PageRenderTime 54ms CodeModel.GetById 27ms RepoModel.GetById 0ms app.codeStats 0ms

Properties File | 397 lines | 377 code | 20 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | a991a8a847db8829fb707b463b497313 MD5 | raw file
  1. Panel-callstack=Stack
  2. ShowChromeErrors=Show Chrome Errors
  3. ShowChromeMessages=Show Chrome Messages
  4. ShowExternalErrors=Show External Errors
  5. JavascriptOptionsStrict=Strict Warnings (performance penalty)
  6. jsdIScript=jsdIScript %S
  7. SothinkWarning=The Sothink SWF Catcher extension is preventing Firebug from working properly.
  8. Please read this item on the Firebug FAQ for help.
  9. BreakOnTopLevel=Break on Top Level Scripts
  10. ShowAllSourceFiles=Show chrome sources
  11. TrackThrowCatch=Track Throw/Catch
  12. UseLastLineForEvalName=Use Last Source Line for eval() names
  13. UseMD5ForEvalName=Use MD5 for eval() names
  15. DBG_FBS_BP=Beware! DBG_BP
  17. DBG_FBS_STEP= Beware! DBG_STEP
  18. ScriptsFilterStatic=Show Static Scripts
  19. ScriptsFilterEval=Show Static and eval Scripts
  20. ScriptsFilterEvent=Show Static and event Scripts
  21. ScriptsFilterAll=Show Static, eval, and event Scripts
  22. ScriptsFilterStaticShort=static
  23. ScriptsFilterEvalShort=evals
  24. ScriptsFilterEventShort=events
  25. ScriptsFilterAllShort=all
  26. Put=Put
  27. LimitExceeded=Firebug's log limit has been reached. %S entries not shown.
  28. LimitPrefs=Preferences
  29. LimitPrefsTitle=In order to change the limit modify: %S
  30. ProfileButton.Enabled.Tooltip=Profile JavaScript execution time.
  31. ProfileButton.Disabled.Tooltip=Profile JavaScript execution time (Script panel must be enabled).
  32. panel.Enabled=Enabled
  33. panel.Disabled=Disabled
  34. panel.Enable=Enable
  35. panel.Disable=Disable
  36. console.modulemanager.description=Support for Console logging.
  37. console.HostEnable=Enable console for %S
  38. console.LocalFilesEnable=Enable console for Local Files
  39. console.SystemPagesEnable=Enable console for System Pages
  40. console.HostDisable=Disable console for %S
  41. console.LocalFilesDisable=Disable console for Local Files
  42. console.SystemPagesDisable=Disable console for System Pages
  43. console.PermMenuTooltip=Manage console activity
  44. console.MethodNotSupported=Firebug console does not support '%S'
  45. console.Permissions=Enable or Disable Console
  46. console.PermissionsIntro=Choose web sites where Console will be enabled or disabled.
  47. commandline.MethodNotSupported=Firebug command line does not support '%S'
  48. net.modulemanager.description=Support for Network monitoring.
  49. net.HostEnable=Enable monitor for %S
  50. net.LocalFilesEnable=Enable monitor for Local Files
  51. net.SystemPagesEnable=Enable monitor for System Pages
  52. net.HostDisable=Disable monitor for %S
  53. net.LocalFilesDisable=Disable monitor for Local Files
  54. net.SystemPagesDisable=Disable monitor for System Pages
  55. net.PermMenuTooltip=Manage network monitoring activity
  56. net.Permissions=Enable or Disable Network Monitor
  57. net.PermissionsIntro=Choose web sites where Network Monitor will be enabled or disabled.
  58. script.modulemanager.description=Support for JavaScript debugging.
  59. script.HostEnable=Enable debugger for %S
  60. script.LocalFilesEnable=Enable debugger for Local Files
  61. script.SystemPagesEnable=Enable debugger for System Pages
  62. script.HostDisable=Disable debugger for %S
  63. script.LocalFilesDisable=Disable debugger for Local Files
  64. script.SystemPagesDisable=Disable debugger for System Pages
  65. script.PermMenuTooltip=Manage debugger activity
  66. script.Permissions=Enable or Disable Debugger
  67. script.PermissionsIntro=Choose web sites where Debugger will be enabled or disabled.
  68. ShowComputedStyle=Show Computed Style
  69. StyleGroup-text=Text
  70. StyleGroup-background=Background
  71. StyleGroup-box=Box Model
  72. StyleGroup-layout=Layout
  73. StyleGroup-other=Other
  74. OmitObjectPathStack=Omit Toolbar Stack
  75. moduleManager.title=%S panel is disabled
  76. moduleManager.description=Use this page to enable or disable following panels. Enabling these panels will reduce performance and will cause a page reload.
  77. moduleManager.disabled=disabled
  78. moduleManager.apply.title=Enable selected panels for %S
  79. moduleManager.localfiles=Local Files
  80. moduleManager.systempages=System Pages
  81. Firebug=Firebug
  82. WindowTitle=Firebug - %S
  83. Panel-console=Console
  84. Panel-net=Net
  85. Panel-html=HTML
  86. Panel-stylesheet=CSS
  87. Panel-script=Script
  88. Panel-dom=DOM
  89. Panel-css=Style
  90. Panel-layout=Layout
  91. Panel-domSide=DOM
  92. Panel-watches=Watch
  93. Panel-breakpoints=Breakpoints
  94. ShowJavaScriptErrors=Show JavaScript Errors
  95. ShowJavaScriptWarnings=Show JavaScript Warnings
  96. ShowCSSErrors=Show CSS Errors
  97. ShowXMLErrors=Show XML Errors
  98. ShowStackTrace=Show Stack Trace With Errors
  99. ShowXULErrors=Show Errors From XUL
  100. ShowXULMessages=Show Messages From XUL
  101. ShowXMLHttpRequests=Show XMLHttpRequests
  102. LargeCommandLine=Larger Command Line
  103. Assertion=Assertion Failure
  104. Line=%S (line %S)
  105. StackItem=%S (%S line %S)
  106. InspectInTab=Inspect in %S Tab
  107. NoName=(no name)
  108. ShowFullText=Show Full Text
  109. ShowWhitespace=Show White Space
  110. ShowComments=Show Comments
  111. HighlightMutations=Highlight Changes
  112. ExpandMutations=Expand Changes
  113. ScrollToMutations=Scroll Changes Into View
  114. ScrollIntoView=Scroll Into View
  115. NewAttribute=New Attribute...
  116. EditAttribute=Edit Attribute "%S"...
  117. DeleteAttribute=Delete Attribute "%S"
  118. EditElement=Edit HTML...
  119. DeleteElement=Delete Element
  120. EditNode=Edit HTML...
  121. DeleteNode=Delete Node
  122. InheritedFrom=Inherited from
  123. DOMInspectorWarning=Unable to show styles.
  124. Please read this item on the Firebug FAQ for help.
  125. EmptyStyleSheet=There are no rules in this stylesheet.
  126. EmptyElementCSS=This element has no style rules.
  127. EditStyle=Edit Element Style...
  128. NewProp=New Property...
  129. EditProp=Edit "%S"...
  130. DisableProp=Disable "%S"
  131. DeleteProp=Delete "%S"
  132. BreakOnThisError=Break on This Error
  133. BreakOnAllErrors=Break on All Errors
  134. Breakpoints=Breakpoints
  135. ErrorBreakpoints=Error Breakpoints
  136. LoggedFunctions=Logged Functions
  137. EnableAllBreakpoints=Enable All Breakpoints
  138. DisableAllBreakpoints=Disable All Breakpoints
  139. ClearAllBreakpoints=Remove All Breakpoints
  140. Continue=Continue
  141. StepOver=Step Over
  142. StepInto=Step Into
  143. StepOut=Step Out
  144. RunUntil=Run to This Line
  145. ShowUserProps=Show User-defined Properties
  146. ShowUserFuncs=Show User-defined Functions
  147. ShowDOMProps=Show DOM Properties
  148. ShowDOMFuncs=Show DOM Functions
  149. ShowDOMConstants=Show DOM Constants
  150. NoMembersWarning=There are no properties to show for this object.
  151. NewWatch=New watch expression...
  152. AddWatch=Add Watch
  153. CopyValue=Copy Value
  154. NewProperty=New Property...
  155. EditProperty=Edit Property...
  156. EditVariable=Edit Variable...
  157. EditWatch=Edit Watch...
  158. DeleteProperty=Delete Property
  159. DeleteWatch=Delete Watch
  160. ConditionInput=This breakpoint will stop only if this expression is true:
  161. SetBreakpoint=Set Breakpoint
  162. DisableBreakpoint=Disable Breakpoint
  163. EditBreakpointCondition=Edit Breakpoint Condition...
  164. NoBreakpointsWarning=There are no breakpoints set in this page.
  165. LayoutPadding=padding
  166. LayoutBorder=border
  167. LayoutMargin=margin
  168. LayoutOffset=offset
  169. LayoutAdjacent=adjacent
  170. ShowRulers=Show Rulers and Guides
  171. Loading=Loading...
  172. Headers=Headers
  173. Post=Post
  174. Response=Response
  175. URLParameters=Params
  176. RequestHeaders=Request Headers
  177. ResponseHeaders=Response Headers
  178. Refresh=Refresh
  179. OpenInTab=Open in New Tab
  180. Profile=Profile
  181. ProfilerStarted=The profiler is running. Click 'Profile' again to see its report.
  182. ProfileTime=(%Sms, %S calls)
  183. NothingToProfile=No activity to profile.
  184. PercentTooltip=Percentage of time spent on this function.
  185. CallsHeaderTooltip=Number of times function was called.
  186. OwnTimeHeaderTooltip=Time spent in function, excluding nested calls.
  187. TimeHeaderTooltip=Time spent in function, including nested calls.
  188. AvgHeaderTooltip=Average time, including function calls.
  189. MinHeaderTooltip=Minimum time, including function calls.
  190. MaxHeaderTooltip=Maximum time, including function calls.
  191. Function=Function
  192. Percent=Percent
  193. Calls=Calls
  194. OwnTime=Own Time
  195. Time=Time
  196. Avg=Avg
  197. Min=Min
  198. Max=Max
  199. File=File
  200. Copy=Copy
  201. CopyHTML=Copy HTML
  202. CopyInnerHTML=Copy innerHTML
  203. CopyXPath=Copy XPath
  204. CopyLocation=Copy Location
  205. CopyLocationParameters=Copy Location with Parameters
  206. CopyRequestHeaders=Copy Request Headers
  207. CopyResponseHeaders=Copy Response Headers
  208. CopyResponse=Copy Response Body
  209. CopyError=Copy Error
  210. CopySource=Copy Function
  211. ShowCallsInConsole=Log Calls to "%S"
  212. ShowEventsInConsole=Log Events
  213. ShowHttpHeaders=Show HTTP Headers
  214. Request=1 request
  215. RequestCount=%S requests
  216. FromCache=from cache
  217. StopLoading=Stop Loading
  218. LargeData=(Very Large Data)
  219. Dimensions=%S x %S
  220. CopyColor=Copy Color
  221. CopyImageLocation=Copy Image Location
  222. OpenImageInNewTab=Open Image in New Tab
  223. ErrorCount=%S Error
  224. ErrorsCount=%S Errors
  225. Firebug=Firebug
  226. WindowTitle=Firebug - %S
  227. Panel-console=主控台
  228. Panel-net=網路
  229. Panel-html=HTML
  230. Panel-stylesheet=CSS
  231. Panel-script=Script
  232. Panel-dom=DOM
  233. Panel-css=樣式
  234. Panel-layout=排版
  235. Panel-domSide=DOM
  236. Panel-watches=監看
  237. Panel-breakpoints=中斷點
  238. FirebugPermissions=Firebug 允許的網站
  239. FirebugPermissionsIntro=選擇哪些網站可以使用 Firebug
  240. DisabledHeader=Firebug 已停用
  241. DisabledForSiteHeader=Firebug 針對 %S 已停用
  242. CantDisplayCaption=無法顯示此頁面
  243. DisableForSite=針對 %S 停用 Firebug
  244. EnableAlways=啟用 Firebug
  245. EnableForSite=針對此網站啟用 Firebug
  246. ShowJavaScriptErrors=顯示 JavaScript 錯誤
  247. ShowJavaScriptWarnings=顯示 JavaScript 警告
  248. ShowCSSErrors=顯示 CSS 錯誤
  249. ShowXMLErrors=顯示 XML 錯誤
  250. ShowStackTrace=顯示錯誤的堆疊追溯
  251. ShowXULErrors=顯示來自 XUL 的錯誤
  252. ShowXULMessages=顯示來自 XUL 的訊息
  253. ShowXMLHttpRequests=顯示 XMLHttpRequest
  254. LargeCommandLine=更大的指令列
  255. Assertion=Assertion 失敗
  256. Line=%S ( %S)
  257. StackItem=%S (%S %S)
  258. InspectInTab= %S 分頁進行觀察
  259. NoName=(無名稱)
  260. ShowFullText=顯示全文
  261. ShowWhitespace=顯示空白字元
  262. ShowComments=顯示註解
  263. HighlightMutations=標記變更
  264. ExpandMutations=展開變更
  265. ScrollToMutations=捲到顯示變更為止
  266. ScrollIntoView=捲到顯示為止
  267. NewAttribute=新屬性...
  268. EditAttribute=編輯屬性%S...
  269. DeleteAttribute=刪除屬性%S
  270. EditElement=編輯 HTML...
  271. DeleteElement=刪除元素
  272. EditNode=編輯 HTML...
  273. DeleteNode=刪除節點
  274. InheritedFrom=繼承自
  275. DOMInspectorWarning=無法顯示樣式<br><br>說明請參見<a href="" target="_new"> Firebug FAQ 項目</a>
  276. EmptyStyleSheet=此樣式表沒有規則
  277. EmptyElementCSS=此元素沒有樣式規則
  278. EditStyle=編輯元素樣式...
  279. NewProp=新特性...
  280. EditProp=編輯%S...
  281. DisableProp=停用%S
  282. DeleteProp=刪除%S
  283. BreakOnThisError=發生此錯誤時中斷
  284. BreakOnAllErrors=發生任何錯誤時中斷
  285. Breakpoints=中斷點
  286. ErrorBreakpoints=錯誤中斷點
  287. LoggedFunctions=已紀錄函式
  288. EnableAllBreakpoints=啟用所有中斷點
  289. DisableAllBreakpoints=停用所有中斷點
  290. ClearAllBreakpoints=移除所有中斷點
  291. Continue=繼續
  292. StepOver=逐程序
  293. StepInto=逐入
  294. StepOut=跳出
  295. RunUntil=執行到這行為止
  296. ShowUserProps=顯示使用者定義的屬性
  297. ShowUserFuncs=顯示使用者定義的函式
  298. ShowDOMProps=顯示 DOM 屬性
  299. ShowDOMFuncs=顯示 DOM 函式
  300. ShowDOMConstants=顯示 DOM 常數
  301. NoMembersWarning=此物件沒有任何屬性可以顯示
  302. NewWatch=新監看表達式...
  303. AddWatch=新增監看
  304. CopyValue=複製值
  305. NewProperty=新增屬性...
  306. EditProperty=編輯屬性...
  307. EditVariable=編輯變數...
  308. EditWatch=編輯監看...
  309. DeleteProperty=刪除屬性
  310. DeleteWatch=刪除監看
  311. ConditionInput=只有在此表達式為真 (true) 時才停止此中斷點:
  312. SetBreakpoint=設定中斷點
  313. DisableBreakpoint=停用中斷點
  314. EditBreakpointCondition=編輯中斷點條件...
  315. NoBreakpointsWarning=此頁面沒有設定任何中斷點
  316. LayoutPadding=內間距 (padding)
  317. LayoutBorder=外框 (border)
  318. LayoutMargin=邊界 (margin)
  319. LayoutOffset=位移 (offset)
  320. LayoutAdjacent=鄰接 (adjacent)
  321. ShowRulers=顯示尺規與輔助
  322. Loading=載入中...
  323. Headers=標頭
  324. Post=Post
  325. Response=回應
  326. URLParameters=參數
  327. RequestHeaders=要求標頭
  328. ResponseHeaders=回應標頭
  329. Refresh=重新整理
  330. OpenInTab=開啟至新分頁
  331. Profile=勘查
  332. ProfilerStarted=勘查器執行中再按一次勘查以顯示報告
  333. ProfileTime=(%S 微秒, %S 個呼叫)
  334. NothingToProfile=沒有活動可以勘查
  335. PercentTooltip=Percentage of time spent on this function.
  336. CallsHeaderTooltip=函式被呼叫的次數
  337. OwnTimeHeaderTooltip=函式花的時間不包含巢狀呼叫
  338. TimeHeaderTooltip=函式花的時間包含巢狀呼叫
  339. AvgHeaderTooltip=平均時間包含函式呼叫
  340. MinHeaderTooltip=最低時間包含函式呼叫
  341. MaxHeaderTooltip=最高時間包含函式呼叫
  342. Function=函式
  343. Percent=Percent
  344. Calls=呼叫
  345. OwnTime=本身時間
  346. Time=時間
  347. Avg=平均
  348. Min=最低
  349. Max=最高
  350. File=檔案
  351. Copy=複製
  352. CopyHTML=複製 HTML
  353. CopyInnerHTML=複製 innerHTML
  354. CopyXPath=複製 XPath
  355. CopyLocation=複製網址
  356. CopyLocationParameters=複製網址並包含參數
  357. CopyRequestHeaders=複製要求標頭
  358. CopyResponseHeaders=複製回應標頭
  359. CopyResponse=複製回應內文
  360. CopyError=複製錯誤
  361. CopySource=複製函式
  362. ShowCallsInConsole=紀錄對象為%S的呼叫
  363. ShowEventsInConsole=紀錄事件
  364. SpyResponseTime=(%S 微秒)
  365. DisableNetMonitor=停用網路監看
  366. ShowHttpHeaders=顯示 HTTP 標頭
  367. Request=1 個要求
  368. RequestCount=%S 個要求
  369. FromCache=來自快取
  370. StopLoading=停止載入
  371. LargeData=(大量資料)
  372. Dimensions=%S x %S
  373. CopyColor=複製色彩
  374. CopyImageLocation=複製影像網址
  375. OpenImageInNewTab=在新分頁開啟影像
  376. ErrorCount=%S 個錯誤
  377. ErrorsCount=%S 個錯誤