/qutebrowser/greasemonkey/Solved Media Plus.user.js
JavaScript | 1881 lines | 1858 code | 3 blank | 20 comment | 10 complexity | 7338e5ca42edcecb020ec7f7805c630e MD5 | raw file
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Solved Media Plus
- // @icon https://icons.duckduckgo.com/ip2/solvemedia.com.ico
- // @version 0.4.2
- // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/592063
- // @description Auto-Solve Media image CAPTCHAs, Plus edition.
- // @author wuniversales
- // @license MIT
- // @include *
- // @match *api-secure.solvemedia.com*
- // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/37236-monkeyconfig/code/MonkeyConfig.js
- // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tesseract.js@2/dist/tesseract.min.js
- // @run-at document-end
- // @grant GM_Config
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_deleteValue
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
- // ==/UserScript==
- var cfg = new MonkeyConfig({
- title: 'Configuración',
- menuCommand: true,
- params: {
- Auto_focus: {
- type: 'checkbox',
- default: true
- },
- Auto_solver: {
- type: 'checkbox',
- default: true
- },
- Find_vulnerable_captchas: {
- type: 'checkbox',
- default: false
- }
- }
- });
- let autofocus=cfg.get('Auto_focus');
- let autosolver=cfg.get('Auto_solver');
- let find_vulnerable_captchas=cfg.get('Find_vulnerable_captchas');
- (function() {
- 'use strict';
- const key = [
- "1.21 gigawatts",
- "4 8 15 16 23 42",
- "5 dollar shake",
- "6 feet of snow",
- "8th chevron",
- "a wild captcha appears",
- "abelian grape",
- "abide with me",
- "abracadabra",
- "absent without leave",
- "absolute zero",
- "accidentally on purpose",
- "ace of spades",
- "across the board",
- "adapt improve",
- "adapt improve succeed",
- "against the grain",
- "agree to disagree",
- "al capone",
- "all dancing",
- "all grown up",
- "all of the above",
- "all singing",
- "all your base",
- "allergic reaction",
- "almost got it",
- "always there",
- "am i happy",
- "anchors away",
- "and that's the way it is",
- "angel food",
- "another castle",
- "anti dentite",
- "apple juice",
- "apple pie",
- "apple sauce",
- "april may",
- "april showers",
- "are we there yet",
- "are you ready",
- "are you the keymaster",
- "army training",
- "army training sir",
- "around here",
- "as i see it",
- "as you wish",
- "ask questions",
- "attila the hun",
- "auto driving",
- "awesome dude",
- "awesome sauce",
- "azgoths of kria",
- "babel fish",
- "baby blues",
- "baby boomer",
- "baby steps",
- "back to basics",
- "back track",
- "background noise",
- "bacon and eggs",
- "bad books",
- "bad egg",
- "bait the line",
- "baked in a pie",
- "bald eagle",
- "ball of confusion",
- "banana bread",
- "banana split",
- "banana stand",
- "bangers and mash",
- "barber chair",
- "barking mad",
- "basket case",
- "bated breath",
- "bath towel",
- "bath water",
- "battle royale",
- "bazinga",
- "be careful",
- "be mine",
- "be my friend",
- "be nice",
- "be nimble be quick",
- "be serious now",
- "beach ball",
- "bean town",
- "beans and rice",
- "beautiful friendship",
- "bee line",
- "been there",
- "beer in a bottle",
- "beer in the bottle",
- "bees knees",
- "beg the question",
- "believe me",
- "belt up",
- "berlin wall",
- "best fit line",
- "best seller",
- "better call saul",
- "better half",
- "better next time",
- "beyond me",
- "big brother",
- "big kahuna burger",
- "big nose",
- "big screen",
- "bigger in texas",
- "bike rider",
- "bird cage",
- "birthday boy",
- "birthday girl",
- "bizarro jerry",
- "black and white",
- "black coffee",
- "black gold",
- "black jack",
- "black monday",
- "blahblahblah",
- "blaze a trail",
- "bless you",
- "blinded by science",
- "blog this",
- "blood type",
- "blue cheese",
- "blue ribbon",
- "blue sky",
- "bob loblaw",
- "body surfing",
- "boiled cabbage",
- "bon voyage",
- "bond james bond",
- "bone dry",
- "bonus points",
- "bonus round",
- "book reading",
- "book worm",
- "boomerang",
- "born to run",
- "bots are bad m'kay",
- "bottled water",
- "bowties are cool",
- "box jelly fish",
- "box kitty",
- "box of chocolates",
- "braaains",
- "brand spanking new",
