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- # Install Samba client tools
- #
- class samba::client {
- case $::operatingsystem {
- "openbsd": { $package = "samba" }
- default: { $package = "samba-client" }
- }
- package { $package:
- ensure => installed,
- }
- }
- # Add included samba configuration files
- #
- # This class is used internally by samba to override various configs.
- #
- class samba::server::configs {
- file { "/etc/samba/smb.conf.d/print.conf":
- ensure => present,
- content => "load printers = no\nprintcap name = /dev/null\n",
- mode => "0644",
- owner => "root",
- group => $::operatingsystem ? {
- "openbsd" => "wheel",
- default => "root",
- },
- require => File["/etc/samba/smb.conf.d"],
- notify => Service["smb"],
- }
- file { "/etc/samba/smb.conf.d/domain.conf":
- ensure => present,
- content => "os level = 20\n",
- mode => "0644",
- owner => "root",
- group => $::operatingsystem ? {
- "openbsd" => "wheel",
- default => "root",
- },
- require => File["/etc/samba/smb.conf.d"],
- notify => Service["smb"],
- }
- file { "/etc/samba/smb.conf.d/wins.conf":
- ensure => present,
- content => $samba_wins ? {
- "" => "name resolve order = lmhosts host bcast\n",
- default => "name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast\nwins server = ${samba_wins}\n",
- },
- mode => "0644",
- owner => "root",
- group => $::operatingsystem ? {
- "openbsd" => "wheel",
- default => "root",
- },
- require => File["/etc/samba/smb.conf.d"],
- notify => Service["smb"],
- }
- }
- # Install Samba server
- #
- # === Parameters
- #
- # $auth:
- # Server authentication type. Valid values are tdbsam, ldap, ad and
- # domain. Default is tdbsam.
- # $description:
- # Server description. Defaults to "Samba Server Version %v".
- # $interfaces:
- # Array of intefaces samba should listen to. See "interfaces" option
- # from smb.conf manual page for syntax. Localhost interface is
- # added automatically. Defaults to all active interfaces.
- # $names:
- # Array of NetBIOS names that host will be advertised. Defaults to
- # [$::hostname].
- # $workgroup:
- # Workgroup or domain name. For ad authentication this needs to be
- # full ad realm name.
- # $localconf:
- # Source of optional local configuration.
- # $charset:
- # Charset the unix machine Samba runs on uses. Defaults to iso-8859-1.
- #
- # === Global variables
- #
- # $samba_wins:
- # WINS server address
- #
- # $ldap_server:
- # LDAP server URI's to use. Only used when $auth is set to ldap.
- # $ldap_basedn:
- # LDAP basedn. Only used when $auth is set to ldap.
- #
- # $samba_join_user:
- # Username to use when joining to domain. Only used when $auth is
- # set to domain.
- # $samba_join_pass:
- # Password to use when joining to domain. Only used when $auth is
- # set to domain.
- #
- class samba::server(
- $names=[$::hostname],
- $auth="tdbsam",
- $workgroup="WORKGROUP",
- $description="Samba Server Version %v",
- $charset="iso-8859-1",
- $interfaces=undef,
- $localconf=undef,
- ) {
- require samba::client
- include samba::server::configs
- if $::operatingsystem != "OpenBSD" {
- package { "samba":
- ensure => installed,
- }
- }
- file { "/etc/samba/smb.conf":
- ensure => present,
- content => template("samba/smb.conf.erb"),
- mode => "0644",
- owner => "root",
- group => $::operatingsystem ? {
- "openbsd" => "wheel",
- default => "root",
- },
- require => Package["samba"],
- notify => Service["smb"],
- }
- file { "/etc/samba/smb.conf.d":
- ensure => directory,
- mode => "0755",
- owner => "root",
- group => $::operatingsystem ? {
- "openbsd" => "wheel",
- default => "root",
- },
- purge => true,
- require => Package["samba"],
- }
- exec { "generate-samba-shares-conf":
- command => "find /etc/samba/smb.conf.d/share-*.conf -exec echo 'include = {}' \\; > /etc/samba/smb.conf.d/shares.conf",
- path => "/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin",
- refreshonly => true,
- notify => Service["smb"],
- }
- file { "/etc/samba/smb.conf.d/shares.conf":
- ensure => present,
- mode => "0644",
- owner => "root",
- group => $::operatingsystem ? {
- "openbsd" => "wheel",
- default => "root",
- },
- }
- if $localconf {
- file { "/etc/samba/smb.conf.d/local.conf":
- ensure => present,
- mode => "0644",
- owner => "root",
- group => $::operatingsystem ? {
- "openbsd" => "wheel",
- default => "root",
- },
- source => $localconf,
- notify => Service["smb"],
- }
- }
- file { "/etc/samba/lmhosts":
- ensure => present,
- source => [ "puppet:///files/samba/lmhosts.${::homename}",
- "puppet:///files/samba/lmhosts",
- "puppet:///modules/samba/lmhosts", ],
- mode => "0644",
- owner => "root",
- group => $::operatingsystem ? {
- "openbsd" => "wheel",
- default => "root",
- },
- require => Package["samba"],
- }
- case $auth {
- "ldap": {
- exec { "smbpasswd -w":
- command => "smbpasswd -w \"\${SECRET}\"",
- environment => "SECRET=${samba_ldap_pass}",
- path => "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin",
- unless => "fgrep SECRETS/LDAP_BIND_PW /var/lib/samba/private/secrets.tdb",
- require => File["/etc/samba/smb.conf"],
- notify => Service["smb"],
- }
- }
- "domain": {
- exec { "net join":
- command => "net join -U ${samba_join_user}%\"\${SECRET}\"",
- environment => "SECRET=${samba_join_pass}",
- path => "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin",
- unless => "net rpc testjoin",
- require => Service["smb"],
- }
- }
- "ad": {
- exec { "net ads join":
- command => "net ads join -U ${samba_join_user}%\"\${SECRET}\"",
- environment => "SECRET=${samba_join_pass}",
- path => "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin",
- unless => "net ads testjoin",
- require => Service["smb"],
- }
- }
- }
- service { "smb":
- ensure => running,
- enable => true,
- name => $::operatingsystem ? {
- "openbsd" => "smbd",
- "ubuntu" => "smbd",
- default => "smb",
- },
- }
- service { "nmb":
- name => $::operatingsystem ? {
- "openbsd" => "nmbd",
- "ubuntu" => "nmbd",
- default => "nmb",
- },
- ensure => running,
- enable => true,
- subscribe => Service["smb"],
- }
- }
- # Add WINS server role to Samba server
- #
- class samba::server::wins inherits samba::server::configs {
- File["/etc/samba/smb.conf.d/wins.conf"] {
- content => "name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast\nwins support = true\ndns proxy = true\n",
- }
- }
- # Add Primary Domain Controller role to Samba server
- #
- class samba::server::pdc($datadir="/srv/netlogon") inherits samba::server::configs {
- if $datadir != "/srv/netlogon" {
- file { "/srv/netlogon":
- ensure => link,
- target => $datadir,
- owner => "root",
- group => $::operatingsystem ? {
- "openbsd" => "wheel",
- default => "root",
- },
- seltype => "samba_share_t",
- before => Service["smb"],
- }
- selinux::manage_fcontext { "/srv/netlogon(/.*)?":
- type => "samba_share_t",
- before => File["/srv/netlogon"],
- }
- }
- file { $datadir:
- ensure => directory,
- mode => "0755",
- owner => "root",
- group => $::operatingsystem ? {
- "openbsd" => "wheel",
- default => "root",
- },
- seltype => "samba_share_t",
- before => Service["smb"],
- }
- selinux::manage_fcontext { "${datadir}(/.*)?":
- type => "samba_share_t",
- before => File[$datadir],
- }
- samba::server::share { "netlogon":
- path => "/srv/netlogon",
- comment => "Network Logon Service",
- readonly => true,
- options => [ "locking = no", "guest ok = yes", ],
- }
- File["/etc/samba/smb.conf.d/domain.conf"] {
- content => template("samba/domain.conf-pdc.erb"),
- }
- }
- # Add Backup Domain Controller role to Samba server
- #
- class samba::server::bdc inherits samba::server::pdc {
- file { "/usr/local/sbin/sync-netlogon":
- ensure => present,
- source => "puppet:///modules/samba/sync-netlogon",
- mode => "0755",
- owner => "root",
- group => "root",
- }
- cron { "sync-netlogon":
- command => "/usr/local/sbin/sync-netlogon",
- minute => "52",
- user => "root",
- require => File["/usr/local/sbin/sync-netlogon"],
- }
- File["/etc/samba/smb.conf.d/domain.conf"] {
- content => template("samba/domain.conf-bdc.erb"),
- }
- }
- # Add Home directory server role to Samba server
- #
- class samba::server::homes {
- if !defined(Selinux::Boolean["samba_enable_home_dirs"]) {
- selinux::boolean { "samba_enable_home_dirs":
- value => "on",
- before => Service["smb"],
- }
- }
- samba::server::share { "homes":
- path => "%H",
- comment => "Home Directories",
- options => [ "veto files = /.windows/", "browseable = no", ],
- }
- }
- # Add Profile server role to Samba server
- #
- class samba::server::profiles {
- if !defined(Selinux::Boolean["samba_enable_home_dirs"]) {
- selinux::boolean { "samba_enable_home_dirs":
- value => "on",
- before => Service["smb"],
- }
- }
- selinux::boolean { "samba_create_home_dirs":
- value => on,
- before => Service["smb"],
- }
- file { "/srv/profiles":
- ensure => directory,
- mode => "0755",
- owner => "root",
- group => $::operatingsystem ? {
- "openbsd" => "wheel",
- default => "root",
- },
- seltype => "samba_share_t",
- before => Service["smb"],
- }
- selinux::manage_fcontext { "/srv/profiles(/.*)?":
- type => "samba_share_t",
- before => File["/srv/profiles"],
- }
- samba::server::share { "profiles":
- path => "/srv/profiles",
- comment => "Roaming Profiles",
- options => [
- "wide links = yes",
- "profile acls = yes",
- "root preexec = sh -c 'umask 022 ; ( [ -h /srv/profiles/%U ] || ln -s %H/.windows/profile /srv/profiles/%U ) ; ( [ -h /srv/profiles/%U.V2 ] || ln -s %H/.windows/vista /srv/profiles/%U.V2 )'",
- "preexec = sh -c 'umask 077; mkdir -p %H/.windows/profile %H/.windows/vista'",
- ],
- }
- }
- # Add new share to Samba server
- #
- # === Parameters
- #
- # $name:
- # Share name
- # $path:
- # Directory to share
- # $comment:
- # Share description. Defaults to $name.
- # $readonly:
- # Set to true to make share read only.
- # $options:
- # Array of extra options to add for share.
- #
- # === Sample usage
- #
- # samba::server::share { "r-sysadm":
- # comment => "Role: sysadm",
- # path => "/roles/sysadm",
- # options => [ "hide files = /desktop.ini/Desktop.ini/" ],
- # }
- #
- define samba::server::share($path, $comment=undef, $readonly=undef,
- $options=[]) {
- file { "/etc/samba/smb.conf.d/share-${name}.conf":
- ensure => present,
- content => template("samba/share.conf.erb"),
- mode => "0644",
- owner => "root",
- group => $::operatingsystem ? {
- "openbsd" => "wheel",
- default => "root",
- },
- require => File["/etc/samba/smb.conf.d"],
- notify => Exec["generate-samba-shares-conf"]
- }
- }