PHP | 107 lines | 96 code | 8 blank | 3 comment | 11 complexity | 34694e3baf208afcb249bad67b1445cc MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0
- <?php
- gp_title(__('Install'));
- gp_breadcrumb(array(__('Install')));
- wp_enqueue_script('install');
- // include, do not require, as it's ok if file is not there
- @include_once 'gp-config.php';
- // these value are there, whether from previous config or defaults
- $config_defaults = array(
- 'GPDB_HOST' => defined('GPDB_HOST') ? GPDB_HOST : 'localhost',
- 'GPDB_CHARSET' => defined('GPDB_CHARSET') ? GPDB_CHARSET : 'utf8',
- 'GPDB_COLLATE' => defined('GPDB_COLLATE') ? GPDB_COLLATE : 'utf8_unicode_ci',
- 'gp_table_prefix' => isset($gp_table_prefix) ? $gp_table_prefix : 'rg_',
- );
- // these values are only added if previous config was present
- if (defined('GPDB_NAME'))
- $config_defaults['GPDB_NAME'] = GPDB_NAME;
- if (defined('GPDB_USER'))
- $config_defaults['GPDB_USER'] = GPDB_USER;
- if (defined('GPDB_PASSWORD'))
- $config_defaults['GPDB_PASSWORD'] = GPDB_PASSWORD;
- if (defined('GP_AUTH_KEY'))
- $config_defaults['GP_AUTH_KEY'] = GP_AUTH_KEY;
- if (defined('GP_SECURE_AUTH_KEY'))
- $config_defaults['GP_SECURE_AUTH_KEY'] = GP_SECURE_AUTH_KEY;
- if (defined('GP_LOGGED_IN_KEY'))
- $config_defaults['GP_LOGGED_IN_KEY'] = GP_LOGGED_IN_KEY;
- if (defined('GP_NONCE_KEY'))
- $config_defaults['GP_NONCE_KEY'] = GP_NONCE_KEY;
- if (defined('CUSTOM_USER_TABLE')) {
- $config_defaults['gp_enable_wordpress_users'] = 'on';
- $wordpress_enabled = true;
- } else {
- $wordpress_enabled = false;
- }
- $config = array_merge($config_defaults, $config);
- gp_tmpl_header();
- ?>
- <section id="content">
- <h2><?php echo wptexturize(sprintf(__('Installation Process (phase %d of %d)'), 1, GP_TOT_INSTALL_PAGES)); ?></h2>
- <form action="" method="post">
- <dl>
- <dt><h3><?php echo __('Database Configuration'); ?></h3></dt>
- <dd>
- <label for="config[GPDB_NAME]"><?php _e('Database Name'); ?></label>
- <input type="text" name="config[GPDB_NAME]" value="<?php echo @$config['GPDB_NAME']; ?>" id="config[GPDB_NAME]"><br/>
- <label for="config[GPDB_USER]"><?php _e('Username'); ?></label>
- <input type="text" name="config[GPDB_USER]" value="<?php echo @$config['GPDB_USER']; ?>" id="config[GPDB_USER]"><br/>
- <label for="config[GPDB_PASSWORD]"><?php _e('Password'); ?></label>
- <input type="password" name="config[GPDB_PASSWORD]" value="<?php echo @$config['GPDB_PASSWORD']; ?>" id="config[GPDB_PASSWORD]"><br/>
- <label for="config[GPDB_HOST]"><?php _e('Server Host'); ?></label>
- <input type="text" name="config[GPDB_HOST]" value="<?php echo @$config['GPDB_HOST']; ?>" id="config[GPDB_HOST]"><br/>
- <label for="config[GPDB_CHARSET]"><?php _e('Default Character Set'); ?></label>
- <input type="text" name="config[GPDB_CHARSET]" value="<?php echo @$config['GPDB_CHARSET']; ?>" id="config[GPDB_CHARSET]"><br/>
- <label for="config[GPDB_COLLATE]"><?php _e('Default Collation'); ?></label>
- <input type="text" name="config[GPDB_COLLATE]" value="<?php echo @$config['GPDB_COLLATE']; ?>" id="config[GPDB_COLLATE]"><br/>
- <label for="config[gp_table_prefix]"><?php _e('GlotPress Table Prefix'); ?></label>
- <input type="text" name="config[gp_table_prefix]" value="<?php echo @$config['gp_table_prefix']; ?>" id="config[gp_table_prefix]"><br/>
- </dd>
- <br/>
- <dt><h3><?php echo __('Authentication Unique Keys'); ?></h3></dt>
- <dd>
- <label for="config[GP_AUTH_KEY]">GP_AUTH_KEY</label>
- <input type="text" name="config[GP_AUTH_KEY]" value="<?php echo @$config['GP_AUTH_KEY']; ?>" id="config[GP_AUTH_KEY]"><br/>
- <label for="config[GP_SECURE_AUTH_KEY]">GP_SECURE_AUTH_KEY</label>
- <input type="text" name="config[GP_SECURE_AUTH_KEY]" value="<?php echo @$config['GP_SECURE_AUTH_KEY']; ?>" id="config[GP_SECURE_AUTH_KEY]"><br/>
- <label for="config[GP_LOGGED_IN_KEY]">GP_LOGGED_IN_KEY</label>
- <input type="text" name="config[GP_LOGGED_IN_KEY]" value="<?php echo @$config['GP_LOGGED_IN_KEY']; ?>" id="config[GP_LOGGED_IN_KEY]"><br/>
- <label for="config[GP_NONCE_KEY]">GP_NONCE_KEY</label>
- <input type="text" name="config[GP_NONCE_KEY]" value="<?php echo @$config['GP_NONCE_KEY']; ?>" id="config[GP_NONCE_KEY]"><br/>
- <small><?php _e('You can generate these using the <a href="https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/" target="_blank">WordPress.org secret-key service</a> page'); ?></small>
- </dd>
- <br/>
- <dt>
- <h3><input type="checkbox" name="config[gp_enable_wordpress_users]" value="on"<?php if ($wordpress_enabled) echo ' checked'; ?> id="check_enable_wordpress_users">
- <label for="config[gp_enable_wordpress_users]"><?php echo __('Enable WordPress User Base Integration'); ?></label></h3>
- </dt>
- <dd id="div_enable_wordpress_users"<?php if (!$wordpress_enabled) echo ' style="display: none;"'; ?>>
- <label for="config[CUSTOM_USER_TABLE]">User Table Name</label>
- <input type="text" name="config[CUSTOM_USER_TABLE]" value="<?php echo @$config['CUSTOM_USER_TABLE']; ?>" id="config[CUSTOM_USER_TABLE]"><br/>
- <label for="config[CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE]">User Meta Table Name</label>
- <input type="text" name="config[CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE]" value="<?php echo @$config['CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE']; ?>" id="config[CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE]"><br/>
- </dd>
- <br/>
- <dt><h3><?php echo __('Other Options'); ?></h3></dt>
- <dd>
- <label for="config[GP_LANG]"><?php echo __('GlotPress Language'); ?></label>
- <input type="text" name="config[GP_LANG]" value="" id="config[CUSTOM_USER_TABLE]"><br/>
- <small><?php _e('A corresponding MO file for the chosen language must be installed to <i>languages/</i>. Leave blank for English.'); ?></small>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <?php echo gp_js_focus_on('config[GPDB_NAME]'); ?>
- <p>
- <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo esc_attr(__('Install')); ?>" id="submit" />
- </p>
- </form>
- </section>
- <?php gp_tmpl_footer(); ?>