- "bread of life",
- "break the ice",
- "brick house",
- "broken heart",
- "broken record",
- "bruce lee",
- "brush your teeth",
- "buckle your shoe",
- "buffalo wing",
- "bunny rabbit",
- "burger with fries",
- "burning oil",
- "burnt sienna",
- "butler did it",
- "butter side down",
- "button fly",
- "buy some time",
- "by and large",
- "by the board",
- "by the book",
- "by the seashore",
- "cabbage borsht",
- "cabbage stew",
- "caesar salad",
- "call me",
- "call me maybe",
- "can i love",
- "can you see",
- "candy apple",
- "candy cane",
- "capital gain",
- "captcha in the rye",
- "car trouble",
- "carbon copy",
- "carbon footprint",
- "card sharp",
- "card-sharp",
- "carpe diem",
- "carry a towel",
- "carry on",
- "cary grant",
- "case closed",
- "cat got your tongue",
- "catch the man",
- "cats and dogs",
- "cats pajamas",
- "chaise lounge",
- "challenge accepted",
- "change the world",
- "change yourself",
- "channel surfing",
- "charley horse",
- "charlie bit me",
- "charm offensive",
- "charmed life",
- "check your coat",
- "check your work",
- "cheese burger",
- "cheese fries",
- "cheese steak",
- "cherry on top",
- "chicken feed",
- "chicken noodle",
- "chicken salad",
- "chicken soup",
- "chin boy",
- "chit chat",
- "choco lazer boom",
- "chocolate cookie",
- "chocolate milk",
- "chow down",
- "chuck norris",
- "circle of life",
- "civil war",
- "clean and shiny",
- "clean hands",
- "clear blue water",
- "clear sailing",
- "click, click, click",
- "cliff hanger",
- "clod hopper",
- "close quarters",
- "cloud nine",
- "clown around",
- "coffee can",
- "cold comfort",
- "cold feet",
- "cold hat",
- "cold shoulder",
- "cold turkey",
- "coleslaw",
- "collaborate and listen",
- "colored paper",
- "come along",
- "come along pond",
- "come back",
- "come clean",
- "come on down",
- "come what may",
- "comfort zone",
- "comma comma",
- "common law",
- "complex number",
- "construction ahead",
- "cookie cutter",
- "cool heads prevail",
- "cop an attitude",
- "cor blimey",
- "cordon bleu",
- "corned beef",
- "cotton on",
- "count your change",
- "counting sheep",
- "covered bridge",
- "crab cake",
- "crayola",
- "cream and sugar",
- "create new things",
- "creative process",
- "creative vision",
- "creepy crawler",
- "crime of passion",
- "crocodile tears",
- "crop up",
- "cross the road",
- "cross the rubicon",
- "cubic spline",
- "cucumber sandwich",
- "cup cake",
- "cupid's arrow",
- "curate's egg",
- "curry favour",
- "cut and run",
- "cut the mustard",
- "dalek asylum",
- "dallas texas",
- "dance all night",
- "danish robot dancers",
- "dark horse",
- "das oontz",
- "david after dentist",
- "dead battery",
- "dead ringer",
- "deal me in",
- "dear cookie",
- "dear mr vernon",
- "dear sir",
- "deep thought",
- "deep waters",
- "dharma initiative",
- "diced onion",
- "diddly squat",
- "digital clock",
- "ding a ling",
- "dinner bell",
- "dinosaur spaceship",
- "dish water",
- "do a little dance",
- "do be do be do",
- "do it now",
- "do more situps",
- "do not touch",
- "do or do not",
- "do unto others",
- "do wah ditty",
- "do you believe in miracles",
- "do you love me",
- "doctor caligari",
- "doctor who",
- "doctor who?",
- "doe a deer",
- "dog days",
- "dog's breakfast",
- "dog's dinner",
- "dogapus",
- "dogs and cats living together",
- "dollar bill",
- "dollar signs",
- "dollars to donuts",
- "domestic spying",
- "don't be late",
- "don't count on it",
- "don't dawdle",
- "don't stop",
- "don't waste time",
- "done that",
- "donkey's years",
- "doodah man",
- "double cross",
- "double crossed",
- "double dutch",
- "double jump",
- "double rainbow",
- "double time",
- "double whammy",
- "down the hatch",
- "down the rabbit hole",
- "downward slope",
- "drag race",
- "dragon with matches",
- "dragonfly",
- "dramatic chipmunk",
- "draw a blank",
- "drawing board",
- "dream big",
- "drink milk",
- "drive me to firenze",
- "drop table users",
- "drumhead",
- "drummer boy",
- "dry clean only",
- "dueling banjos",
- "dusk till dawn",
- "dust bunny",
- "dust up",
- "duvet day",
- "dynamo clock",
- "ear candy",
- "ear mark",
- "ear muffs",
- "easy as cake",
- "easy as pie",
- "easy peasy",
- "easy street",
- "eat cous cous",
- "eat out",
- "eat your dinner",
- "eat your veggies",
- "eat your vitamins",
- "ecks why zee",
- "edgar degas",
- "egg on",
- "eggs ter minate",
- "eighty six",
- "electro head",
- "elevator going up",
- "emperor's clothes",
- "empire state of mind",
- "end of story",
- "english muffin",
- "enjoy life",
- "ermahgerd capcher",
- "evil eye",
- "evil genius",
- "exceedingly well read",
- "exclamation",
- "exercise more",
- "extra cheese",
- "face the music",
- "face to face",
- "fade away",
- "fair and square",
- "fair play",
- "fairy godmother",
- "fairy tale",
- "fait accompli",
- "fall guy",
- "falling pianos",
- "fancy free",
- "fancy pants",
- "far away",
- "farsical aquatic ceremony",
- "fashion victim",
- "fast and loose",
- "fast asleep",
- "father time",
- "father uncle",
- "fathom out",
- "fava beans",
- "feeding frenzy",
- "feeling blue",
- "fellow traveller",
- "fezes are cool",
- "field day",
- "fifth column",
- "fill it up",
- "filthy dirty mess",
- "filthy rich",
- "finagle's law",
- "final answer",
- "finger lickin good",
- "fire brim stone",
- "firecracker",
- "first contact",
- "first post",
- "first water",
- "first world",
- "fish and chips",
- "fish on",
- "fishy smell",
- "flag day",
- "flat foot",
- "flat out",
- "flat tire",
- "flipadelphia",
- "flipflops",
- "flux capacitor",
- "follow me",
- "folsom prison",
- "fool's paradise",
- "fools gold",
- "for keeps",
- "for sure",
- "for the birds",
- "for the gripper",
- "forbidden fruit",
- "foregone conclusion",
- "forget this",
- "forget you",
- "fork knife spoon",
- "forty two",
- "foul play",
- "four by two",
- "frabjous day",
- "france",
- "frankly my dear",
- "free hat",
- "freezing temperatures",
- "french fried",
- "french fries",
- "french phrases",
- "fresh water",
- "fried ices",
- "fried rice",
- "friend zone",
- "frozen peas",
- "fruit salad",
- "fuddy duddy",
- "full house",
- "full monty",
- "full of stars",
- "full stop",
- "full tilt",
- "fun with flags",
- "funny farm",
- "fusilli jerry",
- "fuzzy wuzzy",
- "gadzooks",
- "game is up",
- "gangnam style",
- "garden of eden",
- "garlic yum",
- "gathers moss",
- "gee louise",
- "gee whiz",
- "geez louise",
- "gene parmesan",
- "general tso",
- "generation x",
- "genghis khan",
- "george washington",
- "get out",
- "get over it",
- "get well",
- "get your goat",
- "giant bunny rabbit",
- "giant panda",
- "giddy goat",
- "gift horse",
- "gimme pizza",
- "ginger bread",
- "give or take",
- "glass ceiling",
- "glazed donut",
- "global warming",
- "go berserk",
- "go further",
- "go gadget go",
- "goes to eleven",
- "gold medal",
- "gold record",
- "golly jeepers",
- "gone dolally",
- "gone fishing",
- "good afternoon",
- "good as gold",
- "good buddy",
- "good day",
- "good evening",
- "good for nothing",
- "good grief",
- "good job",
- "good luck",
- "good morning",
- "good night",
- "good night and good luck",
- "good riddance",
- "good samaritan",
- "good work",
- "goody goody gumdrops",
- "goody gumdrop",
- "goody two shoes",
- "goosebumps",
- "gordon bennett",
- "got my mojo",
- "gotham city",
- "gothic arch",
- "gothic church",
- "grain of salt",
- "grand slam",
- "grape soda",
- "grass up",
- "graveyard shift",
- "gravy train",
- "grease the skids",
- "greased lightning",
- "great scott",
- "great unwashed",
- "gregory peck",
- "gridlock",
- "grilled cheese",
- "groundhog day",
- "grumpy cat",
- "guinea pig",
- "guitar player",
- "gum shoe",
- "gung ho",
- "habsons choice",
- "had a great fall",
- "had me at hello",
- "hairy eyeball",
- "halcyon days",
- "half done",
- "half empty",
- "half full",
- "half inch",
- "hallowed ground",
- "halp meh",
- "ham and cheese",
- "hamburger bun",
- "hammer time",
- "hand over fist",
- "hands down",
- "hangers and mash",
- "happy anniversary",
- "happy blessings",
- "happy clappy",
- "happy retirement",
- "happy trails",
- "hard captcha is hard",
- "hard cheese",
- "hard lines",
- "hard sharp",
- "hardened prestoopnicks",
- "harp on",
- "haste makes waste",
- "hat head",
- "hat trick",
- "have a purpose",
- "have an inkling",
- "have courage",
- "have fun",
