https://github.com/killme2008/erlib · Erlang · 142 lines · 91 code · 35 blank · 16 comment · 1 complexity · dbceb4204034fb346c1ee6b3fabb94ca MD5 · raw file
- %% ---
- %% Excerpted from "Programming Erlang",
- %% published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf.
- %% Copyrights apply to this code. It may not be used to create training material,
- %% courses, books, articles, and the like. Contact us if you are in doubt.
- %% We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose.
- %% Visit http://www.pragmaticprogrammer.com/titles/jaerlang for more book information.
- %%---
- -module(indexer_trigrams).
- -export([for_each_trigram_in_the_english_language/2,
- make_tables/0, timer_tests/0,
- open/0, close/1, is_word/2,
- howManyTrigrams/0,
- make_dict/0, make_ordered_set/0, makeSet/0,
- lookup_all_ets/2, lookup_all_dict/2
- ]).
- -import(lists, [reverse/1]).
- make_tables() ->
- io:format("Building trigrams -- make take some time~n"),
- makeSet().
- make_ordered_set() -> makeAset(ordered_set, "trigramsOS.tab").
- makeSet() -> makeAset(set, "trigramsS.tab").
- makeAset(Type, FileName) ->
- Tab = ets:new(table, [Type]),
- F = fun(Str, _) -> ets:insert(Tab, {list_to_binary(Str)}) end,
- for_each_trigram_in_the_english_language(F, 0),
- ets:tab2file(Tab, FileName),
- Size = ets:info(Tab, size),
- ets:delete(Tab),
- Size.
- make_dict() ->
- D = dict:new(),
- F = fun(Str, Dict) -> dict:store(list_to_binary(Str),[],Dict) end,
- D1 = for_each_trigram_in_the_english_language(F, D),
- file:write_file("trigrams.dict", [term_to_binary(D1)]).
- timer_tests() ->
- time_lookup_set("Ordered Set", "trigramsOS.tab"),
- time_lookup_set("Set", "trigramsS.tab"),
- time_lookup_dict().
- time_lookup_set(Type, File) ->
- {ok, Tab} = ets:file2tab(File),
- L = ets:tab2list(Tab),
- Size = length(L),
- {M, _} = timer:tc(?MODULE, lookup_all_ets, [Tab, L]),
- io:format("~s lookup=~p micro seconds~n",[Type, M/Size]),
- ets:delete(Tab).
- lookup_all_ets(Tab, L) ->
- lists:foreach(fun({K}) -> ets:lookup(Tab, K) end, L).
- time_lookup_dict() ->
- {ok, Bin} = file:read_file("trigrams.dict"),
- Dict = binary_to_term(Bin),
- Keys = [Key || {Key,_} <- dict:to_list(Dict)],
- Size = length(Keys),
- {M, _} = timer:tc(?MODULE, lookup_all_dict, [Dict, Keys]),
- io:format("Dict lookup=~p micro seconds~n",[M/Size]).
- lookup_all_dict(Dict, L) ->
- lists:foreach(fun(Key) -> dict:find(Key, Dict) end, L).
- howManyTrigrams() ->
- F = fun(_, N) -> 1 + N end,
- for_each_trigram_in_the_english_language(F, 0).
- %% An iterator that iterates through all trigrams in the language
- for_each_trigram_in_the_english_language(F, A0) ->
- {ok, Bin0} = file:read_file("../354984si.ngl.gz"),
- Bin = zlib:gunzip(Bin0),
- scan_word_list(binary_to_list(Bin), F, A0).
- scan_word_list([], _, A) ->
- A;
- scan_word_list(L, F, A) ->
- {Word, L1} = get_next_word(L, []),
- A1 = scan_trigrams([$\s|Word], F, A),
- scan_word_list(L1, F, A1).
- %% scan the word looking for \r\n
- %% the second argument is the word (reversed) so it
- %% has to be reversed when we find \r\n or run out of characters
- get_next_word([$\r,$\n|T], L) -> {reverse([$\s|L]), T};
- get_next_word([H|T], L) -> get_next_word(T, [H|L]);
- get_next_word([], L) -> {reverse([$\s|L]), []}.
- scan_trigrams([X,Y,Z], F, A) ->
- F([X,Y,Z], A);
- scan_trigrams([X,Y,Z|T], F, A) ->
- A1 = F([X,Y,Z], A),
- scan_trigrams([Y,Z|T], F, A1);
- scan_trigrams(_, _, A) ->
- A.
- %% access routines
- %% open() -> Table
- %% close(Table)
- %% is_word(Table, String) -> Bool
- is_word(Tab, Str) -> is_word1(Tab, "\s" ++ Str ++ "\s").
- is_word1(Tab, [_,_,_]=X) -> is_this_a_trigram(Tab, X);
- is_word1(Tab, [A,B,C|D]) ->
- case is_this_a_trigram(Tab, [A,B,C]) of
- true -> is_word1(Tab, [B,C|D]);
- false -> false
- end;
- is_word1(_, _) ->
- false.
- is_this_a_trigram(Tab, X) ->
- case ets:lookup(Tab, list_to_binary(X)) of
- [] -> false;
- _ -> true
- end.
- open() ->
- {ok, I} = ets:file2tab(filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE))
- ++ "/trigramsS.tab"),
- I.
- close(Tab) -> ets:delete(Tab).