C Header | 1634 lines | 1338 code | 115 blank | 181 comment | 213 complexity | 7f28a7fc79938007d9ca2e45eee47331 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Learning Algorithms and Systems Laboratory, EPFL, Switzerland
- * Author: Eric Sauser
- * email: eric.sauser@a3.epf.ch
- * website: lasa.epfl.ch
- *
- * Permission is granted to copy, distribute, and/or modify this program
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or any
- * later version published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Public License for more details
- */
- #ifndef MATRIX_H
- #define MATRIX_H
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <vector>
- using namespace std;
- #include "MathLibCommon.h"
- #include "Macros.h"
- #include "Vector.h"
- namespace MathLib {
- #endif
- template<unsigned int ROW> class TMatrix;
- #endif
- /**
- * \class Matrix
- *
- * \ingroup MathLib
- *
- * \brief The basic matrix class
- *
- * This matrix class can be used for doing various matrix manipulation.
- * This shFould be combined with the Vector class for doing almost anything
- * you ever dreamt of. Please understand almost as almost...
- */
- class Matrix
- {
- friend class Vector;
- template<unsigned int ROW> friend class TMatrix;
- #endif
- protected:
- static int bInverseOk; ///< Tell if last inverse operation was sucessfull
- unsigned int row; ///< Number of rows
- unsigned int column; ///< Number of columns
- REALTYPE *_; ///< The data array
- public:
- /// Empty constructor
- inline Matrix() {
- row = 0;
- column = 0;
- _ = NULL;
- }
- /// Destructor
- inline virtual ~Matrix(){
- Release();
- }
- /// Copy constructor
- inline Matrix(const Matrix &matrix)
- {
- row = 0;
- column = 0;
- _ = NULL;
- Set(matrix);
- }
- /**
- * \brief Create a sized matrix
- * \param rowSize The row size
- * \param colSize The column size
- * \param clear Tell if the matrix sould be set to 0
- */
- inline Matrix(unsigned int rowSize, unsigned int colSize, bool clear = true)
- {
- row = 0;
- column = 0;
- _ = NULL;
- Resize(rowSize,colSize,false);
- if(clear) Zero();
- }
- /**
- * \brief Create a matrix by copying a memory area
- * \param _ The array of REALTYPE to be copied
- * \param rowSize The row size
- * \param colSize The column size
- */
- inline Matrix(const REALTYPE *array, unsigned int rowSize, unsigned int colSize)
- {
- row = 0;
- column = 0;
- _ = NULL;
- Set(array,rowSize,colSize);
- }
- /// Copy Contructor of a template Matrix (see TMatrix)
- template<unsigned int ROW> inline Matrix(const TMatrix<ROW> &matrix)
- {
- row = 0;
- column = 0;
- _ = NULL;
- Set(matrix._,ROW,ROW);
- }
- #endif
- /**
- * \brief Set a matrix by copying a memory area
- * \param _ The array of REALTYPE to be copied
- * \param rowSize The row size
- * \param colSize The column size
- */
- inline Matrix& Set(const REALTYPE *array, unsigned int rowSize, unsigned int colSize){
- Resize(rowSize,colSize,false);
- if((row)&&(column)&&(array))
- memcpy(_,array,rowSize*colSize*sizeof(REALTYPE));
- return *this;
- }
- /**
- * \brief Set a matrix by copying a memory area
- * \param _ The array of REALTYPE to be copied
- * \param rowSize The row size
- * \param colSize The column size
- */
- inline Matrix& Set(const Matrix & matrix){
- Resize(matrix.row,matrix.column,false);
- if((row)&&(column))
- memcpy(_,matrix._,row*column*sizeof(REALTYPE));
- return *this;
- }
- /// Get the number of rows
- inline unsigned int RowSize() const{
- return row;
- }
- /// Get the number of columns
- inline unsigned int ColumnSize() const{
- return column;
- }
- /// Get the data array
- inline REALTYPE *Array() const{
- return _;
- }
- /// Clear the matrix
- inline Matrix& Zero()
- {
- if((row)&&(column))
- memset(_,0,row*column*sizeof(REALTYPE));
- return *this;
- }
- /// Identity matrix
- inline Matrix& Identity()
- {
- unsigned int k = (row>column?column:row);
- Zero();
- REALTYPE *ptr = _;
- while(k--){
- *ptr = R_ONE;
- ptr += column+1;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /// Set all elements to 1
- inline Matrix& One()
- {
- REALTYPE *src = _;
- unsigned int len = row*column;
- while(len--)
- *(src++) = R_ONE;
- return *this;
- }
- /// Access to a reference of any element of the matrix
- inline REALTYPE& operator() (const unsigned int row, const unsigned int col){
- if((row<this->row)&&(col<this->column))
- return _[row*column+col];
- return Vector::undef;
- }
- /// Access to a reference of any element of the matrix
- inline REALTYPE& Ref(const unsigned int row, const unsigned int col){
- if((row<this->row)&&(col<this->column))
- return _[row*column+col];
- return Vector::undef;
- }
- /// Access to an element of the matrix
- inline REALTYPE At(const unsigned int row, const unsigned int col) const{
- if((row<this->row)&&(col<this->column))
- return _[row*column+col];
- return Vector::undef;
- }
- /// Access to a reference of any element of the matrix without checks
- inline REALTYPE& RefNoCheck(const unsigned int row, const unsigned int col){
- return _[row*column+col];
- }
- /// Access to an element of the matrix without checks
