Python | 385 lines | 307 code | 23 blank | 55 comment | 22 complexity | 24c9c43785d0d27265042e3903f44341 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception, Apache-2.0, BSD-3-Clause
- # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
- # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- # found in the LICENSE file.
- import logging
- import math
- import os
- import struct
- import subprocess
- import sys
- import tempfile
- OPTIMIZE_PNG_FILES = 'tools/resources/optimize-png-files.sh'
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
- class InvalidFile(Exception):
- """Represents an invalid ICO file."""
- def IsPng(png_data):
- """Determines whether a sequence of bytes is a PNG."""
- return png_data.startswith(b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n')
- def OptimizePngFile(temp_dir, png_filename, optimization_level=None):
- """Optimize a PNG file.
- Args:
- temp_dir: The directory containing the PNG file. Must be the only file in
- the directory.
- png_filename: The full path to the PNG file to optimize.
- Returns:
- The raw bytes of a PNG file, an optimized version of the input.
- """
- logging.debug('Crushing PNG image...')
- if optimization_level is not None:
- args.append('-o%d' % optimization_level)
- args.append(temp_dir)
- result = subprocess.call(args, stdout=sys.stderr)
- if result != 0:
- logging.warning('Warning: optimize-png-files failed (%d)', result)
- else:
- logging.debug('optimize-png-files succeeded')
- with open(png_filename, 'rb') as png_file:
- return png_file.read()
- def OptimizePng(png_data, optimization_level=None):
- """Optimize a PNG.
- Args:
- png_data: The raw bytes of a PNG file.
- Returns:
- The raw bytes of a PNG file, an optimized version of the input.
- """
- temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- try:
- logging.debug('temp_dir = %s', temp_dir)
- png_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'image.png')
- with open(png_filename, 'wb') as png_file:
- png_file.write(png_data)
- return OptimizePngFile(temp_dir, png_filename,
- optimization_level=optimization_level)
- finally:
- if os.path.exists(png_filename):
- os.unlink(png_filename)
- os.rmdir(temp_dir)
- def BytesPerRowBMP(width, bpp):
- """Computes the number of bytes per row in a Windows BMP image."""
- # width * bpp / 8, rounded up to the nearest multiple of 4.
- return int(math.ceil(width * bpp / 32.0)) * 4
- def ExportSingleEntry(icon_dir_entry, icon_data, outfile):
- """Export a single icon dir entry to its own ICO file.
- Args:
- icon_dir_entry: Struct containing the fields of an ICONDIRENTRY.
- icon_data: Raw pixel data of the icon.
- outfile: File object to write to.
- """
- # Write the ICONDIR header.
- logging.debug('len(icon_data) = %d', len(icon_data))
- outfile.write(struct.pack('<HHH', 0, 1, 1))
- # Write the ICONDIRENTRY header.
- width, height, num_colors, r1, r2, r3, size, _ = icon_dir_entry
- offset = 22;
- icon_dir_entry = width, height, num_colors, r1, r2, r3, size, offset
- outfile.write(struct.pack('<BBBBHHLL', *icon_dir_entry))
- # Write the image data.
- outfile.write(icon_data)
- def ConvertIcoToPng(ico_filename, png_filename):
- """Convert a single-entry ICO file to a PNG image.
- Requires that the user has `convert` (ImageMagick) installed.
- Raises:
- OSError: If ImageMagick was not found.
- subprocess.CalledProcessError: If convert failed.
- """
- logging.debug('Converting BMP image to PNG...')
- args = [IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT, ico_filename, png_filename]
- result = subprocess.check_call(args, stdout=sys.stderr)
- logging.info('Converted BMP image to PNG format')
- def OptimizeBmp(icon_dir_entry, icon_data):
- """Convert a BMP file to PNG and optimize it.
- Args:
- icon_dir_entry: Struct containing the fields of an ICONDIRENTRY.
- icon_data: Raw pixel data of the icon.
- Returns:
- The raw bytes of a PNG file, an optimized version of the input.
- """
- temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- try:
- logging.debug('temp_dir = %s', temp_dir)
- ico_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'image.ico')
- png_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'image.png')
- with open(ico_filename, 'wb') as ico_file:
- logging.debug('writing %s', ico_filename)
- ExportSingleEntry(icon_dir_entry, icon_data, ico_file)
- try:
- ConvertIcoToPng(ico_filename, png_filename)
- except Exception as e:
- logging.warning('Could not convert BMP to PNG format: %s', e)
- if isinstance(e, OSError):
- logging.info('This is because ImageMagick (`convert`) was not found. '
- 'Please install it, or manually convert large BMP images '
- 'into PNG before running this utility.')
- return icon_data
- return OptimizePngFile(temp_dir, png_filename)
- finally:
- if os.path.exists(ico_filename):
- os.unlink(ico_filename)
- if os.path.exists(png_filename):
- os.unlink(png_filename)
- os.rmdir(temp_dir)
- def ComputeANDMaskFromAlpha(image_data, width, height):
- """Compute an AND mask from 32-bit BGRA image data."""
- and_bytes = []
- for y in range(height):
- bit_count = 0
- current_byte = 0
- for x in range(width):
- alpha = image_data[(y * width + x) * 4 + 3]
- current_byte <<= 1
- if alpha == 0:
- current_byte |= 1
- bit_count += 1
- if bit_count == 8:
- and_bytes.append(current_byte)
- bit_count = 0
- current_byte = 0
- # At the end of a row, pad the current byte.
- if bit_count > 0:
- current_byte <<= (8 - bit_count)
- and_bytes.append(current_byte)
- # And keep padding until a multiple of 4 bytes.
- while len(and_bytes) % 4 != 0:
- and_bytes.append(0)
- and_bytes = bytes(and_bytes)
- return and_bytes
- def CheckANDMaskAgainstAlpha(xor_data, and_data, width, height):
- """Checks whether an AND mask is "good" for 32-bit BGRA image data.
- This checks that the mask is opaque wherever the alpha channel is not fully
- transparent. Pixels that violate this condition will show up as black in some
- contexts in Windows (http://crbug.com/526622). Also checks the inverse
- condition, that the mask is transparent wherever the alpha channel is fully
- transparent. While this does not appear to be strictly necessary, it is good
- practice for backwards compatibility.
- Returns True if the AND mask is "good", False otherwise.
- """
- xor_bytes_per_row = width * 4
- and_bytes_per_row = BytesPerRowBMP(width, 1)
- for y in range(height):
- for x in range(width):
- alpha = xor_data[y * xor_bytes_per_row + x * 4 + 3]
- mask = bool(and_data[y * and_bytes_per_row + x // 8] & (1 << (7 -
- (x % 8))))
- if mask:
- if alpha > 0:
- # mask is transparent, alpha is partially or fully opaque. This pixel
- # can show up as black on Windows due to a rendering bug.
- return False
- else:
- if alpha == 0:
- # mask is opaque, alpha is transparent. This pixel should be marked as
- # transparent in the mask, for legacy reasons.
- return False
- return True
- def CheckOrRebuildANDMask(iconimage, rebuild=False):
- """Checks the AND mask in an icon image for correctness, or rebuilds it.
- GIMP (<=2.8.14) creates a bad AND mask on 32-bit icon images (pixels with <50%
- opacity are marked as transparent, which end up looking black on Windows).
- With rebuild == False, checks whether the mask is bad. With rebuild == True,
- if this is a 32-bit image, throw the mask away and recompute it from the alpha
- data. (See: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=755200)
- Args:
- iconimage: Bytes of an icon image (the BMP data for an entry in an ICO
- file). Must be in BMP format, not PNG. Does not need to be 32-bit (if it
- is not 32-bit, this is a no-op).
- Returns:
- If rebuild == False, a bool indicating whether the mask is "good". If
- rebuild == True, an updated |iconimage|, with the AND mask re-computed using
- ComputeANDMaskFromAlpha.
- """
- (_, width, height, _, bpp, _, _, _, _, num_colors, _) = struct.unpack(
- '<LLLHHLLLLLL', iconimage[:40])
- if bpp != 32:
- # No alpha channel, so the mask cannot be "wrong" (it is the only source of
- # transparency information).
- return iconimage if rebuild else True
- height = height // 2
- xor_size = BytesPerRowBMP(width, bpp) * height
- # num_colors can be 0, implying 2^bpp colors.
- xor_palette_size = (num_colors or (1 << bpp if bpp < 24 else 0)) * 4
- xor_data = iconimage[40 + xor_palette_size :
- 40 + xor_palette_size + xor_size]
- if rebuild:
- and_data = ComputeANDMaskFromAlpha(xor_data, width, height)
- # Replace the AND mask in the original icon data.
- return iconimage[:40 + xor_palette_size + xor_size] + and_data
- else:
- and_data = iconimage[40 + xor_palette_size + xor_size:]
- return CheckANDMaskAgainstAlpha(xor_data, and_data, width, height)
- def LintIcoFile(infile):
- """Read an ICO file and check whether it is acceptable.
- This checks for:
- - Basic structural integrity of the ICO.
- - Large BMPs that could be converted to PNGs.
- - 32-bit BMPs with buggy AND masks.
- It will *not* check whether PNG images have been compressed sufficiently.
- Args:
- infile: The file to read from. Must be a seekable file-like object
- containing a Microsoft ICO file.
- Returns:
- A sequence of strings, containing error messages. An empty sequence
- indicates a good icon.
- """
- filename = os.path.basename(infile.name)
- icondir = infile.read(6)
- zero, image_type, num_images = struct.unpack('<HHH', icondir)
- if zero != 0:
- yield 'Invalid ICO: First word must be 0.'
- return
- if image_type not in (1, 2):
- yield 'Invalid ICO: Image type must be 1 or 2.'
- return
- # Read and unpack each ICONDIRENTRY.
- icon_dir_entries = []
- for i in range(num_images):
- icondirentry = infile.read(16)
- icon_dir_entries.append(struct.unpack('<BBBBHHLL', icondirentry))
- # Read each icon's bitmap data.
- current_offset = infile.tell()
- icon_bitmap_data = []
- for i in range(num_images):
- width, height, num_colors, r1, r2, r3, size, _ = icon_dir_entries[i]
- width = width or 256
- height = height or 256
- offset = current_offset
- icon_data = infile.read(size)
- if len(icon_data) != size:
- yield 'Invalid ICO: Unexpected end of file'
- return
- entry_is_png = IsPng(icon_data)
- logging.debug('%s entry #%d: %dx%d, %d bytes (%s)', filename, i + 1, width,
- height, size, 'PNG' if entry_is_png else 'BMP')
- if not entry_is_png:
- if width >= 256 or height >= 256:
- yield ('Entry #%d is a large image in uncompressed BMP format. It '
- 'should be in PNG format.' % (i + 1))
- if not CheckOrRebuildANDMask(icon_data, rebuild=False):
- yield ('Entry #%d has a bad mask that will display incorrectly in some '
- 'places in Windows.' % (i + 1))
- def OptimizeIcoFile(infile, outfile, optimization_level=None):
- """Read an ICO file, optimize its PNGs, and write the output to outfile.
- Args:
- infile: The file to read from. Must be a seekable file-like object
- containing a Microsoft ICO file.
- outfile: The file to write to.
- """
- filename = os.path.basename(infile.name)
- icondir = infile.read(6)
- zero, image_type, num_images = struct.unpack('<HHH', icondir)
- if zero != 0:
- raise InvalidFile('First word must be 0.')
- if image_type not in (1, 2):
- raise InvalidFile('Image type must be 1 or 2.')
- # Read and unpack each ICONDIRENTRY.
- icon_dir_entries = []
- for i in range(num_images):
- icondirentry = infile.read(16)
- icon_dir_entries.append(struct.unpack('<BBBBHHLL', icondirentry))
- # Read each icon's bitmap data, crush PNGs, and update icon dir entries.
- current_offset = infile.tell()
- icon_bitmap_data = []
- for i in range(num_images):
- width, height, num_colors, r1, r2, r3, size, _ = icon_dir_entries[i]
- width = width or 256
- height = height or 256
- offset = current_offset
- icon_data = infile.read(size)
- if len(icon_data) != size:
- raise EOFError()
- entry_is_png = IsPng(icon_data)
- logging.info('%s entry #%d: %dx%d, %d bytes (%s)', filename, i + 1, width,
- height, size, 'PNG' if entry_is_png else 'BMP')
- if entry_is_png:
- # It is a PNG. Crush it.
- icon_data = OptimizePng(icon_data, optimization_level=optimization_level)
- elif width >= 256 or height >= 256:
- # It is a large BMP. Reformat as a PNG, then crush it.
- # Note: Smaller images are kept uncompressed, for compatibility with
- # Windows XP.
- # TODO(mgiuca): Now that we no longer support XP, we can probably compress
- # all of the images. https://crbug.com/663136
- icon_data = OptimizeBmp(icon_dir_entries[i], icon_data)
- else:
- new_icon_data = CheckOrRebuildANDMask(icon_data, rebuild=True)
- if new_icon_data != icon_data:
- logging.info(' * Rebuilt AND mask for this image from alpha channel.')
- icon_data = new_icon_data
- new_size = len(icon_data)
- current_offset += new_size
- icon_dir_entries[i] = (width % 256, height % 256, num_colors, r1, r2, r3,
- new_size, offset)
- icon_bitmap_data.append(icon_data)
- # Write the data back to outfile.
- outfile.write(icondir)
- for icon_dir_entry in icon_dir_entries:
- outfile.write(struct.pack('<BBBBHHLL', *icon_dir_entry))
- for icon_bitmap in icon_bitmap_data:
- outfile.write(icon_bitmap)