C++ | 413 lines | 270 code | 58 blank | 85 comment | 49 complexity | b86d08be27a98afc33a939f4db8c768a MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0, LGPL-2.0, LGPL-2.1, Apache-2.0, AGPL-3.0, LGPL-3.0, GPL-3.0, MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception, CC-BY-SA-3.0, 0BSD, BSD-3-Clause
- /*
- * NIST STEP Editor Class Library
- * cleditor/instmgr.cc
- * April 1997
- * David Sauder
- * K. C. Morris
- * Development of this software was funded by the United States Government,
- * and is not subject to copyright.
- */
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // InstMgr member functions
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include <sdai.h>
- #include <instmgr.h>
- #include "scl_memmgr.h"
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // debug_level >= 2 => tells when a command is chosen
- // debug_level >= 3 => prints values within functions:
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static int debug_level = 3;
- // if debug_level is greater than this number then
- // function names get printed out when executed
- //static int PrintFunctionTrace = 2;
- // if debug_level is greater than this number then
- // values within functions get printed out
- //static int PrintValues = 3;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void
- InstMgr::PrintSortedFileIds() {
- MgrNode * mn = 0;
- int count = InstanceCount();
- int i = 0;
- for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
- mn = ( MgrNode * )( ( *sortedMaster )[i] );
- cout << i << " " << mn->GetFileId() << endl;
- }
- }
- InstMgr::InstMgr( int ownsInstances )
- : maxFileId( -1 ), _ownsInstances( ownsInstances ) {
- master = new MgrNodeArray();
- sortedMaster = new MgrNodeArraySorted();
- }
- InstMgr::~InstMgr() {
- if( _ownsInstances ) {
- master->DeleteEntries();
- } else {
- master->ClearEntries();
- }
- sortedMaster->ClearEntries();
- delete master;
- delete sortedMaster;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void InstMgr::ClearInstances() {
- master->ClearEntries();
- sortedMaster->ClearEntries();
- maxFileId = -1;
- }
- void InstMgr::DeleteInstances() {
- master->DeleteEntries();
- sortedMaster->ClearEntries();
- maxFileId = -1;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /**************************************************
- description:
- returns:
- SEVERITY_NULL: if all instances are complete
- SEVERITY_INCOMPLETE: if at least one instance is missing a required attribute
- SEVERITY_INPUT_ERROR: if at least one instance can not be fetched
- from the instance list.
- **************************************************/
- enum Severity
- InstMgr::VerifyInstances( ErrorDescriptor & err ) {
- int errorCount = 0;
- char errbuf[BUFSIZ];
- int n = InstanceCount();
- MgrNode * mn;
- SDAI_Application_instance * se;
- enum Severity rval = SEVERITY_NULL;
- //for each instance on the list,
- //check the MgrNode state.
- //if the state is complete then do nothing
- //if the state is not complete,
- // then check if it is valid
- // if it is valid then increment the warning count,
- // and set the rval to SEVERITY_INCOMPLETE
- // if it is not valid, then increment the error count
- // and set the rval to
- for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
- mn = GetMgrNode( i );
- if( !mn ) {
- ++errorCount;
- if( errorCount == 1 )
- sprintf( errbuf,
- "VerifyInstances: Unable to verify the following instances: node %d",
- i );
- else {
- sprintf( errbuf, ", node %d", i );
- }
- err.AppendToDetailMsg( errbuf );
- err.GreaterSeverity( SEVERITY_INPUT_ERROR );
- continue;
- }
- if( debug_level > 3 )
- cerr << "In VerifyInstances: "
- << "new MgrNode for " << mn->GetFileId() << " with state "
- << mn->CurrState() << endl;
- if( !mn->MgrNodeListMember( completeSE ) ) {
- se = mn->GetApplication_instance();
- if( se->ValidLevel( &err, this, 0 ) < SEVERITY_USERMSG ) {
- if( rval > SEVERITY_INCOMPLETE ) {
- }
- ++errorCount;
- if( errorCount == 1 )
- sprintf( errbuf,
- "VerifyInstances: Unable to verify the following instances: #%d",
- se->StepFileId() );
- else {
- sprintf( errbuf, ", #%d", se->StepFileId() );
- }
- err.AppendToDetailMsg( errbuf );
- }
- }
- }
- if( errorCount ) {
- sprintf( errbuf,
- "VerifyInstances: %d invalid instances in list.\n",
- errorCount );
- err.AppendToUserMsg( errbuf );
- err.AppendToDetailMsg( ".\n" );
- err.GreaterSeverity( SEVERITY_INCOMPLETE );
- }
- return rval;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- MgrNode * InstMgr::FindFileId( int fileId ) {
- int index = sortedMaster->MgrNodeIndex( fileId );
- if( index >= 0 ) {
- return ( MgrNode * )( *sortedMaster )[index];
- } else {
- return ( MgrNode * )0;
- }
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // get the index into display list given a SDAI_Application_instance
- // called by see initiated functions
- int InstMgr::GetIndex( MgrNode * mn ) {
- return mn->ArrayIndex();
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int InstMgr::GetIndex( SDAI_Application_instance * se ) {
- int fileId = se->StepFileId();
- return sortedMaster->MgrNodeIndex( fileId );
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int InstMgr::VerifyEntity( int fileId, const char * expectedType ) {
- MgrNode * mn = FindFileId( fileId );
- if( mn ) {
- if( !strcmp( expectedType, mn->GetApplication_instance()->EntityName() ) ) {
- return 2; // types match
- } else {
- return 1; // possible mismatch depending on descendants
- }
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Append instance to the list of instances. Checks the file id and
- // sets it if 1) it is not set already or 2) it already exists in the list.
- MgrNode * InstMgr::Append( SDAI_Application_instance * se, stateEnum listState ) {
- if( debug_level > 3 ) {
- cout << "#" << se->StepFileId() << " append node to InstMgr" << endl;
- }
- MgrNode * mn = 0;
- if( se->StepFileId() == 0 ) { // no id assigned
- se->StepFileId( NextFileId() ); // assign a file id
- }
- mn = FindFileId( se->StepFileId() );
- if( mn ) { // if id already in list
- // and it's because instance is already in list
- if( GetApplication_instance( mn ) == se ) {
- return 0; // return 0 or mn?
- } else {
- se->StepFileId( NextFileId() ); // otherwise assign a new file id
- }
- }
- // update the maxFileId if needed
- if( se->StepFileId() > MaxFileId() ) {
- maxFileId = se->StepFileId();
- }
- mn = new MgrNode( se, listState );
- if( debug_level > 3 )
- cerr << "new MgrNode for " << mn->GetFileId() << " with state "
- << mn->CurrState() << endl;
- if( listState == noStateSE )
- cout << "append to InstMgr **ERROR ** node #" << se->StepFileId() <<
- " doesn't have state information" << endl;
- master->Append( mn );
- sortedMaster->Insert( mn );
- //PrintSortedFileIds();
- return mn;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void InstMgr::Delete( MgrNode * node ) {
- // delete the node from its current state list
- node->Remove();
- int index;
- // get the index of the node in the sorted master array
- index = sortedMaster->MgrNodeIndex( node->GetFileId() );
- // remove the node from the sorted master array
- sortedMaster->Remove( index );
- // get the index into the master array by ptr arithmetic
- index = node->ArrayIndex();
- master->Remove( index );
- delete node;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void InstMgr::Delete( SDAI_Application_instance * se ) {
- Delete( FindFileId( se->StepFileId() ) );
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void InstMgr::ChangeState( MgrNode * node, stateEnum listState ) {
- switch( listState ) {
- case completeSE:
- if( debug_level > 3 )
- cout << "#" << node->GetApplication_instance()->StepFileId() <<
- " change node to InstMgr's complete list\n";
- node->ChangeState( listState );
- break;
- case incompleteSE:
- if( debug_level > 3 )
- cout << "#" << node->GetApplication_instance()->StepFileId() <<
- " change node to InstMgr's incomplete list\n";
- node->ChangeState( listState );
- break;
- case newSE:
- if( debug_level > 3 )
- cout << "#" << node->GetApplication_instance()->StepFileId() <<
- " change node to InstMgr's new list\n";
- node->ChangeState( listState );
- break;
- case deleteSE:
- if( debug_level > 3 )
- cout << "#" << node->GetApplication_instance()->StepFileId() <<
- " change node to InstMgr's delete list\n";
- node->ChangeState( listState );
- break;
- case noStateSE:
- cout << "#" << node->GetApplication_instance()->StepFileId() <<
- "ERROR can't change this node state\n";
- node->Remove();
- break;
- }
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /**************************************************
- description:
- This function returns an integer value indicating
- the number of instances with the given name appearing
- on the instance manager.
- **************************************************/
- int
- InstMgr::EntityKeywordCount( const char * name ) {
- int count = 0;
- MgrNode * node;
- SDAI_Application_instance * se;
- int n = InstanceCount();
- for( int j = 0; j < n; ++j ) {
- node = GetMgrNode( j );
- se = node->GetApplication_instance();
- if( !strcmp( se->EntityName(),
- PrettyTmpName( name ) ) ) {
- ++count;
- }
- }
- return count;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- SDAI_Application_instance *
- InstMgr::GetApplication_instance( int index ) {
- MgrNode * mn = ( MgrNode * )( *master )[index];
- if( mn ) {
- return mn->GetApplication_instance();
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- SDAI_Application_instance *
- InstMgr::GetSTEPentity( int index ) {
- MgrNode * mn = ( MgrNode * )( *master )[index];
- if( mn ) {
- return mn->GetApplication_instance();
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /**************************************************
- description:
- This function returns the first entity (by index)
- on the instance manager, which has the given
- entity name. It starts its search at starting_index,
- and returns ENTITY_NULL if a match does not occur
- before the last index is reached. This function
- does not wrap around to search indices before the
- starting_index.
- **************************************************/
- SDAI_Application_instance *
- InstMgr::GetApplication_instance( const char * entityKeyword, int starting_index ) {
- MgrNode * node;
- SDAI_Application_instance * se;
- int count = InstanceCount();
- for( int j = starting_index; j < count; ++j ) {
- node = GetMgrNode( j );
- se = node->GetApplication_instance();
- if( !strcmp( se->EntityName(),
- PrettyTmpName( entityKeyword ) ) ) {
- return se;
- }
- }
- return ENTITY_NULL;
- }
- SDAI_Application_instance *
- InstMgr::GetSTEPentity( const char * entityKeyword, int starting_index ) {
- MgrNode * node;
- SDAI_Application_instance * se;
- int count = InstanceCount();
- for( int j = starting_index; j < count; ++j ) {
- node = GetMgrNode( j );
- se = node->GetApplication_instance();
- if( !strcmp( se->EntityName(),
- PrettyTmpName( entityKeyword ) ) ) {
- return se;
- }
- }
- return ENTITY_NULL;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void *
- InstMgr::GetSEE( int index ) {
- MgrNode * mn = ( MgrNode * )( *master )[index];
- if( mn ) {
- return mn->SEE();
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }