C++ | 288 lines | 243 code | 27 blank | 18 comment | 36 complexity | 90183d89bd3950fa0d2bedd9ca328699 MD5 | raw file
- #include <saliency.h>
- #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <Blob.h>
- #include <BlobResult.h>
- #include <highgui.h>
- #include <cv.h>
- #include <cvaux.h>
- int thresh = 350;
- int scale = 6;
- void on_trackbar( int position) {
- thresh = position;
- }
- void on_scalebar( int position) {
- scale = position;
- }
- namespace po = boost::program_options;
- void cvShowImageSmall(const char* name, const IplImage* img) {
- // IplImage* img_show =cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,480), img->depth, img->nChannels);
- // cvResize(img, img_show);
- cvShowImage(name, img);
- // cvReleaseImage(&img_show);
- }
- CvRect GetSquareRegion(CvPoint ul, CvPoint lr) {
- int width = abs(lr.x - ul.x);
- int height = abs(lr.y - ul.y);
- int cx = ul.x + width/2;
- int cy = ul.y + height/2;
- CvRect result;
- if (width > height) {
- result = cvRect(ul.x, cy - width/2, width,width);
- }
- else {
- result = cvRect(cx - height/2, ul.y, height,height);
- }
- return result;
- }
- std::vector<CvRect> GetOverlappedSquareRegions(const std::vector<CvRect>& rects) {
- //merge overlapping squares
- std::vector<CvRect> out_rects = rects;
- bool overlap_found = false;
- do {
- overlap_found = false;
- std::vector<CvRect> tmp_rects;
- std::vector<bool> rect_incorporated;
- for (size_t i = 0;i<out_rects.size();i++)
- rect_incorporated.push_back(false);
- size_t i = 0;
- //check each pair of rects to merge if possible
- for (std::vector<CvRect>::iterator itr = out_rects.begin();
- itr != out_rects.end();
- itr++) {
- if (rect_incorporated[i]) continue; //already used this one this time
- rect_incorporated[i] = true;
- int min_x = itr->x;
- int min_y = itr->y;
- int max_x = itr->x + itr->width;
- int max_y = itr->y + itr->height;
- size_t j = i+1;
- for (std::vector<CvRect>::iterator itr2 = itr+1;
- itr2 != out_rects.end();
- itr2++) {
- bool x_cond = false;
- bool y_cond = false;
- if (
- (itr2->x >= min_x &&
- itr2->x <= max_x) ||
- (itr2->x + itr2->width >= min_x &&
- itr2->x + itr2->width <= max_x) ||
- (min_x >= itr2->x &&
- min_x <= itr2->x+itr2->width) ||
- (max_x >= itr2->x &&
- max_x <= itr2->x+itr2->width ))
- x_cond = true;
- if (
- (itr2->y >= min_y &&
- itr2->y <= max_y) ||
- (itr2->y + itr2->height >= min_y &&
- itr2->y + itr2->height <= max_y) ||
- (min_y >= itr2->y &&
- min_y <= itr2->y+itr2->height) ||
- (max_y >= itr2->y &&
- max_y <= itr2->y+itr2->height ))
- y_cond = true;
- if (x_cond && y_cond) {
- overlap_found = true;
- rect_incorporated[j] = true;
- min_x = MIN(min_x, itr2->x);
- max_x = MAX(max_x, itr2->x+itr2->width);
- min_y = MIN(min_y, itr2->y);
- max_y = MAX(max_y, itr2->y+itr2->height);
- }
- j++;
- }
- i++;
- tmp_rects.push_back(cvRect(min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y));
- }
- out_rects = tmp_rects;
- } while(overlap_found == true);
- return out_rects;
- }
- int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- unsigned int uint_opt;
- double double_opt;
- po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
- desc.add_options()
- ("help", "produce help message")
- ("img", po::value<std::string>(), "Load this file for detect saliency")
- ("saliency", "run saliency test")
- ("saliency_blobs", "run saliency test")
- ("edge", "run edge test")
- ("conv_rect", "run the convolution rectangle test")
- ("hog", "HOG feature test")
- ;
- po::variables_map vm;
- po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc),vm);
- po::notify(vm);
- if (vm.count("help")) {
- std::cout <<desc<<"\n";
- return 1;
- }
- cvNamedWindow("output",1);
- cvNamedWindow("Input",1);
- cvCreateTrackbar("Threshold", "output", &thresh, 1000, on_trackbar);
- cvCreateTrackbar("Scale", "output", &scale, 10, on_scalebar);
- // move the new window to a better place
- cvMoveWindow ("Camera", 10, 10);
- if (vm.count("img")) {
- unsigned int key = -1;
- do {
- IplImage* img_in = cvLoadImage(vm["img"].as<std::string>().c_str());
- IplImage* img_tmp = cvCreateImage(cvSize(1024,768), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
- cvResize(img_in, img_tmp);
- cvReleaseImage(&img_in);
- img_in = img_tmp;
- cvSmooth(img_in,img_in,3);
- if (vm.count ("conv_rect")) {
- IplImage* img_tmp = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img_in), IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
- IplImage* img_out;// = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img_in), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
- cvCvtColor(img_in, img_tmp, CV_BGR2GRAY);
- //img_out = ConvRect(img_tmp, thresh, scale);
- cvShowImageSmall("Input", img_in);
- cvShowImageSmall("output",img_out);
- cvReleaseImage(&img_tmp);
- cvReleaseImage(&img_out);
- }
- if (vm.count ("edge")) {
