Python | 453 lines | 410 code | 9 blank | 34 comment | 9 complexity | 0c0e7366e7151427046b6ce430c9032a MD5 | raw file
- ###############################################################################
- # Name: fileutil.py #
- # Purpose: File Management Utilities. #
- # Author: Cody Precord <cprecord@editra.org> #
- # Copyright: (c) 2009 Cody Precord <staff@editra.org> #
- # Licence: wxWindows Licence #
- ###############################################################################
- """
- Editra Business Model Library: File Utilities
- Utility functions for managing and working with files.
- """
- __author__ = "Cody Precord <cprecord@editra.org>"
- __svnid__ = "$Id: fileutil.py 71689 2012-06-07 18:55:45Z CJP $"
- __revision__ = "$Revision: 71689 $"
- __all__ = [ 'GetAbsPath', 'GetFileExtension', 'GetFileModTime', 'GetFileName',
- 'GetFileSize', 'GetPathName', 'GetPathFromURI', 'GetUniqueName',
- 'IsLink', 'MakeNewFile', 'MakeNewFolder', 'PathExists',
- 'ResolveRealPath', 'IsExecutable', 'Which', 'ComparePaths',
- 'AddFileExtension', 'GetDirectoryObject', 'File', 'Directory',
- 'GetFileManagerCmd', 'OpenWithFileManager', 'IsHidden', 'IsSubPath' ]
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # Imports
- import wx
- import ctypes
- import os
- import platform
- import urllib2
- import stat
- import subprocess
- UNIX = WIN = False
- if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
- WIN = True
- try:
- # Check for if win32 extensions are available
- import win32com.client as win32client
- except ImportError:
- win32client = None
- try:
- # Check for win32api
- import win32api
- except ImportError:
- win32api = None
- else:
- UNIX = True
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def uri2path(func):
- """Decorator method to convert path arguments that may be uri's to
- real file system paths. Arg 0 must be a file path or uri.
- """
- def WrapURI(*args, **kwargs):
- args = list(args)
- args[0] = GetPathFromURI(args[0])
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- WrapURI.__name__ = func.__name__
- WrapURI.__doc__ = func.__doc__
- return WrapURI
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def AddFileExtension(path, ext):
- """Add a file extension to a path if it doesn't already exist
- @param path: file path
- @param ext: file extension
- """
- assert isinstance(ext, basestring)
- if not ext.startswith('.'):
- ext = '.' + ext
- if not path.endswith(ext):
- path = path + ext
- return path
- def ComparePaths(path1, path2):
- """Determine whether the two given paths are equivalent
- @param path1: unicode
- @param path2: unicode
- @return: bool
- """
- path1 = GetAbsPath(path1)
- path2 = GetAbsPath(path2)
- if WIN:
- path1 = path1.lower()
- path2 = path2.lower()
- return path1 == path2
- def CopyFile(orig, dest):
- """Copy the given file to the destination
- @param orig: file to copy (full path)
- @param dest: where to copy to
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- @uri2path
- def GetAbsPath(path):
- """Get the absolute path of a file of a file.
- @param path: string
- @return: string
- @note: on windows if win32api is available short notation paths will be
- converted to the proper long name.
