https://bitbucket.org/mineo/musicbrainz-server · Perl · 454 lines · 382 code · 65 blank · 7 comment · 46 complexity · e217ddfa7e03465d3b684f1a619f89ec MD5 · raw file
- package MusicBrainz::Server::Data::Relationship;
- use Moose;
- use namespace::autoclean -also => [qw( _generate_table_list )];
- use Readonly;
- use Sql;
- use Carp qw( carp croak );
- use MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Relationship;
- use MusicBrainz::Server::Data::Artist;
- use MusicBrainz::Server::Data::Label;
- use MusicBrainz::Server::Data::Link;
- use MusicBrainz::Server::Data::LinkType;
- use MusicBrainz::Server::Data::Recording;
- use MusicBrainz::Server::Data::ReleaseGroup;
- use MusicBrainz::Server::Data::URL;
- use MusicBrainz::Server::Data::Work;
- use MusicBrainz::Server::Data::Utils qw(
- placeholders
- ref_to_type
- type_to_model
- );
- use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
- extends 'MusicBrainz::Server::Data::Entity';
- Readonly my @TYPES => qw(
- artist
- label
- recording
- release
- release_group
- url
- work
- );
- my %TYPES = map { $_ => 1} @TYPES;
- sub all_link_types
- {
- return @TYPES;
- }
- sub _entity_class
- {
- return 'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Relationship';
- }
- sub _new_from_row
- {
- my ($self, $row, $obj, $matching_entity_type) = @_;
- my $entity0 = $row->{entity0};
- my $entity1 = $row->{entity1};
- my %info = (
- id => $row->{id},
- link_id => $row->{link},
- edits_pending => $row->{edits_pending},
- entity0_id => $entity0,
- entity1_id => $entity1,
- last_updated => $row->{last_updated}
- );
- my $weaken;
- if (defined $obj) {
- if ($matching_entity_type == 0 && $entity0 == $obj->id) {
- $weaken = 'entity0';
- $info{entity0} = $obj;
- $info{direction} = $MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Relationship::DIRECTION_FORWARD;
- }
- elsif ($matching_entity_type == 1 && $entity1 == $obj->id) {
- $weaken = 'entity1';
- $info{entity1} = $obj;
- $info{direction} = $MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Relationship::DIRECTION_BACKWARD;
- }
- else {
- carp "Neither relationship end-point matched the object.";
- }
- }
- my $rel = MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Relationship->new(%info);
- weaken($rel->{$weaken}) if $obj;
- return $rel;
- }
- sub _check_types
- {
- my ($self, $type0, $type1) = @_;
- croak 'Invalid types'
- unless exists $TYPES{$type0} && exists $TYPES{$type1} && $type0 le $type1;
- }
- sub get_by_id
- {
- my ($self, $type0, $type1, $id) = @_;
- $self->_check_types($type0, $type1);
- my $query = "SELECT * FROM l_${type0}_${type1} WHERE id = ?";
- my $row = $self->sql->select_single_row_hash($query, $id)
- or return undef;
- return $self->_new_from_row($row);
- }
- sub _load
- {
- my ($self, $type, $target_types, @objs) = @_;
- my @target_types = @$target_types;
- my @types = map { [ sort($type, $_) ] } @target_types;
- my @rels;
- foreach my $t (@types) {
- my $target_type = $type eq $t->[0] ? $t->[1] : $t->[0];
- my %objs_by_id = map { $_->id => $_ }
- grep { @{ $_->relationships_by_type($target_type) } == 0 } @objs;
- my @ids = keys %objs_by_id;
- next unless @ids;
- my $type0 = $t->[0];
- my $type1 = $t->[1];
- my (@cond, @params, $target, $target_id, $query);
- if ($type eq $type0) {
- push @cond, "entity0 IN (" . placeholders(@ids) . ")";
- push @params, @ids;
- $target = $type1;
- $target_id = 'entity1';
- }
- if ($type eq $type1) {
- push @cond, "entity1 IN (" . placeholders(@ids) . ")";
- push @params, @ids;
- $target = $type0;
- $target_id = 'entity0';
- }
- my $select = "l_${type0}_${type1}.* FROM l_${type0}_${type1}
- JOIN link l ON link = l.id";
- my $order = 'l.begin_date_year, l.begin_date_month, l.begin_date_day,
- l.end_date_year, l.end_date_month, l.end_date_day,
- l.ended';
- if ($target eq 'url') {
- $query = "
- SELECT $select
- JOIN $target ON $target_id = ${target}.id
- WHERE " . join(" OR ", @cond) . "
- ORDER BY $order, url";
- } else {
- my $name_table =
- $target eq 'recording' ? 'track_name' :
