C | 693 lines | 578 code | 78 blank | 37 comment | 119 complexity | f8a36128d2317e83ecb33ca8ca8fbc4a MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0, LGPL-2.0, LGPL-2.1, Apache-2.0, AGPL-3.0, LGPL-3.0, GPL-3.0, MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception, CC-BY-SA-3.0, 0BSD, BSD-3-Clause
- /*
- * Authors -
- * John R. Anderson
- *
- * Source -
- * The U. S. Army Research Laboratory
- * Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21005
- *
- * Copyright Notice -
- * This software is Copyright (C) 1993 by the United States Army.
- * All rights reserved.
- */
- #include "./iges_struct.h"
- #include "./iges_extern.h"
- char *
- Add_brl_name( name )
- char *name;
- {
- struct name_list *ptr;
- int namelen;
- int i;
- int found=0;
- /* replace white space */
- namelen = strlen( name );
- if( namelen > NAMESIZE)
- {
- namelen = NAMESIZE;
- name[namelen] = '\0';
- }
- for( i=0 ; i<namelen ; i++ )
- {
- if( isspace( name[i] ) || name[i] == '/' )
- name[i] = '_';
- }
- /* Check if name already in list */
- ptr = name_root;
- while( ptr )
- {
- if( !strncmp( ptr->name, name, NAMESIZE ) )
- {
- found = 1;
- return( ptr->name );
- }
- ptr = ptr->next;
- }
- /* add this name to the list */
- ptr = (struct name_list *)rt_malloc( sizeof( struct name_list ), "Add_brl_name: ptr" );
- strcpy( ptr->name, name );
- ptr->next = name_root;
- name_root = ptr;
- return( ptr->name );
- }
- char *
- Make_unique_brl_name( name )
- char *name;
- {
- struct name_list *ptr;
- int found;
- int namelen;
- int char_ptr;
- int i,j;
- /* replace white space */
- namelen = strlen( name );
- for( i=0 ; i<namelen ; i++ )
- {
- if( isspace( name[i] ) || name[i] == '/' )
- name[i] = '_';
- }
- /* check if name is already unique */
- found = 0;
- ptr = name_root;
- while( ptr )
- {
- if( !strncmp( ptr->name, name, NAMESIZE ) )
- {
- found = 1;
- break;
- }
- ptr = ptr->next;
- }
- if( !found )
- return( Add_brl_name( name ) );
- /* name is not unique, make it unique with a single character suffix */
- if( namelen < NAMESIZE )
- char_ptr = namelen;
- else
- char_ptr = NAMESIZE - 1;
- i = 0;
- while( found && 'A'+i <= 'z' )
- {
- name[char_ptr] = 'A' + i;
- name[char_ptr+1] = '\0';
- found = 0;
- ptr = name_root;
- while( ptr )
- {
- if( !strncmp( ptr->name, name, NAMESIZE ) )
- {
- found = 1;
- break;
- }
- ptr = ptr->next;
- }
- i++;
- if( 'A'+i == '[' )
- i = 'a' - 'A';
- }
- if( !found )
- return( Add_brl_name( name ) );
- /* still not unique!!! Try two character suffix */
- char_ptr--;
- i = 0;
- j = 0;
- while( found && 'A'+i <= 'z' && 'A'+j <= 'z' )
- {
- name[char_ptr] = 'A'+i;
- name[char_ptr+1] = 'A'+j;
- name[char_ptr+2] = '\0';
- found = 0;
- ptr = name_root;
- while( ptr )
- {
- if( !strncmp( ptr->name, name, NAMESIZE ) )
- {
- found = 1;
- break;
- }
- ptr = ptr->next;
- }
- j++;
- if( 'A'+j == '[' )
- j = 'a' - 'A';
- if( 'A'+j > 'z' )
- {
- j = 0;
- i++;
- }
- if( 'A'+i == '[' )
- i = 'a' - 'A';
- }
- if( !found )
- {
- /* not likely */
- rt_log( "Could not make name unique: (%s)\n", name );
- rt_bomb( "Make_unique_brl_name: failed\n" );
- return( (char *)NULL ); /* make the compilers happy */
- }
- else
- return( Add_brl_name( name ) );
- }
- void
- Skip_field()
- {
- int done=0;
- int lencard;
- if( card[counter] == eof ) /* This is an empty field */
- {
- counter++;
- return;
- }
- else if( card[counter] == eor ) /* Up against the end of record */
- return;
- if( card[72] == 'P' )
- lencard = PARAMLEN;
- else
- lencard = CARDLEN;
- if( counter >= lencard )
- Readrec( ++currec );
- while( !done )
- {
- while( card[counter++] != eof && card[counter] != eor &&
