Python | 1291 lines | 1188 code | 52 blank | 51 comment | 50 complexity | 47db65b7e97ea5bc2c523ebdc0665f50 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception, Apache-2.0, BSD-3-Clause
- """
- :mod:`websockets.protocol` handles WebSocket control and data frames.
- See `sections 4 to 8 of RFC 6455`_.
- .. _sections 4 to 8 of RFC 6455: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-4
- """
- import asyncio
- import codecs
- import collections
- import enum
- import logging
- import random
- import struct
- import sys
- import warnings
- from typing import (
- Any,
- AsyncIterable,
- AsyncIterator,
- Awaitable,
- Deque,
- Dict,
- Iterable,
- List,
- Optional,
- Union,
- cast,
- )
- from .exceptions import (
- ConnectionClosed,
- ConnectionClosedError,
- ConnectionClosedOK,
- InvalidState,
- PayloadTooBig,
- ProtocolError,
- )
- from .extensions.base import Extension
- from .framing import *
- from .handshake import *
- from .http import Headers
- from .typing import Data
- __all__ = ["WebSocketCommonProtocol"]
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- # A WebSocket connection goes through the following four states, in order:
- class State(enum.IntEnum):
- # In order to ensure consistency, the code always checks the current value of
- # WebSocketCommonProtocol.state before assigning a new value and never yields
- # between the check and the assignment.
- class WebSocketCommonProtocol(asyncio.Protocol):
- """
- :class:`~asyncio.Protocol` subclass implementing the data transfer phase.
- Once the WebSocket connection is established, during the data transfer
- phase, the protocol is almost symmetrical between the server side and the
- client side. :class:`WebSocketCommonProtocol` implements logic that's
- shared between servers and clients..
- Subclasses such as :class:`~websockets.server.WebSocketServerProtocol` and
- :class:`~websockets.client.WebSocketClientProtocol` implement the opening
- handshake, which is different between servers and clients.
- :class:`WebSocketCommonProtocol` performs four functions:
- * It runs a task that stores incoming data frames in a queue and makes
- them available with the :meth:`recv` coroutine.
- * It sends outgoing data frames with the :meth:`send` coroutine.
- * It deals with control frames automatically.
- * It performs the closing handshake.
- :class:`WebSocketCommonProtocol` supports asynchronous iteration::
- async for message in websocket:
- await process(message)
- The iterator yields incoming messages. It exits normally when the
- connection is closed with the close code 1000 (OK) or 1001 (going away).
- It raises a :exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError` exception
- when the connection is closed with any other code.
- Once the connection is open, a `Ping frame`_ is sent every
- ``ping_interval`` seconds. This serves as a keepalive. It helps keeping
- the connection open, especially in the presence of proxies with short
- timeouts on inactive connections. Set ``ping_interval`` to ``None`` to
- disable this behavior.
- .. _Ping frame: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-5.5.2
- If the corresponding `Pong frame`_ isn't received within ``ping_timeout``
- seconds, the connection is considered unusable and is closed with
- code 1011. This ensures that the remote endpoint remains responsive. Set
- ``ping_timeout`` to ``None`` to disable this behavior.
- .. _Pong frame: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-5.5.3
- The ``close_timeout`` parameter defines a maximum wait time in seconds for
- completing the closing handshake and terminating the TCP connection.
- :meth:`close` completes in at most ``4 * close_timeout`` on the server
- side and ``5 * close_timeout`` on the client side.
- ``close_timeout`` needs to be a parameter of the protocol because
- ``websockets`` usually calls :meth:`close` implicitly:
- - on the server side, when the connection handler terminates,
- - on the client side, when exiting the context manager for the connection.
- To apply a timeout to any other API, wrap it in :func:`~asyncio.wait_for`.
- The ``max_size`` parameter enforces the maximum size for incoming messages
- in bytes. The default value is 1 MiB. ``None`` disables the limit. If a
- message larger than the maximum size is received, :meth:`recv` will
- raise :exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError` and the
- connection will be closed with code 1009.
- The ``max_queue`` parameter sets the maximum length of the queue that
- holds incoming messages. The default value is ``32``. ``None`` disables
- the limit. Messages are added to an in-memory queue when they're received;
- then :meth:`recv` pops from that queue. In order to prevent excessive
- memory consumption when messages are received faster than they can be
- processed, the queue must be bounded. If the queue fills up, the protocol
- stops processing incoming data until :meth:`recv` is called. In this
- situation, various receive buffers (at least in ``asyncio`` and in the OS)
- will fill up, then the TCP receive window will shrink, slowing down
- transmission to avoid packet loss.
- Since Python can use up to 4 bytes of memory to represent a single
- character, each connection may use up to ``4 * max_size * max_queue``
- bytes of memory to store incoming messages. By default, this is 128 MiB.
- You may want to lower the limits, depending on your application's
- requirements.
- The ``read_limit`` argument sets the high-water limit of the buffer for
- incoming bytes. The low-water limit is half the high-water limit. The
- default value is 64 KiB, half of asyncio's default (based on the current
- implementation of :class:`~asyncio.StreamReader`).