- inline REALTYPE AtNoCheck(const unsigned int row, const unsigned int col) const{
- return _[row*column+col];
- }
- /// Get a copy of a row into a vector
- inline Vector GetRow(const unsigned int r) const
- {
- Vector result;
- return GetRow(r,result);
- }
- /// Get a copy of a row into a vector
- inline Vector& GetRow(const unsigned int r, Vector& result) const
- {
- result.Resize(column,false);
- if(r<this->row){
- REALTYPE *src = _ + r*column;
- REALTYPE *dst = result._;
- unsigned int len = column;
- while(len--)
- *(dst++) = *(src++);
- }else{
- result.Zero();
- }
- return result;
- }
- /// Get a copy of a column into a vector
- inline Vector GetColumn(const unsigned int col) const
- {
- Vector result;
- return GetColumn(col,result);
- }
- /// Get a copy of a column into a vector
- inline Vector& GetColumn(const unsigned int col, Vector& result) const
- {
- result.Resize(row,false);
- if(col<column){
- REALTYPE *src = _ + col;
- REALTYPE *dst = result._;
- unsigned int len = row;
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) = *(src);
- src += column;
- }
- }else{
- result.Zero();
- }
- return result;
- }
- inline Matrix GetRows(unsigned int rowStart, unsigned int rowEnd) const{
- Matrix result;
- return GetRows(rowStart,rowEnd,result);
- }
- inline Matrix& GetRows(unsigned int rowStart, unsigned int rowEnd, Matrix& result) const{
- if(rowStart>rowEnd){
- return result.Resize(0,0,false);
- }
- unsigned int rowLength = rowEnd-rowStart+1;
- result.Resize(rowLength,column,false);
- if(rowStart>=row){
- return result.Zero();
- }
- REALTYPE *src = _ + rowStart*column;
- REALTYPE *dst = result._;
- unsigned int len;
- if(rowEnd<row) len = rowLength*column;
- else len = (row-rowStart)*column;
- while(len--)
- *(dst++) = *(src++);
- if(rowEnd>=row){
- len = (rowEnd-row+1)*column;
- while(len--)
- *(dst++) = R_ZERO;
- }
- return result;
- }
- inline Matrix GetColumns(unsigned int colStart, unsigned int colEnd) const{
- Matrix result;
- return GetColumns(colStart,colEnd,result);
- }
- inline Matrix& GetColumns(unsigned int colStart, unsigned int colEnd, Matrix& result) const{
- if(colStart>colEnd){
- return result.Resize(0,0,false);
- }
- unsigned int colLength = colEnd-colStart+1;
- result.Resize(row,colLength,false);
- if(colStart>=column){
- return result.Zero();
- }
- REALTYPE *src = _ + colStart;
- REALTYPE *dst = result._;
- unsigned int dstOffset = 0;
- if(colEnd>=column){
- result.Zero();
- dstOffset = (colEnd-column+1);
- colEnd = column-1;
- colLength = colEnd-colStart+1;
- }
- unsigned int rowLen = row;
- while(rowLen--){
- unsigned int colLen = colLength;
- REALTYPE *cSrc = src;
- while(colLen--)
- *(dst++) = *(cSrc++);
- dst += dstOffset;
- src += column;
- }
- return result;
- }
- inline Matrix GetMatrix(unsigned int rowStart, unsigned int rowEnd, unsigned int colStart, unsigned int colEnd) const{
- Matrix result;
- return GetMatrix(rowStart,rowEnd,colStart,colEnd,result);
- }
- inline Matrix& GetMatrix(unsigned int rowStart, unsigned int rowEnd, unsigned int colStart, unsigned int colEnd, Matrix &result) const{
- if((rowStart>rowEnd)||(colStart>colEnd)){
- return result.Resize(0,0,false);
- }
- unsigned int rowLength = rowEnd-rowStart+1;
- unsigned int colLength = colEnd-colStart+1;
- result.Resize(rowLength,colLength,false);
- if((rowStart>=row)||(colStart>=column)){
- return result.Zero();
- }
- unsigned int dstOffset = 0;
- if((rowEnd>=row)||(colEnd>=column)){
- result.Zero();
- if(rowEnd>=row){
- rowEnd = row-1;
- rowLength = rowEnd-rowStart+1;
- }
- if(colEnd>=column){
- dstOffset = (colEnd-column+1);
- colEnd = column-1;
- colLength = colEnd-colStart+1;
- }
- }
- REALTYPE *src = _ + colStart + rowStart*column;
- REALTYPE *dst = result._;
- unsigned int rowLen = rowLength;
- while(rowLen--){
- REALTYPE *cSrc = src;
- unsigned int colLen = colLength;
- while(colLen--){
- *(dst++) = *(cSrc++);
- }
- src += column;
- dst += dstOffset;
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * \brief Get a matrix spanning several rows of the matrix
- * \param row The starting row
- * \param rowSize The number of rows
- * \return The resulting matrix
- */
- inline Matrix GetRowSpace(const unsigned int row, const unsigned int len) const
- {
- Matrix result;
- return GetRowSpace(row,len,result);
- }
- /**
- * \brief Get a matrix spanning several rows of the matrix
- * \param row The starting row
- * \param len The number of rows
- * \param result The target matrix
- * \return The resulting matrix
- */
- inline Matrix& GetRowSpace(const unsigned int row, const unsigned int len, Matrix &result) const
- {
- if(len>0){
- return GetRows(row,row+len-1,result);
- }
- return result.Resize(0,0,false);
- }
- /**
- * \brief Get a matrix spanning several columns of the matrix
- * \param row The starting column
- * \param len The number of columns
- * \return The resulting matrix
- */
- inline Matrix GetColumnSpace(const unsigned int col, const unsigned int len) const
- {
- Matrix result;
- return GetColumnSpace(col,len,result);
- }
- /**
- * \brief Get a matrix spanning several columns of the matrix
- * \param row The starting column