- counter <= lencard );
- if( counter > lencard && card[counter] != eor && card[counter] != eof )
- Readrec( ++currec );
- else
- done = 1;
- }
- if( card[counter] == eor )
- counter--;
- }
- void
- Get_name( entityno , skip )
- int entityno;
- int skip;
- {
- int sol_num;
- int i,j,k;
- int no_of_assoc=0;
- int no_of_props=0;
- int name_de=0;
- char *name;
- if( dir[entityno]->param <= pstart )
- {
- rt_log( "Illegal parameter pointer for entity D%07d (%s)\n" ,
- dir[entityno]->direct , dir[entityno]->name );
- return;
- }
- Readrec( dir[entityno]->param );
- Readint( &sol_num , "" );
- for( i=0 ; i<skip ; i++ )
- Skip_field();
- /* skip over the associativities */
- Readint( &no_of_assoc , "" );
- for( k=0 ; k<no_of_assoc ; k++ )
- Readint( &j , "" );
- /* get property entity DE's */
- Readint( &no_of_props , "" );
- for( k=0 ; k<no_of_props ; k++ )
- {
- j = 0;
- Readint( &j , "" );
- if( dir[(j-1)/2]->type == 406 &&
- dir[(j-1)/2]->form == 15 )
- {
- /* this is a name */
- name_de = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- if( !name_de )
- return;
- Readrec( dir[(name_de-1)/2]->param );
- Readint( &sol_num , "" );
- if( sol_num != 406 )
- {
- /* this is not a property entity */
- rt_log( "Check_names: entity at DE %d is not a property entity\n" , name_de );
- return;
- }
- Readint( &i , "" );
- if( i != 1 )
- {
- rt_log( "Bad property entity, form 15 (name) should have only one value, not %d\n" , i );
- return;
- }
- Readname( &name , "" );
- dir[entityno]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( name );
- rt_free( (char *)name, "Get_name: name" );
- }
- void
- Get_drawing_name( entityno )
- int entityno;
- {
- int entity_type;
- int no_of_views;
- int no_of_annot;
- int no_of_assoc;
- int no_of_props;
- int i,j,k;
- int name_de=0;
- char *name;
- if( dir[entityno]->param <= pstart )
- {
- rt_log( "Illegal parameter pointer for entity D%07d (%s)\n" ,
- dir[entityno]->direct , dir[entityno]->name );
- return;
- }
- Readrec( dir[entityno]->param );
- Readint( &entity_type , "" );
- if( entity_type != 404 )
- {
- rt_log( "Get_drawing_name: entity at P%07d (type %d) is not a drawing entity\n" , dir[entityno]->param , entity_type );
- return;
- }
- Readint( &no_of_views , "" );
- for( i=0 ; i<no_of_views ; i++ )
- {
- for( j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ )
- Skip_field();
- }
- Readint( &no_of_annot , "" );
- for( i=0 ; i<no_of_annot ; i++ )
- Skip_field();
- /* skip over the associativities */
- Readint( &no_of_assoc , "" );
- for( k=0 ; k<no_of_assoc ; k++ )
- Readint( &j , "" );
- /* get property entity DE's */
- Readint( &no_of_props , "" );
- for( k=0 ; k<no_of_props ; k++ )
- {
- j = 0;
- Readint( &j , "" );
- if( dir[(j-1)/2]->type == 406 &&
- dir[(j-1)/2]->form == 15 )
- {
- /* this is a name */
- name_de = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- if( !name_de )
- return;
- Readrec( dir[(name_de-1)/2]->param );
- Readint( &entity_type , "" );
- if( entity_type != 406 )
- {
- /* this is not a property entity */
- rt_log( "Get_drawing_name: entity at DE %d is not a property entity\n" , name_de );
- return;
- }
- Readint( &i , "" );
- if( i != 1 )
- {
- rt_log( "Bad property entity, form 15 (name) should have only one value, not %d\n" , i );
- return;
- }
- Readname( &name , "" );
- dir[entityno]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( name );
- rt_free( (char *)name, "Get_name: name" );
- }
- void
- Get_csg_name( entityno )
- int entityno;
- {
- int sol_num;
- int i,j,k;
- int num;
- int skip;
- int no_of_assoc=0;
- int no_of_props=0;
- int name_de=0;
- char *name;
- if( dir[entityno]->param <= pstart )
- {
- rt_log( "Illegal parameter pointer for entity D%07d (%s)\n" ,
- dir[entityno]->direct , dir[entityno]->name );
- return;
- }
- Readrec( dir[entityno]->param );
- Readint( &sol_num , "" );
- Readint( &num , "" );
- if( sol_num == 180 )
- skip = num;
- else if( sol_num == 184 )
- skip = 2*num;
- else
- {
- rt_log( "Get_csg_name: entity (type %d), not a CSG\n" , sol_num );
- return;
- }
- for( i=0 ; i<skip ; i++ )
- Skip_field();
- /* skip over the associativities */
- Readint( &no_of_assoc , "" );
- for( k=0 ; k<no_of_assoc ; k++ )
- Readint( &j , "" );
- /* get property entity DE's */
- Readint( &no_of_props , "" );
- for( k=0 ; k<no_of_props ; k++ )
- {
- j = 0;
- Readint( &j , "" );
- if( dir[(j-1)/2]->type == 406 &&
- dir[(j-1)/2]->form == 15 )
- {
- /* this is a name */
- name_de = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- if( !name_de )
- return;
- Readrec( dir[(name_de-1)/2]->param );
- Readint( &sol_num , "" );
- if( sol_num != 406 )
- {
- /* this is not a property entity */
- rt_log( "Check_names: entity at DE %d is not a property entity\n" , name_de );
- return;
- }
- Readint( &i , "" );
- if( i != 1 )
- {
- rt_log( "Bad property entity, form 15 (name) should have only one value, not %d\n" , i );
- return;
- }
- Readname( &name , "" );
- dir[entityno]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( name );
- rt_free( (char *)name, "Get_name: name" );
- }
- void
- Get_brep_name( entityno )
- int entityno;
- {
- int sol_num;
- int i,j,k;
- int num;
- int skip;
- int no_of_assoc=0;
- int no_of_props=0;
- int name_de=0;
- char *name;
- if( dir[entityno]->param <= pstart )
- {
- rt_log( "Illegal parameter pointer for entity D%07d (%s)\n" ,
- dir[entityno]->direct , dir[entityno]->name );
- return;
- }
- Readrec( dir[entityno]->param );
- Readint( &sol_num , "" );
- if( sol_num != 186 )
- {
- rt_log( "Get_brep_name: Entity (type %d) is not a BREP\n" , sol_num );
- return;
- }
- Skip_field();
- Skip_field();
- Readint( &num , "" );
- skip = 2*num;
- for( i=0 ; i<skip ; i++ )
- Skip_field();
- /* skip over the associativities */
- Readint( &no_of_assoc , "" );
- for( k=0 ; k<no_of_assoc ; k++ )
- Readint( &j , "" );
- /* get property entity DE's */
- Readint( &no_of_props , "" );
- for( k=0 ; k<no_of_props ; k++ )
- {
- j = 0;
- Readint( &j , "" );
- if( dir[(j-1)/2]->type == 406 &&
- dir[(j-1)/2]->form == 15 )
- {
- /* this is a name */
- name_de = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- if( !name_de )
- return;
- Readrec( dir[(name_de-1)/2]->param );
- Readint( &sol_num , "" );
- if( sol_num != 406 )
- {
- /* this is not a property entity */
- rt_log( "Check_names: entity at DE %d is not a property entity\n" , name_de );
- return;
- }
- Readint( &i , "" );
- if( i != 1 )
- {
- rt_log( "Bad property entity, form 15 (name) should have only one value, not %d\n" , i );
- return;
- }
- Readname( &name , "" );
- dir[entityno]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( name );
- rt_free( (char *)name, "Get_name: name" );
- }
- void
- Get_subfig_name( entityno )
- int entityno;
- {
- int i;
- int def_de;
- int def_index;
- int entity_type;
- char *name;
- if( entityno >= totentities )
- rt_bomb( "Get_subfig_name: entityno too big!!\n" );
- if( dir[entityno]->type != 308 )
- {
- rt_log( "Get_subfig_name called with entity type %s, should be Subfigure Definition\n",
- iges_type( dir[entityno]->type ) );
- rt_bomb( "Get_subfig_name: bad type\n" );
- }
- if( dir[entityno]->param <= pstart )
- {
- rt_log( "Illegal parameter pointer for entity D%07d (%s)\n" ,
- dir[entityno]->direct , dir[entityno]->name );
- rt_bomb( "Get_subfig_name: Bad entity\n" );
- }
- Readrec( dir[entityno]->param );
- Readint( &entity_type, "" );
- if( entity_type != 308 )
- {
- rt_log( "Get_subfig_name: Read entity type %s, should be Subfigure Definition\n",
- iges_type( dir[entityno]->type ) );
- rt_bomb( "Get_subfig_name: bad type\n" );
- }
- Readint( &i, "" ); /* ignore depth */
- Readname( &name, "" ); /* get subfigure name */
- dir[entityno]->name = Add_brl_name( name );
- rt_free( (char *)name, "Get_name: name" );
- }
- void
- Check_names()
- {
- int i;
- rt_log( "Looking for Name Entities...\n" );
- for( i=0 ; i < totentities ; i++ )
- {
- switch( dir[i]->type )
- {
- case 152:
- Get_name( i , 13 );
- break;
- case 150:
- case 168:
- Get_name( i , 12 );
- break;
- case 156:
- Get_name( i , 9 );
- break;
- case 154:
- case 160:
- case 162:
- Get_name( i , 8 );
- break;
- case 164:
- Get_name( i , 5 );
- break;
- case 158:
- Get_name( i , 4 );
- break;
- case 180:
- case 184:
- Get_csg_name( i );
- break;
- case 186:
- Get_brep_name( i );
- break;
- case 308:
- Get_subfig_name( i );
- break;
- case 404:
- Get_drawing_name( i );
- break;
- case 410:
- if( dir[i]->form == 0 )
- Get_name( i , 8 );
- else if( dir[i]->form == 1 )
- Get_name( i , 22 );
- break;
- case 430:
- Get_name( i , 1 );
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- rt_log( "Assigning names to entities without names...\n" );
- for( i=0 ; i < totentities ; i++ )
- {
- char tmp_name[NAMESIZE + 1];
- if( dir[i]->name == (char *)NULL )
- {
- switch( dir[i]->type )
- {
- case 150:
- sprintf( tmp_name , "block.%d" , i );
- dir[i]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( tmp_name );
- break;
- case 152:
- sprintf( tmp_name , "wedge.%d" , i );
- dir[i]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( tmp_name );
- break;
- case 154:
- sprintf( tmp_name , "cyl.%d" , i );
- dir[i]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( tmp_name );
- break;
- case 156:
- sprintf( tmp_name , "cone.%d" , i );
- dir[i]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( tmp_name );
- break;
- case 158:
- sprintf( tmp_name , "sphere.%d" , i );
- dir[i]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( tmp_name );
- break;
- case 160:
- sprintf( tmp_name , "torus.%d" , i );
- dir[i]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( tmp_name );
- break;
- case 162:
- sprintf( tmp_name , "revolution.%d" , i );
- dir[i]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( tmp_name );
- break;
- case 164:
- sprintf( tmp_name , "extrusion.%d" , i );
- dir[i]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( tmp_name );
- break;
- case 168:
- sprintf( tmp_name , "ell.%d" , i );
- dir[i]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( tmp_name );
- break;
- case 180:
- sprintf( tmp_name , "region.%d" , i );
- dir[i]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( tmp_name );
- break;
- case 184:
- sprintf( tmp_name , "group.%d" , i );
- dir[i]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( tmp_name );
- break;
- case 186:
- sprintf( tmp_name , "brep.%d" , i );
- dir[i]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( tmp_name );
- break;
- case 404:
- sprintf( tmp_name , "drawing.%d" , i );
- dir[i]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( tmp_name );
- break;
- case 410:
- sprintf( tmp_name , "view.%d" , i );
- dir[i]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( tmp_name );
- break;
- case 430:
- sprintf( tmp_name , "inst.%d" , i );
- dir[i]->name = Make_unique_brl_name( tmp_name );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }