C# | 359 lines | 240 code | 51 blank | 68 comment | 28 complexity | 5c5099a8c8f595b6fe3f1064722fe068 MD5 | raw file
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.ComponentModel;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Net;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Threading;
- using System.Xml.Linq;
- using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media;
- namespace WordPress.Model
- {
- public class UploadFileRPC : XmlRemoteProcedureCall<Media>
- {
- #region member variables
- private const string METHODNAME_VALUE = "wp.uploadFile";
- private int retryCount = 0;
- private const string FILE_VALUE = "file";
- private const string URL_VALUE = "url";
- private const string TYPE_VALUE = "type";
- /// <summary>
- /// Holds a format string with the XMLRPC post content
- /// </summary>
- private readonly string _content;
- private State originalState;
- #endregion
- #region constructors
- public UploadFileRPC()
- : base()
- {
- _content = XMLRPCTable.wp_uploadFile;
- }
- public UploadFileRPC(Blog blog, Media currentMedia, bool overwrite)
- : base(blog.Xmlrpc, METHODNAME_VALUE, blog.Username, blog.Password)
- {
- _content = XMLRPCTable.wp_uploadFile;
- Blog = blog;
- CurrentMedia = currentMedia;
- Overwrite = overwrite;
- }
- #endregion
- #region properties
- public Blog Blog { get; private set; }
- public Media CurrentMedia { get; private set; }
- public bool Overwrite { get; private set; }
- #endregion
- #region methods
- protected override void ValidateValues()
- {
- base.ValidateValues();
- if (null == Blog)
- {
- throw new ArgumentException("Blog may not be null", "Blog");
- }
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentMedia.FileName))
- {
- throw new ArgumentException("Name may not be null or an empty string.", "Name");
- }
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentMedia.MimeType))
- {
- throw new ArgumentException("Type may not be null or an empty string", "Type");
- }
- if (null == CurrentMedia.LocalPath)
- {
- throw new ArgumentException("Location of the file may not be null", "Data");
- }
- }
- protected override string BuildPostContentString()
- {
- throw new NotSupportedException("BuildPostContentString should not be called on image");
- /*
- string content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><methodCall><methodName>wp.uploadFile</methodName><params>" +
- "<param><value><int>" + Blog.BlogId + "</int></value></param>" +
- "<param><value><string>" + Credentials.UserName.HtmlEncode() + "</string></value></param>" +
- "<param><value><string>" + Credentials.Password.HtmlEncode() + "</string></value></param>" +
- "<param><struct><member><name>name</name><value><string>" + FileName.HtmlEncode() + "</string></value></member>" +
- "<member><name>type</name><value><string>" + MimeType.HtmlEncode() + "</string></value></member>" +
- "<member><name>bits</name><value><base64>";
- byte[] chunk = new byte[3600];
- _bitmapStream.Position = 0;
- int count = 0;
- while ((count = _bitmapStream.Read(chunk, 0, chunk.Length)) > 0)
- {
- string result = Convert.ToBase64String(chunk);
- result = result.Trim();
- content += result;
- }
- content += "</base64></value></member>" +
- "<member><name>overwrite</name><value><bool>" + Convert.ToInt32(Overwrite) + "</bool></value></member>" +
- "</struct></param></params></methodCall>";
- return content;*/
- }
- /* Another way of reading a file by chunks
- * bool readCompleted = false;
- while ( readCompleted == false )
- {
- int index = 0;
- //we're trying to keep reading into our chunk until either we reach the end of the stream, or we've read everything we need.
- while (index < chunk.Length)
- {
- int bytesRead = _bitmapStream.Read(chunk, index, chunk.Length - index);
- this.DebugLog("Read the following noof bytes: " + bytesRead);
- if (bytesRead == 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- index += bytesRead;
- }
- if (index != 0) // Our previous chunk may have been the last one
- {
- string result = Convert.ToBase64String(chunk);
- result = result.Trim();
- content += result;
- }
- if (index != chunk.Length) // We didn't read a full chunk: we're done
- {
- readCompleted = true;
- this.DebugLog("No more bytes to read");
- }
- }
- */
- /* Read the whole file into the byte array. Do not use this method.
- int length = (int)_bitmapStream.Length;
- _bitmapStream.Position = 0;
- byte[] payload = new byte[length];
- _bitmapStream.Read(payload, 0, length);
- string result = Convert.ToBase64String(payload);
- result = result.Trim();
- */
- internal override void OnBeginGetRequestStreamCompleted(IAsyncResult result)
- {
- State state = result.AsyncState as State;
- HttpWebRequest request = state.Request;
- Stream contentStream = null;
- try
- {
- contentStream = request.EndGetRequestStream(result);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- CompletionMethod(null, ex, false, state.Operation);
- return;
- }
- Stream _bitmapStream = CurrentMedia.getImageStream();
- using (contentStream)
- {
- //Write the first chunk of data
- string content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><methodCall><methodName>wp.uploadFile</methodName><params>" +
- "<param><value><int>" + Blog.BlogId + "</int></value></param>" +
- "<param><value><string>" + Credentials.UserName.HtmlEncode() + "</string></value></param>" +
- "<param><value><string>" + Credentials.Password.HtmlEncode() + "</string></value></param>" +
- "<param><struct><member><name>name</name><value><string>" + CurrentMedia.FileName + "</string></value></member>" +
- "<member><name>type</name><value><string>" + CurrentMedia.MimeType.HtmlEncode() + "</string></value></member>" +
- "<member><name>bits</name><value><base64>";
- byte[] payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content);
- contentStream.Write(payload, 0, payload.Length);
- //Write the chunks of the image
- byte[] chunk = new byte[3600];
- int count = 0;
- while ((count = _bitmapStream.Read(chunk, 0, chunk.Length)) > 0 && !IsCancelled)
- {
- payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Convert.ToBase64String(chunk).Trim());
- contentStream.Write(payload, 0, payload.Length);
- }
- _bitmapStream.Close();
- if (IsCancelled)
- {
- return;
- }
- //Write the last chunk of data
- content = "</base64></value></member>" +
- "<member><name>overwrite</name><value><bool>" + Convert.ToInt32(Overwrite) + "</bool></value></member>" +
- "</struct></param></params></methodCall>";
- payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content);
- contentStream.Write(payload, 0, payload.Length);
- }
- request.BeginGetResponse(OnBeginFileResponseCompleted, state);
- state.Operation.Post(onProgressReportDelegate, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(40, state.Operation.UserSuppliedState));
- }
- private void OnBeginFileResponseCompleted(IAsyncResult result)
- {
- if (IsCancelled)
- {
- return;
- }
- State state = result.AsyncState as State;
- if (retryCount == 0)
- {
- originalState = state;
- }
- HttpWebRequest request = state.Request;
- HttpWebResponse response = null;
- try
- {
- response = request.EndGetResponse(result) as HttpWebResponse;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- if (retryCount == 2)
- {
- CompletionMethod(null, ex, false, originalState.Operation);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- retryCount++;
- AsyncOperation newAsyncOp = AsyncOperationManager.CreateOperation(Guid.NewGuid());
- BeginBuildingHttpWebRequest(newAsyncOp);
- return;
- }
- }
- originalState.Operation.Post(onProgressReportDelegate, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(60, originalState.Operation.UserSuppliedState));
- Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
- string responseContent = null;
- try
- {
- using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream))
- {
- responseContent = reader.ReadToEnd();
- }
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- CompletionMethod(null, ex, false, originalState.Operation);
- return;
- }
- originalState.Operation.Post(onProgressReportDelegate, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(80, originalState.Operation.UserSuppliedState));
- XDocument xDoc = null;
- try
- {
- xDoc = this.cleanAndParseServerResponse(responseContent);
- }
- catch (Exception ex2)
- {
- CompletionMethod(null, ex2, false, originalState.Operation);
- return;
- }
- var fault = xDoc.Descendants().Where(element => XmlRPCResponseConstants.NAME == element.Name && XmlRPCResponseConstants.FAULTCODE_VALUE == element.Value);
- if (null != fault && 0 < fault.Count())
- {
- Exception exception = ParseFailureInfo(xDoc.Descendants(XmlRPCResponseConstants.STRUCT).First());
- CompletionMethod(null, exception, false, originalState.Operation);
- }
- else
- {
- List<Media> items = null;
- Exception exception = null;
- try
- {
- items = ParseResponseContent(xDoc);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- if (ex is XmlRPCException || ex is XmlRPCParserException)
- exception = ex;
- else
- {
- exception = new XmlRPCException(XmlRPCResponseConstants.SERVER_RETURNED_INVALID_XML_RPC_CODE, XmlRPCResponseConstants.SERVER_RETURNED_INVALID_XML_RPC_MESSAGE, ex);
- }
- }
- CompletionMethod(items, exception, false, originalState.Operation);
- }
- }
- /* END of the overrided methods */
- protected override List<Media> ParseResponseContent(XDocument xDoc)
- {
- List<Media> result = new List<Media>();
- foreach (XElement structElement in xDoc.Descendants(XmlRPCResponseConstants.STRUCT))
- {
- this.ParseImageResponseElement(structElement);
- result.Add(CurrentMedia);
- }
- return result;
- }
- private void ParseImageResponseElement(XElement element)
- {
- if (!element.HasElements)
- {
- }
- string value = null;
- foreach (XElement member in element.Descendants(XmlRPCResponseConstants.MEMBER))
- {
- string memberName = member.Descendants(XmlRPCResponseConstants.NAME).First().Value;
- if (FILE_VALUE.Equals(memberName))
- {
- value = member.Descendants(XmlRPCResponseConstants.STRING).First().Value;
- CurrentMedia.FileName = value;
- }
- else if (URL_VALUE.Equals(memberName))
- {
- value = member.Descendants(XmlRPCResponseConstants.STRING).First().Value;
- CurrentMedia.Url = value;
- }
- else if (TYPE_VALUE.Equals(memberName))
- {
- value = member.Descendants(XmlRPCResponseConstants.STRING).First().Value;
- CurrentMedia.MimeType = value;
- }
- }
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }