Python | 228 lines | 186 code | 17 blank | 25 comment | 3 complexity | f232da5ac25782274e00aca328c96ef3 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- libG(oogle)Reader
- Copyright (C) 2010 Matt Behrens <askedrelic@gmail.com> http://asktherelic.com
- Python library for working with the unofficial Google Reader API.
- Unit tests for oauth and ClientAuthMethod in libgreader.
- """
- try:
- import unittest2 as unittest
- except:
- import unittest
- from libgreader import GoogleReader, OAuthMethod, OAuth2Method, ClientAuthMethod, Feed
- import requests
- import re
- from .config import *
- class TestClientAuthMethod(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_ClientAuthMethod_login(self):
- ca = ClientAuthMethod(username,password)
- self.assertNotEqual(ca, None)
- def test_reader(self):
- ca = ClientAuthMethod(username,password)
- reader = GoogleReader(ca)
- self.assertNotEqual(reader, None)
- def test_bad_user_details(self):
- self.assertRaises(IOError, ClientAuthMethod, 'asdsa', '')
- def test_reader_user_info(self):
- ca = ClientAuthMethod(username,password)
- reader = GoogleReader(ca)
- info = reader.getUserInfo()
- self.assertEqual(dict, type(info))
- self.assertEqual(firstname, info['userName'])
- #automated approval of oauth url
- #returns mechanize Response of the last "You have accepted" page
- def automated_oauth_approval(url):
- #general process is:
- # 1. assume user isn't logged in, so get redirected to google accounts
- # login page. login using test account credentials
- # 2. redirected back to oauth approval page. br.submit() should choose the
- # first submit on that page, which is the "Accept" button
- br = mechanize.Browser()
- br.open(url)
- br.select_form(nr=0)
- br["Email"] = username
- br["Passwd"] = password
- response1 = br.submit()
- br.select_form(nr=0)
- req2 = br.click(type="submit", nr=0)
- response2 = br.open(req2)
- return response2
- @unittest.skip('deprecated')
- class TestOAuth(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_oauth_login(self):
- auth = OAuthMethod(oauth_key, oauth_secret)
- self.assertNotEqual(auth, None)
- def test_getting_request_token(self):
- auth = OAuthMethod(oauth_key, oauth_secret)
- token, token_secret = auth.setAndGetRequestToken()
- url = auth.buildAuthUrl()
- response = automated_oauth_approval(url)
- self.assertNotEqual(-1,response.get_data().find('You have successfully granted'))
- def test_full_auth_process_without_callback(self):
- auth = OAuthMethod(oauth_key, oauth_secret)
- auth.setRequestToken()
- auth_url = auth.buildAuthUrl()
- response = automated_oauth_approval(auth_url)
- auth.setAccessToken()
- reader = GoogleReader(auth)
- info = reader.getUserInfo()
- self.assertEqual(dict, type(info))
- self.assertEqual(firstname, info['userName'])
- def test_full_auth_process_with_callback(self):
- auth = OAuthMethod(oauth_key, oauth_secret)
- #must be a working callback url for testing
- auth.setCallback("http://www.asktherelic.com")
- token, token_secret = auth.setAndGetRequestToken()
- auth_url = auth.buildAuthUrl()
- #callback section
- #get response, which is a redirect to the callback url
- response = automated_oauth_approval(auth_url)
- query_string = urlparse.urlparse(response.geturl()).query
- #grab the verifier token from the callback url query string
- token_verifier = urlparse.parse_qs(query_string)['oauth_verifier'][0]
- auth.setAccessTokenFromCallback(token, token_secret, token_verifier)
- reader = GoogleReader(auth)
- info = reader.getUserInfo()
- self.assertEqual(dict, type(info))
- self.assertEqual(firstname, info['userName'])
- #automate getting the approval token
- def mechanize_oauth2_approval(url):
- """
- general process is:
- 1. assume user isn't logged in, so get redirected to google accounts
- login page. login using account credentials
- But, if the user has already granted access, the user is auto redirected without
- having to confirm again.
- 2. redirected back to oauth approval page. br.submit() should choose the
- first submit on that page, which is the "Accept" button
- 3. mechanize follows the redirect, and should throw 40X exception and
- we return the token
- """
- br = mechanize.Browser()
- br.open(url)
- br.select_form(nr=0)
- br["Email"] = username
- br["Passwd"] = password
- try:
- response1 = br.submit()
- br.select_form(nr=0)
- response2 = br.submit()
- except Exception as e:
- #watch for 40X exception on trying to load redirect page
- pass
- callback_url = br.geturl()
- # split off the token in hackish fashion
- return callback_url.split('code=')[1]
- def automated_oauth2_approval(url):
- """
- general process is:
- 1. assume user isn't logged in, so get redirected to google accounts
- login page. login using account credentials
- 2. get redirected to oauth approval screen
- 3. authorize oauth app
- """
- auth_url = url
- headers = {'Referer': auth_url}
- s = requests.Session()
- r1 = s.get(auth_url)
- post_data = dict((x[0],x[1]) for x in re.findall('name="(.*?)".*?value="(.*?)"', str(r1.content), re.MULTILINE))
- post_data['Email'] = username
- post_data['Passwd'] = password
- post_data['timeStmp'] = ''
- post_data['secTok'] = ''
- post_data['signIn'] = 'Sign in'
- post_data['GALX'] = s.cookies['GALX']
- r2 = s.post('https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLoginAuth', data=post_data, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False)
- #requests is fucking up the url encoding and double encoding ampersands
- scope_url = r2.headers['location'].replace('amp%3B','')
- # now get auth screen
- r3 = s.get(scope_url)
- # unless we have already authed!
- if 'asktherelic' in r3.url:
- code = r3.url.split('=')[1]
- return code
- post_data = dict((x[0],x[1]) for x in re.findall('name="(.*?)".*?value="(.*?)"', str(r3.content)))
- post_data['submit_access'] = 'true'
- post_data['_utf8'] = '☃'
- # again, fucked encoding for amp;
- action_url = re.findall('action="(.*?)"', str(r3.content))[0].replace('amp;','')
- r4 = s.post(action_url, data=post_data, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False)
- code = r4.headers['Location'].split('=')[1]
- s.close()
- return code
- @unittest.skipIf("client_id" not in globals(), 'OAuth2 config not setup')
- class TestOAuth2(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_full_auth_and_access_userdata(self):
- auth = OAuth2Method(client_id, client_secret)
- auth.setRedirectUri(redirect_url)
- url = auth.buildAuthUrl()
- token = automated_oauth2_approval(url)
- auth.code = token
- auth.setAccessToken()
- reader = GoogleReader(auth)
- info = reader.getUserInfo()
- self.assertEqual(dict, type(info))
- self.assertEqual(firstname, info['userName'])
- def test_oauth_subscribe(self):
- auth = OAuth2Method(client_id, client_secret)
- auth.setRedirectUri(redirect_url)
- url = auth.buildAuthUrl()
- token = automated_oauth2_approval(url)
- auth.code = token
- auth.setAccessToken()
- auth.setActionToken()
- reader = GoogleReader(auth)
- slashdot = 'feed/http://rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot'
- #unsubscribe always return true; revert feedlist state
- self.assertTrue(reader.unsubscribe(slashdot))
- # now subscribe
- self.assertTrue(reader.subscribe(slashdot))
- # wait for server to update
- import time
- time.sleep(1)
- reader.buildSubscriptionList()
- # test subscribe successful
- self.assertIn(slashdot, [x.id for x in reader.getSubscriptionList()])
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()