https://github.com/jwilberding/beeer.me · Erlang · 75 lines · 58 code · 8 blank · 9 comment · 1 complexity · 2a3e1281e4eb02063eb474a4324ea26f MD5 · raw file
- -module(client).
- -export([init/0, watch_dir/1, unwatch_dir/1, check_updates/0, request_hash_list/1, send_file/1]).
- -include("config.hrl").
- %% Init loop that checks watched directory an checks for updates on server
- init() ->
- io:format("Client started~n").
- %% Add directory to watched list
- watch_dir(Dir) ->
- io:format("Watching: ~s~n", [Dir]).
- %% Remove directory to watched list
- unwatch_dir(Dir) ->
- io:format("UnWatching: ~s~n", [Dir]).
- %% Check for updated files on server
- check_updates() ->
- io:format("Checking for updated files on server~n").
- %% Request hash list of file from server, empty list means file does not exist yet
- %% TODO: Request via hash of file, not by filename
- request_hash_list(Filename) ->
- case gen_tcp:connect(?HOST, ?SERVER_PORT, [binary,{packet, 2}]) of
- {ok, Socket} ->
- io:format("Socket=~p~n",[Socket]),
- io:format("Sending: ~p~n", [term_to_binary({?REQ_HASH_LIST, Filename})]),
- gen_tcp:send(Socket, term_to_binary({?REQ_HASH_LIST, Filename})),
- Reply = binary_to_term(wait_reply()),
- case Reply of
- {error, nofile} ->
- HashList = "File does not exist remotely";
- HashList ->
- HashList
- end,
- gen_tcp:close(Socket),
- HashList;
- Error ->
- {error, Error}
- end.
- %% Sends a new file, we will do this when file does not exist on server
- %% TODO: Filename on server should be filename+hash to keep unique
- %% TODO: Make return friendly to front end, currently friendly to command line
- send_file(Filename) ->
- case gen_tcp:connect(?HOST, ?SERVER_PORT, [binary,{packet, 2}]) of
- {ok, Socket} ->
- io:format("Reading file~n"),
- Data = utils:read_file(Filename),
- io:format("Converting to term~n"),
- TermData = term_to_binary({?NEW_FILE, Filename, Data}),
- io:format("Sending data: ~p~n", [size(TermData)]),
- ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, TermData),
- io:format("Sent~n"),
- gen_tcp:close(Socket),
- Reply = binary_to_term(wait_reply()),
- case Reply of
- {error, Reason} ->
- Reason;
- ok ->
- ok
- end;
- Error ->
- {error, Error}
- end.
- wait_reply() ->
- receive
- Reply ->
- {tcp, _Port, Data} = Reply,
- Data
- after 100000 ->
- timeout
- end.