C# | 361 lines | 278 code | 35 blank | 48 comment | 13 complexity | c1c744692cf3a5b1f66bae4d1f688976 MD5 | raw file
- using System;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Drawing;
- using System.Windows.Forms;
- using System.ComponentModel;
- using WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking;
- using PluginCore.Localization;
- using PluginCore.Utilities;
- using PluginCore.Managers;
- using PluginCore.Helpers;
- using SourceControl.Actions;
- using ProjectManager.Projects;
- using ProjectManager.Actions;
- using ProjectManager;
- using PluginCore;
- namespace SourceControl
- {
- public class PluginMain : IPlugin
- {
- private String pluginName = "SourceControl";
- private String pluginGuid = "42ac7fab-421b-1f38-a985-5735468ac489";
- private String pluginHelp = "www.flashdevelop.org/community/";
- private String pluginDesc = "Source Control integration for FlashDevelop.";
- private String pluginAuth = "FlashDevelop Team";
- private static Settings settingObject;
- private String settingFilename;
- private Image pluginImage;
- private Boolean ready;
- #region Required Properties
- /// <summary>
- /// Api level of the plugin
- /// </summary>
- public Int32 Api
- {
- get { return 1; }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Name of the plugin
- /// </summary>
- public String Name
- {
- get { return this.pluginName; }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// GUID of the plugin
- /// </summary>
- public String Guid
- {
- get { return this.pluginGuid; }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Author of the plugin
- /// </summary>
- public String Author
- {
- get { return this.pluginAuth; }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Description of the plugin
- /// </summary>
- public String Description
- {
- get { return this.pluginDesc; }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Web address for help
- /// </summary>
- public String Help
- {
- get { return this.pluginHelp; }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Object that contains the settings
- /// </summary>
- [Browsable(false)]
- public Object Settings
- {
- get { return settingObject; }
- }
- #endregion
- #region Required Methods
- /// <summary>
- /// Initializes the plugin
- /// </summary>
- public void Initialize()
- {
- this.InitBasics();
- this.LoadSettings();
- this.AddEventHandlers();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Disposes the plugin
- /// </summary>
- public void Dispose()
- {
- ProjectWatcher.Dispose();
- this.SaveSettings();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Handles the incoming events
- /// </summary>
- public void HandleEvent(Object sender, NotifyEvent e, HandlingPriority prority)
- {
- switch (e.Type)
- {
- case EventType.UIStarted:
- ProjectWatcher.Init();
- this.ready = true;
- break;
- // Catches Project change event and display the active project path
- case EventType.Command:
- if (!this.ready) return;
- DataEvent de = e as DataEvent;
- String cmd = de.Action;
- if (!cmd.StartsWith("ProjectManager.")) return;
- switch (cmd)
- {
- case ProjectManagerEvents.Project:
- ProjectWatcher.SetProject(de.Data as Project);
- break;
- case ProjectManagerEvents.TreeSelectionChanged:
- ProjectWatcher.SelectionChanged();
- break;
- case ProjectManagerEvents.UserRefreshTree:
- ProjectWatcher.ForceRefresh();
- break;
- case ProjectFileActionsEvents.FileBeforeRename:
- try
- {
- de.Handled = ProjectWatcher.HandleFileBeforeRename(de.Data as String);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- ErrorManager.ShowError(ex);
- de.Handled = true;
- }
- break;
- case ProjectFileActionsEvents.FileRename:
- try
- {
- de.Handled = ProjectWatcher.HandleFileRename(de.Data as String[]);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- ErrorManager.ShowError(ex);
- de.Handled = true;
- }
- break;
- case ProjectFileActionsEvents.FileDeleteSilent:
- try
- {
- de.Handled = ProjectWatcher.HandleFileDelete(de.Data as String[], false);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- ErrorManager.ShowError(ex);
- de.Handled = true;
- }
- break;
- case ProjectFileActionsEvents.FileDelete:
- try
- {
