https://github.com/toddlipcon/dynomite · Erlang · 70 lines · 51 code · 16 blank · 3 comment · 0 complexity · f4480e0780fea7cd2921ea1fa08b7ce2 MD5 · raw file
- -module(thrift_service).
- -export([start_link/1, stop/1,
- handle_function/2,
- % Internal
- put/3,
- get/1,
- has/1,
- remove/1
- ]).
- -include("config.hrl").
- -include("dynomite_types.hrl").
- %%%%% EXTERNAL INTERFACE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- start_link(#config{thrift_port = Port}) ->
- application:load(thrift),
- thrift_server:start_link(Port, dynomite_thrift, ?MODULE).
- stop(Server) ->
- thrift_server:stop(Server),
- ok.
- %%%%% THRIFT INTERFACE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- handle_function(Function, Args) when is_atom(Function), is_tuple(Args) ->
- case apply(?MODULE, Function, tuple_to_list(Args)) of
- ok -> ok;
- Reply -> {reply, Reply}
- end.
- put(Key, ContextData, Data) when
- is_binary(Key),
- (ContextData =:= undefined orelse is_binary(ContextData)),
- is_binary(Data) ->
- Context = if
- ContextData =:= undefined -> [];
- erlang:byte_size(ContextData) > 0 -> binary_to_term(ContextData);
- true -> []
- end,
- case mediator:put(binary_to_list(Key), Context, Data) of
- {ok, N} -> N;
- {failure, Reason} -> throw(#failureException{message = iolist_to_binary(Reason)})
- end.
- get(Key) when is_binary(Key) ->
- case mediator:get(binary_to_list(Key)) of
- {ok, not_found} -> #getResult{results = []};
- {ok, {Context, Values}} ->
- #getResult{context = term_to_binary(Context),
- results = Values};
- {failure, Error} ->
- throw(#failureException{message = iolist_to_binary(Error)})
- end.
- has(Key) when is_binary(Key) ->
- case mediator:has_key(binary_to_list(Key)) of
- {ok, {Bool, N}} when is_boolean(Bool) ->
- N
- end.
- remove(Key) when is_binary(Key) ->
- {ok, N} = mediator:delete(binary_to_list(Key)),
- N.