C | 707 lines | 501 code | 169 blank | 37 comment | 63 complexity | 0e17c97819d1f82b5a7ecaddff24b225 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): LGPL-2.1
- /*
- * ion/de/draw.c
- *
- * Copyright (c) Tuomo Valkonen 1999-2009.
- *
- * See the included file LICENSE for details.
- */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <ioncore/global.h>
- #include <ioncore/common.h>
- #include <ioncore/gr.h>
- #include <ioncore/gr-util.h>
- #include "brush.h"
- #include "font.h"
- #include "private.h"
- #include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
- /*{{{ Colour group lookup */
- static DEColourGroup *destyle_get_colour_group2(DEStyle *style,
- const GrStyleSpec *a1,
- const GrStyleSpec *a2)
- {
- int i, score, maxscore=0;
- DEColourGroup *maxg=&(style->cgrp);
- while(style!=NULL){
- for(i=0; i<style->n_extra_cgrps; i++){
- score=gr_stylespec_score2(&style->extra_cgrps[i].spec, a1, a2);
- if(score>maxscore){
- maxg=&(style->extra_cgrps[i]);
- maxscore=score;
- }
- }
- style=style->based_on;
- }
- return maxg;
- }
- DEColourGroup *debrush_get_colour_group2(DEBrush *brush,
- const GrStyleSpec *a1,
- const GrStyleSpec *a2)
- {
- return destyle_get_colour_group2(brush->d, a1, a2);
- }
- DEColourGroup *debrush_get_colour_group(DEBrush *brush, const GrStyleSpec *attr)
- {
- return destyle_get_colour_group2(brush->d, attr, NULL);
- }
- DEColourGroup *debrush_get_current_colour_group(DEBrush *brush)
- {
- return debrush_get_colour_group(brush, debrush_get_current_attr(brush));
- }
- /*}}}*/
- /*{{{ Borders */
- /* Draw a border at x, y with outer width w x h. Top and left 'tl' pixels
- * wide with color 'tlc' and bottom and right 'br' pixels with colors 'brc'.
- */
- static void do_draw_border(Window win, GC gc, int x, int y, int w, int h,
- uint tl, uint br, DEColour tlc, DEColour brc)
- {
- XPoint points[3];
- uint i=0, a=0, b=0;
- w--;
- h--;
- XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, tlc);
- a=(br!=0);
- b=0;
- for(i=0; i<tl; i++){
- points[0].x=x+i; points[0].y=y+h+1-b;
- points[1].x=x+i; points[1].y=y+i;
- points[2].x=x+w+1-a; points[2].y=y+i;
- if(a<br)
- a++;
- if(b<br)
- b++;
- XDrawLines(ioncore_g.dpy, win, gc, points, 3, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, brc);
- a=(tl!=0);
- b=0;
- for(i=0; i<br; i++){
- points[0].x=x+w-i; points[0].y=y+b;
- points[1].x=x+w-i; points[1].y=y+h-i;
- points[2].x=x+a; points[2].y=y+h-i;
- if(a<tl)
- a++;
- if(b<tl)
- b++;
- XDrawLines(ioncore_g.dpy, win, gc, points, 3, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- }
- static void draw_border(Window win, GC gc, WRectangle *geom,
- uint tl, uint br, DEColour tlc, DEColour brc)
- {
- do_draw_border(win, gc, geom->x, geom->y, geom->w, geom->h,
- tl, br, tlc, brc);
- geom->x+=tl;
- geom->y+=tl;
- geom->w-=tl+br;
- geom->h-=tl+br;
- }
- static void draw_borderline(Window win, GC gc, WRectangle *geom,
- uint tl, uint br, DEColour tlc, DEColour brc,
- GrBorderLine line)
- {
- if(line==GR_BORDERLINE_LEFT && geom->h>0 && tl>0){
- XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, tlc);
- XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, tlc);
- XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, win, gc, geom->x, geom->y, tl, geom->h);
- geom->x+=tl;
- }else if(line==GR_BORDERLINE_TOP && geom->w>0 && tl>0){
- XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, tlc);
- XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, tlc);
- XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, win, gc, geom->x, geom->y, geom->w, tl);
- geom->y+=tl;
- }else if(line==GR_BORDERLINE_RIGHT && geom->h>0 && br>0){
- XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, brc);
- XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, brc);
- XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, win, gc, geom->x+geom->w-br, geom->y, br, geom->h);
- geom->w-=br;
- }else if(line==GR_BORDERLINE_BOTTOM && geom->w>0 && br>0){
- XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, brc);
- XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, brc);
- XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, win, gc, geom->x, geom->y+geom->h-br, geom->w, br);
- geom->h-=br;
- }
- }
- void debrush_do_draw_borderline(DEBrush *brush, WRectangle geom,
- DEColourGroup *cg, GrBorderLine line)
- {
- DEBorder *bd=&(brush->d->border);
- GC gc=brush->d->normal_gc;
- Window win=brush->win;
- switch(bd->style){
- draw_borderline(win, gc, &geom, bd->hl, bd->sh, cg->hl, cg->sh, line);
- draw_borderline(win, gc, &geom, bd->pad, bd->pad, cg->pad, cg->pad, line);
- draw_borderline(win, gc, &geom, bd->sh, bd->hl, cg->sh, cg->hl, line);
- break;
- draw_borderline(win, gc, &geom, bd->sh, bd->hl, cg->sh, cg->hl, line);
- draw_borderline(win, gc, &geom, bd->pad, bd->pad, cg->pad, cg->pad, line);
- draw_borderline(win, gc, &geom, bd->hl, bd->sh, cg->hl, cg->sh, line);
- break;
- default:
- draw_borderline(win, gc, &geom, bd->hl, bd->sh, cg->hl, cg->sh, line);
- draw_borderline(win, gc, &geom, bd->pad, bd->pad, cg->pad, cg->pad, line);
- break;
- }
- }
- void debrush_do_draw_padline(DEBrush *brush, WRectangle geom,
- DEColourGroup *cg, GrBorderLine line)
- {
- DEBorder *bd=&(brush->d->border);
- GC gc=brush->d->normal_gc;
- Window win=brush->win;
- draw_borderline(win, gc, &geom, bd->pad, bd->pad, cg->pad, cg->pad, line);
- }
- void debrush_draw_borderline(DEBrush *brush, const WRectangle *geom,
- GrBorderLine line)
- {
- DEColourGroup *cg=debrush_get_current_colour_group(brush);
- if(cg!=NULL)
- debrush_do_draw_borderline(brush, *geom, cg, line);
- }
- static void debrush_do_do_draw_border(DEBrush *brush, WRectangle geom,
- DEColourGroup *cg)
- {
- DEBorder *bd=&(brush->d->border);
- GC gc=brush->d->normal_gc;
- Window win=brush->win;
- switch(bd->style){
- draw_border(win, gc, &geom, bd->hl, bd->sh, cg->hl, cg->sh);
- draw_border(win, gc, &geom, bd->pad, bd->pad, cg->pad, cg->pad);
- draw_border(win, gc, &geom, bd->sh, bd->hl, cg->sh, cg->hl);
- break;
- draw_border(win, gc, &geom, bd->sh, bd->hl, cg->sh, cg->hl);
- draw_border(win, gc, &geom, bd->pad, bd->pad, cg->pad, cg->pad);
- draw_border(win, gc, &geom, bd->hl, bd->sh, cg->hl, cg->sh);
- break;
- default:
- draw_border(win, gc, &geom, bd->hl, bd->sh, cg->hl, cg->sh);
- draw_border(win, gc, &geom, bd->pad, bd->pad, cg->pad, cg->pad);
- break;
- }
- }
- void debrush_do_draw_border(DEBrush *brush, WRectangle geom,
- DEColourGroup *cg)
- {
- DEBorder *bd=&(brush->d->border);
- switch(bd->sides){
- debrush_do_do_draw_border(brush, geom, cg);
- break;
- debrush_do_draw_padline(brush, geom, cg, GR_BORDERLINE_LEFT);
- debrush_do_draw_padline(brush, geom, cg, GR_BORDERLINE_RIGHT);
- debrush_do_draw_borderline(brush, geom, cg, GR_BORDERLINE_TOP);
- debrush_do_draw_borderline(brush, geom, cg, GR_BORDERLINE_BOTTOM);
- break;
- debrush_do_draw_padline(brush, geom, cg, GR_BORDERLINE_TOP);
- debrush_do_draw_padline(brush, geom, cg, GR_BORDERLINE_BOTTOM);
- debrush_do_draw_borderline(brush, geom, cg, GR_BORDERLINE_LEFT);
- debrush_do_draw_borderline(brush, geom, cg, GR_BORDERLINE_RIGHT);
- break;
- }
- }
- void debrush_draw_border(DEBrush *brush,
- const WRectangle *geom)
- {
- DEColourGroup *cg=debrush_get_current_colour_group(brush);
- if(cg!=NULL)
- debrush_do_draw_border(brush, *geom, cg);
- }
- /*}}}*/
- /*{{{ Boxes */
- static void copy_masked(DEBrush *brush, Drawable src, Drawable dst,
- int src_x, int src_y, int w, int h,
- int dst_x, int dst_y)
- {
- GC copy_gc=brush->d->copy_gc;
- XSetClipMask(ioncore_g.dpy, copy_gc, src);
- XSetClipOrigin(ioncore_g.dpy, copy_gc, dst_x, dst_y);
- XCopyPlane(ioncore_g.dpy, src, dst, copy_gc, src_x, src_y, w, h,
- dst_x, dst_y, 1);
- }
- #define ISSET(S, A) ((S)!=NULL && gr_stylespec_isset(S, A))
- GR_DEFATTR(dragged);
- GR_DEFATTR(tagged);
- GR_DEFATTR(submenu);
- GR_DEFATTR(numbered);
- GR_DEFATTR(tabnumber);
- static void ensure_attrs()
- {
- GR_ALLOCATTR(dragged);
- GR_ALLOCATTR(tagged);
- GR_ALLOCATTR(submenu);
- GR_ALLOCATTR(numbered);
- GR_ALLOCATTR(tabnumber);
- }
- static int get_ty(const WRectangle *g, const GrBorderWidths *bdw,
- const GrFontExtents *fnte)
- {
- return (g->y+bdw->top+fnte->baseline
- +(g->h-bdw->top-bdw->bottom-fnte->max_height)/2);
- }
- void debrush_tab_extras(DEBrush *brush, const WRectangle *g,
- DEColourGroup *cg, const GrBorderWidths *bdw,
- const GrFontExtents *fnte,
- const GrStyleSpec *a1,
- const GrStyleSpec *a2,
- bool pre, int index)
- {
- DEStyle *d=brush->d;
- GC tmp;
- /* Not thread-safe, but neither is the rest of the drawing code
- * with shared GC:s.
- */
- static bool swapped=FALSE;
- ensure_attrs();
- if(pre){
- if(ISSET(a2, GR_ATTR(dragged)) || ISSET(a1, GR_ATTR(dragged))){
- tmp=d->normal_gc;
- d->normal_gc=d->stipple_gc;
- d->stipple_gc=tmp;
- swapped=TRUE;
- XClearArea(ioncore_g.dpy, brush->win, g->x, g->y, g->w, g->h, False);
- }
- return;
- }
- if((ISSET(a1, GR_ATTR(numbered)) || ISSET(a2, GR_ATTR(numbered)))
- && index>=0){
- DEColourGroup *cg;
- GrStyleSpec tmp;
- gr_stylespec_init(&tmp);
- gr_stylespec_append(&tmp, a2);
- gr_stylespec_set(&tmp, GR_ATTR(tabnumber));
- cg=debrush_get_colour_group2(brush, a1, &tmp);
- gr_stylespec_unalloc(&tmp);
- if(cg!=NULL){
- char *s=NULL;
- libtu_asprintf(&s, "[%d]", index+1);
- if(s!=NULL){
- int l=strlen(s);
- uint w=debrush_get_text_width(brush, s, l);
- if(w < g->w-bdw->right-bdw->left){
- int ty=get_ty(g, bdw, fnte);
- int tx=(d->textalign==DEALIGN_RIGHT
- ? g->x+bdw->left
- : g->x+g->w-bdw->right-w);
- debrush_do_draw_string(brush, tx, ty, s, l, TRUE, cg);
- }
- free(s);
- }
- }
- }
- if(ISSET(a2, GR_ATTR(tagged)) || ISSET(a1, GR_ATTR(tagged))){
- XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, d->copy_gc, cg->fg);
- copy_masked(brush, d->tag_pixmap, brush->win, 0, 0,
- d->tag_pixmap_w, d->tag_pixmap_h,
- g->x+g->w-bdw->right-d->tag_pixmap_w,
- g->y+bdw->top);
- }
- if(swapped){
- tmp=d->normal_gc;
- d->normal_gc=d->stipple_gc;
- d->stipple_gc=tmp;
- swapped=FALSE;
- }
- /*if(MATCHES2("*-*-*-dragged", a1, a2)){
- XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, win, d->stipple_gc,
- g->x, g->y, g->w, g->h);
- }*/
- }
- void debrush_menuentry_extras(DEBrush *brush,
- const WRectangle *g,
- DEColourGroup *cg,
- const GrBorderWidths *bdw,
- const GrFontExtents *fnte,
- const GrStyleSpec *a1,
- const GrStyleSpec *a2,
- bool pre, int index)
- {
- int tx, ty;
- if(pre)
- return;
- ensure_attrs();
- if(ISSET(a2, GR_ATTR(submenu)) || ISSET(a1, GR_ATTR(submenu))){
- ty=get_ty(g, bdw, fnte);
- tx=g->x+g->w-bdw->right;
- debrush_do_draw_string(brush, tx, ty, DE_SUB_IND, DE_SUB_IND_LEN,
- FALSE, cg);
- }
- }
- void debrush_do_draw_box(DEBrush *brush, const WRectangle *geom,
- DEColourGroup *cg, bool needfill)
- {
- GC gc=brush->d->normal_gc;
- if(TRUE/*needfill*/){
- XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, cg->bg);
- XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, brush->win, gc, geom->x, geom->y,
- geom->w, geom->h);
- }
- debrush_do_draw_border(brush, *geom, cg);
- }
- static void debrush_do_draw_textbox(DEBrush *brush,
- const WRectangle *geom,
- const char *text,
- DEColourGroup *cg,
- bool needfill,
- const GrStyleSpec *a1,
- const GrStyleSpec *a2,
- int index)
- {
- uint len;
- GrBorderWidths bdw;
- GrFontExtents fnte;
- uint tx, ty, tw;
- grbrush_get_border_widths(&(brush->grbrush), &bdw);
- grbrush_get_font_extents(&(brush->grbrush), &fnte);
- if(brush->extras_fn!=NULL)
- brush->extras_fn(brush, geom, cg, &bdw, &fnte, a1, a2, TRUE, index);
- debrush_do_draw_box(brush, geom, cg, needfill);
- do{ /*...while(0)*/
- if(text==NULL)
- break;
- len=strlen(text);
- if(len==0)
- break;
- if(brush->d->textalign!=DEALIGN_LEFT){
- tw=grbrush_get_text_width((GrBrush*)brush, text, len);
- if(brush->d->textalign==DEALIGN_CENTER)
- tx=geom->x+bdw.left+(geom->w-bdw.left-bdw.right-tw)/2;
- else
- tx=geom->x+geom->w-bdw.right-tw;
- }else{
- tx=geom->x+bdw.left;
- }
- ty=get_ty(geom, &bdw, &fnte);
- debrush_do_draw_string(brush, tx, ty, text, len, FALSE, cg);
- }while(0);
- if(brush->extras_fn!=NULL)
- brush->extras_fn(brush, geom, cg, &bdw, &fnte, a1, a2, FALSE, index);
- }
- void debrush_draw_textbox(DEBrush *brush, const WRectangle *geom,
- const char *text, bool needfill)
- {
- GrStyleSpec *attr=debrush_get_current_attr(brush);
- DEColourGroup *cg=debrush_get_colour_group(brush, attr);
- if(cg!=NULL){
- debrush_do_draw_textbox(brush, geom, text, cg, needfill,
- attr, NULL, -1);
- }
- }
- void debrush_draw_textboxes(DEBrush *brush, const WRectangle *geom,
- int n, const GrTextElem *elem,
- bool needfill)
- {
- GrStyleSpec *common_attrib;
- WRectangle g=*geom;
- DEColourGroup *cg;
- GrBorderWidths bdw;
- int i;
- common_attrib=debrush_get_current_attr(brush);
- grbrush_get_border_widths(&(brush->grbrush), &bdw);
- for(i=0; ; i++){
- g.w=bdw.left+elem[i].iw+bdw.right;
- cg=debrush_get_colour_group2(brush, common_attrib, &elem[i].attr);
- if(cg!=NULL){
- debrush_do_draw_textbox(brush, &g, elem[i].text, cg, needfill,
- common_attrib, &elem[i].attr, i);
- }
- if(i==n-1)
- break;
- g.x+=g.w;
- if(bdw.spacing>0 && needfill){
- XClearArea(ioncore_g.dpy, brush->win, g.x, g.y,
- brush->d->spacing, g.h, False);
- }
- g.x+=bdw.spacing;
- }
- }
- /*}}}*/
- /*{{{ Misc. */
- #define MAXSHAPE 16
- void debrush_set_window_shape(DEBrush *brush, bool rough,
- int n, const WRectangle *rects)
- {
- XRectangle r[MAXSHAPE];
- int i;
- if(!ioncore_g.shape_extension)
- return;
- if(n>MAXSHAPE)
- if(n==0){
- /* n==0 should clear the shape. As there's absolutely no
- * documentation for XShape (as is typical of all sucky X
- * extensions), I don't know how the shape should properly
- * be cleared. Thus we just use a huge rectangle.
- */
- n=1;
- r[0].x=0;
- r[0].y=0;
- r[0].width=USHRT_MAX;
- r[0].height=USHRT_MAX;
- }else{
- for(i=0; i<n; i++){
- r[i].x=rects[i].x;
- r[i].y=rects[i].y;
- r[i].width=rects[i].w;
- r[i].height=rects[i].h;
- }
- }
- XShapeCombineRectangles(ioncore_g.dpy, brush->win,
- ShapeBounding, 0, 0, r, n,
- ShapeSet, Unsorted);
- }
- void debrush_enable_transparency(DEBrush *brush, GrTransparency mode)
- {
- XSetWindowAttributes attr;
- ulong attrflags=0;
- mode=brush->d->transparency_mode;
- attrflags=CWBackPixmap;
- attr.background_pixmap=ParentRelative;
- }else{
- attrflags=CWBackPixel;
- attr.background_pixel=brush->d->cgrp.bg;
- }
- XChangeWindowAttributes(ioncore_g.dpy, brush->win, attrflags, &attr);
- XClearWindow(ioncore_g.dpy, brush->win);
- }
- void debrush_fill_area(DEBrush *brush, const WRectangle *geom)
- {
- DEColourGroup *cg=debrush_get_current_colour_group(brush);
- GC gc=brush->d->normal_gc;
- if(cg==NULL)
- return;
- XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, cg->bg);
- XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, brush->win, gc,
- geom->x, geom->y, geom->w, geom->h);
- }
- void debrush_clear_area(DEBrush *brush, const WRectangle *geom)
- {
- XClearArea(ioncore_g.dpy, brush->win,
- geom->x, geom->y, geom->w, geom->h, False);
- }
- /*}}}*/
- /*{{{ Clipping rectangles */
- /* Should actually set the clipping rectangle for all GC:s and use
- * window-specific GC:s to do this correctly...
- */
- static void debrush_set_clipping_rectangle(DEBrush *brush,
- const WRectangle *geom)
- {
- XRectangle rect;
- assert(!brush->clip_set);
- rect.x=geom->x;
- rect.y=geom->y;
- rect.width=geom->w;
- rect.height=geom->h;
- XSetClipRectangles(ioncore_g.dpy, brush->d->normal_gc,
- 0, 0, &rect, 1, Unsorted);
- brush->clip_set=TRUE;
- }
- static void debrush_clear_clipping_rectangle(DEBrush *brush)
- {
- if(brush->clip_set){
- XSetClipMask(ioncore_g.dpy, brush->d->normal_gc, None);
- brush->clip_set=FALSE;
- }
- }
- /*}}}*/
- /*{{{ debrush_begin/end */
- void debrush_begin(DEBrush *brush, const WRectangle *geom, int flags)
- {
- if(flags&GRBRUSH_AMEND)
- if(!(flags&GRBRUSH_KEEP_ATTR))
- debrush_init_attr(brush, NULL);
- if(!(flags&GRBRUSH_NO_CLEAR_OK))
- debrush_clear_area(brush, geom);
- debrush_set_clipping_rectangle(brush, geom);
- }
- void debrush_end(DEBrush *brush)
- {
- debrush_clear_clipping_rectangle(brush);
- }
- /*}}}*/