- * \param len The number of columns
- * \param result The target matrix
- * \return The resulting matrix
- */
- inline Matrix& GetColumnSpace(const unsigned int col, const unsigned int len, Matrix &result) const
- {
- if(len>0){
- return GetColumns(col,col+len-1,result);
- }
- return result.Resize(0,0,false);
- }
- inline Matrix GetMatrixSpace(const unsigned int row, const unsigned int rowLen,
- const unsigned int col, const unsigned int colLen) const
- {
- Matrix result;
- return GetMatrixSpace(row,rowLen,col,colLen,result);
- }
- inline Matrix GetMatrixSpace(const unsigned int row, const unsigned int rowLen,
- const unsigned int col, const unsigned int colLen,
- Matrix& result) const
- {
- if((rowLen>0)&&(colLen>0)){
- return GetMatrix(row,row+rowLen-1,col,col+colLen-1,result);
- }
- return result.Resize(0,0,false);
- }
- /**
- * \brief Assign a value to a matrix row
- * \param value The value
- * \param row The row
- */
- inline Matrix& SetRow(const REALTYPE value, const unsigned int row)
- {
- if(row<this->row){
- REALTYPE *src = _+ row*column;
- unsigned int len = column;
- while(len--){
- *(src++) = value;
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /**
- * \brief Assign a vector to a matrix row
- * \param vector The input vector
- * \param row The row
- */
- inline Matrix& SetRow(const Vector &vector, const unsigned int row)
- {
- if(row<this->row){
- REALTYPE *src = vector._;
- REALTYPE *dst = _+ row*column;
- unsigned int len = (column<=vector.row?column:vector.row);
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) = *(src++);
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /**
- * \brief Assign a value to a matrix column
- * \param value The value
- * \param row The row
- */
- inline Matrix& SetColumn(const REALTYPE value, const unsigned int col)
- {
- if(col<this->column){
- REALTYPE *src = _ + col;
- unsigned int len = row;
- while(len--){
- *src = value;
- src += column;
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /**
- * \brief Assign a vector to a matrix column
- * \param vector The input vector
- * \param col The column
- */
- inline Matrix& SetColumn(const Vector &vector, const unsigned int col)
- {
- if(col<this->column){
- REALTYPE *src = vector._;
- REALTYPE *dst = _+ col;
- unsigned int len = (row<=vector.row?row:vector.row);
- while(len--){
- *dst = *(src++);
- dst += column;
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /**
- * \brief Assign a matrix to the current matrix rows
- * \param vector The input matrix
- * \param row The starting row
- */
- inline Matrix& SetRowSpace(const Matrix &matrix, const unsigned int row)
- {
- if(row<this->row){
- const unsigned int ki = (column<=matrix.column?column:matrix.column);
- const unsigned int kj = (row+matrix.row<=this->row?row+matrix.row:this->row);
- for (unsigned int j = row; j < kj; j++)
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ki; i++)
- _[j*column+i] = matrix._[(j-row)*matrix.column+i];
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /**
- * \brief Assign a matrix to the current matrix columns
- * \param vector The input matrix
- * \param col The starting column
- */
- inline Matrix& SetColumnSpace(const Matrix &matrix, const unsigned int col)
- {
- if(col<this->column){
- const unsigned int kj = (row<=matrix.row?row:matrix.row);
- const unsigned int ki = (col+matrix.column<=this->column?col+matrix.column:this->column);
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < kj; j++)
- for (unsigned int i = col; i < ki; i++)
- _[j*column+i] = matrix._[j*matrix.column+(i-col)];
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline Matrix GetRowSpace(const Vector& ids, Matrix &result) const
- {
- int s = ids.Size();
- IndicesVector id;
- for(int i=0;i<s;i++) id.push_back(int(ROUND(ids.At(i))));
- return GetRowSpace(id,result);
- }
- /**
- * \brief Get a matrix spanning several rows of the matrix
- * \param ids The indices of the desired rows
- * \return The resulting matrix
- */
- inline Matrix GetRowSpace(const IndicesVector& ids) const
- {
- Matrix result(ids.size(),column);
- return GetRowSpace(ids,result);
- }
- inline Matrix& GetRowSpace(const IndicesVector& ids, Matrix &result) const
- {
- const unsigned int k=ids.size();
- result.Resize(k,column,false);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<k;i++){
- const unsigned int g = ids[i];
- const unsigned int offset = i*column;
- if(g<row){
- for(unsigned int j=0;j<column;j++)
- result._[offset+j] = _[g*column+j];
- }else{
- for(unsigned int j=0;j<column;j++)
- result._[offset+j] = R_ZERO;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- inline Matrix GetColumnSpace(const Vector& ids, Matrix &result) const
- {
- int s = ids.Size();
- IndicesVector id;
- for(int i=0;i<s;i++) id.push_back(int(ROUND(ids.At(i))));
- return GetColumnSpace(id,result);
- }
- /**
- * \brief Get a matrix spanning several columns of the matrix
- * \param ids The indices of the desired columns
- * \return The resulting matrix
- */
- inline Matrix GetColumnSpace(const IndicesVector& ids) const
- {
- Matrix result(row,ids.size());
- return GetColumnSpace(ids,result);
- }
- inline Matrix& GetColumnSpace(const IndicesVector& ids, Matrix &result) const
- {
- const unsigned int k=ids.size();
- result.Resize(row,k);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<k;i++){
- const unsigned int g = ids[i];
- if(g<column){
- for(unsigned int j=0;j<row;j++)
- result._[j*k+i] = _[j*column+g];
- }else{
- for(unsigned int j=0;j<row;j++)
- result._[j*k+i] = R_ZERO;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- inline Matrix GetMatrixSpace(const Vector& rowIds, const Vector& colIds, Matrix &result) const
- {
- int r = rowIds.Size();
- int c = colIds.Size();
- IndicesVector idr,idc;
- for(int i=0;i<r;i++) idr.push_back(int(ROUND(rowIds.At(i))));
- for(int i=0;i<c;i++) idc.push_back(int(ROUND(colIds.At(i))));
- return GetMatrixSpace(idr,idc,result);
- }
- /**
- * \brief Get a matrix spanning several rows and columns of the matrix
- * \param rowIds The indices of the desired rows
- * \param colIds The indices of the desired columns
- * \return The resulting matrix
- */
- inline Matrix GetMatrixSpace(const IndicesVector& rowIds,const IndicesVector& colIds) const
- {
- Matrix result(rowIds.size(),colIds.size());
- return GetMatrixSpace(rowIds,colIds,result);
- }
- inline Matrix& GetMatrixSpace(const IndicesVector& rowIds,const IndicesVector& colIds, Matrix &result) const
- {
- const unsigned int k1=rowIds.size();
- const unsigned int k2=colIds.size();
- result.Resize(k1,k2);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<k1;i++){
- const unsigned int g1 = rowIds[i];
- if(g1<row){
- for(unsigned int j=0;j<k2;j++){
- const unsigned int g2 = colIds[j];
- if(g2<column){
- result._[i*k2+j] = _[g1*column+g2];
- }else{
- result._[i*k2+j] = R_ZERO;
- }
- }
- }else{
- for(unsigned int j=0;j<k2;j++)
- result._[i*k2+j] = R_ZERO;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * \brief Set a specified column set of the matrix with columns of the source matrix
- * \param ids The indices of the desired columns
- * \param source The source matrix
- * \return The resulting matrix
- */
- inline Matrix& SetColumnSpace(const IndicesVector& ids, const Matrix &source)
- {
- const unsigned int k = MIN(ids.size(),source.column);
- const unsigned int r = MIN(row,source.row);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<k;i++){
- const unsigned int g = ids[i];
- if(g<column){
- for(unsigned int j=0;j<r;j++)
- _[j*column+g] = source._[j*source.column+i];
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline Matrix& InsertSubRow(unsigned int startRow, unsigned int startColumn,
- const Matrix& matrix,
- unsigned int matrixRow,
- unsigned int matrixStartColumn, unsigned int matrixColumnLength){
- // Check submatrix boundaries
- if((matrixRow >= matrix.row)||
- (matrixStartColumn >= matrix.column)) return *this;
- // Check matrix boundaries
- if((startRow >= row)||
- (startColumn >= column)) return *this;
- if(matrixStartColumn+matrixColumnLength > matrix.column) matrixColumnLength = matrix.column-matrixStartColumn;
- if(startColumn+matrixColumnLength > column) matrixColumnLength = column-startColumn;
- unsigned int rowOffset = startRow*column;
- unsigned int matrixRowOffset = matrixRow*matrix.column;
- unsigned int colOffset = startColumn;
- unsigned int matrixColOffset = matrixStartColumn;
- for(unsigned int j=0;j<matrixColumnLength;j++){
- _[rowOffset+colOffset] = matrix._[matrixRowOffset+matrixColOffset];
- colOffset++;
- matrixColOffset++;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline Matrix& InsertSubColumn(unsigned int startRow, unsigned int startColumn,
- const Matrix& matrix,
- unsigned int matrixStartRow, unsigned int matrixRowLength,
- unsigned int matrixColumn){
- if((matrixStartRow >= matrix.row)||
- (matrixColumn >= matrix.column)) return *this;
- if((startRow >= row)||
- (startColumn >= column)) return *this;
- if(matrixStartRow+ matrixRowLength > matrix.row) matrixRowLength = matrix.row -matrixStartRow;
- if(startRow+ matrixRowLength > row) matrixRowLength = row -startRow;
- unsigned int rowOffset = startRow*column;
- unsigned int matrixRowOffset = matrixStartRow*matrix.column;
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<matrixRowLength;i++){
- _[rowOffset+startColumn] = matrix._[matrixRowOffset+matrixColumn];
- rowOffset +=column;
- matrixRowOffset +=matrix.column;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline Matrix& InsertSubMatrix(unsigned int startRow, unsigned int startColumn,
- const Matrix& matrix,
- unsigned int matrixStartRow, unsigned int matrixRowLength,
- unsigned int matrixStartColumn, unsigned int matrixColumnLength){
- // Check submatrix boundaries
- if((matrixStartRow >= matrix.row)||
- (matrixStartColumn >= matrix.column)) return *this;
- // Check matrix boundaries
- if((startRow >= row)||
- (startColumn >= column)) return *this;
- if(matrixStartRow+ matrixRowLength > matrix.row) matrixRowLength = matrix.row -matrixStartRow;
- if(matrixStartColumn+matrixColumnLength > matrix.column) matrixColumnLength = matrix.column-matrixStartColumn;
- if(startRow+ matrixRowLength > row) matrixRowLength = row -startRow;