- The ``write_limit`` argument sets the high-water limit of the buffer for
- outgoing bytes. The low-water limit is a quarter of the high-water limit.
- The default value is 64 KiB, equal to asyncio's default (based on the
- current implementation of ``FlowControlMixin``).
- As soon as the HTTP request and response in the opening handshake are
- processed:
- * the request path is available in the :attr:`path` attribute;
- * the request and response HTTP headers are available in the
- :attr:`request_headers` and :attr:`response_headers` attributes,
- which are :class:`~websockets.http.Headers` instances.
- If a subprotocol was negotiated, it's available in the :attr:`subprotocol`
- attribute.
- Once the connection is closed, the code is available in the
- :attr:`close_code` attribute and the reason in :attr:`close_reason`.
- All these attributes must be treated as read-only.
- """
- # There are only two differences between the client-side and server-side
- # behavior: masking the payload and closing the underlying TCP connection.
- # Set is_client = True/False and side = "client"/"server" to pick a side.
- is_client: bool
- side: str = "undefined"
- def __init__(
- self,
- *,
- ping_interval: Optional[float] = 20,
- ping_timeout: Optional[float] = 20,
- close_timeout: Optional[float] = None,
- max_size: Optional[int] = 2 ** 20,
- max_queue: Optional[int] = 2 ** 5,
- read_limit: int = 2 ** 16,
- write_limit: int = 2 ** 16,
- loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None,
- # The following arguments are kept only for backwards compatibility.
- host: Optional[str] = None,
- port: Optional[int] = None,
- secure: Optional[bool] = None,
- legacy_recv: bool = False,
- timeout: Optional[float] = None,
- ) -> None:
- # Backwards compatibility: close_timeout used to be called timeout.
- if timeout is None:
- timeout = 10
- else:
- warnings.warn("rename timeout to close_timeout", DeprecationWarning)
- # If both are specified, timeout is ignored.
- if close_timeout is None:
- close_timeout = timeout
- self.ping_interval = ping_interval
- self.ping_timeout = ping_timeout
- self.close_timeout = close_timeout
- self.max_size = max_size
- self.max_queue = max_queue
- self.read_limit = read_limit
- self.write_limit = write_limit
- if loop is None:
- loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
- self.loop = loop
- self._host = host
- self._port = port
- self._secure = secure
- self.legacy_recv = legacy_recv
- # Configure read buffer limits. The high-water limit is defined by
- # ``self.read_limit``. The ``limit`` argument controls the line length
- # limit and half the buffer limit of :class:`~asyncio.StreamReader`.
- # That's why it must be set to half of ``self.read_limit``.
- self.reader = asyncio.StreamReader(limit=read_limit // 2, loop=loop)
- # Copied from asyncio.FlowControlMixin
- self._paused = False
- self._drain_waiter: Optional[asyncio.Future[None]] = None
- self._drain_lock = asyncio.Lock(
- loop=loop if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 8) else None
- )
- # This class implements the data transfer and closing handshake, which
- # are shared between the client-side and the server-side.
- # Subclasses implement the opening handshake and, on success, execute
- # :meth:`connection_open` to change the state to OPEN.
- self.state = State.CONNECTING
- logger.debug("%s - state = CONNECTING", self.side)
- # HTTP protocol parameters.
- self.path: str
- self.request_headers: Headers
- self.response_headers: Headers
- # WebSocket protocol parameters.
- self.extensions: List[Extension] = []
- self.subprotocol: Optional[str] = None
- # The close code and reason are set when receiving a close frame or
- # losing the TCP connection.
- self.close_code: int
- self.close_reason: str
- # Completed when the connection state becomes CLOSED. Translates the
- # :meth:`connection_lost` callback to a :class:`~asyncio.Future`
- # that can be awaited. (Other :class:`~asyncio.Protocol` callbacks are
- # translated by ``self.stream_reader``).
- self.connection_lost_waiter: asyncio.Future[None] = loop.create_future()
- # Queue of received messages.
- self.messages: Deque[Data] = collections.deque()
- self._pop_message_waiter: Optional[asyncio.Future[None]] = None
- self._put_message_waiter: Optional[asyncio.Future[None]] = None
- # Protect sending fragmented messages.
- self._fragmented_message_waiter: Optional[asyncio.Future[None]] = None
- # Mapping of ping IDs to waiters, in chronological order.
- self.pings: Dict[bytes, asyncio.Future[None]] = {}
- # Task running the data transfer.
- self.transfer_data_task: asyncio.Task[None]
- # Exception that occurred during data transfer, if any.
- self.transfer_data_exc: Optional[BaseException] = None
- # Task sending keepalive pings.
- self.keepalive_ping_task: asyncio.Task[None]
- # Task closing the TCP connection.
- self.close_connection_task: asyncio.Task[None]
- # Copied from asyncio.FlowControlMixin
- async def _drain_helper(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover
- if self.connection_lost_waiter.done():
- raise ConnectionResetError("Connection lost")
- if not self._paused:
- return
- waiter = self._drain_waiter
- assert waiter is None or waiter.cancelled()
- waiter = self.loop.create_future()
- self._drain_waiter = waiter
- await waiter
- # Copied from asyncio.StreamWriter
- async def _drain(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover
- if self.reader is not None:
- exc = self.reader.exception()
- if exc is not None:
- raise exc
- if self.transport is not None:
- if self.transport.is_closing():
- # Yield to the event loop so connection_lost() may be
- # called. Without this, _drain_helper() would return
- # immediately, and code that calls
- # write(...); yield from drain()
- # in a loop would never call connection_lost(), so it
- # would not see an error when the socket is closed.
- await asyncio.sleep(
- 0, loop=self.loop if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 8) else None
- )
- await self._drain_helper()
- def connection_open(self) -> None:
- """
- Callback when the WebSocket opening handshake completes.
- Enter the OPEN state and start the data transfer phase.
- """
- # 4.1. The WebSocket Connection is Established.
- assert self.state is State.CONNECTING
- self.state = State.OPEN
- logger.debug("%s - state = OPEN", self.side)
- # Start the task that receives incoming WebSocket messages.
- self.transfer_data_task = self.loop.create_task(self.transfer_data())
- # Start the task that sends pings at regular intervals.
- self.keepalive_ping_task = self.loop.create_task(self.keepalive_ping())
- # Start the task that eventually closes the TCP connection.
- self.close_connection_task = self.loop.create_task(self.close_connection())
- @property
- def host(self) -> Optional[str]:
- alternative = "remote_address" if self.is_client else "local_address"
- warnings.warn(f"use {alternative}[0] instead of host", DeprecationWarning)
- return self._host
- @property
- def port(self) -> Optional[int]:
- alternative = "remote_address" if self.is_client else "local_address"
- warnings.warn(f"use {alternative}[1] instead of port", DeprecationWarning)
- return self._port
- @property
- def secure(self) -> Optional[bool]:
- warnings.warn(f"don't use secure", DeprecationWarning)
- return self._secure
- # Public API
- @property
- def local_address(self) -> Any:
- """
- Local address of the connection.
- This is a ``(host, port)`` tuple or ``None`` if the connection hasn't
- been established yet.
- """
- try:
- transport = self.transport
- except AttributeError:
- return None
- else:
- return transport.get_extra_info("sockname")
- @property
- def remote_address(self) -> Any:
- """
- Remote address of the connection.
- This is a ``(host, port)`` tuple or ``None`` if the connection hasn't
- been established yet.
- """
- try:
- transport = self.transport
- except AttributeError:
- return None
- else:
- return transport.get_extra_info("peername")
- @property
- def open(self) -> bool:
- """
- ``True`` when the connection is usable.
- It may be used to detect disconnections. However, this approach is
- discouraged per the EAFP_ principle.
- When ``open`` is ``False``, using the connection raises a
- :exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed` exception.
- .. _EAFP: https://docs.python.org/3/glossary.html#term-eafp
- """
- return self.state is State.OPEN and not self.transfer_data_task.done()
- @property
- def closed(self) -> bool:
- """
- ``True`` once the connection is closed.
- Be aware that both :attr:`open` and :attr:`closed` are ``False`` during
- the opening and closing sequences.
- """
- return self.state is State.CLOSED
- async def wait_closed(self) -> None:
- """
- Wait until the connection is closed.
- This is identical to :attr:`closed`, except it can be awaited.
- This can make it easier to handle connection termination, regardless
- of its cause, in tasks that interact with the WebSocket connection.
- """
- await asyncio.shield(self.connection_lost_waiter)
- async def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[Data]:
- """
- Iterate on received messages.
- Exit normally when the connection is closed with code 1000 or 1001.
- Raise an exception in other cases.
- """
- try:
- while True:
- yield await self.recv()
- except ConnectionClosedOK:
- return
- async def recv(self) -> Data:
- """
- Receive the next message.
- Return a :class:`str` for a text frame and :class:`bytes` for a binary
- frame.
- When the end of the message stream is reached, :meth:`recv` raises
- :exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed`. Specifically, it
- raises :exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK` after a normal
- connection closure and
- :exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError` after a protocol
- error or a network failure.
- .. versionchanged:: 3.0
- :meth:`recv` used to return ``None`` instead. Refer to the
- changelog for details.
- Canceling :meth:`recv` is safe. There's no risk of losing the next
- message. The next invocation of :meth:`recv` will return it. This
- makes it possible to enforce a timeout by wrapping :meth:`recv` in
- :func:`~asyncio.wait_for`.
- :raises ~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed: when the
- connection is closed
- :raises RuntimeError: if two coroutines call :meth:`recv` concurrently
- """
- if self._pop_message_waiter is not None:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "cannot call recv while another coroutine "
- "is already waiting for the next message"
- )
- # Don't await self.ensure_open() here:
- # - messages could be available in the queue even if the connection
- # is closed;
- # - messages could be received before the closing frame even if the
- # connection is closing.
- # Wait until there's a message in the queue (if necessary) or the
- # connection is closed.
- while len(self.messages) <= 0:
- pop_message_waiter: asyncio.Future[None] = self.loop.create_future()
- self._pop_message_waiter = pop_message_waiter
- try:
- # If asyncio.wait() is canceled, it doesn't cancel
- # pop_message_waiter and self.transfer_data_task.
- await asyncio.wait(
- [pop_message_waiter, self.transfer_data_task],
- loop=self.loop if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 8) else None,
- return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED,
- )
- finally:
- self._pop_message_waiter = None
- # If asyncio.wait(...) exited because self.transfer_data_task
- # completed before receiving a new message, raise a suitable
- # exception (or return None if legacy_recv is enabled).
- if not pop_message_waiter.done():
- if self.legacy_recv:
- return None # type: ignore
- else:
- # Wait until the connection is closed to raise
- # ConnectionClosed with the correct code and reason.
- await self.ensure_open()
- # Pop a message from the queue.
- message = self.messages.popleft()
- # Notify transfer_data().
- if self._put_message_waiter is not None:
- self._put_message_waiter.set_result(None)
- self._put_message_waiter = None
- return message
- async def send(
- self, message: Union[Data, Iterable[Data], AsyncIterable[Data]]
- ) -> None:
- """
- Send a message.
- A string (:class:`str`) is sent as a `Text frame`_. A bytestring or
- bytes-like object (:class:`bytes`, :class:`bytearray`, or
- :class:`memoryview`) is sent as a `Binary frame`_.
- .. _Text frame: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-5.6
- .. _Binary frame: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-5.6
- :meth:`send` also accepts an iterable or an asynchronous iterable of
- strings, bytestrings, or bytes-like objects. In that case the message
- is fragmented. Each item is treated as a message fragment and sent in
- its own frame. All items must be of the same type, or else
- :meth:`send` will raise a :exc:`TypeError` and the connection will be
- closed.
- Canceling :meth:`send` is discouraged. Instead, you should close the
- connection with :meth:`close`. Indeed, there only two situations where
- :meth:`send` yields control to the event loop:
- 1. The write buffer is full. If you don't want to wait until enough
- data is sent, your only alternative is to close the connection.
- :meth:`close` will likely time out then abort the TCP connection.
- 2. ``message`` is an asynchronous iterator. Stopping in the middle of
- a fragmented message will cause a protocol error. Closing the
- connection has the same effect.
- :raises TypeError: for unsupported inputs
- """
- await self.ensure_open()
- # While sending a fragmented message, prevent sending other messages
- # until all fragments are sent.
- while self._fragmented_message_waiter is not None:
- await asyncio.shield(self._fragmented_message_waiter)
- # Unfragmented message -- this case must be handled first because
- # strings and bytes-like objects are iterable.
- if isinstance(message, (str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview)):
- opcode, data = prepare_data(message)
- await self.write_frame(True, opcode, data)
- # Fragmented message -- regular iterator.
- elif isinstance(message, Iterable):
- # Work around https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/6227
- message = cast(Iterable[Data], message)
- iter_message = iter(message)
- try:
- message_chunk = next(iter_message)
- except StopIteration:
- return
- opcode, data = prepare_data(message_chunk)
- self._fragmented_message_waiter = asyncio.Future()
- try:
- # First fragment.
- await self.write_frame(False, opcode, data)
- # Other fragments.
- for message_chunk in iter_message:
- confirm_opcode, data = prepare_data(message_chunk)
- if confirm_opcode != opcode:
- raise TypeError("data contains inconsistent types")
- await self.write_frame(False, OP_CONT, data)
- # Final fragment.
- await self.write_frame(True, OP_CONT, b"")
- except Exception:
- # We're half-way through a fragmented message and we can't
- # complete it. This makes the connection unusable.
- self.fail_connection(1011)
- raise
- finally:
- self._fragmented_message_waiter.set_result(None)
- self._fragmented_message_waiter = None
- # Fragmented message -- asynchronous iterator
- elif isinstance(message, AsyncIterable):
- # aiter_message = aiter(message) without aiter
- # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/5738
- aiter_message = type(message).__aiter__(message) # type: ignore
- try:
- # message_chunk = anext(aiter_message) without anext
- # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/5738
- message_chunk = await type(aiter_message).__anext__( # type: ignore
- aiter_message
- )
- except StopAsyncIteration:
- return
- opcode, data = prepare_data(message_chunk)
- self._fragmented_message_waiter = asyncio.Future()
- try:
- # First fragment.
- await self.write_frame(False, opcode, data)
- # Other fragments.
- # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/5738
- async for message_chunk in aiter_message: # type: ignore
- confirm_opcode, data = prepare_data(message_chunk)
- if confirm_opcode != opcode:
- raise TypeError("data contains inconsistent types")
- await self.write_frame(False, OP_CONT, data)
- # Final fragment.
- await self.write_frame(True, OP_CONT, b"")
- except Exception:
- # We're half-way through a fragmented message and we can't
- # complete it. This makes the connection unusable.
- self.fail_connection(1011)
- raise
- finally:
- self._fragmented_message_waiter.set_result(None)
- self._fragmented_message_waiter = None
- else:
- raise TypeError("data must be bytes, str, or iterable")
- async def close(self, code: int = 1000, reason: str = "") -> None:
- """
- Perform the closing handshake.
- :meth:`close` waits for the other end to complete the handshake and
- for the TCP connection to terminate. As a consequence, there's no need
- to await :meth:`wait_closed`; :meth:`close` already does it.
- :meth:`close` is idempotent: it doesn't do anything once the
- connection is closed.
- Wrapping :func:`close` in :func:`~asyncio.create_task` is safe, given
- that errors during connection termination aren't particularly useful.
- Canceling :meth:`close` is discouraged. If it takes too long, you can
- set a shorter ``close_timeout``. If you don't want to wait, let the
- Python process exit, then the OS will close the TCP connection.
- :param code: WebSocket close code
- :param reason: WebSocket close reason
- """
- try:
- await asyncio.wait_for(
- self.write_close_frame(serialize_close(code, reason)),
- self.close_timeout,
- loop=self.loop if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 8) else None,
- )
- except asyncio.TimeoutError:
- # If the close frame cannot be sent because the send buffers
- # are full, the closing handshake won't complete anyway.
- # Fail the connection to shut down faster.
- self.fail_connection()
- # If no close frame is received within the timeout, wait_for() cancels
- # the data transfer task and raises TimeoutError.
- # If close() is called multiple times concurrently and one of these
- # calls hits the timeout, the data transfer task will be cancelled.
- # Other calls will receive a CancelledError here.
- try:
- # If close() is canceled during the wait, self.transfer_data_task
- # is canceled before the timeout elapses.
- await asyncio.wait_for(
- self.transfer_data_task,
- self.close_timeout,
- loop=self.loop if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 8) else None,
- )
- except (asyncio.TimeoutError, asyncio.CancelledError):
- pass
- # Wait for the close connection task to close the TCP connection.
- await asyncio.shield(self.close_connection_task)
- async def ping(self, data: Optional[Data] = None) -> Awaitable[None]:
- """
- Send a ping.
- Return a :class:`~asyncio.Future` which will be completed when the
- corresponding pong is received and which you may ignore if you don't
- want to wait.
- A ping may serve as a keepalive or as a check that the remote endpoint
- received all messages up to this point::
- pong_waiter = await ws.ping()
- await pong_waiter # only if you want to wait for the pong
- By default, the ping contains four random bytes. This payload may be
- overridden with the optional ``data`` argument which must be a string
- (which will be encoded to UTF-8) or a bytes-like object.
- Canceling :meth:`ping` is discouraged. If :meth:`ping` doesn't return
- immediately, it means the write buffer is full. If you don't want to
- wait, you should close the connection.
- Canceling the :class:`~asyncio.Future` returned by :meth:`ping` has no
- effect.
- """
- await self.ensure_open()
- if data is not None:
- data = encode_data(data)
- # Protect against duplicates if a payload is explicitly set.
- if data in self.pings:
- raise ValueError("already waiting for a pong with the same data")
- # Generate a unique random payload otherwise.
- while data is None or data in self.pings:
- data = struct.pack("!I", random.getrandbits(32))
- self.pings[data] = self.loop.create_future()
- await self.write_frame(True, OP_PING, data)
- return asyncio.shield(self.pings[data])
- async def pong(self, data: Data = b"") -> None:
- """
- Send a pong.
- An unsolicited pong may serve as a unidirectional heartbeat.
- The payload may be set with the optional ``data`` argument which must
- be a string (which will be encoded to UTF-8) or a bytes-like object.
- Canceling :meth:`pong` is discouraged for the same reason as
- :meth:`ping`.
- """
- await self.ensure_open()
- data = encode_data(data)
- await self.write_frame(True, OP_PONG, data)
- # Private methods - no guarantees.
- def connection_closed_exc(self) -> ConnectionClosed:
- exception: ConnectionClosed
- if self.close_code == 1000 or self.close_code == 1001:
- exception = ConnectionClosedOK(self.close_code, self.close_reason)
- else:
- exception = ConnectionClosedError(self.close_code, self.close_reason)
- # Chain to the exception that terminated data transfer, if any.
- exception.__cause__ = self.transfer_data_exc
- return exception
- async def ensure_open(self) -> None:
- """
- Check that the WebSocket connection is open.
- Raise :exc:`~websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed` if it isn't.
- """
- # Handle cases from most common to least common for performance.
- if self.state is State.OPEN:
- # If self.transfer_data_task exited without a closing handshake,
- # self.close_connection_task may be closing the connection, going
- # straight from OPEN to CLOSED.