- IplImage* img_tmp = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img_in), IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
- IplImage* img_out = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img_in), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
- cvCvtColor(img_in, img_tmp, CV_BGR2GRAY);
- cvCanny(img_tmp,img_out,thresh,thresh*2);
- cvShowImageSmall("Input", img_in);
- cvShowImageSmall("output", img_out);
- cvReleaseImage(&img_tmp);
- cvReleaseImage(&img_out);
- }
- if (vm.count ("hog")){
- IplImage* tmp_img = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img_in), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
- cvCvtColor(img_in, tmp_img, CV_BGR2GRAY);
- //cv::HOGDescriptor hog(cvSize(3648,2736),cvSize(16,16),cvSize(8,8),cvSize(8,8),9,1,-1);
- cv::HOGDescriptor hog(cvSize(128,128),cvSize(16,16),cvSize(8,8),cvSize(8,8),9,1,-1);
- printf("computing...\n");
- std::vector<float> desc;
- hog.compute(tmp_img,desc);
- printf("computed...\n");
- printf("desc len: %d\n",desc.size());
- }
- if (vm.count("saliency")) {
- IplImage* tmp_img = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img_in), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
- cvCvtColor(img_in, tmp_img, CV_BGR2GRAY);
- IplImage* img_out = ComputeSaliency(tmp_img, thresh, scale);
- cvShowImageSmall("Input", tmp_img);
- cvReleaseImage(&tmp_img);
- cvShowImageSmall("output",img_out);
- cvReleaseImage(&img_out);
- }
- if (vm.count ("saliency_blobs")) {
- IplImage* tmp_img = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img_in), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
- cvCvtColor(img_in, tmp_img, CV_BGR2GRAY);
- IplImage* img_out = ComputeSaliency(tmp_img, thresh, scale);
- IplImage* displayedImage = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img_out), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
- CBlobResult blobs;
- int i;
- CBlob *currentBlob;
- // find non-white blobs in thresholded image
- blobs = CBlobResult( img_out, NULL, 127, 255 );
- // exclude the ones smaller than param2 value
- blobs.Filter( blobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_LESS, 20 );
- // get mean gray color of biggest blob
- // display filtered blobs
- cvMerge( img_out, img_out, img_out, NULL, displayedImage );
- printf("Found %d blobs\n",
- blobs.GetNumBlobs());
- std::vector<CvRect> in_rects;
- for (i = 2; i < blobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++ )
- {
- currentBlob = blobs.GetBlob(i);
- if ((currentBlob->minx == 0.0) &&
- (currentBlob->miny == 0.0) &&
- (currentBlob->maxx == 0.0) &&
- (currentBlob->maxy == 0.0)){
- printf("blob bbox: %f %f %f %f\n",currentBlob->minx, currentBlob->miny,currentBlob->maxx,currentBlob->maxy);
- } else {
- printf("blob bbox: %f %f %f %f\n",currentBlob->minx, currentBlob->miny,currentBlob->maxx,currentBlob->maxy);
- //currentBlob->FillBlob( displayedImage, CV_RGB(255-i*255/blobs.GetNumBlobs(),i*255/blobs.GetNumBlobs(),0));
- //CvRect square = GetSquareRegion(cvPoint(currentBlob->minx, currentBlob->miny),
- //cvPoint(currentBlob->maxx, currentBlob->maxy));
- CvRect square = cvRect(currentBlob->minx, currentBlob->miny,currentBlob->maxx - currentBlob->minx, currentBlob->maxy - currentBlob->miny);
- in_rects.push_back(square);
- cvRectangle(displayedImage, cvPoint(square.x, square.y),
- cvPoint(square.x + square.width, square.y + square.height),
- CV_RGB(0,0,255),3);
- cvSetImageROI(tmp_img, square);
- square.width = 16;
- square.height = 16;
- //CvMat* newmat = cvCreateMat(square.width, square.height,CV_8UC1);
- CvMat* newmat = cvCreateMat(square.height, square.width,CV_8UC1);
- cv::HOGDescriptor hog(cvSize(square.width,square.height),
- cvSize(16,16),
- cvSize(4,4),
- cvSize(4,4),
- 8,1,-1);
- cvResize(tmp_img, newmat);
- cv::Mat tmpmat(newmat, true);
- //cv::Mat grad, qangle;
- cv::Size paddingTL = cvSize(1,1);
- cv::Size paddingBR = cvSize(1,1);
- std::vector<float> descriptor;
- //hog.computeGradient(tmpmat, grad, qangle, paddingTL, paddingBR);
- hog.compute(tmpmat,descriptor);
- printf("descriptor len: %d\n",descriptor.size());
- for(int k = 0; k < descriptor.size(); k++){
- printf("%f,",descriptor[k]);
- }
- printf("\n");
- hog.save("testhog.hog","blah");
- cvResetImageROI(tmp_img);
- }
- }
- std::vector<CvRect>out_rects = GetOverlappedSquareRegions(in_rects);
- for (std::vector<CvRect>::iterator itr = out_rects.begin();
- itr != out_rects.end();
- itr++) {
- cvRectangle(img_in, cvPoint(itr->x, itr->y),
- cvPoint(itr->x + itr->width, itr->y + itr->height),
- CV_RGB(0,255,0),5);
- }
- cvShowImageSmall("Input", img_in);
- if (blobs.GetNumBlobs()< 200)
- blobs.PrintBlobs("test.out");
- cvShowImageSmall("output",displayedImage);
- cvReleaseImage(&img_out);
- cvReleaseImage(&displayedImage);
- cvReleaseImage(&tmp_img);
- }
- key = cvWaitKey(30);
- cvReleaseImage(&img_in);
- }while (key != 'q');
- }
- return -1;
- }