- if(startColumn+matrixColumnLength > column) matrixColumnLength = column-startColumn;
- unsigned int rowOffset = startRow*column;
- unsigned int matrixRowOffset = matrixStartRow*matrix.column;
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<matrixRowLength;i++){
- unsigned int colOffset = startColumn;
- unsigned int matrixColOffset = matrixStartColumn;
- for(unsigned int j=0;j<matrixColumnLength;j++){
- _[rowOffset+colOffset] = matrix._[matrixRowOffset+matrixColOffset];
- colOffset++;
- matrixColOffset++;
- }
- rowOffset +=column;
- matrixRowOffset +=matrix.column;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline Matrix operator - () const
- {
- Matrix result(row,column,false);
- REALTYPE *src = _;
- REALTYPE *dst = result._;
- unsigned int len = row*column;
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) = -(*(src++));
- }
- return result;
- }
- inline Matrix& SMinus()
- {
- REALTYPE *src = _;
- unsigned int len = row*column;
- while(len--){
- *(src) = -(*(src));
- src++;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline virtual Matrix& operator = (const Matrix &matrix)
- {
- return Set(matrix);
- }
- inline Matrix& operator += (const Matrix &matrix)
- {
- const unsigned int kj = (row<=matrix.row?row:matrix.row);
- REALTYPE *dst = _;
- REALTYPE *src = matrix._;
- if(column==matrix.column){
- unsigned int len = column*kj;
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) += *(src++);
- }
- }else if(column < matrix.column){
- unsigned int colLen = column;
- unsigned int colDif = matrix.column-column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) += *(src++);
- }
- src += colDif;
- }
- }else{
- unsigned int colLen = matrix.column;
- unsigned int colDif = column - matrix.column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) += *(src++);
- }
- dst += colDif;
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline Matrix& operator -= (const Matrix &matrix)
- {
- const unsigned int kj = (row<=matrix.row?row:matrix.row);
- REALTYPE *dst = _;
- REALTYPE *src = matrix._;
- if(column==matrix.column){
- unsigned int len = column*kj;
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) -= *(src++);
- }
- }else if(column < matrix.column){
- unsigned int colLen = column;
- unsigned int colDif = matrix.column-column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) -= *(src++);
- }
- src += colDif;
- }
- }else{
- unsigned int colLen = matrix.column;
- unsigned int colDif = column - matrix.column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) -= *(src++);
- }
- dst += colDif;
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /// matrix multiplication
- inline Matrix& operator *= (const Matrix &matrix){
- Matrix tmp;
- Mult(matrix,tmp);
- return Swap(tmp);
- }
- /// Element-wise multiplication
- inline Matrix& operator ^= (const Matrix &matrix)
- {
- const unsigned int kj = (row<=matrix.row?row:matrix.row);
- REALTYPE *dst = _;
- REALTYPE *src = matrix._;
- if(column==matrix.column){
- unsigned int len = column*kj;
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) *= *(src++);
- }
- }else if(column < matrix.column){
- unsigned int colLen = column;
- unsigned int colDif = matrix.column-column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) *= *(src++);
- }
- src += colDif;
- }
- }else{
- unsigned int colLen = matrix.column;
- unsigned int colDif = column - matrix.column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) *= *(src++);
- }
- dst += colDif;
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /* Row wise multiplication by a vector */
- inline Matrix& operator ^= (Vector vec)
- {
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < row; j++)
- {
- REALTYPE scalar = vec(j);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < column; i++)
- _[j*column+i] *= scalar;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /* Row wise division by a vector */
- inline Matrix& operator /= (Vector vec)
- {
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < row; j++)
- {
- REALTYPE scalar = R_ONE/vec(j);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < column; i++)
- _[j*column+i] *= scalar;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /// Element-wise division
- inline Matrix& operator /= (const Matrix &matrix)
- {
- const unsigned int kj = (row<=matrix.row?row:matrix.row);
- REALTYPE *dst = _;
- REALTYPE *src = matrix._;
- if(column==matrix.column){
- unsigned int len = column*kj;
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) /= *(src++);
- }
- }else if(column < matrix.column){
- unsigned int colLen = column;
- unsigned int colDif = matrix.column-column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) /= *(src++);
- }
- src += colDif;
- }
- }else{
- unsigned int colLen = matrix.column;
- unsigned int colDif = column - matrix.column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) /= *(src++);
- }
- dst += colDif;
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline Matrix& operator += (REALTYPE scalar)
- {
- REALTYPE *src = _;
- unsigned int len = row*column;
- while(len--){
- *(src++) += scalar;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline Matrix& operator -= (REALTYPE scalar)
- {
- REALTYPE *src = _;
- unsigned int len = row*column;
- while(len--){
- *(src++) -= scalar;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline Matrix& operator *= (REALTYPE scalar)
- {
- REALTYPE *src = _;
- unsigned int len = row*column;
- while(len--){
- *(src++) *= scalar;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline Matrix& operator /= (REALTYPE scalar)
- {
- scalar = R_ONE/scalar;
- return *(this) *= scalar;
- }
- inline Matrix operator + (const Matrix &matrix) const
- {
- Matrix result(row,column,false);
- return Add(matrix,result);
- }
- inline Matrix operator - (const Matrix &matrix) const
- {
- Matrix result(row,column,false);
- return Sub(matrix,result);
- }
- /// Element-wise multiplication
- inline Matrix operator ^ (const Matrix &matrix) const
- {
- Matrix result(row,column,false);
- return PMult(matrix,result);
- }
- inline Matrix operator / (const Matrix &matrix) const
- {
- Matrix result(row,column,false);
- return PDiv(matrix,result);
- }
- inline Matrix& ScaleAddTo(REALTYPE scale, Matrix &result) const
- {
- const unsigned int kj = (row<=result.row?row:result.row);
- REALTYPE *dst = result._;
- REALTYPE *src = _;
- if(column==result.column){
- unsigned int len = column*kj;
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) += *(src++) * scale;
- }
- }else if(result.column < column){
- unsigned int colLen = result.column;
- unsigned int colDif = column-result.column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) += *(src++) * scale;
- }
- src += colDif;
- }
- }else{
- unsigned int colLen = column;
- unsigned int colDif = result.column - column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) += *(src++) * scale;
- }
- dst += colDif;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- inline Matrix& Add(const Matrix &matrix, Matrix &result) const
- {
- result.Resize(row,column,false);
- const unsigned int kj = (row<=matrix.row?row:matrix.row);
- REALTYPE *dst = result._;
- REALTYPE *src0 = _;
- REALTYPE *src = matrix._;
- if(column==matrix.column){
- unsigned int len = column*kj;
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++) + *(src++);
- }
- }else if(column < matrix.column){
- unsigned int colLen = column;
- unsigned int colDif = matrix.column-column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++) + *(src++);
- }
- src += colDif;
- }
- }else{
- unsigned int colLen = matrix.column;
- unsigned int colDif = column - matrix.column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++) + *(src++);
- }
- rowLen = colDif;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++);
- }
- }
- }
- if(kj!=row){
- unsigned int len = column*(kj-matrix.row);
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- inline Matrix& Sub(const Matrix &matrix, Matrix &result) const
- {
- result.Resize(row,column,false);
- const unsigned int kj = (row<=matrix.row?row:matrix.row);
- REALTYPE *dst = result._;
- REALTYPE *src0 = _;
- REALTYPE *src = matrix._;
- if(column==matrix.column){
- unsigned int len = column*kj;
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++) - *(src++);
- }
- }else if(column < matrix.column){
- unsigned int colLen = column;
- unsigned int colDif = matrix.column-column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++) - *(src++);
- }
- src += colDif;
- }
- }else{
- unsigned int colLen = matrix.column;
- unsigned int colDif = column - matrix.column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++) - *(src++);
- }
- rowLen = colDif;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++);
- }
- }
- }
- if(kj!=row){
- unsigned int len = column*(kj-matrix.row);
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- /// Element-wise multiplication
- inline Matrix& PMult(const Matrix &matrix, Matrix &result) const
- {
- result.Resize(row,column,false);
- const unsigned int kj = (row<=matrix.row?row:matrix.row);
- REALTYPE *dst = result._;
- REALTYPE *src0 = _;
- REALTYPE *src = matrix._;
- if(column==matrix.column){
- unsigned int len = column*kj;
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++) * *(src++);
- }
- }else if(column < matrix.column){
- unsigned int colLen = column;
- unsigned int colDif = matrix.column-column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++) * *(src++);
- }
- src += colDif;
- }
- }else{
- unsigned int colLen = matrix.column;
- unsigned int colDif = column - matrix.column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++) * *(src++);
- }
- rowLen = colDif;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++);
- }
- }
- }
- if(kj!=row){
- unsigned int len = column*(kj-matrix.row);
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- /// Element-wise division
- inline Matrix& PDiv(const Matrix &matrix, Matrix &result) const
- {
- result.Resize(row,column,false);
- const unsigned int kj = (row<=matrix.row?row:matrix.row);
- REALTYPE *dst = result._;
- REALTYPE *src0 = _;
- REALTYPE *src = matrix._;
- if(column==matrix.column){
- unsigned int len = column*kj;
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++) / *(src++);
- }