- $target eq 'release_group' ? 'release_name' :
- "${target}_name";
- $query = "
- SELECT $select
- JOIN $target ON $target_id = ${target}.id
- JOIN $name_table name ON name.id = ${target}.name
- WHERE " . join(" OR ", @cond) . "
- ORDER BY $order, musicbrainz_collate(name.name)";
- }
- $self->sql->select($query, @params);
- while (1) {
- my $row = $self->sql->next_row_hash_ref or last;
- my $entity0 = $row->{entity0};
- my $entity1 = $row->{entity1};
- if ($type eq $type0 && exists $objs_by_id{$entity0}) {
- my $obj = $objs_by_id{$entity0};
- my $rel = $self->_new_from_row($row, $obj, 0);
- $obj->add_relationship($rel);
- push @rels, $rel;
- }
- if ($type eq $type1 && exists $objs_by_id{$entity1}) {
- my $obj = $objs_by_id{$entity1};
- my $rel = $self->_new_from_row($row, $obj, 1);
- $obj->add_relationship($rel);
- push @rels, $rel;
- }
- }
- $self->sql->finish;
- }
- return @rels;
- }
- sub load_entities
- {
- my ($self, @rels) = @_;
- my %ids_by_type;
- foreach my $rel (@rels) {
- my $linktype = $rel->link->type->name;
- if ($rel->entity0_id && !defined($rel->entity0)) {
- my $type = $rel->link->type->entity0_type;
- $ids_by_type{$type} = [] if !exists($ids_by_type{$type});
- push @{$ids_by_type{$type}}, $rel->entity0_id;
- }
- if ($rel->entity1_id && !defined($rel->entity1)) {
- my $type = $rel->link->type->entity1_type;
- $ids_by_type{$type} = [] if !exists($ids_by_type{$type});
- push @{$ids_by_type{$type}}, $rel->entity1_id;
- }
- }
- my %data_by_type;
- foreach my $type (keys %ids_by_type) {
- my @ids = @{$ids_by_type{$type}};
- $data_by_type{$type} =
- $self->c->model(type_to_model($type))->get_by_ids(@ids);
- }
- foreach my $rel (@rels) {
- if ($rel->entity0_id && !defined($rel->entity0)) {
- my $type = $rel->link->type->entity0_type;
- my $obj = $data_by_type{$type}->{$rel->entity0_id};
- $rel->entity0($obj) if defined($obj);
- }
- if ($rel->entity1_id && !defined($rel->entity1)) {
- my $type = $rel->link->type->entity1_type;
- my $obj = $data_by_type{$type}->{$rel->entity1_id};
- $rel->entity1($obj) if defined($obj);
- }
- }
- my @load_ac = grep { $_->meta->find_method_by_name('artist_credit') } map { values %$_ } values %data_by_type;
- $self->c->model('ArtistCredit')->load(@load_ac);
- }
- sub load_subset
- {
- my ($self, $types, @objs) = @_;
- my %objs_by_type;
- return unless @objs; # nothing to do
- foreach my $obj (@objs) {
- if (my $type = ref_to_type($obj)) {
- $objs_by_type{$type} = [] if !exists($objs_by_type{$type});
- push @{$objs_by_type{$type}}, $obj;
- }
- }
- my @rels;
- foreach my $type (keys %objs_by_type) {
- push @rels, $self->_load($type, $types, @{$objs_by_type{$type}});
- }
- $self->c->model('Link')->load(@rels);
- $self->c->model('LinkType')->load(map { $_->link } @rels);
- $self->load_entities(@rels);
- return @rels;
- }
- sub load
- {
- my ($self, @objs) = @_;
- return $self->load_subset(\@TYPES, @objs);
- }
- sub _generate_table_list
- {
- my ($type, @end_types) = @_;
- # Generate a list of all possible type combinations
- my @types;
- @end_types = @TYPES unless @end_types;
- foreach my $t (@end_types) {
- if ($type le $t) {
- push @types, ["l_${type}_${t}", 'entity0', 'entity1'];
- }
- if ($type ge $t) {
- push @types, ["l_${t}_${type}", 'entity1', 'entity0'];
- }
- }
- return @types;
- }
- sub all_pairs
- {
- my $self = shift;
- # Generate a list of all possible type combinations
- my @all;
- for my $l0 (@TYPES) {
- for my $l1 (@TYPES) {
- next if $l1 lt $l0;
- push @all, [ $l0, $l1 ];
- }
- }
- return @all;
- }
- sub merge_entities
- {
- my ($self, $type, $target_id, @source_ids) = @_;
- # Delete relationships where the start is the same as the end
- # (after merging)
- my @ids = ($target_id, @source_ids);
- $self->sql->do(
- "DELETE FROM l_${type}_${type} WHERE
- (entity0 IN (" . placeholders(@ids) . ')
- AND entity1 IN (' . placeholders(@ids) . '))',
- @ids, @ids);
- foreach my $t (_generate_table_list($type)) {
- my ($table, $entity0, $entity1) = @$t;
- # We want to keep a single row for each link type, and foreign entity.
- $self->sql->do(
- "DELETE FROM $table
- WHERE $entity0 IN (" . placeholders($target_id, @source_ids) . ")
- AND id NOT IN (
- SELECT DISTINCT ON ($entity1, link) id
- FROM $table
- WHERE $entity0 IN (" . placeholders($target_id, @source_ids) . ")
- )",
- $target_id, @source_ids, $target_id, @source_ids
- );
- # Move all remaining relationships
- $self->sql->do("
- UPDATE $table SET $entity0 = ?
- WHERE $entity0 IN (" . placeholders($target_id, @source_ids) . ")
- ", $target_id, $target_id, @source_ids);
- }
- }
- sub delete_entities
- {
- my ($self, $type, @ids) = @_;
- foreach my $t (_generate_table_list($type)) {
- my ($table, $entity0, $entity1) = @$t;
- $self->sql->do("
- DELETE FROM $table a
- WHERE $entity0 IN (" . placeholders(@ids) . ")
- ", @ids);
- }
- }
- sub exists
- {
- my ($self, $type0, $type1, $values) = @_;
- $self->_check_types($type0, $type1);
- return $self->sql->select_single_value(
- "SELECT 1 FROM l_${type0}_${type1}
- WHERE entity0 = ? AND entity1 = ? AND link = ?",
- $values->{entity0_id}, $values->{entity1_id},
- $self->c->model('Link')->find({
- link_type_id => $values->{link_type_id},
- begin_date => $values->{begin_date},
- end_date => $values->{end_date},
- ended => $values->{ended},
- attributes => $values->{attributes},
- })
- );
- }
- sub insert
- {
- my ($self, $type0, $type1, $values) = @_;
- $self->_check_types($type0, $type1);
- my $row = {
- link => $self->c->model('Link')->find_or_insert({
- link_type_id => $values->{link_type_id},
- begin_date => $values->{begin_date},
- end_date => $values->{end_date},
- ended => $values->{ended},
- attributes => $values->{attributes},
- }),
- entity0 => $values->{entity0_id},
- entity1 => $values->{entity1_id},
- };
- my $id = $self->sql->insert_row("l_${type0}_${type1}", $row, 'id');
- return $self->_entity_class->new( id => $id );
- }
- sub update
- {
- my ($self, $type0, $type1, $id, $values) = @_;
- $self->_check_types($type0, $type1);
- my %link = map {
- $_ => $values->{$_};
- } qw( link_type_id begin_date end_date attributes ended );
- my $row = {};
- $row->{link} = $self->c->model('Link')->find_or_insert(\%link);
- $row->{entity0} = $values->{entity0_id} if $values->{entity0_id};
- $row->{entity1} = $values->{entity1_id} if $values->{entity1_id};
- $self->sql->update_row("l_${type0}_${type1}", $row, { id => $id });
- }
- sub delete
- {
- my ($self, $type0, $type1, @ids) = @_;
- $self->_check_types($type0, $type1);
- $self->sql->do("DELETE FROM l_${type0}_${type1}
- WHERE id IN (" . placeholders(@ids) . ")", @ids);
- }
- sub adjust_edit_pending
- {
- my ($self, $type0, $type1, $adjust, @ids) = @_;
- $self->_check_types($type0, $type1);
- my $query = "UPDATE l_${type0}_${type1}
- SET edits_pending = numeric_larger(0, edits_pending + ?)
- WHERE id IN (" . placeholders(@ids) . ")";
- $self->sql->do($query, $adjust, @ids);
- }
- =method lock_and_do
- Lock the corresponding relationship table for $type0-$type in ROW EXCLUSIVE
- mode, and run a block of code.
- =cut
- sub lock_and_do {
- my ($self, $type0, $type1, $code) = @_;
- my ($t0, $t1) = sort ($type0, $type1);
- Sql::run_in_transaction(sub {
- $code->();
- }, $self->c->sql);
- }
- __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
- no Moose;
- 1;
- =head1 NAME
- MusicBrainz::Server::Data::Relationship
- =head1 COPYRIGHT
- Copyright (C) 2009 Lukas Lalinsky
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- =cut