ActionScript | 314 lines | 100 code | 4 blank | 210 comment | 0 complexity | c62c0dc0b69ffeadda4c905bbacfacba MD5 | raw file
- package fl.controls
- {
- import fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer;
- import fl.controls.listClasses.ICellRenderer;
- import fl.controls.listClasses.ImageCell;
- import fl.controls.listClasses.ListData;
- import fl.controls.listClasses.TileListData;
- import fl.controls.ScrollBar;
- import fl.controls.ScrollBarDirection;
- import fl.controls.ScrollPolicy;
- import fl.controls.SelectableList;
- import fl.core.InvalidationType;
- import fl.core.UIComponent;
- import fl.data.DataProvider;
- import fl.data.TileListCollectionItem;
- import fl.events.DataChangeEvent;
- import fl.events.DataChangeType;
- import fl.events.ListEvent;
- import fl.events.ScrollEvent;
- import fl.managers.IFocusManagerComponent;
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
- import flash.ui.Keyboard;
- import flash.utils.Dictionary;
- /**
- * The skin to be used as the background of the TileList component.
* @default TileList_skin
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- [Style(name="skin", type="Class")]
- /**
- * The cell renderer to be used to render each item in the TileList component.
* @default fl.contols.listClasses.ImageCell
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- [Style(name="cellRenderer", type="Class")]
- /**
- * The TileList class provides a grid of rows and columns that is typically used
* to format and display images in a "tiled" format. The default cell renderer for
* this component is the ImageCell class. An ImageCell cell renderer displays a
* thumbnail image and a single-line label. To render a list-based cell in a
* TileList component, use the CellRenderer class.
* <p>To modify the padding that separates the cell border from the image, you
* can globally set the <code>imagePadding</code> style, or set it on the ImageCell
* class. Like other cell styles, the <code>imagePadding</code> style cannot be
* set on the TileList component instance.</p>
* @see fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer
* @see fl.controls.listClasses.ImageCell
* @includeExample examples/TileListExample.as
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public class TileList extends SelectableList implements IFocusManagerComponent
- {
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected var _rowHeight : Number;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected var _columnWidth : Number;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected var _scrollDirection : String;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected var _scrollPolicy : String;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected var _cellRenderer : Object;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected var oldLength : uint;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected var _labelField : String;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected var _labelFunction : Function;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected var _iconField : String;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected var _iconFunction : Function;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
- */
- protected var _sourceField : String;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
- */
- protected var _sourceFunction : Function;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
- */
- protected var __rowCount : uint;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
- */
- protected var __columnCount : uint;
- /**
- * @private
- */
- private var collectionItemImport : TileListCollectionItem;
- /**
- * @private
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- private static var defaultStyles : Object;
- /**
- * @private
* Method for creating the Accessibility class.
* This method is called from UIComponent.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public static var createAccessibilityImplementation : Function;
- /**
- * @copy fl.controls.SelectableList#dataProvider
* @includeExample examples/TileList.dataProvider.1.as -noswf
* @includeExample examples/TileList.dataProvider.2.as -noswf
* @includeExample examples/TileList.dataProvider.3.as -noswf
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get dataProvider () : DataProvider;
- /**
- * @private (setter)
- */
- public function set dataProvider (value:DataProvider) : void;
- /**
- * Gets or sets a field in each item that contains a label for each tile.
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> The <code>labelField</code> is not used if
* the <code>labelFunction</code> property is set to a callback function.</p>
* @default "label"
* @includeExample examples/TileList.labelField.1.as -noswf
* @see #labelFunction
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get labelField () : String;
- /**
- * @private (setter)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function set labelField (value:String) : void;
- /**
- * Gets a function that indicates the fields of an item that provide the label text for a tile.
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> The <code>labelField</code> is not used if
* the <code>labelFunction</code> property is set to a callback function.</p>
* @default null
* @includeExample examples/TileList.labelFunction.1.as -noswf
* @see #labelField
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get labelFunction () : Function;
- /**
- * @private (setter)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function set labelFunction (value:Function) : void;
- /**
- * Gets or sets the item field that provides the icon for the item.
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> The <code>iconField</code> is not used
* if the <code>iconFunction</code> property is set to a callback function.</p>
* <p>Icons can be classes or they can be symbols from the library that have a class name.</p>
* @default null
* @includeExample examples/TileList.iconField.1.as -noswf
* @see #iconFunction
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get iconField () : String;
- /**
- * @private (setter)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function set iconField (value:String) : void;
- /**
- * Gets or sets the function to be used to obtain the icon for the item.
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> The <code>iconField</code> is not used if the
* <code>iconFunction</code> property is set to a callback function.</p>
* <p>Icons can be classes, or they can be library items that have class names.</p>
* @default null
* @includeExample examples/TileList.iconFunction.1.as -noswf
* @see #iconField
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get iconFunction () : Function;
- /**
- * @private (setter)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function set iconFunction (value:Function) : void;
- /**
- * Gets or sets the item field that provides the source path for a tile.
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> The <code>sourceField</code> is not used if the
* <code>sourceFunction</code> property is set to a callback function.</p>
* @default "source"
* @includeExample examples/TileList.sourceField.1.as -noswf
* @see #sourceFunction
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get sourceField () : String;
- /**
- * @private (setter)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function set sourceField (value:String) : void;
- /**
- * Gets or sets the function to be used to obtain the source path for a tile.
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> The <code>sourceField</code> is not used if the
* <code>sourceFunction</code> property is set to a callback function.</p>
* @default null
* @includeExample examples/TileList.sourceFunction.1.as -noswf
* @see #sourceField
* @internal [peter] Check with Metaliq that this is still accurate.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get sourceFunction () : Function;
- /**
- * @private (setter)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function set sourceFunction (value:Function) : void;
- /**
- * Gets or sets the number of rows that are at least partially visible
* in the list.
* <p>Setting the <code>rowCount</code> property changes the height of the
* list, but the TileList component does not maintain this value. It
* is important to set the <code>rowCount</code> value <em>after</em> setting the
* <code>dataProvider</code> and <code>rowHeight</code> values. The only
* exception is if the <code>rowCount</code> is set with the Property
* inspector; in this case, the property is maintained until the component
* is first drawn.</p>
* @default 0
* @includeExample examples/TileList.rowCount.1.as -noswf
* @see #columnCount
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get rowCount () : uint;
- /**
- * @private (setter)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function set rowCount (value:uint) : void;
- /**
- * Gets or sets the height that is applied to each row in the list, in pixels.
* @default 50
* @includeExample examples/TileList.rowHeight.1.as -noswf
* @see #columnWidth
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get rowHeight () : Number;
- /**
- * @private (setter)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function set rowHeight (value:Number) : void;
- /**
- * Gets or sets the number of columns that are at least partially visible in the
* list. Setting the <code>columnCount</code> property changes the width of the list,
* but the TileList component does not maintain this value. It is important to set the
* <code>columnCount</code> value <em>after</em> setting the <code>dataProvider</code>
* and <code>rowHeight</code> values. The only exception is if the <code>rowCount</code>
* is set with the Property inspector; in this case, the property is maintained until the
* component is first drawn.
* @default 0
* @includeExample examples/TileList.columnCount.1.as -noswf
* @see #rowCount
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get columnCount () : uint;
- /**
- * @private (setter)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function set columnCount (value:uint) : void;
- /**
- * Gets or sets the width that is applied to a column in the list, in pixels.
* @default 50
* @includeExample examples/TileList.columnWidth.1.as -noswf
* @see #rowHeight
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get columnWidth () : Number;
- /**
- * @private (setter)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function set columnWidth (value:Number) : void;
- /**
- * Gets the width of the content area, in pixels. This value is the component width
* minus the combined width of the <code>contentPadding</code> value and vertical scroll bar,
* if the vertical scroll bar is visible.
* @includeExample examples/TileList.innerWidth.1.as -noswf
* @see #innerHeight
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get innerWidth () : Number;
- /**
- * Gets the height of the content area, in pixels. This value is the component height
* minus the combined height of the <code>contentPadding</code> value and horizontal
* scroll bar height, if the horizontal scroll bar is visible.
* @see #innerWidth
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get innerHeight () : Number;
- /**
- * Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the TileList component scrolls
* horizontally or vertically. A value of <code>ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL</code>
* indicates that the TileList component scrolls horizontally; a value of
* <code>ScrollBarDirection.VERTICAL</code> indicates that the TileList component scrolls vertically.
* @default ScrollBarDirection.VERTICAL
* @includeExample examples/TileList.direction.1.as -noswf
* @see ScrollBarDirection
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get direction () : String;
- /**
- * @private (setter)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function set direction (value:String) : void;
- /**
- * Gets or sets the scroll policy for the TileList component. This
* value is used to specify the scroll policy for the scroll bar that
* is set by the <code>direction</code> property.
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> The TileList component supports scrolling only in
* one direction. Tiles are adjusted to fit into the viewable area of
* the component, so that tiles are hidden in only one direction.</p>
* <p>The TileList component resizes to fit tiles only when the user
* manually sets the size or when the user sets the <code>rowCount</code>
* or <code>columnCount</code> properties.</p>
* <p>When this value is set to <code>ScrollPolicy.AUTO</code>, the
* scroll bar is visible only when the TileList component must scroll
* to show all the items.</p>
* @default ScrollPolicy.AUTO
* @includeExample examples/TileList.scrollPolicy.1.as -noswf
* @see #columnCount
* @see #rowCount
* @see ScrollPolicy
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get scrollPolicy () : String;
- /**
- * @private (setter)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function set scrollPolicy (value:String) : void;
- /**
- * @private (hidden)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get verticalScrollPolicy () : String;
- /**
- * @private (setter)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function set verticalScrollPolicy (value:String) : void;
- /**
- * @private (hidden)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get horizontalScrollPolicy () : String;
- /**
- * @private (setter)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function set horizontalScrollPolicy (value:String) : void;
- /**
- * Gets the maximum horizontal scroll position for the current content, in pixels.
* @see fl.containers.BaseScrollPane#horizontalScrollPosition
* @see fl.containers.BaseScrollPane#maxVerticalScrollPosition
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function get maxHorizontalScrollPosition () : Number;
- /**
- * @private (setter)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function set maxHorizontalScrollPosition (value:Number) : void;
- /**
- * @copy fl.core.UIComponent#getStyleDefinition()
* @includeExample ../core/examples/UIComponent.getStyleDefinition.1.as -noswf
* @see fl.core.UIComponent#getStyle()
* @see fl.core.UIComponent#setStyle()
* @see fl.managers.StyleManager
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public static function getStyleDefinition () : Object;
- /**
- * Creates a new List component instance.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function TileList ();
- /**
- * @copy fl.controls.SelectableList#scrollToIndex()
* @includeExample examples/TileList.scrollToIndex.1.as -noswf
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function scrollToIndex (newCaretIndex:int) : void;
- /**
- * Retrieves the string that the renderer displays for a given data object
* based on the <code>labelField</code> and <code>labelFunction</code> properties.
* @param item The Object to be rendered.
* @return The string to be displayed based on the data.
* @internal <code>var label:String = myTileList.itemToLabel(data);</code>
* @see #labelField
* @see #labelFunction
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- public function itemToLabel (item:Object) : String;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected function configUI () : void;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected function setHorizontalScrollPosition (scroll:Number, fireEvent:Boolean = false) : void;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected function setVerticalScrollPosition (scroll:Number, fireEvent:Boolean = false) : void;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected function draw () : void;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected function drawLayout () : void;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected function drawList () : void;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected function keyDownHandler (event:KeyboardEvent) : void;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected function calculateAvailableHeight () : Number;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* Moves the selection in a vertical direction in response
* to the user selecting items using the up-arrow or down-arrow
* Keys and modifiers such as the Shift and Ctrl keys.
* @param code The key that was pressed (e.g. Keyboard.DOWN)
* @param shiftKey <code>true</code> if the shift key was held down when
* the keyboard key was pressed.
* @param ctrlKey <code>true</code> if the ctrl key was held down when
* the keyboard key was pressed
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected function moveSelectionVertically (code:uint, shiftKey:Boolean, ctrlKey:Boolean) : void;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* Moves the selection in a horizontal direction in response
* to the user selecting items using the left-arrow or right-arrow
* keys and modifiers such as the Shift and Ctrl keys.
* <p>Not implemented in List because the default list
* is single column and does not scroll horizontally.</p>
* @param code The key that was pressed (e.g. Keyboard.LEFT)
* @param shiftKey <code>true</code> if the shift key was held down when
* the keyboard key was pressed.
* @param ctrlKey <code>true</code> if the ctrl key was held down when
* the keyboard key was pressed
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected function moveSelectionHorizontally (code:uint, shiftKey:Boolean, ctrlKey:Boolean) : void;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* Changes the selected index, or adds or subtracts the index and
* all indices between when the shift key is used.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected function doKeySelection (newCaretIndex:uint, shiftKey:Boolean, ctrlKey:Boolean) : void;
- /**
- * @private (protected)
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash
- */
- protected function initializeAccessibility () : void;
- }
- }