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Possible License(s): MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception, Apache-2.0, BSD-3-Clause
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- <title>CSSOM Test: test serialized selector which is only one simple selector in the sequence of simple selectors</title>
- <link rel="author" title="T.Nishitani" href="mailto:lequinharay@gmail.com">
- <link rel="reviewer" title="L. David Baron" href="https://dbaron.org/">
- <link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom-1/#serializing-selectors">
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- function assert_selector_serializes_to(source, expected_result) {
- var style_element = document.getElementById("teststyles");
- style_element.firstChild.data = source + "{ font-size: 1em; }";
- var sheet = style_element.sheet;
- assert_equals(sheet.cssRules[sheet.cssRules.length - 1].selectorText, expected_result);
- }
- function run_tests_on_anplusb_selector(source) {
- assert_selector_serializes_to(source + '( even )', source + '(2n)');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(source + '( odd )', source + '(2n+1)');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(source + '( +10 )', source + '(10)');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(source + '( -10 )', source + '(-10)');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(source + '( +4n )', source + '(4n)');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(source + '( -3n )', source + '(-3n)');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(source + '( 1n + 5 )', source + '(n+5)');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(source + '( -1n + 5 )', source + '(-n+5)');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(source + '( -1n - 5 )', source + '(-n-5)');
- }
- test(function() {
- assert_selector_serializes_to(":nth-child( 3n - 0)", ":nth-child(3n)");
- assert_selector_serializes_to(":nth-child( 1n - 0)", ":nth-child(n)");
- }, ":nth-child serialization produces canonical form");
- /* for universal selecter with default namespace */
- test(function(){
- /* this is single universal selector */
- assert_selector_serializes_to('*', '*');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(' * ', '*');
- }, 'single universal selector shows \'*\' when serialized.')
- test(function(){
- assert_selector_serializes_to('div', 'div');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(' div ', 'div');
- }, 'single type (simple) selector in the sequence of simple selectors that is not a universal selector')
- test(function(){
- assert_selector_serializes_to('.class', '.class');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(' .class ', '.class');
- }, 'single class (simple) selector in the sequence of simple selectors that is not a universal selector')
- test(function(){
- assert_selector_serializes_to('#id', '#id');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(' #id ', '#id');
- }, 'single id (simple) selector in the sequence of simple selectors that is not a universal selector')
- test(function(){
- assert_selector_serializes_to(':hover', ':hover');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(' :hover ', ':hover');
- }, 'single pseudo (simple) selector which does not accept arguments in the sequence of simple selectors that is not a universal selector')
- test(function(){
- assert_selector_serializes_to(':lang(ja)', ':lang(ja)');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(':lang( ja )', ':lang(ja)');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(':lang( j\\ a )', ':lang(j\\ a)');
- }, 'single pseudo (simple) selector "lang" which accepts arguments in the sequence of simple selectors that is not a universal selector')
- test(function(){
- run_tests_on_anplusb_selector(':nth-child');
- }, 'single pseudo (simple) selector "nth-child" which accepts arguments in the sequence of simple selectors that is not a universal selector')
- test(function(){
- run_tests_on_anplusb_selector(':nth-last-child');
- }, 'single pseudo (simple) selector "nth-last-child" which accepts arguments in the sequence of simple selectors that is not a universal selector')
- test(function(){
- run_tests_on_anplusb_selector(':nth-of-type');
- }, 'single pseudo (simple) selector "nth-of-child" which accepts arguments in the sequence of simple selectors that is not a universal selector')
- test(function(){
- run_tests_on_anplusb_selector(':nth-last-of-type');
- }, 'single pseudo (simple) selector ":nth-last-of-type" which accepts arguments in the sequence of simple selectors that is not a universal selector')
- test(function(){
- assert_selector_serializes_to(' :not( abc ) ', ':not(abc)');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(' :not( .head ) ', ':not(.head)');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(' :not( #head ) ', ':not(#head)');
- assert_selector_serializes_to(' :not( :hover ) ', ':not(:hover)');
- }, 'single pseudo (simple) selector ":not" which accepts arguments in the sequence of simple selectors that is not a universal selector')
- var escaped_ns_rule = "@namespace ns\\:odd url(ns);";
- test(function() {
- assert_selector_serializes_to("[ns\\:foo]", "[ns\\:foo]");
- }, "escaped character in attribute name");
- test(function() {
- assert_selector_serializes_to("[\\30zonk]", "[\\30 zonk]");
- }, "escaped character as code point in attribute name");
- test(function() {
- assert_selector_serializes_to("[\\@]", "[\\@]");
- }, "escaped character (@) in attribute name");
- test(function() {
- assert_selector_serializes_to("[*|ns\\:foo]", "[*|ns\\:foo]");
- }, "escaped character in attribute name with any namespace");
- test(function() {
- assert_selector_serializes_to(escaped_ns_rule + "[ns\\:odd|foo]", "[ns\\:odd|foo]");
- }, "escaped character in attribute prefix");
- test(function() {
- assert_selector_serializes_to(escaped_ns_rule + "[ns\\:odd|odd\\:name]", "[ns\\:odd|odd\\:name]");
- }, "escaped character in both attribute prefix and name");
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- </html>