- }else if(column < matrix.column){
- unsigned int colLen = column;
- unsigned int colDif = matrix.column-column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++) / *(src++);
- }
- src += colDif;
- }
- }else{
- unsigned int colLen = matrix.column;
- unsigned int colDif = column - matrix.column;
- while(colLen--){
- unsigned int rowLen = kj;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++) / *(src++);
- }
- rowLen = colDif;
- while(rowLen--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++);
- }
- }
- }
- if(kj!=row){
- unsigned int len = column*(kj-matrix.row);
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) = *(src0++);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- inline Matrix operator + (REALTYPE scalar) const
- {
- Matrix result(row,column,false);
- return Add(scalar,result);
- }
- inline Matrix operator - (REALTYPE scalar) const
- {
- Matrix result(row,column,false);
- return Sub(scalar,result);
- }
- inline Matrix operator * (REALTYPE scalar) const
- {
- Matrix result(row,column,false);
- return Mult(scalar,result);
- }
- inline Matrix operator / (REALTYPE scalar) const
- {
- Matrix result(row,column,false);
- return Div(scalar,result);
- }
- inline Matrix& Add(REALTYPE scalar, Matrix& result) const
- {
- result.Resize(row,column,false);
- REALTYPE *src = _;
- REALTYPE *dst = result._;
- unsigned int len = row*column;
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) = *(src++) + scalar;
- }
- return result;
- }
- inline Matrix& Sub(REALTYPE scalar, Matrix& result) const
- {
- return Add(-scalar,result);
- }
- inline Matrix& Mult(REALTYPE scalar, Matrix& result) const
- {
- result.Resize(row,column,false);
- REALTYPE *src = _;
- REALTYPE *dst = result._;
- unsigned int len = row*column;
- while(len--){
- *(dst++) = *(src++) * scalar;
- }
- return result;
- }
- inline Matrix& Div(REALTYPE scalar, Matrix& result) const
- {
- return Mult(R_ONE/scalar,result);
- }
- inline bool operator == (const Matrix& matrix) const
- {
- if((row!=matrix.row)||(column!=matrix.column)) return false;
- REALTYPE *src = _;
- REALTYPE *dst = matrix._;
- unsigned int len = row*column;
- while(len--){
- if( *(dst++) != *(src++) ) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- inline bool operator != (const Matrix& matrix) const
- {
- return !(*this == matrix);
- }
- /// Matrix multiplication against a vector
- inline Vector operator * (const Vector &vector) const
- {
- Vector result(row,false);
- return Mult(vector,result);
- }
- /// Matrix multiplication against a vector
- inline Vector Mult(const Vector &vector) const
- {
- Vector result(row,false);
- return Mult(vector,result);
- }
- /// Matrix multiplication against a vector
- inline Vector& Mult(const Vector &vector, Vector &result) const
- {
- result.Resize(row,false);
- const unsigned int ki = (column<=vector.row?column:vector.row);
- unsigned int rowLen = row;
- REALTYPE *dst = result._;
- REALTYPE *srcM = _;
- while(rowLen--){
- REALTYPE *srcV = vector._;
- unsigned int colLen = ki;
- while(colLen--){
- sum += (*(srcM++)) * (*(srcV++));
- }
- srcM += column-ki;
- *(dst++) = sum;
- }
- return result;
- }
- /// Transpose Matrix multiplication against a vector
- inline Vector TransposeMult(const Vector &vector) const
- {
- Vector result(column,false);
- return TransposeMult(vector,result);
- }
- /// Transpose Matrix multiplication against a vector
- inline Vector& TransposeMult(const Vector &vector, Vector &result) const
- {
- result.Resize(column,false);
- result.Zero();
- const unsigned int ki = (row<vector.row?row:vector.row);
- REALTYPE *srcV = vector._;
- REALTYPE *srcM = _;
- unsigned int rowLen = ki;
- while(rowLen--){
- REALTYPE *dst = result._;
- unsigned int colLen = column;
- while(colLen--){
- *(dst++) += (*(srcM++)) * (*(srcV));
- }
- srcV++;
- }
- return result;
- }
- inline Matrix& SAddToRow(const Vector &vector){
- const unsigned int k = (column<=vector.row?column:vector.row);
- REALTYPE *ptr = _;
- unsigned int rowLen = row;
- while(rowLen--){
- REALTYPE *ptr2 = ptr;
- REALTYPE *ptrv = vector._;
- unsigned int colLen = k;
- while(colLen--){
- *(ptr2++) += *(ptrv++);
- }
- ptr += column;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline Matrix& SAddToColumn(const Vector &vector){
- REALTYPE *ptr = _;
- REALTYPE *ptrv = vector._;
- unsigned int rowLen = (row<=vector.row?row:vector.row);
- while(rowLen--){
- unsigned int colLen = column;
- while(colLen--)
- *(ptr++) += *(ptrv);
- ptrv++;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /// Multiplication of each ith row by the ith element of a vector
- inline Matrix MultRow(const Vector &vector) const {
- Matrix result;
- return MultRow(vector,result);
- }
- inline Matrix& MultRow(const Vector &vector, Matrix& result) const {
- result.Set(*this);
- return result.SMultRow(vector);
- }
- /// Self multiplication of each ith row by the ith element of a vector
- inline Matrix& SMultRow(const Vector &vector)
- {
- REALTYPE *cDst = _;
- REALTYPE *cSrc = vector._;
- unsigned int ki = (row<=vector.row?row:vector.row);
- while(ki--){
- REALTYPE v = *(cSrc++);
- unsigned int len = column;
- while(len--) (*cDst++) *= v;
- }
- if(row>vector.row){
- unsigned int len = column * (row-vector.row);
- while(len--) *(cDst++) = R_ZERO;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /// Multiplication of each ith column by the ith element of a vector
- inline Matrix MultColumn(const Vector &vector) const {
- Matrix result;
- return MultColumn(vector,result);
- }
- inline Matrix& MultColumn(const Vector &vector, Matrix& result) const {
- result.Set(*this);
- return result.SMultColumn(vector);
- }
- /// Self multiplication of each ith row by the ith element of a vector
- inline Matrix& SMultColumn(const Vector &vector)
- {
- REALTYPE *cDst = _;
- if(column<=vector.row){
- unsigned int len = row;
- while(len--){
- REALTYPE *cSrc = vector._;
- unsigned int colLen = column;
- while(colLen--) *(cDst++) *= *(cSrc++);
- }
- }else{
- unsigned int len = row;
- while(len--){
- REALTYPE *cSrc = vector._;
- unsigned int colLen = vector.row;
- while(colLen--) *(cDst++) *= *(cSrc++);
- colLen = row-vector.row;
- while(colLen--) *(cDst++) = R_ZERO;
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /// Matrix multiplication
- inline Matrix operator * (const Matrix &matrix) const {
- Matrix result;
- return Mult(matrix,result);
- }
- /// Matrix multiplication
- inline Matrix Mult(const Matrix &matrix) const {
- Matrix result;
- return Mult(matrix,result);
- }
- /// Matrix multiplication
- inline Matrix& Mult(const Matrix &matrix, Matrix &result) const
- {
- result.Resize(row,matrix.column,false);
- result.Zero();
- const unsigned int rcol = result.column;
- const unsigned int kk = (column<=matrix.row?column:matrix.row);
- REALTYPE *cP1 = _;
- REALTYPE *eP1 = cP1 + row*column;
- REALTYPE *cD = result._;
- while(cP1!=eP1){
- REALTYPE *currP1 = cP1;
- REALTYPE *endP1 = currP1 + kk;
- REALTYPE *currP2 = matrix._;
- while(currP1!=endP1){
- REALTYPE *currPD = cD;
- REALTYPE curr1 = *currP1;
- REALTYPE *endP2 = currP2 + rcol;
- while(currP2!=endP2){
- (*currPD++) += curr1 * (*(currP2++));
- }
- currP1++;
- }
- cD += rcol;
- cP1 += column;
- }
- return result;
- }
- inline Matrix& TransposeMult(const Matrix &matrix) const{
- Matrix result;
- return TransposeMult(matrix,result);
- }
- /// Transpose then Multiply by the matrix :
- // result = this^T * matrix (avoiding a useless call to .Transpose() )
- inline Matrix& TransposeMult(const Matrix &matrix, Matrix &result) const
- {
- //[a0 a1 .. an] [b0 b1 .. bn]
- result.Resize(column,matrix.column,false);
- result.Zero();
- unsigned int kk = (row<=matrix.row?row:matrix.row);
- REALTYPE *cP1 = _;
- REALTYPE *cP2 = matrix._;
- while(kk--){
- REALTYPE *currD = result._;
- REALTYPE *currP1 = cP1;
- unsigned int len1 = column;
- while(len1--){
- REALTYPE *currP2 = cP2;
- unsigned int len2 = matrix.column;
- while(len2--){
- *(currD++) += *(currP1) *(*(currP2++));
- }
- currP1++;
- }
- cP2 += matrix.column;
- cP1 += column;
- }
- return result;
- }
- inline Matrix& MultTranspose2(const Matrix &matrix) const{
- Matrix result;
- return MultTranspose2(matrix,result);
- }
- /// Transpose then Multiply by the matrix :
- // result = this^T * matrix (avoiding a useless call to .Transpose() )
- inline Matrix& MultTranspose2(const Matrix &matrix, Matrix &result) const
- {
- result.Resize(row,matrix.row,false);
- //[a0 a1 .. an] [b0 b1 .. bn]
- if(column==matrix.column){
- REALTYPE *cP1 = _;
- REALTYPE *currD = result._;
- unsigned int len1 = row;
- while(len1--){
- REALTYPE *currP2 = matrix._;
- unsigned int len2 = matrix.row;
- while(len2--){
- REALTYPE *currP1 = cP1;
- REALTYPE sum=0.0;
- unsigned int len = column;
- while(len--)
- sum += *(currP1++) * (*(currP2++));
- *(currD++) = sum;
- }
- cP1 += column;
- }
- }else{
- REALTYPE *cP1 = _;
- REALTYPE *currD = result._;
- unsigned int len1 = row;
- const unsigned int kk = (column<=matrix.column?column:matrix.column);
- unsigned int off2 = matrix.column - kk;
- while(len1--){
- REALTYPE *currP2 = matrix._;
- unsigned int len2 = matrix.row;
- while(len2--){
- REALTYPE *currP1 = cP1;
- REALTYPE sum=0.0;
- unsigned int len = kk;
- while(len--)
- sum += *(currP1++) * (*(currP2++));
- *(currD++) = sum;
- currP2 += off2;
- }
- cP1 += column;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- /// Set a diagonal matrix given a vector of diagonal elements
- inline Matrix& Diag(const Vector &vector)
- {
- Resize(vector.row,vector.row,false);
- Zero();
- REALTYPE *src = vector._;
- REALTYPE *dst = _;
- unsigned int len = row;
- while(len--){
- *dst = *(src++);
- dst += column+1;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /// Set a random matrix with value uniformly distributed between 0 and 1
- inline Matrix& Random(){
- REALTYPE *src = _;
- unsigned int len = row*column;
- while(len--){
- *(src++) = RND(R_ONE);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /// Return the transpose of a matrix
- inline Matrix Transpose() const
- {
- Matrix result;
- return Transpose(result);
- }
- /// Compute the transpose of a matrix
- inline Matrix& Transpose(Matrix &result) const
- {
- result.Resize(column,row,false);
- REALTYPE *src = _;
- REALTYPE *dst = re