- """
- rpath = os.path.abspath(path)
- # Resolve short path notation on Windows when possible
- if WIN and win32api is not None and u"~" in rpath:
- try:
- rpath = win32api.GetLongPathNameW(rpath)
- except Exception:
- # Ignore errors from win32api calls
- pass
- return rpath
- def GetFileExtension(file_str):
- """Gets last atom at end of string as extension if
- no extension whole string is returned
- @param file_str: path or file name to get extension from
- """
- return file_str.split('.')[-1]
- def GetFileModTime(file_name):
- """Returns the time that the given file was last modified on
- @param file_name: path of file to get mtime of
- """
- try:
- mod_time = os.path.getmtime(file_name)
- except (OSError, EnvironmentError):
- mod_time = 0
- return mod_time
- def GetFileName(path):
- """Gets last atom on end of string as filename
- @param path: full path to get filename from
- """
- return os.path.split(path)[-1]
- @uri2path
- def GetFileSize(path):
- """Get the size of the file at a given path
- @param path: Path to file
- @return: long
- """
- try:
- return os.stat(path)[stat.ST_SIZE]
- except:
- return 0
- def GetPathFromURI(path):
- """Get a local path from a file:// uri
- @return: normalized path
- """
- if path.startswith(u"file:"):
- path = path.replace(u"file:", u"")
- path = path.lstrip(u"/")
- if platform.system().lower() in ('windows', 'microsoft'):
- path = path.replace(u"/", u"\\")
- if len(path) >= 2 and path[1] != u':':
- # A valid windows file uri should start with the drive
- # letter. If not make the assumption that it should be
- # the C: drive.
- path = u"C:\\\\" + path
- else:
- path = u"/" + path
- path = urllib2.unquote(path)
- return path
- @uri2path
- def GetPathName(path):
- """Gets the path minus filename
- @param path: full path to get base of
- """
- return os.path.split(path)[0]
- @uri2path
- def IsLink(path):
- """Is the file a link
- @return: bool
- """
- if WIN:
- return path.endswith(".lnk") or os.path.islink(path)
- else:
- return os.path.islink(path)
- def IsSubPath(path1, path2):
- """Is path1 a subpath of path2
- i.e) /usr/bin/foo is a subpath of /usr/bin
- @return: bool
- """
- if WIN:
- path1 = path1.lower()
- path2 = path2.lower()
- path1 = GetAbsPath(path1)
- path2 = GetAbsPath(path2)
- return path1.startswith(path2)
- @uri2path
- def IsHidden(path):
- """Is the path a hidden path
- @param path: path to check
- @return: bool
- """
- bHidden = False
- if PathExists(path):
- if WIN:
- try:
- attrs = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetFileAttributesW(path)
- assert attrs != -1
- bHidden = bool(attrs & 2)
- except (AttributeError, AssertionError):
- bHidden = False
- else:
- dname = GetFileName(path)
- bHidden = dname.startswith('.')
- return bHidden
- @uri2path
- def PathExists(path):
- """Does the path exist.
- @param path: file path or uri
- @return: bool
- """
- return os.path.exists(path)
- @uri2path
- def IsExecutable(path):
- """Is the file at the given path an executable file
- @param path: file path
- @return: bool
- """
- return os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)
- @uri2path
- def ResolveRealPath(link):
- """Return the real path of the link file
- @param link: path of link file
- @return: string
- """
- assert IsLink(link), "ResolveRealPath expects a link file!"
- realpath = link
- if WIN and win32client is not None:
- shell = win32client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
- shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut(link)
- realpath = shortcut.Targetpath
- else:
- realpath = os.path.realpath(link)
- return realpath
- def GetFileManagerCmd():
- """Get the file manager open command for the current os. Under linux
- it will check for xdg-open, nautilus, konqueror, and Thunar, it will then
- return which one it finds first or 'nautilus' it finds nothing.
- @return: string
- """
- if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
- return 'open'
- elif wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
- return 'explorer'
- else:
- # Check for common linux filemanagers returning first one found
- # Gnome/ubuntu KDE/kubuntu xubuntu
- for cmd in ('xdg-open', 'nautilus', 'konqueror', 'Thunar'):
- result = os.system("which %s > /dev/null" % cmd)
- if result == 0:
- return cmd
- else:
- return 'nautilus'
- def OpenWithFileManager(path):
- """Open the given path with the systems file manager
- @param path: file/directory path
- """
- cmd = GetFileManagerCmd()
- subprocess.call([cmd, path])
- def Which(program):
- """Find the path of the given executable
- @param program: executable name (i.e 'python')
- @return: executable path or None
- """
- # Check local directory first
- if IsExecutable(program):
- return program
- else:
- # Start looking on the $PATH
- for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
- exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
- if IsExecutable(exe_file):
- return exe_file
- return None
- def GetDirectoryObject(path, recurse=True, includedot=False):
- """Gets a L{Directory} object representing the filesystem of the
- given path.
- @param path: base path to list
- @keyword recurse: recurse into subdirectories
- @keyword includedot: include '.' files
- @return: L{Directory} object instance
- """
- assert os.path.isdir(path)
- def _BuildDir(thedir):
- dirAddFile = thedir.Files.append
- isdir = os.path.isdir
- pjoin = os.path.join
- for fname in os.listdir(thedir.Path):
- if not includedot and fname.startswith('.'):
- continue
- fpath = pjoin(thedir.Path, fname)
- if isdir(fpath):
- newobj = Directory(fpath)
- if recurse:
- _BuildDir(newobj)
- else:
- newobj = File(fpath)
- dirAddFile(newobj)
- dobj = Directory(path)
- _BuildDir(dobj)
- return dobj
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- class File(object):
- """Basic file data structure"""
- __slots__ = ('path', 'modtime')
- def __init__(self, path):
- super(File, self).__init__()
- self.path = path
- self.modtime = GetFileModTime(self.path)
- Path = property(lambda self: self.path)
- Name = property(lambda self: os.path.basename(self.Path))
- ModTime = property(lambda self: self.modtime,
- lambda self, mod: setattr(self, 'modtime', mod))
- def __str__(self):
- return self.Path
- def __eq__(self, other):
- assert isinstance(other, File)
- return ComparePaths(self.Path, other.Path)
- class Directory(File):
- """Basic directory data structure.
- Is a container class that provides a simple in memory representation of
- a file system.
- """
- __slots__ = ('files',)
- def __init__(self, path):
- super(Directory, self).__init__(path)
- self.files = list()
- Files = property(lambda self: self.files)
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def GetUniqueName(path, name):
- """Make a file name that will be unique in case a file of the
- same name already exists at that path.
- @param path: Root path to folder of files destination
- @param name: desired file name base
- @return: string
- """
- tmpname = os.path.join(path, name)
- if os.path.exists(tmpname):
- if '.' not in name:
- ext = ''
- fbase = name
- else:
- ext = '.' + name.split('.')[-1]
- fbase = name[:-1 * len(ext)]
- inc = len([x for x in os.listdir(path) if x.startswith(fbase)])
- tmpname = os.path.join(path, "%s-%d%s" % (fbase, inc, ext))
- while os.path.exists(tmpname):
- inc = inc + 1
- tmpname = os.path.join(path, "%s-%d%s" % (fbase, inc, ext))
- return tmpname
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- def MakeNewFile(path, name):
- """Make a new file at the given path with the given name.
- If the file already exists, the given name will be changed to
- a unique name in the form of name + -NUMBER + .extension
- @param path: path to directory to create file in
- @param name: desired name of file
- @return: Tuple of (success?, Path of new file OR Error message)
- """
- if not os.path.isdir(path):
- path = os.path.dirname(path)
- fname = GetUniqueName(path, name)
- try:
- open(fname, 'w').close()
- except (IOError, OSError), msg:
- return (False, str(msg))
- return (True, fname)
- def MakeNewFolder(path, name):
- """Make a new folder at the given path with the given name.
- If the folder already exists, the given name will be changed to
- a unique name in the form of name + -NUMBER.
- @param path: path to create folder on
- @param name: desired name for folder
- @return: Tuple of (success?, new dirname OR Error message)
- """
- if not os.path.isdir(path):
- path = os.path.dirname(path)
- folder = GetUniqueName(path, name)
- try:
- os.mkdir(folder)
- except (OSError, IOError), msg:
- return (False, str(msg))
- return (True, folder)