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- /**
- * This class provides a container DD instance that allows dropping on multiple child target nodes.
- *
- * By default, this class requires that child nodes accepting drop are registered with {@link Ext.dd.Registry}.
- * However a simpler way to allow a DropZone to manage any number of target elements is to configure the
- * DropZone with an implementation of {@link #getTargetFromEvent} which interrogates the passed
- * mouse event to see if it has taken place within an element, or class of elements. This is easily done
- * by using the event's {@link Ext.EventObject#getTarget getTarget} method to identify a node based on a
- * {@link Ext.DomQuery} selector.
- *
- * Once the DropZone has detected through calling getTargetFromEvent, that the mouse is over
- * a drop target, that target is passed as the first parameter to {@link #onNodeEnter}, {@link #onNodeOver},
- * {@link #onNodeOut}, {@link #onNodeDrop}. You may configure the instance of DropZone with implementations
- * of these methods to provide application-specific behaviour for these events to update both
- * application state, and UI state.
- *
- * For example to make a GridPanel a cooperating target with the example illustrated in
- * {@link Ext.dd.DragZone DragZone}, the following technique might be used:
- *
- * myGridPanel.on('render', function() {
- * myGridPanel.dropZone = new Ext.dd.DropZone(myGridPanel.getView().scroller, {
- *
- * // If the mouse is over a grid row, return that node. This is
- * // provided as the "target" parameter in all "onNodeXXXX" node event handling functions
- * getTargetFromEvent: function(e) {
- * return e.getTarget(myGridPanel.getView().rowSelector);
- * },
- *
- * // On entry into a target node, highlight that node.
- * onNodeEnter : function(target, dd, e, data){
- * Ext.fly(target).addCls('my-row-highlight-class');
- * },
- *
- * // On exit from a target node, unhighlight that node.
- * onNodeOut : function(target, dd, e, data){
- * Ext.fly(target).removeCls('my-row-highlight-class');
- * },
- *
- * // While over a target node, return the default drop allowed class which
- * // places a "tick" icon into the drag proxy.
- * onNodeOver : function(target, dd, e, data){
- * return Ext.dd.DropZone.prototype.dropAllowed;
- * },
- *
- * // On node drop we can interrogate the target to find the underlying
- * // application object that is the real target of the dragged data.
- * // In this case, it is a Record in the GridPanel's Store.
- * // We can use the data set up by the DragZone's getDragData method to read
- * // any data we decided to attach in the DragZone's getDragData method.
- * onNodeDrop : function(target, dd, e, data){
- * var rowIndex = myGridPanel.getView().findRowIndex(target);
- * var r = myGridPanel.getStore().getAt(rowIndex);
- * Ext.Msg.alert('Drop gesture', 'Dropped Record id ' + data.draggedRecord.id +
- * ' on Record id ' + r.id);
- * return true;
- * }
- * });
- * }
- *
- * See the {@link Ext.dd.DragZone DragZone} documentation for details about building a DragZone which
- * cooperates with this DropZone.
- */
- Ext.define('Ext.dd.DropZone', {
- extend: 'Ext.dd.DropTarget',
- requires: ['Ext.dd.Registry'],
- /**
- * Returns a custom data object associated with the DOM node that is the target of the event. By default
- * this looks up the event target in the {@link Ext.dd.Registry}, although you can override this method to
- * provide your own custom lookup.
- * @param {Event} e The event
- * @return {Object} data The custom data
- */
- getTargetFromEvent : function(e){
- return Ext.dd.Registry.getTargetFromEvent(e);
- },
- /**
- * Called when the DropZone determines that a {@link Ext.dd.DragSource} has entered a drop node
- * that has either been registered or detected by a configured implementation of {@link #getTargetFromEvent}.
- * This method has no default implementation and should be overridden to provide
- * node-specific processing if necessary.
- * @param {Object} nodeData The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
- * {@link #getTargetFromEvent} for this node)
- * @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone
- * @param {Event} e The event
- * @param {Object} data An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source
- */
- onNodeEnter : function(n, dd, e, data){
- },
- /**
- * Called while the DropZone determines that a {@link Ext.dd.DragSource} is over a drop node
- * that has either been registered or detected by a configured implementation of {@link #getTargetFromEvent}.
- * The default implementation returns this.dropNotAllowed, so it should be
- * overridden to provide the proper feedback.
- * @param {Object} nodeData The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
- * {@link #getTargetFromEvent} for this node)
- * @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone
- * @param {Event} e The event
- * @param {Object} data An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source
- * @return {String} status The CSS class that communicates the drop status back to the source so that the
- * underlying {@link Ext.dd.StatusProxy} can be updated
- */
- onNodeOver : function(n, dd, e, data){
- return this.dropAllowed;
- },
- /**
- * Called when the DropZone determines that a {@link Ext.dd.DragSource} has been dragged out of
- * the drop node without dropping. This method has no default implementation and should be overridden to provide
- * node-specific processing if necessary.
- * @param {Object} nodeData The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
- * {@link #getTargetFromEvent} for this node)
- * @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone
- * @param {Event} e The event
- * @param {Object} data An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source
- */
- onNodeOut : function(n, dd, e, data){
- },
- /**
- * Called when the DropZone determines that a {@link Ext.dd.DragSource} has been dropped onto
- * the drop node. The default implementation returns false, so it should be overridden to provide the
- * appropriate processing of the drop event and return true so that the drag source's repair action does not run.
- * @param {Object} nodeData The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
- * {@link #getTargetFromEvent} for this node)
- * @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone
- * @param {Event} e The event
- * @param {Object} data An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source
- * @return {Boolean} True if the drop was valid, else false
- */
- onNodeDrop : function(n, dd, e, data){
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * Called while the DropZone determines that a {@link Ext.dd.DragSource} is being dragged over it,
- * but not over any of its registered drop nodes. The default implementation returns this.dropNotAllowed, so
- * it should be overridden to provide the proper feedback if necessary.
- * @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone
- * @param {Event} e The event
- * @param {Object} data An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source
- * @return {String} status The CSS class that communicates the drop status back to the source so that the
- * underlying {@link Ext.dd.StatusProxy} can be updated
- */
- onContainerOver : function(dd, e, data){
- return this.dropNotAllowed;
- },
- /**
- * Called when the DropZone determines that a {@link Ext.dd.DragSource} has been dropped on it,
- * but not on any of its registered drop nodes. The default implementation returns false, so it should be
- * overridden to provide the appropriate processing of the drop event if you need the drop zone itself to
- * be able to accept drops. It should return true when valid so that the drag source's repair action does not run.
- * @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone
- * @param {Event} e The event
- * @param {Object} data An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source
- * @return {Boolean} True if the drop was valid, else false
- */
- onContainerDrop : function(dd, e, data){
- return false;
- },
- /**
- * The function a {@link Ext.dd.DragSource} calls once to notify this drop zone that the source is now over
- * the zone. The default implementation returns this.dropNotAllowed and expects that only registered drop
- * nodes can process drag drop operations, so if you need the drop zone itself to be able to process drops
- * you should override this method and provide a custom implementation.
- * @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone
- * @param {Event} e The event
- * @param {Object} data An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source
- * @return {String} status The CSS class that communicates the drop status back to the source so that the
- * underlying {@link Ext.dd.StatusProxy} can be updated
- */
- notifyEnter : function(dd, e, data){
- return this.dropNotAllowed;
- },
- /**
- * The function a {@link Ext.dd.DragSource} calls continuously while it is being dragged over the drop zone.
- * This method will be called on every mouse movement while the drag source is over the drop zone.
- * It will call {@link #onNodeOver} while the drag source is over a registered node, and will also automatically
- * delegate to the appropriate node-specific methods as necessary when the drag source enters and exits
- * registered nodes ({@link #onNodeEnter}, {@link #onNodeOut}). If the drag source is not currently over a
- * registered node, it will call {@link #onContainerOver}.
- * @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone
- * @param {Event} e The event
- * @param {Object} data An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source
- * @return {String} status The CSS class that communicates the drop status back to the source so that the
- * underlying {@link Ext.dd.StatusProxy} can be updated
- */
- notifyOver : function(dd, e, data){
- var n = this.getTargetFromEvent(e);
- if(!n) { // not over valid drop target
- if(this.lastOverNode){
- this.onNodeOut(this.lastOverNode, dd, e, data);
- this.lastOverNode = null;
- }
- return this.onContainerOver(dd, e, data);
- }
- if(this.lastOverNode != n){
- if(this.lastOverNode){
- this.onNodeOut(this.lastOverNode, dd, e, data);
- }
- this.onNodeEnter(n, dd, e, data);
- this.lastOverNode = n;
- }
- return this.onNodeOver(n, dd, e, data);
- },
- /**
- * The function a {@link Ext.dd.DragSource} calls once to notify this drop zone that the source has been dragged
- * out of the zone without dropping. If the drag source is currently over a registered node, the notification
- * will be delegated to {@link #onNodeOut} for node-specific handling, otherwise it will be ignored.
- * @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop target
- * @param {Event} e The event
- * @param {Object} data An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag zone
- */
- notifyOut : function(dd, e, data){
- if(this.lastOverNode){
- this.onNodeOut(this.lastOverNode, dd, e, data);
- this.lastOverNode = null;
- }
- },
- /**
- * The function a {@link Ext.dd.DragSource} calls once to notify this drop zone that the dragged item has
- * been dropped on it. The drag zone will look up the target node based on the event passed in, and if there
- * is a node registered for that event, it will delegate to {@link #onNodeDrop} for node-specific handling,
- * otherwise it will call {@link #onContainerDrop}.
- * @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone
- * @param {Event} e The event
- * @param {Object} data An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source
- * @return {Boolean} False if the drop was invalid.
- */
- notifyDrop : function(dd, e, data){
- if(this.lastOverNode){
- this.onNodeOut(this.lastOverNode, dd, e, data);
- this.lastOverNode = null;
- }
- var n = this.getTargetFromEvent(e);
- return n ?
- this.onNodeDrop(n, dd, e, data) :
- this.onContainerDrop(dd, e, data);
- },
- // private
- triggerCacheRefresh : function() {
- Ext.dd.DDM.refreshCache(this.groups);
- }
- });