('\''));
- }
- return ret;
- }
- QString IoUtils::shellQuoteWin(const QString &arg)
- {
- // Chars that should be quoted (TM). This includes:
- // - control chars & space
- // - the shell meta chars "&()<>^|
- // - the potential separators ,;=
- static const uchar iqm[] = {
- 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x45, 0x13, 0x00, 0x78,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10
- };
- // Shell meta chars that need escaping.
- static const uchar ism[] = {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x03, 0x00, 0x50,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10
- }; // &()<>^|
- if (!arg.length())
- return QString::fromLatin1("\"\"");
- QString ret(arg);
- if (hasSpecialChars(ret, iqm)) {
- // The process-level standard quoting allows escaping quotes with backslashes (note
- // that backslashes don't escape themselves, unless they are followed by a quote).
- // Consequently, quotes are escaped and their preceding backslashes are doubled.
- ret.replace(QRegularExpression(QLatin1String("(\\\\*)\"")), QLatin1String("\\1\\1\\\""));
- // Trailing backslashes must be doubled as well, as they are followed by a quote.
- ret.replace(QRegularExpression(QLatin1String("(\\\\+)$")), QLatin1String("\\1\\1"));
- // However, the shell also interprets the command, and no backslash-escaping exists
- // there - a quote always toggles the quoting state, but is nonetheless passed down
- // to the called process verbatim. In the unquoted state, the circumflex escapes
- // meta chars (including itself and quotes), and is removed from the command.
- bool quoted = true;
- for (int i = 0; i < ret.length(); i++) {
- QChar c = ret.unicode()[i];
- if (c.unicode() == '"')
- quoted = !quoted;
- else if (!quoted && isSpecialChar(c.unicode(), ism))
- ret.insert(i++, QLatin1Char('^'));
- }
- if (!quoted)
- ret.append(QLatin1Char('^'));
- ret.append(QLatin1Char('"'));
- ret.prepend(QLatin1Char('"'));
- }
- return ret;
- }
- #if defined(PROEVALUATOR_FULL)
- # if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
- static QString windowsErrorCode()
- {
- wchar_t *string = nullptr;
- GetLastError(),
- (LPWSTR)&string,
- 0,
- NULL);
- QString ret = QString::fromWCharArray(string);
- LocalFree((HLOCAL)string);
- return ret.trimmed();
- }
- # endif
- bool IoUtils::touchFile(const QString &targetFileName, const QString &referenceFileName, QString *errorString)
- {
- # ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
- struct stat st;
- if (stat(referenceFileName.toLocal8Bit().constData(), &st)) {
- *errorString = fL1S("Cannot stat() reference file %1: %2.").arg(referenceFileName, fL1S(strerror(errno)));
- return false;
- }
- # if defined(_POSIX_VERSION) && _POSIX_VERSION >= 200809L
- const struct timespec times[2] = { { 0, UTIME_NOW }, st.st_mtim };
- const bool utimeError = utimensat(AT_FDCWD, targetFileName.toLocal8Bit().constData(), times, 0) < 0;
- # else
- struct utimbuf utb;
- utb.actime = time(0);
- utb.modtime = st.st_mtime;
- const bool utimeError= utime(targetFileName.toLocal8Bit().constData(), &utb) < 0;
- # endif
- if (utimeError) {
- *errorString = fL1S("Cannot touch %1: %2.").arg(targetFileName, fL1S(strerror(errno)));
- return false;
- }
- # else
- HANDLE rHand = CreateFile((wchar_t*)referenceFileName.utf16(),
- if (rHand == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- *errorString = fL1S("Cannot open reference file %1: %2").arg(referenceFileName, windowsErrorCode());
- return false;
- }
- GetFileTime(rHand, NULL, NULL, &ft);
- CloseHandle(rHand);
- HANDLE wHand = CreateFile((wchar_t*)targetFileName.utf16(),
- if (wHand == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- *errorString = fL1S("Cannot open %1: %2").arg(targetFileName, windowsErrorCode());
- return false;
- }
- SetFileTime(wHand, NULL, NULL, &ft);
- CloseHandle(wHand);
- # endif
- return true;
- }
- #if defined(QT_BUILD_QMAKE) && defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
- bool IoUtils::readLinkTarget(const QString &symlinkPath, QString *target)
- {
- const QByteArray localSymlinkPath = QFile::encodeName(symlinkPath);
- # if defined(__GLIBC__) && !defined(PATH_MAX)
- # define PATH_CHUNK_SIZE 256
- char *s = 0;
- int len = -1;
- int size = PATH_CHUNK_SIZE;
- forever {
- s = (char *)::realloc(s, size);
- len = ::readlink(localSymlinkPath.constData(), s, size);
- if (len < 0) {
- ::free(s);
- break;
- }
- if (len < size)
- break;
- size *= 2;
- }
- # else
- char s[PATH_MAX+1];
- int len = readlink(localSymlinkPath.constData(), s, PATH_MAX);
- # endif
- if (len <= 0)
- return false;
- *target = QFile::decodeName(QByteArray(s, len));
- # if defined(__GLIBC__) && !defined(PATH_MAX)
- ::free(s);
- # endif
- return true;
- }
- #endif