- de.Handled = ProjectWatcher.HandleFileDelete(de.Data as String[], true);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- ErrorManager.ShowError(ex);
- de.Handled = true;
- }
- break;
- case ProjectFileActionsEvents.FileMove:
- try
- {
- de.Handled = ProjectWatcher.HandleFileMove(de.Data as String[]);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- ErrorManager.ShowError(ex);
- de.Handled = true;
- }
- break;
- case ProjectManagerEvents.BuildProject:
- try
- {
- de.Handled = ProjectWatcher.HandleBuildProject();
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- ErrorManager.ShowError(ex);
- de.Handled = true;
- }
- break;
- case ProjectManagerEvents.TestProject:
- try
- {
- de.Handled = ProjectWatcher.HandleTestProject();
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- ErrorManager.ShowError(ex);
- de.Handled = true;
- }
- break;
- case ProjectManagerEvents.BeforeSave:
- try
- {
- de.Handled = ProjectWatcher.HandleSaveProject((string)de.Data);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- ErrorManager.ShowError(ex);
- de.Handled = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case EventType.FileOpen:
- try
- {
- e.Handled = ProjectWatcher.HandleFileOpen((e as TextEvent).Value);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- ErrorManager.ShowError(ex);
- e.Handled = true;
- }
- break;
- case EventType.FileReload:
- try
- {
- e.Handled = ProjectWatcher.HandleFileReload((e as TextEvent).Value);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- ErrorManager.ShowError(ex);
- e.Handled = true;
- }
- break;
- case EventType.FileModifyRO:
- try
- {
- e.Handled = ProjectWatcher.HandleFileModifyRO((e as TextEvent).Value);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- ErrorManager.ShowError(ex);
- e.Handled = true;
- }
- break;
- case EventType.FileNew:
- case EventType.FileTemplate:
- try
- {
- e.Handled = ProjectWatcher.HandleFileNew((e as TextEvent).Value);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- ErrorManager.ShowError(ex);
- e.Handled = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region Custom Methods
- /// <summary>
- /// Acessor got the settings object
- /// </summary>
- public static Settings SCSettings
- {
- get { return settingObject; }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Initializes important variables
- /// </summary>
- public void InitBasics()
- {
- String dataPath = Path.Combine(PathHelper.DataDir, "SourceControl");
- if (!Directory.Exists(dataPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(dataPath);
- this.settingFilename = Path.Combine(dataPath, "Settings.fdb");
- this.pluginDesc = TextHelper.GetString("Info.Description");
- this.pluginImage = PluginBase.MainForm.FindImage("100");
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Adds the required event handlers
- /// </summary>
- public void AddEventHandlers()
- {
- EventManager.AddEventHandler(this, EventType.UIStarted | EventType.Command | EventType.FileModifyRO | EventType.FileOpen | EventType.FileReload | EventType.FileNew | EventType.FileTemplate);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Loads the plugin settings
- /// </summary>
- public void LoadSettings()
- {
- settingObject = new Settings();
- if (!File.Exists(this.settingFilename)) this.SaveSettings();
- else
- {
- Object obj = ObjectSerializer.Deserialize(this.settingFilename, settingObject);
- settingObject = (Settings)obj;
- }
- // Try to find svn path from: Tools/sliksvn/
- if (settingObject.SVNPath == "svn.exe")
- {
- String svnCmdPath = @"Tools\sliksvn\bin\svn.exe";
- if (PathHelper.ResolvePath(svnCmdPath) != null) settingObject.SVNPath = svnCmdPath;
- }
- // Try to find TortoiseProc path from program files
- if (settingObject.TortoiseSVNProcPath == "TortoiseProc.exe")
- {
- String programFiles = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles");
- String torProcPath = Path.Combine(programFiles, @"TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseProc.exe");
- if (File.Exists(torProcPath)) settingObject.TortoiseSVNProcPath = torProcPath;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Saves the plugin settings
- /// </summary>
- public void SaveSettings()
- {
- ObjectSerializer.Serialize(this.settingFilename, settingObject);
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }