https://github.com/rakuto/erlang_haval · Erlang · 64 lines · 33 code · 12 blank · 19 comment · 2 complexity · 9ca11beb56fc55eeea54f323f58bf9b3 MD5 · raw file
- %%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%% @doc HAVAL bindings for Erlang
- %%% @author Rakuto Furutani <xri://=rakuto/(+profile)>
- %%% @end
- %%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
- -module(haval).
- -author('Rakuto Furutani <xri://=rakuto/(+profile)>').
- %% Functions
- -define(DRV_INFO, 1).
- -define(DRV_HAVAL_STRING, 2).
- -define(DRV_HAVAL_FILE, 3).
- -export([start/0, stop/0]).
- -export([info/0, haval_string/1, haval_file/1]).
- %% Unit Test
- %% All functions whoes names match _test() or ..._test_() to be automatically exported.
- -include("eunit.hrl").
- %%
- %% Public interface
- %%
- start() ->
- application:start(haval).
- stop() ->
- application:stop(haval).
- info() ->
- [haval_string, haval_file].
- %% Caluculate a value of HAVAL from string
- haval_string(Str) ->
- binary_to_term(control(?DRV_HAVAL_STRING, Str)).
- %% Caluculate a value of HAVAL from file
- haval_file(FileName) ->
- binary_to_term(control(?DRV_HAVAL_FILE, FileName)).
- %%
- %% Internal functions
- %%
- control(Cmd, Data) ->
- [{port, Port}| _] = ets:lookup(haval_server_table, port),
- erlang:port_control(Port, Cmd, Data).
- %%
- %% Unit Tests
- %%
- haval_string_test() ->
- haval:start(),
- Str = "I'm a fun of Erlang",
- ValidHash = "EDBCF3A39D3AEA64181B90EA2C30F830103FA5DEB790A6E6299C8F686743AA56",
- ?assert(haval:haval_string(Str) == ValidHash),
- haval:stop().
- haval_file_test() ->
- haval:start(),
- File = filename:join([?FILE, "sample_file"]),
- ValidHash = "71EB15A01D6C592F0DE228F062AD3B91102FFD98A3D5C871AAF3FA20EF9EA377",
- ?assert(haval:haval_file(File) == ValidHash),
- haval:stop().