Java | 1475 lines | 956 code | 151 blank | 368 comment | 168 complexity | ed57d4079f7e53151215d9fd977487f8 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0, MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception
- /*
- * $Id: Compiler.java 5819 2006-06-14 07:29:09Z cesar $
- * IzPack
- * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Julien Ponge
- *
- * File : Compiler.java
- * Description : The IzPack compiler.
- * Author's email : julien@izforge.com
- * Author's Website : http://www.izforge.com
- *
- * Portions are Copyright (c) 2001 Johannes Lehtinen
- * johannes.lehtinen@iki.fi
- * http://www.iki.fi/jle/
- *
- * Portions are Copyright (c) 2002 Paul Wilkinson
- * paulw@wilko.com
- *
- * Portions are Copyright (C) 2004 Gaganis Giorgos (geogka@it.teithe.gr)
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- package com.izforge.izpack.compiler;
- import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
- import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
- import java.io.File;
- import java.io.FileInputStream;
- import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
- import java.io.FileOutputStream;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.io.InputStream;
- import java.net.MalformedURLException;
- import java.net.URL;
- import java.net.URLClassLoader;
- import java.util.*;
- import java.util.jar.JarInputStream;
- import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
- import net.n3.nanoxml.NonValidator;
- import net.n3.nanoxml.StdXMLBuilder;
- import net.n3.nanoxml.StdXMLParser;
- import net.n3.nanoxml.StdXMLReader;
- import net.n3.nanoxml.XMLElement;
- import org.apache.tools.ant.DirectoryScanner;
- import com.izforge.izpack.CustomData;
- import com.izforge.izpack.ExecutableFile;
- import com.izforge.izpack.GUIPrefs;
- import com.izforge.izpack.Info;
- import com.izforge.izpack.PackFile;
- import com.izforge.izpack.Panel;
- import com.izforge.izpack.ParsableFile;
- import com.izforge.izpack.UpdateCheck;
- import com.izforge.izpack.event.CompilerListener;
- import com.izforge.izpack.installer.VariableSubstitutor;
- import com.izforge.izpack.util.Debug;
- import com.izforge.izpack.util.OsConstraint;
- /**
- * The IzPack compiler class.
- *
- * @author Julien Ponge
- * @author Tino Schwarze
- * @author Chadwick McHenry
- */
- public class Compiler extends Thread
- {
- /** The compiler version. */
- public final static String VERSION = "1.0";
- /** The IzPack version. */
- public final static String IZPACK_VERSION = "3.7.2 (build 2005.04.22)";
- /** Standard installer. */
- public final static String STANDARD = "standard";
- /** Web installer. */
- public final static String WEB = "web";
- /** The IzPack home directory. */
- public static String IZPACK_HOME = ".";
- /** Constant for checking attributes. */
- private static boolean YES = true;
- /** Constant for checking attributes. */
- private static boolean NO = false;
- /** The IzPack home directory specified or found on startup. */
- private static File home = new File (IZPACK_HOME);
- /** The XML filename. */
- protected String filename;
- /** The base directory. */
- protected String basedir;
- /** The installer kind. */
- protected String kind;
- /** The output jar filename. */
- protected String output;
- /** The packager listener. */
- protected PackagerListener packagerListener;
- /** List of CompilerListeners which should be called
- * at packaging */
- protected List compilerListeners;
- /** Collects and packs files into installation jars, as told. */
- private Packager packager = null;
- /** Error code, set to true if compilation succeeded. */
- private boolean compileFailed = true;
- /**
- * The constructor.
- *
- * @param filename The XML filename.
- * @param basedir The base directory.
- * @param kind The installer kind.
- * @param output The installer filename.
- */
- public Compiler(String filename, String basedir, String kind, String output)
- {
- // Default initialisation
- this.filename = filename;
- this.basedir = basedir;
- this.kind = kind;
- this.output = output;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the packager listener.
- *
- * @param listener The listener.
- */
- public void setPackagerListener(PackagerListener listener)
- {
- packagerListener = listener;
- }
- /** Compiles. */
- public void compile()
- {
- start();
- }
- /** The run() method. */
- public void run()
- {
- try
- {
- executeCompiler(); // Execute the compiler - may send info to System.out
- } catch (CompilerException ce)
- {
- System.out.println(ce.getMessage() + "\n");
- } catch (Exception e)
- {
- if (Debug.stackTracing())
- {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } else
- {
- System.out.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Compiles the installation.
- *
- * @exception Exception Description of the Exception
- */
- public void executeCompiler() throws Exception
- {
- // normalize and test: TODO: may allow failure if we require write access
- File base = new File(basedir).getAbsoluteFile();
- if (!base.canRead() || !base.isDirectory())
- throw new CompilerException("Invalid base directory: " + base);
- // We get the XML data tree
- XMLElement data = getXMLTree();
- // We create the Packager
- packager = new Packager();
- packager.setPackagerListener(packagerListener);
- // We add all the information
- addCustomListeners(data);
- addVariables(data);
- addInfo(data);
- addGUIPrefs(data);
- addLangpacks(data);
- addResources(data);
- addNativeLibraries(data);
- addJars(data);
- addPanels(data);
- addPacks(data);
- // We ask the packager to create the installer
- packager.createInstaller(new File(output));
- this.compileFailed = false;
- }
- public boolean wasSuccessful()
- {
- return !this.compileFailed;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the GUIPrefs.