- if self.transfer_data_task.done():
- await asyncio.shield(self.close_connection_task)
- raise self.connection_closed_exc()
- else:
- return
- if self.state is State.CLOSED:
- raise self.connection_closed_exc()
- if self.state is State.CLOSING:
- # If we started the closing handshake, wait for its completion to
- # get the proper close code and reason. self.close_connection_task
- # will complete within 4 or 5 * close_timeout after close(). The
- # CLOSING state also occurs when failing the connection. In that
- # case self.close_connection_task will complete even faster.
- await asyncio.shield(self.close_connection_task)
- raise self.connection_closed_exc()
- # Control may only reach this point in buggy third-party subclasses.
- assert self.state is State.CONNECTING
- raise InvalidState("WebSocket connection isn't established yet")
- async def transfer_data(self) -> None:
- """
- Read incoming messages and put them in a queue.
- This coroutine runs in a task until the closing handshake is started.
- """
- try:
- while True:
- message = await self.read_message()
- # Exit the loop when receiving a close frame.
- if message is None:
- break
- # Wait until there's room in the queue (if necessary).
- if self.max_queue is not None:
- while len(self.messages) >= self.max_queue:
- self._put_message_waiter = self.loop.create_future()
- try:
- await asyncio.shield(self._put_message_waiter)
- finally:
- self._put_message_waiter = None
- # Put the message in the queue.
- self.messages.append(message)
- # Notify recv().
- if self._pop_message_waiter is not None:
- self._pop_message_waiter.set_result(None)
- self._pop_message_waiter = None
- except asyncio.CancelledError as exc:
- self.transfer_data_exc = exc
- # If fail_connection() cancels this task, avoid logging the error
- # twice and failing the connection again.
- raise
- except ProtocolError as exc:
- self.transfer_data_exc = exc
- self.fail_connection(1002)
- except (ConnectionError, EOFError) as exc:
- # Reading data with self.reader.readexactly may raise:
- # - most subclasses of ConnectionError if the TCP connection
- # breaks, is reset, or is aborted;
- # - IncompleteReadError, a subclass of EOFError, if fewer
- # bytes are available than requested.
- self.transfer_data_exc = exc
- self.fail_connection(1006)
- except UnicodeDecodeError as exc:
- self.transfer_data_exc = exc
- self.fail_connection(1007)
- except PayloadTooBig as exc:
- self.transfer_data_exc = exc
- self.fail_connection(1009)
- except Exception as exc:
- # This shouldn't happen often because exceptions expected under
- # regular circumstances are handled above. If it does, consider
- # catching and handling more exceptions.
- logger.error("Error in data transfer", exc_info=True)
- self.transfer_data_exc = exc
- self.fail_connection(1011)
- async def read_message(self) -> Optional[Data]:
- """
- Read a single message from the connection.
- Re-assemble data frames if the message is fragmented.
- Return ``None`` when the closing handshake is started.
- """
- frame = await self.read_data_frame(max_size=self.max_size)
- # A close frame was received.
- if frame is None:
- return None
- if frame.opcode == OP_TEXT:
- text = True
- elif frame.opcode == OP_BINARY:
- text = False
- else: # frame.opcode == OP_CONT
- raise ProtocolError("unexpected opcode")
- # Shortcut for the common case - no fragmentation
- if frame.fin:
- return frame.data.decode("utf-8") if text else frame.data
- # 5.4. Fragmentation
- chunks: List[Data] = []
- max_size = self.max_size
- if text:
- decoder_factory = codecs.getincrementaldecoder("utf-8")
- decoder = decoder_factory(errors="strict")
- if max_size is None:
- def append(frame: Frame) -> None:
- nonlocal chunks
- chunks.append(decoder.decode(frame.data, frame.fin))
- else:
- def append(frame: Frame) -> None:
- nonlocal chunks, max_size
- chunks.append(decoder.decode(frame.data, frame.fin))
- assert isinstance(max_size, int)
- max_size -= len(frame.data)
- else:
- if max_size is None:
- def append(frame: Frame) -> None:
- nonlocal chunks
- chunks.append(frame.data)
- else:
- def append(frame: Frame) -> None:
- nonlocal chunks, max_size
- chunks.append(frame.data)
- assert isinstance(max_size, int)
- max_size -= len(frame.data)
- append(frame)
- while not frame.fin:
- frame = await self.read_data_frame(max_size=max_size)
- if frame is None:
- raise ProtocolError("incomplete fragmented message")
- if frame.opcode != OP_CONT:
- raise ProtocolError("unexpected opcode")
- append(frame)
- # mypy cannot figure out that chunks have the proper type.
- return ("" if text else b"").join(chunks) # type: ignore
- async def read_data_frame(self, max_size: Optional[int]) -> Optional[Frame]:
- """
- Read a single data frame from the connection.
- Process control frames received before the next data frame.
- Return ``None`` if a close frame is encountered before any data frame.
- """
- # 6.2. Receiving Data
- while True:
- frame = await self.read_frame(max_size)
- # 5.5. Control Frames
- if frame.opcode == OP_CLOSE:
- # 7.1.5. The WebSocket Connection Close Code
- # 7.1.6. The WebSocket Connection Close Reason
- self.close_code, self.close_reason = parse_close(frame.data)
- try:
- # Echo the original data instead of re-serializing it with
- # serialize_close() because that fails when the close frame
- # is empty and parse_close() synthetizes a 1005 close code.
- await self.write_close_frame(frame.data)
- except ConnectionClosed:
- # It doesn't really matter if the connection was closed
- # before we could send back a close frame.
- pass
- return None
- elif frame.opcode == OP_PING:
- # Answer pings.
- ping_hex = frame.data.hex() or "[empty]"
- logger.debug(
- "%s - received ping, sending pong: %s", self.side, ping_hex
- )
- await self.pong(frame.data)
- elif frame.opcode == OP_PONG:
- # Acknowledge pings on solicited pongs.
- if frame.data in self.pings:
- logger.debug(
- "%s - received solicited pong: %s",
- self.side,
- frame.data.hex() or "[empty]",
- )
- # Acknowledge all pings up to the one matching this pong.
- ping_id = None
- ping_ids = []
- for ping_id, ping in self.pings.items():
- ping_ids.append(ping_id)
- if not ping.done():
- ping.set_result(None)
- if ping_id == frame.data:
- break
- else: # pragma: no cover
- assert False, "ping_id is in self.pings"
- # Remove acknowledged pings from self.pings.
- for ping_id in ping_ids:
- del self.pings[ping_id]
- ping_ids = ping_ids[:-1]
- if ping_ids:
- pings_hex = ", ".join(
- ping_id.hex() or "[empty]" for ping_id in ping_ids
- )
- plural = "s" if len(ping_ids) > 1 else ""
- logger.debug(
- "%s - acknowledged previous ping%s: %s",
- self.side,
- plural,
- pings_hex,
- )
- else:
- logger.debug(
- "%s - received unsolicited pong: %s",
- self.side,
- frame.data.hex() or "[empty]",
- )
- # 5.6. Data Frames
- else:
- return frame
- async def read_frame(self, max_size: Optional[int]) -> Frame:
- """
- Read a single frame from the connection.
- """
- frame = await Frame.read(
- self.reader.readexactly,
- mask=not self.is_client,
- max_size=max_size,
- extensions=self.extensions,
- )
- logger.debug("%s < %r", self.side, frame)
- return frame
- async def write_frame(
- self, fin: bool, opcode: int, data: bytes, *, _expected_state: int = State.OPEN
- ) -> None:
- # Defensive assertion for protocol compliance.
- if self.state is not _expected_state: # pragma: no cover
- raise InvalidState(
- f"Cannot write to a WebSocket in the {self.state.name} state"
- )
- frame = Frame(fin, opcode, data)
- logger.debug("%s > %r", self.side, frame)
- frame.write(
- self.transport.write, mask=self.is_client, extensions=self.extensions
- )
- try:
- # drain() cannot be called concurrently by multiple coroutines:
- # http://bugs.python.org/issue29930. Remove this lock when no
- # version of Python where this bugs exists is supported anymore.
- async with self._drain_lock:
- # Handle flow control automatically.
- await self._drain()
- except ConnectionError:
- # Terminate the connection if the socket died.
- self.fail_connection()
- # Wait until the connection is closed to raise ConnectionClosed
- # with the correct code and reason.
- await self.ensure_open()
- async def write_close_frame(self, data: bytes = b"") -> None:
- """
- Write a close frame if and only if the connection state is OPEN.
- This dedicated coroutine must be used for writing close frames to
- ensure that at most one close frame is sent on a given connection.
- """
- # Test and set the connection state before sending the close frame to
- # avoid sending two frames in case of concurrent calls.
- if self.state is State.OPEN:
- # 7.1.3. The WebSocket Closing Handshake is Started
- self.state = State.CLOSING
- logger.debug("%s - state = CLOSING", self.side)
- # 7.1.2. Start the WebSocket Closing Handshake
- await self.write_frame(True, OP_CLOSE, data, _expected_state=State.CLOSING)
- async def keepalive_ping(self) -> None:
- """
- Send a Ping frame and wait for a Pong frame at regular intervals.
- This coroutine exits when the connection terminates and one of the
- following happens:
- - :meth:`ping` raises :exc:`ConnectionClosed`, or
- - :meth:`close_connection` cancels :attr:`keepalive_ping_task`.
- """
- if self.ping_interval is None:
- return
- try:
- while True:
- await asyncio.sleep(
- self.ping_interval,
- loop=self.loop if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 8) else None,
- )
- # ping() raises CancelledError if the connection is closed,
- # when close_connection() cancels self.keepalive_ping_task.
- # ping() raises ConnectionClosed if the connection is lost,
- # when connection_lost() calls abort_pings().
- ping_waiter = await self.ping()
- if self.ping_timeout is not None:
- try:
- await asyncio.wait_for(
- ping_waiter,
- self.ping_timeout,
- loop=self.loop if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 8) else None,
- )
- except asyncio.TimeoutError:
- logger.debug("%s ! timed out waiting for pong", self.side)
- self.fail_connection(1011)
- break
- except asyncio.CancelledError:
- raise
- except ConnectionClosed:
- pass
- except Exception:
- logger.warning("Unexpected exception in keepalive ping task", exc_info=True)
- async def close_connection(self) -> None:
- """
- 7.1.1. Close the WebSocket Connection
- When the opening handshake succeeds, :meth:`connection_open` starts
- this coroutine in a task. It waits for the data transfer phase to
- complete then it closes the TCP connection cleanly.
- When the opening handshake fails, :meth:`fail_connection` does the
- same. There's no data transfer phase in that case.
- """
- try:
- # Wait for the data transfer phase to complete.
- if hasattr(self, "transfer_data_task"):
- try:
- await self.transfer_data_task
- except asyncio.CancelledError:
- pass
- # Cancel the keepalive ping task.
- if hasattr(self, "keepalive_ping_task"):
- self.keepalive_ping_task.cancel()
- # A client should wait for a TCP close from the server.
- if self.is_client and hasattr(self, "transfer_data_task"):
- if await self.wait_for_connection_lost():
- return
- logger.debug("%s ! timed out waiting for TCP close", self.side)
- # Half-close the TCP connection if possible (when there's no TLS).
- if self.transport.can_write_eof():
- logger.debug("%s x half-closing TCP connection", self.side)
- self.transport.write_eof()
- if await self.wait_for_connection_lost():
- return
- logger.debug("%s ! timed out waiting for TCP close", self.side)
- finally:
- # The try/finally ensures that the transport never remains open,
- # even if this coroutine is canceled (for example).
- # If connection_lost() was called, the TCP connection is closed.
- # However, if TLS is enabled, the transport still needs closing.
- # Else asyncio complains: ResourceWarning: unclosed transport.
- if self.connection_lost_waiter.done() and self.transport.is_closing():
- return
- # Close the TCP connection. Buffers are flushed asynchronously.
- logger.debug("%s x closing TCP connection", self.side)
- self.transport.close()
- if await self.wait_for_connection_lost():
- return
- logger.debug("%s ! timed out waiting for TCP close", self.side)
- # Abort the TCP connection. Buffers are discarded.
- logger.debug("%s x aborting TCP connection", self.side)
- self.transport.abort()
- # connection_lost() is called quickly after aborting.
- await self.wait_for_connection_lost()
- async def wait_for_connection_lost(self) -> bool:
- """
- Wait until the TCP connection is closed or ``self.close_timeout`` elapses.
- Return ``True`` if the connection is closed and ``False`` otherwise.
- """
- if not self.connection_lost_waiter.done():
- try:
- await asyncio.wait_for(
- asyncio.shield(self.connection_lost_waiter),
- self.close_timeout,
- loop=self.loop if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 8) else None,
- )
- except asyncio.TimeoutError:
- pass
- # Re-check self.connection_lost_waiter.done() synchronously because
- # connection_lost() could run between the moment the timeout occurs
- # and the moment this coroutine resumes running.
- return self.connection_lost_waiter.done()
- def fail_connection(self, code: int = 1006, reason: str = "") -> None:
- """
- 7.1.7. Fail the WebSocket Connection
- This requires:
- 1. Stopping all processing of incoming data, which means cancelling
- :attr:`transfer_data_task`. The close code will be 1006 unless a
- close frame was received earlier.
- 2. Sending a close frame with an appropriate code if the opening
- handshake succeeded and the other side is likely to process it.
- 3. Closing the connection. :meth:`close_connection` takes care of
- this once :attr:`transfer_data_task` exits after being canceled.
- (The specification describes these steps in the opposite order.)
- """
- logger.debug(
- "%s ! failing %s WebSocket connection with code %d",
- self.side,
- self.state.name,
- code,
- )
- # Cancel transfer_data_task if the opening handshake succeeded.
- # cancel() is idempotent and ignored if the task is done already.
- if hasattr(self, "transfer_data_task"):
- self.transfer_data_task.cancel()
- # Send a close frame when the state is OPEN (a close frame was already
- # sent if it's CLOSING), except when failing the connection because of
- # an error reading from or writing to the network.
- # Don't send a close frame if the connection is broken.
- if code != 1006 and self.state is State.OPEN:
- frame_data = serialize_close(code, reason)
- # Write the close frame without draining the write buffer.
- # Keeping fail_connection() synchronous guarantees it can't
- # get stuck and simplifies the implementation of the callers.
- # Not drainig the write buffer is acceptable in this context.
- # This duplicates a few lines of code from write_close_frame()
- # and write_frame().
- self.state = State.CLOSING
- logger.debug("%s - state = CLOSING", self.side)
- frame = Frame(True, OP_CLOSE, frame_data)
- logger.debug("%s > %r", self.side, frame)
- fra