Java | 312 lines | 245 code | 61 blank | 6 comment | 13 complexity | a5d99516fa02a974c61adb0c9d4ab28e MD5 | raw file
- // Copyright (C) 2003-2009 by Object Mentor, Inc. All rights reserved.
- // Released under the terms of the CPL Common Public License version 1.0.
- package fitnesse.wiki;
- import static fitnesse.wiki.PageType.*;
- import java.io.Serializable;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Set;
- import util.StringUtil;
- import fitnesse.responders.run.ExecutionLog;
- import fitnesse.wikitext.WidgetBuilder;
- import fitnesse.wikitext.WikiWidget;
- import fitnesse.wikitext.widgets.ClasspathWidget;
- import fitnesse.wikitext.widgets.IncludeWidget;
- import fitnesse.wikitext.widgets.ParentWidget;
- import fitnesse.wikitext.widgets.PreformattedWidget;
- import fitnesse.wikitext.widgets.TextIgnoringWidgetRoot;
- import fitnesse.wikitext.widgets.VariableDefinitionWidget;
- import fitnesse.wikitext.widgets.VariableWidget;
- import fitnesse.wikitext.widgets.WidgetRoot;
- import fitnesse.wikitext.widgets.WidgetWithTextArgument;
- import fitnesse.wikitext.widgets.XRefWidget;
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- public class PageData implements Serializable {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- public static WidgetBuilder classpathWidgetBuilder = new WidgetBuilder(
- IncludeWidget.class, VariableDefinitionWidget.class,
- ClasspathWidget.class);
- public static WidgetBuilder xrefWidgetBuilder = new WidgetBuilder(
- XRefWidget.class);
- public static WidgetBuilder variableDefinitionWidgetBuilder = new WidgetBuilder(
- IncludeWidget.class, PreformattedWidget.class,
- VariableDefinitionWidget.class, VariableWidget.class);
- // TODO: Find a better place for us
- public static final String PropertyLAST_MODIFIED = "LastModified";
- public static final String PropertyHELP = "Help";
- public static final String PropertyPRUNE = "Prune";
- public static final String PropertySEARCH = "Search";
- public static final String PropertyRECENT_CHANGES = "RecentChanges";
- public static final String PropertyFILES = "Files";
- public static final String PropertyWHERE_USED = "WhereUsed";
- public static final String PropertyREFACTOR = "Refactor";
- public static final String PropertyPROPERTIES = "Properties";
- public static final String PropertyVERSIONS = "Versions";
- public static final String PropertyEDIT = "Edit";
- public static final String PropertySUITES = "Suites";
- public static final String PAGE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = "PageType";
- public static final String[] PAGE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES = { NORMAL.toString(),
- TEST.toString(), SUITE.toString() };
- public static final String[] ACTION_ATTRIBUTES = { PropertyEDIT,
- PropertyWHERE_USED };
- public static final String[] NAVIGATION_ATTRIBUTES = {
- PropertyRECENT_CHANGES, PropertyFILES, PropertySEARCH, PropertyPRUNE };
- public static final String[] NON_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES = StringUtil
- public static final String PropertySECURE_READ = "secure-read";
- public static final String PropertySECURE_WRITE = "secure-write";
- public static final String PropertySECURE_TEST = "secure-test";
- public static final String[] SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES = { PropertySECURE_READ,
- PropertySECURE_WRITE, PropertySECURE_TEST };
- public static final String LAST_MODIFYING_USER = "LastModifyingUser";
- public static final String SUITE_SETUP_NAME = "SuiteSetUp";
- public static final String SUITE_TEARDOWN_NAME = "SuiteTearDown";
- private transient WikiPage wikiPage;
- private String content;
- private WikiPageProperties properties = new WikiPageProperties();
- private Set<VersionInfo> versions;
- private ParentWidget variableRoot;
- private List<String> literals;
- public static final String COMMAND_PATTERN = "COMMAND_PATTERN";
- public static final String TEST_RUNNER = "TEST_RUNNER";
- public static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = "PATH_SEPARATOR";
- public PageData(WikiPage page) throws Exception {
- wikiPage = page;
- initializeAttributes();
- versions = new HashSet<VersionInfo>();
- }
- public PageData(WikiPage page, String content) throws Exception {
- this(page);
- setContent(content);
- }
- public PageData(PageData data) throws Exception {
- this(data.getWikiPage(), data.content);
- properties = new WikiPageProperties(data.properties);
- versions.addAll(data.versions);
- variableRoot = data.variableRoot;
- }
- public String getStringOfAllAttributes() {
- return properties.toString();
- }
- public void initializeAttributes() throws Exception {
- properties.set(PropertyEDIT, Boolean.toString(true));
- properties.set(PropertyVERSIONS, Boolean.toString(true));
- properties.set(PropertyPROPERTIES, Boolean.toString(true));
- properties.set(PropertyREFACTOR, Boolean.toString(true));
- properties.set(PropertyWHERE_USED, Boolean.toString(true));
- properties.set(PropertyFILES, Boolean.toString(true));
- properties.set(PropertyRECENT_CHANGES, Boolean.toString(true));
- properties.set(PropertySEARCH, Boolean.toString(true));
- properties.setLastModificationTime(new Date());
- initTestOrSuiteProperty();
- }
- private void initTestOrSuiteProperty() throws Exception {
- final String pageName = wikiPage.getName();
- if (pageName == null) {
- handleInvalidPageName(wikiPage);
- return;
- }
- if (isErrorLogsPage())
- return;
- PageType pageType = PageType.getPageTypeForPageName(pageName);
- if (NORMAL.equals(pageType))
- return;
- properties.set(pageType.toString(), Boolean.toString(true));
- }
- private boolean isErrorLogsPage() throws Exception {
- PageCrawler crawler = wikiPage.getPageCrawler();
- String relativePagePath = crawler.getRelativeName(
- crawler.getRoot(wikiPage), wikiPage);
- return relativePagePath.startsWith(ExecutionLog.ErrorLogName);
- }
- // TODO: Should be written to a real logger, but it doesn't like FitNesse's
- // logger is
- // really intended for general logging.
- private void handleInvalidPageName(WikiPage wikiPage) {
- try {
- String msg = "WikiPage " + wikiPage + " does not have a valid name!"
- + wikiPage.getName();
- System.err.println(msg);
- throw new RuntimeException(msg);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- public WikiPageProperties getProperties() throws Exception {
- return properties;
- }
- public String getAttribute(String key) throws Exception {
- return properties.get(key);
- }
- public void removeAttribute(String key) throws Exception {
- properties.remove(key);
- }
- public void setAttribute(String key, String value) throws Exception {
- properties.set(key, value);
- }
- public void setAttribute(String key) throws Exception {
- properties.set(key);
- }
- public boolean hasAttribute(String attribute) {
- return properties.has(attribute);
- }
- public void setProperties(WikiPageProperties properties) {
- this.properties = properties;
- }
- public String getContent() throws Exception {
- return content;
- }
- public void setContent(String content) {
- this.content = content;
- }
- public String getHtml() throws Exception {
- return processHTMLWidgets(getContent(), wikiPage);
- }
- public String getHtml(WikiPage context) throws Exception {
- return processHTMLWidgets(getContent(), context);
- }
- public String getHeaderPageHtml() throws Exception {
- WikiPage header = wikiPage.getHeaderPage();
- return header == null ? "" : header.getData().getHtml();
- }
- public String getFooterPageHtml() throws Exception {
- WikiPage footer = wikiPage.getFooterPage();
- return footer == null ? "" : footer.getData().getHtml();
- }
- public String getVariable(String name) throws Exception {
- return getInitializedVariableRoot().getVariable(name);
- }
- public void addVariable(String name, String value) throws Exception {
- getInitializedVariableRoot().addVariable(name, value);
- }
- public void setLiterals(List<String> literals) {
- this.literals = literals;
- }
- private ParentWidget getInitializedVariableRoot() throws Exception {
- if (variableRoot == null) {
- initializeVariableRoot();
- }
- return variableRoot;
- }
- private void initializeVariableRoot() throws Exception {
- variableRoot = new TextIgnoringWidgetRoot(getContentWithVariableRenderTriggers(), wikiPage,
- literals, variableDefinitionWidgetBuilder
- );
- variableRoot.render();
- }
- private String getContentWithVariableRenderTriggers() throws Exception {
- StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer(getContent())
- .append(getVariableRenderTrigger(PATH_SEPARATOR))
- .append(getVariableRenderTrigger(COMMAND_PATTERN))
- .append(getVariableRenderTrigger(TEST_RUNNER));
- return content.toString();
- }
- private String getVariableRenderTrigger(String variableName) {
- return "\n#${" + variableName + "}";
- }
- private String processHTMLWidgets(String content, WikiPage context)
- throws Exception {
- ParentWidget root = new WidgetRoot(content, context,
- WidgetBuilder.htmlWidgetBuilder);
- return root.render();
- }
- public void setWikiPage(WikiPage page) {
- wikiPage = page;
- }
- public WikiPage getWikiPage() {
- return wikiPage;
- }
- public List<String> getClasspaths() throws Exception {
- return getTextOfWidgets(classpathWidgetBuilder);
- }
- public List<String> getXrefPages() throws Exception {
- return getTextOfWidgets(xrefWidgetBuilder);
- }
- private List<String> getTextOfWidgets(WidgetBuilder builder) throws Exception {
- ParentWidget root = new TextIgnoringWidgetRoot(getContent(), wikiPage,
- builder);
- List<WikiWidget> widgets = root.getChildren();
- List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (WikiWidget widget : widgets) {
- if (widget instanceof WidgetWithTextArgument)
- values.add(((WidgetWithTextArgument) widget).getText());
- else
- widget.render();
- }
- return values;
- }
- public Set<VersionInfo> getVersions() {
- return versions;
- }
- public void addVersions(Collection<VersionInfo> newVersions) {
- versions.addAll(newVersions);
- }
- public boolean isEmpty() throws Exception {
- return getContent() == null || getContent().length() == 0;
- }
- }