- *
- * @param data The XML data.
- * return The GUIPrefs.
- * @exception CompilerException Description of the Exception
- */
- protected void addGUIPrefs(XMLElement data) throws CompilerException
- {
- notifyCompilerListener("addGUIPrefs", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data);
- // We get the XMLElement & the attributes
- XMLElement gp = data.getFirstChildNamed("guiprefs");
- GUIPrefs prefs = new GUIPrefs();
- if (gp != null)
- {
- prefs.resizable = requireYesNoAttribute(gp, "resizable");
- prefs.width = requireIntAttribute(gp, "width");
- prefs.height = requireIntAttribute(gp, "height");
- // Look and feel mappings
- Iterator it = gp.getChildrenNamed("laf").iterator();
- while (it.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement laf = (XMLElement)it.next();
- String lafName = requireAttribute(laf, "name");
- requireChildNamed(laf, "os");
- Iterator oit = laf.getChildrenNamed("os").iterator();
- while (oit.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement os = (XMLElement)oit.next();
- String osName = requireAttribute(os, "family");
- prefs.lookAndFeelMapping.put(osName, lafName);
- }
- Iterator pit = laf.getChildrenNamed("param").iterator();
- Map params = new TreeMap();
- while (pit.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement param = (XMLElement)pit.next();
- String name = requireAttribute(param, "name");
- String value = requireAttribute(param, "value");
- params.put(name, value);
- }
- prefs.lookAndFeelParams.put(lafName, params);
- }
- // Load modifier
- it = gp.getChildrenNamed("modifier").iterator();
- while (it.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement curentModifier = (XMLElement)it.next();
- String key = requireAttribute(curentModifier, "key");
- String value = requireAttribute(curentModifier, "value");
- prefs.modifier.put(key, value);
- }
- // make sure jar contents of each are available in installer
- // map is easier to read/modify than if tree
- HashMap lafMap = new HashMap();
- lafMap.put("liquid", "liquidlnf.jar");
- lafMap.put("kunststoff","kunststoff.jar");
- lafMap.put("metouia", "metouia.jar");
- lafMap.put("looks", "looks.jar");
- // is this really what we want? a double loop? needed, since above, it's
- // the /last/ lnf for an os which is used, so can't add during initial
- // loop
- Iterator kit = prefs.lookAndFeelMapping.keySet().iterator();
- while (kit.hasNext())
- {
- String lafName = (String)prefs.lookAndFeelMapping.get(kit.next());
- String lafJarName = (String) lafMap.get(lafName);
- if (lafJarName == null)
- parseError(gp, "Unrecognized Look and Feel: " + lafName);
- URL lafJarURL = findIzPackResource("lib/" + lafJarName,
- "Look and Feel Jar file", gp);
- packager.addJarContent(lafJarURL);
- }
- }
- packager.setGUIPrefs(prefs);
- notifyCompilerListener("addGUIPrefs", CompilerListener.END, data);
- }
- /**
- * Add project specific external jar files to the installer.
- *
- * @param data The XML data.
- */
- protected void addJars(XMLElement data) throws Exception
- {
- notifyCompilerListener("addJars", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data);
- Iterator iter = data.getChildrenNamed("jar").iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement el = (XMLElement) iter.next();
- String src = requireAttribute(el, "src");
- URL url = findProjectResource(src, "Jar file", el);
- packager.addJarContent(url);
- // Additionals for mark a jar file also used in the uninstaller.
- // The contained files will be copied from the installer into the
- // uninstaller if needed.
- // Therefore the contained files of the jar should be in the installer also
- // they are used only from the uninstaller. This is the reason why the stage
- // wiil be only observed for the uninstaller.
- String stage = el.getAttribute("stage");
- if( stage != null &&
- ( stage.equalsIgnoreCase("both") || stage.equalsIgnoreCase("uninstall")))
- {
- CustomData ca = new CustomData( null,
- getContainedFilePaths(url), null, CustomData.UNINSTALLER_JAR );
- packager.addCustomJar( ca, url);
- }
- }
- notifyCompilerListener("addJars", CompilerListener.END, data);
- }
- /**
- * Add native libraries to the installer.
- *
- * @param data The XML data.
- */
- protected void addNativeLibraries(XMLElement data) throws Exception
- {
- boolean needAddOns = false;
- notifyCompilerListener("addNativeLibraries", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data);
- Iterator iter = data.getChildrenNamed("native").iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement el = (XMLElement) iter.next();
- String type = requireAttribute(el, "type");
- String name = requireAttribute(el, "name");
- String path = "bin/native/" + type + "/" + name;
- URL url = findIzPackResource(path, "Native Library", el);
- packager.addNativeLibrary(name, url);
- // Additionals for mark a native lib also used in the uninstaller
- // The lib will be copied from the installer into the uninstaller if needed.
- // Therefore the lib should be in the installer also it is used only from
- // the uninstaller. This is the reason why the stage wiil be only observed
- // for the uninstaller.
- String stage = el.getAttribute("stage");
- List constraints = OsConstraint.getOsList(el);
- if( stage != null &&
- ( stage.equalsIgnoreCase("both") || stage.equalsIgnoreCase("uninstall")))
- {
- ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
- al.add(name);
- CustomData cad = new CustomData(null,al, constraints, CustomData.UNINSTALLER_LIB);
- packager.addNativeUninstallerLibrary(cad);
- needAddOns = true;
- }
- }
- if( needAddOns )
- {
- // Add the uninstaller extensions as a resource if specified
- XMLElement root = requireChildNamed(data, "info");
- XMLElement uninstallInfo = root.getFirstChildNamed("uninstaller");
- if (validateYesNoAttribute(uninstallInfo, "write", YES))
- {
- URL url = findIzPackResource("lib/uninstaller-ext.jar", "Uninstaller extensions", root);
- packager.addResource("IzPack.uninstaller-ext", url);
- }
- }
- notifyCompilerListener("addNativeLibraries", CompilerListener.END, data);
- }
- /**
- * Add packs and their contents to the installer.
- *
- * @param data The XML data.
- */
- protected void addPacks(XMLElement data) throws CompilerException
- {
- notifyCompilerListener("addPacks", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data);
- // Initialisation
- XMLElement root = requireChildNamed(data, "packs");
- // at least one pack is required
- Vector packElements = root.getChildrenNamed("pack");
- if (packElements.isEmpty())
- parseError(root, "<packs> requires a <pack>");
- Iterator packIter = packElements.iterator();
- while (packIter.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement el = (XMLElement) packIter.next();
- // Trivial initialisations
- String name = requireAttribute(el, "name");
- String id = el.getAttribute("id");
- boolean loose = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(el.getAttribute("loose", "false"));
- String description = requireChildNamed(el, "description").getContent();
- boolean required = requireYesNoAttribute(el, "required");
- PackInfo pack = new PackInfo(name, id, description, required, loose);
- pack.setOsConstraints(OsConstraint.getOsList(el)); // TODO: unverified
- pack.setPreselected(validateYesNoAttribute(el, "preselected", YES));
- // We get the parsables list
- Iterator iter = el.getChildrenNamed("parsable").iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement p = (XMLElement) iter.next();
- String target = requireAttribute(p, "targetfile");
- String type = p.getAttribute("type", "plain");
- String encoding = p.getAttribute("encoding", null);
- List osList = OsConstraint.getOsList(p); // TODO: unverified
- pack.addParsable(new ParsableFile(target, type, encoding, osList));
- }
- // We get the executables list
- iter = el.getChildrenNamed("executable").iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement e = (XMLElement) iter.next();
- ExecutableFile executable = new ExecutableFile();
- String val; // temp value
- executable.path = requireAttribute(e, "targetfile");
- // when to execute this executable
- val = e.getAttribute("stage", "never");
- if ("postinstall".equalsIgnoreCase(val))
- executable.executionStage = ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL;
- else if ("uninstall".equalsIgnoreCase(val))
- executable.executionStage = ExecutableFile.UNINSTALL;
- // type of this executable
- val = e.getAttribute("type", "bin");
- if ("jar".equalsIgnoreCase(val))
- {
- executable.type = ExecutableFile.JAR;
- executable.mainClass = e.getAttribute("class"); // executable class
- }
- // what to do if execution fails
- val = e.getAttribute("failure", "ask");
- if ("abort".equalsIgnoreCase(val))
- executable.onFailure = ExecutableFile.ABORT;
- else if ("warn".equalsIgnoreCase(val))
- executable.onFailure = ExecutableFile.WARN;
- // whether to keep the executable after executing it
- val = e.getAttribute("keep");
- executable.keepFile = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(val);
- // get arguments for this executable
- XMLElement args = e.getFirstChildNamed("args");
- if (null != args)
- {
- Iterator argIterator = args.getChildrenNamed("arg").iterator();
- while (argIterator.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement arg = (XMLElement) argIterator.next();
- executable.argList.add(requireAttribute(arg, "value"));
- }
- }
- executable.osList = OsConstraint.getOsList(e); // TODO: unverified
- pack.addExecutable(executable);
- }
- // We get the files list
- iter = el.getChildrenNamed("file").iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement f = (XMLElement) iter.next();
- String src = requireAttribute(f, "src");
- String targetdir = requireAttribute(f, "targetdir");
- List osList = OsConstraint.getOsList(f); // TODO: unverified
- int override = getOverrideValue(f);
- Map additionals = getAdditionals(f);
- File file = new File(src);
- if (! file.isAbsolute())
- file = new File(basedir, src);
- try
- {
- addRecursively(file, targetdir, osList, override, pack, additionals);
- } catch (Exception x)
- {
- parseError(f, x.getMessage(), x);
- }
- }
- // We get the singlefiles list
- iter = el.getChildrenNamed("singlefile").iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement f = (XMLElement) iter.next();
- String src = requireAttribute(f, "src");
- String target = requireAttribute(f, "target");
- List osList = OsConstraint.getOsList(f); // TODO: unverified
- int override = getOverrideValue(f);
- Map additionals = getAdditionals(f);
- File file = new File(src);
- if (! file.isAbsolute())
- file = new File(basedir, src);
- try
- {
- pack.addFile(file, target, osList, override, additionals);
- } catch (FileNotFoundException x)
- {
- parseError(f, x.getMessage(), x);
- }
- }
- // We get the fileset list
- iter = el.getChildrenNamed("fileset").iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement f = (XMLElement) iter.next();
- String dir_attr = requireAttribute(f, "dir");
- File dir = new File(dir_attr);
- if (! dir.isAbsolute())
- dir = new File(basedir, dir_attr);
- if (! dir.isDirectory()) // also tests '.exists()'
- parseError(f, "Invalid directory 'dir': " + dir_attr);
- boolean casesensitive = validateYesNoAttribute(f, "casesensitive", YES);
- boolean defexcludes = validateYesNoAttribute(f, "defaultexcludes", YES);
- String targetdir = requireAttribute(f, "targetdir");
- List osList = OsConstraint.getOsList(f); // TODO: unverified
- int override = getOverrideValue(f);
- Map additionals = getAdditionals(f);
- // get includes and excludes
- Vector xcludesList = null;
- String[] includes = null;
- xcludesList = f.getChildrenNamed("include");
- if (! xcludesList.isEmpty())
- {
- includes = new String[xcludesList.size()];
- for (int j = 0; j < xcludesList.size(); j++)
- {
- XMLElement xclude = (XMLElement) xcludesList.get(j);
- includes[j] = requireAttribute(xclude, "name");
- }
- }
- String[] excludes = null;
- xcludesList = f.getChildrenNamed("exclude");
- if (! xcludesList.isEmpty())
- {
- excludes = new String[xcludesList.size()];
- for (int j = 0; j < xcludesList.size(); j++)
- {
- XMLElement xclude = (XMLElement) xcludesList.get(j);
- excludes[j] = requireAttribute(xclude, "name");
- }
- }
- // parse additional fileset attributes "includes" and "excludes"
- String [] toDo = new String[] {"includes", "excludes" };
- // use the existing containers filled from include and exclude
- // and add the includes and excludes to it
- String [][] containers = new String[][] { includes, excludes };
- for( int j = 0; j < toDo.length; ++j )
- {
- String inex = f.getAttribute(toDo[j]);
- if( inex != null && inex.length() > 0 )
- { // This is the same "splitting" as ant PatternSet do ...
- StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(inex, ", ", false);
- int newSize = tok.countTokens();
- int k = 0;
- String [] nCont = null;
- if(containers[j] != null && containers[j].length > 0 )
- { // old container exist; create a new which can hold all values
- // and copy the old stuff to the front
- newSize += containers[j].length;
- nCont = new String[newSize];
- for(; k < containers[j].length; ++k)
- nCont[k] = containers[j][k];
- }
- if( nCont == null ) // No container for old values created,
- // create a new one.
- nCont = new String[newSize];
- for( ; k < newSize; ++k)
- // Fill the new one or expand the existent container
- nCont[k] = tok.nextToken();
- containers[j] = nCont;
- }
- }
- includes = containers[0]; // push the new includes to the local var
- excludes = containers[1]; // push the new excludes to the local var
- // scan and add fileset
- DirectoryScanner ds = new DirectoryScanner();
- ds.setIncludes(includes);
- ds.setExcludes(excludes);
- if (defexcludes)
- ds.addDefaultExcludes();
- ds.setBasedir(dir);
- ds.setCaseSensitive(casesensitive);
- ds.scan();
- String[] files = ds.getIncludedFiles();
- String[] dirs = ds.getIncludedDirectories();
- // Directory scanner has done recursion, add files and directories
- for (int i = 0; i < files.length; ++i)
- {
- try
- {
- String target = new File(targetdir, files[i]).getPath();
- pack.addFile(new File(dir, files[i]), target, osList,
- override, additionals);
- } catch (FileNotFoundException x)
- {
- parseError(f, x.getMessage(), x);
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; ++i)
- {
- try
- {
- String target = new File(targetdir, dirs[i]).getPath();
- pack.addFile(new File(dir, dirs[i]), target, osList,
- override, additionals);
- } catch (FileNotFoundException x)
- {
- parseError(f, x.getMessage(), x);
- }
- }
- }
- // get the updatechecks list
- iter = el.getChildrenNamed("updatecheck").iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement f = (XMLElement) iter.next();
- String casesensitive = f.getAttribute("casesensitive");
- // get includes and excludes
- ArrayList includesList = new ArrayList();
- ArrayList excludesList = new ArrayList();
- // get includes and excludes
- Iterator include_it = f.getChildrenNamed("include").iterator();
- while (include_it.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement inc_el = (XMLElement) include_it.next();
- includesList.add(requireAttribute(inc_el, "name"));
- }
- Iterator exclude_it = f.getChildrenNamed("exclude").iterator();
- while (exclude_it.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement excl_el = (XMLElement) exclude_it.next();
- excludesList.add(requireAttribute(excl_el, "name"));
- }
- pack.addUpdateCheck(
- new UpdateCheck(includesList, excludesList, casesensitive));
- }
- //We get the dependencies
- iter = el.getChildrenNamed("depends").iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement dep = (XMLElement) iter.next();
- String depName = requireAttribute(dep,"packname");
- pack.addDependency(depName);
- }
- // We add the pack
- packager.addPack(pack);
- }
- checkDependencies(packager.getPacksList());
- notifyCompilerListener("addPacks", CompilerListener.END, data);
- }
- /**
- * Checks whether the dependencies stated in the configuration file are
- * correct. Specifically it checks that no pack point to a non existent
- * pack and also that there are no circular dependencies in the packs.
- */
- public void checkDependencies(List packs) throws CompilerException
- {
- // Because we use package names in the configuration file we assosiate
- // the names with the objects
- Map names = new HashMap();
- for (int i = 0; i < packs.size(); i++)
- {
- PackInfo pack = (PackInfo) packs.get(i);
- names.put(pack.getPack().name,pack);
- }
- int result = dfs(packs,names);
- //@todo More informative messages to include the source of the error
- if(result == -2)
- parseError("Circular dependency detected");
- else if(result == -1)
- parseError("A dependency doesn't exist");
- }
- /** We use the dfs graph search algorithm to check whether the graph
- * is acyclic as described in:
- * Thomas H. Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest and Clifford Stein. Introduction
- * to algorithms 2nd Edition 540-549,MIT Press, 2001
- * @param packs The graph
- * @param names The name map
- * @return
- */
- private int dfs(List packs,Map names)
- {
- Map edges = new HashMap();
- for (int i = 0; i < packs.size(); i++)
- {
- PackInfo pack = (PackInfo) packs.get(i);
- if(pack.colour == PackInfo.WHITE)
- {
- if(dfsVisit(pack,names,edges)!=0)
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return checkBackEdges(edges);
- }
- /**
- * This function checks for the existence of back edges.
- */
- private int checkBackEdges(Map edges)
- {
- Set keys = edges.keySet();
- for (Iterator iterator = keys.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
- {
- final Object key = iterator.next();
- int color = ((Integer) edges.get(key)).intValue();
- if(color == PackInfo.GREY)
- {
- return -2;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * This class is used for the classification of the edges
- */
- private class Edge
- {
- PackInfo u;
- PackInfo v;
- Edge(PackInfo u,PackInfo v)
- {
- this.u = u;
- this.v = v;
- }
- }
- private int dfsVisit(PackInfo u,Map names,Map edges)
- {
- u.colour = PackInfo.GREY;
- List deps = u.getDependencies();
- if (deps != null)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < deps.size(); i++)
- {
- String name = (String) deps.get(i);
- PackInfo v = (PackInfo)names.get(name);
- if(v == null)
- return -1;
- Edge edge = new Edge(u,v);
- if(edges.get(edge) == null)
- edges.put(edge,new Integer(v.colour));
- if(v.colour == PackInfo.WHITE)
- {
- final int result = dfsVisit(v,names,edges);
- if(result != 0)
- return result;
- }
- }
- }
- u.colour = PackInfo.BLACK;
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Recursive method to add files in a pack.
- *
- * @param file The file to add.
- * @param targetdir The relative path to the parent.
- * @param osList The target OS constraints.
- * @param override Overriding behaviour.
- * @param pack Pack to be packed into
- * @param additionals Map which contains additional data
- * @exception FileNotFoundException if the file does not exist
- */
- protected void addRecursively(File file, String targetdir,
- List osList, int override,
- PackInfo pack, Map additionals)
- throws IOException
- {
- String targetfile = targetdir + "/" + file.getName();
- if (! file.isDirectory())
- pack.addFile(file, targetfile, osList, override, additionals);
- else
- {
- File[] files = file.listFiles();
- if (files.length == 0) // The directory is empty so must be added
- pack.addFile(file, targetfile, osList, override, additionals);
- else
- {
- // new targetdir = targetfile;
- for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
- addRecursively(files[i], targetfile, osList, override,
- pack, additionals);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parse panels and their paramters, locate the panels resources and add to
- * the Packager.
- *
- * @param data The XML data.
- * @exception CompilerException Description of the Exception
- */
- protected void addPanels(XMLElement data) throws CompilerException
- {
- notifyCompilerListener("addPanels", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data);
- XMLElement root = requireChildNamed(data, "panels");
- // at least one panel is required
- Vector panels = root.getChildrenNamed("panel");
- if (panels.isEmpty())
- parseError(root, "<panels> requires a <panel>");
- // We process each panel markup
- Iterator iter = panels.iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement xmlPanel = (XMLElement) iter.next();
- // create the serialized Panel data
- Panel panel = new Panel();
- panel.osConstraints = OsConstraint.getOsList(xmlPanel);
- String className = xmlPanel.getAttribute("classname");
- // Panel files come in jars packaged w/ IzPack
- String jarPath = "bin/panels/" + className + ".jar";
- URL url = findIzPackResource(jarPath, "Panel jar file", xmlPanel);
- String fullClassName = null;
- try
- {
- fullClassName = getFullClassName(url, className);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- ;
- }
- if( fullClassName != null)
- panel.className = fullClassName;
- else
- panel.className = className;
- // insert into the packager
- packager.addPanelJar(panel, url);
- }
- notifyCompilerListener("addPanels", CompilerListener.END, data);
- }
- /**
- * Adds the resources.
- *
- * @param data The XML data.
- * @exception CompilerException Description of the Exception
- */
- protected void addResources(XMLElement data) throws CompilerException
- {
- notifyCompilerListener("addResources", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data);
- XMLElement root = data.getFirstChildNamed("resources");
- if (root == null)
- return;
- // We process each res markup
- Iterator iter = root.getChildrenNamed("res").iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement res = (XMLElement) iter.next();
- String id = requireAttribute(res, "id");
- String src = requireAttribute(res, "src");
- boolean parse = validateYesNoAttribute(res, "parse", NO);
- // basedir is not prepended if src is already an absolute path
- URL url = findProjectResource(src, "Resource", res);
- // substitute variable values in the resource if parsed
- if (parse)
- {
- if (packager.getVariables().isEmpty())
- {
- parseWarn(res, "No variables defined. " +
- url.getPath() + " not parsed.");
- } else
- {
- String type = res.getAttribute("type");
- String encoding = res.getAttribute("encoding");
- File parsedFile = null;
- try
- {
- // make the substitutions into a temp file
- InputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream());
- parsedFile = File.createTempFile("izpp", null);
- parsedFile.deleteOnExit();
- FileOutputStream outFile = new FileOutputStream(parsedFile);
- BufferedOutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream(outFile);
- VariableSubstitutor vs = new VariableSubstitutor(packager.getVariables());
- vs.substitute(bin, bout, type, encoding);
- bin.close();
- bout.close();
- // and specify the substituted file to be added to the packager
- url = parsedFile.toURL();
- } catch (IOException x)
- {
- parseError(res, x.getMessage(), x);
- }
- }
- }
- packager.addResource(id, url);
- }
- notifyCompilerListener("addResources", CompilerListener.END, data);
- }
- /**
- * Adds the ISO3 codes of the langpacks and associated resources.
- *
- * @param data The XML data.
- * @exception CompilerException Description of the Exception
- */
- protected void addLangpacks(XMLElement data)
- throws CompilerException
- {
- notifyCompilerListener("addLangpacks", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data);
- XMLElement root = requireChildNamed(data, "locale");
- // at least one langpack is required
- Vector locals = root.getChildrenNamed("langpack");
- if (locals.isEmpty())
- parseError(root, "<locale> requires a <langpack>");
- // We process each langpack markup
- Iterator iter = locals.iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement el = (XMLElement) iter.next();
- String iso3 = requireAttribute(el, "iso3");
- String path;
- path = "bin/langpacks/installer/" + iso3 + ".xml";
- URL iso3xmlURL = findIzPackResource(path, "ISO3 file", el);
- path = "bin/langpacks/flags/" + iso3 + ".gif";
- URL iso3FlagURL = findIzPackResource(path, "ISO3 flag image", el);
- packager.addLangPack(iso3, iso3xmlURL, iso3FlagURL);
- }
- notifyCompilerListener("addLangpacks", CompilerListener.END, data);
- }
- /**
- * Builds the Info class from the XML tree.
- *
- * @param data The XML data.
- * return The Info.
- * @exception Exception Description of the Exception
- */
- protected void addInfo(XMLElement data) throws Exception
- {
- notifyCompilerListener("addInfo", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data);
- // Initialisation
- XMLElement root = requireChildNamed(data, "info");
- Info info = new Info();
- String temp = null;
- info.setAppName(requireContent(requireChildNamed(root, "appname")));
- info.setAppVersion(requireContent(requireChildNamed(root, "appversion")));
- // We get the installation subpath
- XMLElement subpath = root.getFirstChildNamed("appsubpath");
- if(subpath != null)
- {
- info.setInstallationSubPath(requireContent(subpath));
- }
- // validate and insert app URL
- final XMLElement URLElem = root.getFirstChildNamed("url");
- if(URLElem != null)
- {
- URL appURL = requireURLContent(URLElem);
- info.setAppURL(appURL.toString());
- }
- // We get the authors list
- XMLElement authors = root.getFirstChildNamed("authors");
- if (authors != null)
- {
- Iterator iter = authors.getChildrenNamed("author").iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement author = (XMLElement) iter.next();
- String name = requireAttribute(author, "name");
- String email = requireAttribute(author, "email");
- info.addAuthor(new Info.Author(name, email));
- }
- }
- // We get the java version required
- XMLElement javaVersion = root.getFirstChildNamed("javaversion");
- if (javaVersion != null)
- info.setJavaVersion(requireContent(javaVersion));
- // validate and insert (and require if -web kind) web dir
- XMLElement webDirURL = root.getFirstChildNamed("webdir");
- if (webDirURL != null)
- info.setWebDirURL(requireURLContent(webDirURL).toString());
- if (kind != null)
- {
- if (kind.equalsIgnoreCase(WEB) && webDirURL == null)
- {
- parseError(root, "<webdir> required when \"WEB\" installer requested");
- }
- else if (kind.equalsIgnoreCase(STANDARD) && webDirURL != null)
- {
- // Need a Warning? parseWarn(webDirURL, "Not creating web installer.");
- info.setWebDirURL(null);
- }
- }
- // Add the uninstaller as a resource if specified
- XMLElement uninstallInfo = root.getFirstChildNamed("uninstaller");
- if (validateYesNoAttribute(uninstallInfo, "write", YES))
- {
- URL url = findIzPackResource("lib/uninstaller.jar", "Uninstaller", root);
- packager.addResource("IzPack.uninstaller", url);
- }
- packager.setInfo(info);
- notifyCompilerListener("addInfo", CompilerListener.END, data);
- }
- /**
- * Variable declaration is a fragment of the xml file. For example:
- * <pre>
- * <variables>
- * <variable name="nom" value="value"/>
- * <variable name="foo" value="pippo"/>
- * </variables>
- * </pre>
- * variable declared in this can be referred to in parsable files.
- *
- * @param data The XML data.
- * @exception CompilerException Description of the Exception
- */
- protected void addVariables(XMLElement data) throws CompilerException
- {
- notifyCompilerListener("addVariables", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data);
- // We get the varible list
- XMLElement root = data.getFirstChildNamed("variables");
- if (root == null)
- return;
- Properties variables = packager.getVariables();
- Iterator iter = root.getChildrenNamed("variable").iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext())
- {
- XMLElement var = (XMLElement) iter.next();
- String name = requireAttribute(var, "name");
- String value = requireAttribute(var, "value");
- if (variables.contains(name))
- parseWarn(var, "Variable '" + name + "' being overwritten");
- variables.setProperty(name, value);
- }
- notifyCompilerListener("addVariables", CompilerListener.END, data);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the XMLElement representing the installation XML file.
- *
- * @return The XML tree.
- * @exception CompilerException For problems with the installation file
- * @exception IOException for errors reading the installation file
- */
- protected XMLElement getXMLTree() throws CompilerException, IOException
- {
- // Initialises the parser
- StdXMLParser parser = new StdXMLParser();
- parser.setBuilder(new StdXMLBuilder());
- parser.setReader(new StdXMLReader(new FileInputStream(filename)));
- parser.setValidator(new NonValidator());
- // We get it
- XMLElement data = null;
- try
- {
- data = (XMLElement) parser.parse();
- } catch (Exception x)
- {
- throw new CompilerException("Error parsing installation file", x);
- }
- // We check it
- if (!"installation".equalsIgnoreCase(data.getName()))
- parseError(data, "this is not an IzPack XML installation file");
- if (!requireAttribute(data, "version").equalsIgnoreCase(VERSION))
- parseError(
- data,
- "the file version is different from the compiler version");
- // We finally return the tree
- return data;
- }
- protected int getOverrideValue(XMLElement f)
- throws CompilerException
- {
- int override = PackFile.OVERRIDE_UPDATE;
- String override_val = f.getAttribute("override");
- if (override_val != null)
- {
- if (override_val.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
- {
- override = PackFile.OVERRIDE_TRUE;
- } else if (override_val.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
- {
- override = PackFile.OVERRIDE_FALSE;
- } else if (override_val.equalsIgnoreCase("asktrue"))
- {
- override = PackFile.OVERRIDE_ASK_TRUE;
- } else if (override_val.equalsIgnoreCase("askfalse"))
- {
- override = PackFile.OVERRIDE_ASK_FALSE;
- } else if (override_val.equalsIgnoreCase("update"))
- {
- override = PackFile.OVERRIDE_UPDATE;
- }
- else
- parseError(f, "invalid value for attribute \"override\"");
- }
- return override;
- }
- /**
- * Look for a project specified resources, which, if not absolute, are sought
- * relative to the projects basedir. The path should use '/' as the
- * fileSeparator. If the resource is not found, a CompilerException is thrown
- * indicating fault in the parent element.
- *
- * @param path the relative path (using '/' as separator) to the resource.
- * @param desc the description of the resource used to report errors
- * @param parent the XMLElement the resource is specified in, used to
- * report errors
- * @return a URL to the resource.
- */
- private URL findProjectResource(String path, String desc, XMLElement parent)
- throws CompilerException
- {
- URL url = null;
- File resource = new File(path);
- if (! resource.isAbsolute())
- resource = new File(basedir, path);
- if (! resource.exists()) // fatal
- parseError(parent, desc + " not found: " + resource);
- try
- {
- url = resource.toURL();
- } catch(MalformedURLException how)
- {
- parseError(parent, desc + "(" + resource + ")", how);
- }
- return url;
- }
- /**
- * Look for an IzPack resource either in the compiler jar, or within
- * IZPACK_HOME. The path must not be absolute. The path must use '/' as the
- * fileSeparator (it's used to access the jar file). If the resource is not
- * found, a CompilerException is thrown indicating fault in the parent
- * element.
- *
- * @param path the relative path (using '/' as separator) to the resource.
- * @param desc the description of the resource used to report errors
- * @param parent the XMLElement the resource is specified in, used to
- * report errors
- * @return a URL to the resource.
- */
- private URL findIzPackResource(String path, String desc, XMLElement parent)
- throws CompilerException
- {
- URL url = getClass().getResource("/" + path);
- if (url == null)
- {
- File resource = new File(path);
- if (! resource.isAbsolute())
- resource = new File(IZPACK_HOME, path);
- if (! resource.exists()) // fatal
- parseError(parent, desc + " not found: " + resource);
- try
- {
- url = resource.toURL();
- } catch(MalformedURLException how)
- {
- parseError(parent, desc + "(" + resource + ")", how);
- }
- }
- return url;
- }
- /**
- * Create parse error with consistent messages. Includes file name. For use
- * When parent is unknown.
- *
- * @param message Brief message explaining error
- */
- protected void parseError(String message)
- throws CompilerException
- {
- this.compileFailed = true;
- throw new CompilerException(
- filename + ":" + message);
- }
- /**
- * Create parse error with consistent messages. Includes file name and line #
- * of parent. It is an error for 'parent' to be null.