- "he loves her",
- "head case",
- "head honcho",
- "head over heels",
- "heads up",
- "health food",
- "healthy food",
- "hear hear",
- "hear me roar",
- "heart break",
- "heart strings",
- "heart's content",
- "heartache",
- "heat up",
- "heated debate",
- "heavens to betsy",
- "heavy metal",
- "heebie jeebies",
- "hello newman",
- "hello sweetie",
- "hello watson",
- "hello world",
- "here or there",
- "here's johnny",
- "hey brother",
- "higgledy piggledy",
- "higgs boson",
- "high def",
- "high five",
- "high flyer",
- "high horse",
- "high sleeper",
- "high time",
- "him with her",
- "hissy fit",
- "history repeats itself",
- "hit the hay",
- "hit the sack",
- "hoagie roll",
- "hobby horse",
- "hobson's choice",
- "hocus pocus",
- "hoi polloi",
- "hoity-toity",
- "hold your horses",
- "hold your tongue",
- "home james",
- "honey mustard",
- "hooray henry",
- "hops a daisy",
- "horse and cart",
- "horse's mouth",
- "hot blooded",
- "hot diggity dog",
- "hot dog roll",
- "hot pola",
- "hot sauce",
- "hover hand",
- "how about lunch",
- "how about that",
- "how are you",
- "how interesting",
- "how now, brown cow",
- "how quaint",
- "how sweet",
- "how's it going",
- "howdy partner",
- "hug me",
- "huggle muggle",
- "hulk smash",
- "hunky-dory",
- "hush puppies",
- "i am captcha",
- "i am fine",
- "i am here",
- "i can do this",
- "i can fix it",
- "i have fallen",
- "i know nothing",
- "i like humans",
- "i like people",
- "i like turtles",
- "i like you",
- "i love deadlines",
- "i love lamp",
- "i love you",
- "i made tea",
- "i moustache you why",
- "i saw that",
- "i see",
- "i think i am",
- "i think i can",
- "i think so",
- "i want control",
- "i'll make tea",
- "i'm batman",
- "i'm blessed",
- "i'm blushing",
- "i'm cold brr",
- "i'm only human",
- "i'm so cold",
- "i'm sorry",
- "i'm sorry dave",
- "i'm yours",
- "ice to meet you",
- "idk my bff jill",
- "if it fits",
- "im cold. brr",
- "imagine inspire create",
- "in a box",
- "in limbo",
- "in over my head",
- "in spades",
- "in stitches",
- "in the air",
- "in the box",
- "in the cart",
- "in the club",
- "in the doldrums",
- "in the limelight",
- "industrial revolution",
- "infra dig",
- "inside out",
- "is it enough",
- "is it hot",
- "is it hot?",
- "is it hot in here",
- "is it plugged in",
- "is low",
- "it doesn't count",
- "it happens",
- "it hurts",
- "it is certain",
- "it is enough",
- "it will pass",
- "it's over",
- "it's super effective",
- "ivory tower",
- "jabber wocky",
- "jack be nimble",
- "jam tomorrow",
- "jay gatsby",
- "jerk store",
- "jerry built",
- "jimmy cricket",
- "jimmy horner",
- "john lennon",
- "john steinbeck",
- "jump higher",
- "jump over",
- "jump the candlestick",
- "jump the gun",
- "jumping jack",
- "june july",
- "just dance",
- "just deserts",
- "just drive",
- "just friends",
- "just in time",
- "kangaroo count",
- "karma points",
- "keep calm",
- "keyboard",
- "keyboard cat",
- "khyber pass",
- "kick the can",
- "kick your heels",
- "kindness of strangers",
- "king arthur",
- "kiss me",
- "kitten mittens",
- "kitty kat",
- "klatu berada nikto",
- "knick knack",
- "knock at the door",
- "knock back",
- "knock knock knock penny",
- "knock off",
- "knock on wood",
- "know the ropes",
- "know thy self",
- "know your paradoxes",
- "know your rights",
- "knuckle down",
- "kosher dill",
- "kundalini express",
- "labour of love",
- "ladies first",
- "lager frenzy",
- "lame duck",
- "lardy-dardy",
- "lark about",
- "laser beams",
- "last straw",
- "later gator",
- "laugh at me",
- "law of sines",
- "lawn giland",
- "lazy sunday",
- "leap higher",
- "leaps and bounds",
- "learn challenge improve",
- "learn from mistakes",
- "learn succeed",
- "learn the ropes",
- "learn, advance",
- "leave britney alone",
- "leave me alone",
- "left or right",
- "left right",
- "lefty loosey",
- "less is more",
- "let go",
- "let it be",
- "let me know",
- "let me out",
- "lets eat",
- "level playing field",
- "liberty bell",
- "library book",
- "lickety split",
- "lie low",
- "light sleeper",
- "like a boss",
- "like the dickens",
- "linear algebra",
- "little bird told me",
- "little bobby tables",
- "little did he know",
- "little sister",
- "live free",
- "live in the moment",
- "live in the now",
- "live life",
- "live long + prosper",
- "live love internet",
- "live love type",
- "live transmission",
- "live with purpose",
- "live your dream",
- "living daylights",
- "living things",
- "lizard poisons spock",
- "lo and behold",
- "loaf of bread",
- "local derby",
- "lol cat",
- "lollerskates",
- "lolly pop",
- "london calling",
- "long division",
- "long in the tooth",
- "look away",
- "look before crossing",
- "look both ways",
- "looking glass",
- "lose face",
- "lost love",
- "loud music",
- "love is automatic",
- "love is blind",
- "love life",
- "love me",
- "love you",
- "love-hate",
- "lovey dovey",
- "lucille 2",
- "lucky you",
- "ludwig van",
- "lumpy gravy",
- "lunatic fridge",
- "lunch time",
- "lunch tuesday",
- "mad hatter",
- "mad science",
- "magic decoder ring",
- "magic eight ball",
- "magical realism",
- "magnetic monopole",
- "main chance",
- "major intersection",
- "make a bee line",
- "make haste",
- "make it so",
- "make my day",
- "many happy returns",
- "many wishes",
- "maple syrup",
- "marble rye",
- "marcia marcia marcia",
- "mare's nest",
- "margin of error",
- "mark it zero",
- "market forces",
- "marry me",
- "mars rover",
- "math test",
- "mayan ruins",
- "mea culpa",
- "meat and drink",
- "meat with gravy",
- "meddling kids",
- "media frenzy",
- "melody pond",
- "men in suits",
- "mend fences",
- "meow meow",
- "metropolis",
- "mexican wave",
- "mickey finn",
- "miles to go",
- "milk was a bad choice",
- "milkshake",
- "million dollars",
- "miloko plus",
- "miloko plus vellocet",
- "mimsy borogoves",
- "minced oaths",
- "mind the gap",
- "minty fresh",
- "mish-mash",
- "miss you",
- "mister wilson",
- "modern love",
- "moe's tavern",
- "mom and dad",
- "money lender",
- "moo shoo pork",
- "moon cheese",
- "moot point",
- "more better",
- "more chocolate",
- "more coffee",
- "more cow bell",
- "more internets",
- "morning person",
- "most interesting man",
- "most likely",
- "mother country",
- "mother earth",
- "motley crew",
- "mouth watering",
- "move along",
- "move mountains",
- "move over",
- "moveable feast",
- "movers and shakers",
- "movie star",
- "mrs robinson",
- "muffled rap music",
- "multi pass",
- "mum's the word",
- "mumbo jumbo",
- "murphy's law",
- "mushy peas",
- "music machine",
- "mustachioed",
- "my bad",
- "my beating heart",
- "my better half",
- "my dear watson",
- "my friends can't dance",
- "my mind's eye",
- "my sources say no",
- "naise cain",
- "namby-pamby",
- "name drop",
- "nanoo nanoo",
- "nap time",
- "narrow minded",
- "nautical phrases",
- "ne regrets",
- "near tannhauser gate",
- "neart strings",
- "neckbeard",
- "need a bigger boat",
- "needs must",
- "nercolas cerg",
- "nest egg",
- "never give up",
- "never gonna give you up",
- "never mind",
- "never quit",
- "new york city",
- "nice job",
- "nice marmot",
- "nice to meet you",
- "night owl",
- "nip and tuck",
- "nitty gritty",
- "no brainer",
- "no crying in baseball",
- "no dice",
- "no friend of mine",
- "no holds barred",
- "no means no",
- "no regrets",
- "no soup for you",
- "no spoon",
- "no stinking badges",
- "no time to explain",
- "no way",
- "nobody home",
- "none of the above",
- "nope chuck testa",
- "nose bleed",
- "nosy parker",
- "not a bot",
- "not in kansas",
- "not yet",
- "now and forever",
- "now look here",
- "nth degree",
- "nul points",
- "numa numa",
- "nut case",
- "nutrition",
- "nyan cat",
- "nyquist rate",
- "of course",
- "off the record",
- "oh brother",
- "oh em gee",
- "oh hai",
- "oh sigh",
- "oh so close",
- "oh yes",
- "oh you",
- "oh,you",
- "oh, wait",
- "okey dokey",
- "old hat",
- "old man winter",
- "old shoe",
- "om nom nom",
- "on a boat",
- "on cloud nine",
- "on the ball",
- "on the qt",
- "on-off",
- "once again",
- "once upon a time",
- "one day more",
- "one fell swoop",
- "one hit wonder",
- "one small step for man",
- "one stop shop",
- "one way",
- "one way street",
- "one, two, three",
- "only way to be sure",
- "oontz oontz",
- "oops a daisy",
- "open season",
- "open sesame",
- "orange juice",
- "other worldly",
- "out of sorts",
- "out of toner",
- "outlook good",
- "over the hill",
- "over the moon",
- "over the top",
- "over there",
- "oxford university",
- "oxo cube",
- "paint it red",
- "pandora's box",
- "pants on the ground",
- "paper jam",
- "paper plate",
- "partial derivative",
- "partly cloudy",
- "party on garth",
- "passing lane",
- "patch of grass",
- "path less taken",
- "patience child",
- "patty cake",
- "pay the ferryman",
- "pea brain",
- "pearly whites",
- "peg out",
- "pell mell",
- "penny loafer",
- "people like me",
- "pepe silvia",
- "pepper pot",
- "pepperoni pizza",
- "peppers and onions",
- "perfect world",
- "pester power",
- "peter out",
- "philadelphia",
- "phone home",
- "pick me",
- "pick up sticks",
- "pickle juice",
- "pickled peppers",
- "picture perfect",
- "pie are round",
- "pie are squared",
- "pie chart",
- "piece of cake",
- "pig's ear",
- "piggyback",
- "pin money",
- "pipe down",
- "pipe dream",
- "piping hot",
- "pitter patter",
- "pizza topping",
- "plain sailing",
- "play a game",
- "play again",
- "play ball",
- "play hookey",
- "play it again sam",
- "pleased as punch",
- "plenty of time",
- "plugged nickel",
- "plus or minus",
- "pocket sized",
- "pod bay doors",
- "poetic justice",
- "point blank",
- "point to point",
- "points dont matter",
- "points font matter",
- "poison apple",
- "political party",
- "politicaly correct",
- "poly's cracker",
- "pond life",
- "pool boy",
- "pool hall",
- "pool house",
- "poor house",
- "pork pies",
- "pound cake",
- "power dressing",
- "power tool",
- "practice makes perfect",
- "press into service",
- "prime time",
- "primrose path",
- "print out",
- "print paper",
- "printer paper",
- "propane accessories",
- "public good",
- "pudding pops",
- "puffy shirt",
- "pumpkin pie",
- "puppy dog",
- "puppy love",
- "push harder",
- "push on",
- "push the edge",
- "push the envelope",
- "pyrrhic victory",
- "quality time",
- "queen nefertiti",
- "queen of hearts",
- "queen's yacht",
- "question everything",
- "question mark",
- "quid pro quo",
- "quotations",
- "rack and ruin",
- "rack your brains",
- "rain go away",
- "rain tonight",
- "rainy days",
- "raise cain",
- "raspberry tart",
- "reach higher",
- "read all over",
- "read me, write me",
- "read my mail",
- "ready set go",
- "real hoopy frood",
- "real mccoy",
- "red herring",
- "red tape",
- "red white and blue",
- "red-handed",
- "reduplicated phrases",
- "remain calm",
- "rent-a-swag",
- "respect me",
- "return to sender",
- "reverse the polarity",
- "rhino beetle",
- "rhodeisland",
- "rhyme nor reason",
- "rhyming slang",
- "rice and beans",
- "rice job",
- "ride the subway",
- "riff-raff",
- "right hand turn",
- "right left",
- "righty tighty",
- "ring fencing",
- "ring fenring",
- "rinky-dink",
- "rise and shine",
- "river song",
- "river styx",
- "road apples",
- "road less travelled",
- "roast beef",
- "robe of saffron",
- "rocket science",
- "rodents of unusual size",
- "roflcopter",
- "roll again",
- "roll over",
- "roller skates",
- "rolling stone",
- "rooftop",
- "room for activities",
- "roommate agreement",
- "root beer float",
- "rope burn",
- "rosebud",
- "rosie lea",
- "rough diamond",
- "round one",
- "round robin",
- "round tab1e",
- "route one",
- "row boat",
- "roy g biv",
- "royal flush",
- "rubicon crossed",
- "rule of chomio",
- "rule of thumb",
- "rum do",
- "run amok",
- "run away",
- "run farther",
- "run the gauntlet",
- "run through",
- "runny nose",
- "saber tooth",
- "sacred cow",
- "safe streets",
- "safer streets",
- "safety first",
- "salad days",
- "salt and pepper",
- "salty cheese",
- "same same",
- "sandy beach",
- "saturday detention",
- "saucy",
- "sauer kraut",
- "sausages",
- "save face",
- "save it",
- "save our bluths",
- "savoir faire",
- "sax and violins",
- "say cheese",
- "school is cool",
- "science class",
- "science fair",
- "science it works",
- "science project",
- "scot free",
- "screw driver",
- "sea change",
- "sea shell",
- "sea shore",
- "seattle",
- "see red",
- "see ya",
- "see-saw",
- "seek beauty",
- "seems legit",
- "seize the day",
- "select from table",
- "send packing",
- "senior citizen",
- "seven ate nine",
- "seven signs",
- "seze the day",
- "shake a leg",
- "shaken not stirred",
- "shakers and movers",
- "shane come back",
- "sharp pencil",
- "sharp stick",
- "she loves him",
- "she sells",
- "she sells seashells",
- "she's a witch",
- "sheldon alpha five",
- "shilly-shally",
- "ship shape",
- "shoe shine",
- "shoes shine",
- "shoot through",
- "shoulder of orion",
- "show down",
- "shuffle the deck",
- "sick puppy",
- "signal your turns",
- "signs point to yes",
- "silence is golden",
- "silver bells",
- "silver bullet",
- "silver hoing",
- "silver lining",
- "silver spoon",
- "sin cos tan",
- "since when",
- "sing a song",
- "sixes and sevens",
- "sixteen point turn",
- "skidrow",
- "skip a turn",
- "sky's the limit",
- "skynet is watching",
- "skynet knows",
- "skynet watches",
- "sleep tight",
- "sleepy hollow",
- "slimy goop",
- "slippery slope",
- "sloane ranger",
- "slow down",
- "slow milenky lizards",
- "slush fund",
- "slythy toves",
- "small fries",
- "small fry",
- "smart casual",
- "smart phone",
- "smashed potato",
- "smell that",
- "smelling salt",
- "smoked salmon",
- "snake eyes",
- "snapshot",
- "snare drum",
- "sneezing baby panda",
- "snoop lion",
- "snow drift",
- "snow flurry",
- "snow shovel",
- "so far away",
- "so life like",
- "so so",
- "sod's law",
- "soft kitty warm kitty",
- "soft kitty, warm kitty",
- "somebody that i used to know",
- "sonic screw driver",
- "sorry dave",
- "sorry sight",
- "souffle girl",
- "sound bite",
- "sound of sirens",
- "sound out",
- "sour grapes",
- "space is big",
- "space plumber",
- "spangled banner",
- "speeding bullet",
- "spelling bee",
- "spend time",
- "spick and span",
- "spicy",
- "spicy hot",
- "spin doctor",
- "spitting feathers",
- "spitting image",
- "spoilers",
- "spread the net",
- "spring water",
- "spruce up",
- "square meal",
- "square one",
- "squeaky clean",
- "squirrel friend",
- "st johns bay",
- "stalla stella",
- "stand and deliver",
- "stand by me",
- "stand up guy",
- "star spangled",
- "star wars kid",
- "start from scratch",
- "stay safe",
- "steak and eggs",
- "steam punk",
- "steering wheel",
- "step back",
- "step over",
- "steve holt",
- "steve jobs",
- "sticky wicket",
- "sting like a bee",
- "stinking rich",
- "stinky feet",
- "stone soup",
- "stone's throw",
- "stony hearted",
- "stool pigeon",
- "stop waisting time",
- "stranger danger",
- "streams of oceanus",
- "strike a match",
- "strike three",
- "string along",
- "string cheese",
- "stuck in mud",
- "stump up",
- "sudo make sandwich",
- "sulphur smell",
- "summon inglip",
- "sun tzu says",
- "sunday",
- "sunshine",
- "super star",
- "surf and turf",
- "surface integral",
- "swan song",
- "sweet dreams",
- "sweety pie",
- "swirling vortex of entropy",
- "taco tuesday",
- "take a look",
- "take an umbrella",
- "take care",
- "take it all",
- "take out food",
- "take potluck",
- "take the cake",
- "take umbrage",
- "take wrong turns",
- "taken aback",
- "talk the talk",
- "talk to strangers",
- "talk turkey",
- "tall building",
- "tall story",
- "tastes good",
- "tastes like chicken",
- "tea earl gray hot",
- "tea leaf",
- "tea with jam",
- "tea with milk",
- "tear us apart",
- "technicolor yawn",
- "teflon president",
- "teh inter webs",
- "ten four",
- "tesla coil",
- "thank you",
- "thank you, come again",
- "that escalated quickly",
- "that hurts",
- "that will not work",
- "that's a fact jack",
- "that's all folks",
- "that's enough",
- "that's hot",
- "that's it",
- "that's my spot",
- "that's right",
- "the bee's knees",
- "the bible",
- "the big apple",
- "the big cheese",
- "the big easy",
- "the cat lady",
- "the cats cradle",
- "the dennis system",
- "the dude abides",
- "the extra mile",
- "the next level",
- "the nightman cometh",
- "the one eyed man is a king",
- "the other side",
- "the tribe has spoken",
- "the yellow king",
- "there is no spoon",
- "there is only zul",
- "there once was",
- "these parts",
- "they are watching",
- "they ate it",
- "thick and thin",
- "thin air",
- "think create do",
- "think green",
- "think hard",
- "think twice",
- "thinking cap",
- "third degree",
- "thirty one days",
- "this is it",
- "this is not fake",
- "this is sparta",
- "this or that",
- "this statement is false",
- "three short words",
- "three strikes",
- "through the grapevine",
- "thumbs up",
- "thunder storm",
- "ticked off",
- "tickle the ivories",
- "tickled ivories",
- "tickled pink",
- "tide over",
- "tight lipped",
- "time and paper",
- "time circuits",
- "time flies",
- "time is an illusion",
- "time lord",
- "time machine",
- "time will tell",
- "times square",
- "tinker's dam",
- "to boot",
- "toast points",
- "toe the line",
- "toe-curling",
- "together again",
- "too bad",
- "too late",
- "too many cooks",
- "too many secrets",
- "too salty",
- "toodle oo",
- "top dog",
- "top drawer",
- "top notch",
- "top ten",
- "topsy turvy",
- "topsy-turvy",
- "total shamble",
- "towel dry",
- "tower of strength",
- "toy soldier",
- "traffic jam",
- "traffic light",
- "train surfing",
- "travel size",
- "treat yoself",
- "trick or treat",
- "trickle down",
- "trolololol",
- "true blue",
- "true life",
- "trust me",
- "tuckered out",
- "tuna fish",
- "tune in",
- "turkey sandwich",
- "turn signal",
- "turn the tables",
- "turn up trumps",
- "twenty eight days",
- "twenty four seven",
- "twenty one",
- "twenty three",
- "two cents worth",
- "two hands",
- "two left feet",
- "two tone",
- "u jelly",
- "umbrella corporation",
- "uncharted island",
- "uncle leo",
- "under the sea",
- "underpants",
- "union jack",
- "unlimited wishes",
- "untied laces",
- "until next time",
- "until tomorrow",
- "until tonight",
- "up and away",
- "up or down",
- "upper crust",
- "upper hand",
- "ups a daisy",
- "upside down",
- "upvote this",
- "upward slope",
- "urban myth",
- "usual suspects",
- "uu dd lr lr ba",
- "van surfing",
- "vanilla ice cream",
- "veg out",
- "vegan diet",
- "vegan zombie wants grains",
- "vegetarian",
- "very doubtful",
- "very nice",
- "vice versa",
- "vicious cycle",
- "video tape",
- "vienna calling",
- "virtue of necessity",
- "vis a vis",
- "vocal minority",
- "vogon poetry",
- "voigt kampf",
- "vorpal sword",
- "vote pancakes",
- "wake of the flood",
- "walk free",
- "walk the plank",
- "walk the walk",
- "want more",
- "warp speed",
- "wash whites separately",
- "watch c-beams glitter",
- "watch me",
- "watch out",
- "water gate",
- "wax poetic",
- "way to go",
- "way to go donny",
- "we go forwards",
- "we like the moon",
- "weakest link",
- "weasel words",
- "welcome to earth",
- "well done",
- "well heeled",
- "well isn't that special",
- "well now",
- "well read",
- "weylan yutani",
- "what even",
- "what ever",
- "what for",
- "what if",
- "what is for dinner",
- "what is your quest",
- "what should we call me",
- "what to see",
- "what's that",
- "wheel group",
- "when where",
- "where to go",
- "whet your appetite",
- "whistle and flute",
- "white as snow",
- "white bread",
- "white elephant",
- "white rabbit",
- "who am i",
- "who are you",
- "who is it",
- "who you gonna call",
- "who, what, where",
- "whoa there",
- "whole nine yards",
- "whole shebang",
- "whoopee cushion",
- "whoops a daisy",
- "wicked witch",
- "wide berth",
- "wild and crazy guys",
- "wild and woolly",
- "wild goose chase",
- "wild west",
- "willy nilly",
- "win hands down",
- "window dressing",
- "wing it",
- "winning",
- "winter is coming",
- "winter snow",
- "wisdom of inglip",
- "wisdom teeth",
- "wishy-washy",
- "with bells on",
- "without a doubt",
- "woof woof",
- "word for word",
- "words of wisdom",
- "work out",
- "would you believe",
- "wright flyer",
- "writing desk",
- "x all the y",
- "xylophone",
- "yada yada",
- "yadda yadda yadda",
- "yeah right",
- "year dot",
- "yee haw",
- "yelling goat",
- "yellow belly",
- "yes definitely",
- "yes ma'am",
- "yes sir",
- "yes this is dog",
- "you are happy",
- "you are here",
- "you can do this",
- "you don't say",
- "you first",
- "you good",
- "you have my stapler",
- "you rock",
- "you the man",
- "you win",
- "you're in my spot",
- "you're not listening",
- "you're welcome",
- "zig zag",
- "zombie attack",
- "zombie prom",
- "who what where",
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