- *
- * @param parent The element in which the error occured
- * @param message Brief message explaining error
- */
- protected void parseError(XMLElement parent, String message)
- throws CompilerException
- {
- this.compileFailed = true;
- throw new CompilerException(
- filename + ":" + parent.getLineNr() + ": " + message);
- }
- /**
- * Create a chained parse error with consistent messages. Includes file name
- * and line # of parent. It is an error for 'parent' to be null.
- *
- * @param parent The element in which the error occured
- * @param message Brief message explaining error
- */
- protected void parseError(XMLElement parent, String message, Throwable cause)
- throws CompilerException
- {
- this.compileFailed = true;
- throw new CompilerException(
- filename + ":" + parent.getLineNr() + ": " + message,
- cause);
- }
- /**
- * Create a parse warning with consistent messages. Includes file name
- * and line # of parent. It is an error for 'parent' to be null.
- *
- * @param parent The element in which the warning occured
- * @param message Warning message
- */
- protected void parseWarn(XMLElement parent, String message)
- {
- System.out.println(filename + ":" + parent.getLineNr() + ": " + message);
- }
- /**
- * Call getFirstChildNamed on the parent, producing a meaningful error
- * message on failure. It is an error for 'parent' to be null.
- *
- * @param parent The element to search for a child
- * @param name Name of the child element to get
- */
- protected XMLElement requireChildNamed(XMLElement parent, String name)
- throws CompilerException
- {
- XMLElement child = parent.getFirstChildNamed(name);
- if (child == null)
- parseError(
- parent,
- "<" + parent.getName() + "> requires child <" + name + ">");
- return child;
- }
- /**
- * Call getContent on an element, producing a meaningful error message if not
- * present, or empty, or a valid URL. It is an error for 'element' to be
- * null.
- *
- * @param element The element to get content of
- */
- protected URL requireURLContent(XMLElement element)
- throws CompilerException
- {
- URL url = null;
- try
- {
- url = new URL(requireContent(element));
- }
- catch (MalformedURLException x)
- {
- parseError(element, "<" + element.getName() + "> requires valid URL", x);
- }
- return url;
- }
- /**
- * Call getContent on an element, producing a meaningful error message if not
- * present, or empty. It is an error for 'element' to be null.
- *
- * @param element The element to get content of
- */
- protected String requireContent(XMLElement element) throws CompilerException
- {
- String content = element.getContent();
- if (content == null || content.length() == 0)
- parseError(element, "<" + element.getName() + "> requires content");
- return content;
- }
- /**
- * Call getAttribute on an element, producing a meaningful error message if
- * not present, or empty. It is an error for 'element' or 'attribute' to be null.
- *
- * @param element The element to get the attribute value of
- * @param attribute The name of the attribute to get
- */
- protected String requireAttribute(XMLElement element, String attribute)
- throws CompilerException
- {
- String value = element.getAttribute(attribute);
- if (value == null)
- parseError(
- element,
- "<" + element.getName() + "> requires attribute '" + attribute + "'");
- return value;
- }
- /**
- * Get a required attribute of an element, ensuring it is an integer. A
- * meaningful error message is generated as a CompilerException if not
- * present or parseable as an int. It is an error for 'element' or
- * 'attribute' to be null.
- *
- * @param element The element to get the attribute value of
- * @param attribute The name of the attribute to get
- */
- protected int requireIntAttribute(XMLElement element, String attribute)
- throws CompilerException
- {
- String value = element.getAttribute(attribute);
- if (value == null || value.length() == 0)
- parseError(
- element,
- "<" + element.getName() + "> requires attribute '" + attribute + "'");
- try
- {
- return Integer.parseInt(value);
- } catch (NumberFormatException x)
- {
- parseError(element, "'" + attribute + "' must be an integer");
- }
- return 0; // never happens
- }
- /**
- * Call getAttribute on an element, producing a meaningful error message if
- * not present, or one of "yes" or "no". It is an error for 'element' or
- * 'attribute' to be null.
- *
- * @param element The element to get the attribute value of
- * @param attribute The name of the attribute to get
- */
- protected boolean requireYesNoAttribute(XMLElement element, String attribute)
- throws CompilerException
- {
- String value = requireAttribute(element, attribute);
- if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))
- return true;
- if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("no"))
- return false;
- parseError(
- element,
- "<" + element.getName() + "> invalid attribute '"
- + attribute + "': Expected (yes|no)");
- return false; // never happens
- }
- /**
- * Call getAttribute on an element, producing a meaningful warning if not
- * "yes" or "no". If the 'element' or 'attribute' are null, the default value
- * is returned.
- *
- * @param element The element to get the attribute value of
- * @param attribute The name of the attribute to get
- * @param defaultValue Value returned if attribute not present or invalid
- */
- protected boolean validateYesNoAttribute(
- XMLElement element,
- String attribute,
- boolean defaultValue)
- {
- if (element == null)
- return defaultValue;
- String value =
- element.getAttribute(attribute, (defaultValue ? "yes" : "no"));
- if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))
- return true;
- if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("no"))
- return false;
- // TODO: should this be an error if it's present but "none of the above"?
- parseWarn(
- element,
- "<" + element.getName() + "> invalid attribute '"
- + attribute + "': Expected (yes|no) if present");
- return defaultValue;
- }
- /**
- * The main method if the compiler is invoked by a command-line call.
- *
- * @param args The arguments passed on the command-line.
- */
- public static void main(String[] args)