Python | 270 lines | 173 code | 55 blank | 42 comment | 15 complexity | f1bf0f8dd8e40704ff8bef81f41d6520 MD5 | raw file
- from StringIO import StringIO
- import pdb
- import random
- import uuid
- from django.contrib.sessions.backends.file import SessionStore
- from django.core.management import call_command
- import re
- from django.contrib.auth.models import User
- from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
- from django.test import TestCase, Client
- from clinical_shared.tests.testcase import CareHQClinicalTestCase
- from clinical_shared.utils import generator
- from clinical_shared.utils.scrambler import make_random_cphone, make_random_caddress
- from couchforms.models import XFormInstance
- from casexml.apps.case.models import CommCareCase
- from pactpatient.models import PactPatient
- from pactpatient.views import new_patient
- from patient.models import Patient
- from .pactpatient_test_utils import delete_all
- from pactpatient.updater import generate_update_xml_old
- from django_digest.test import Client as DigestClient
- from permissions.models import Actor, Role, PrincipalRoleRelation
- from permissions.tests import RequestFactory
- from tenant.models import Tenant
- class patientCaseUpdateTests(CareHQClinicalTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- User.objects.all().delete()
- Actor.objects.all().delete()
- Role.objects.all().delete()
- PrincipalRoleRelation.objects.all().delete()
- delete_all(PactPatient, 'patient/all')
- call_command('carehq_init')
- self.tenant = Tenant.objects.all()[0]
- self._createUser()
- self.client = Client()
- def testOTARestore(self):
- """
- For a given patient created, ensure that it shows up in the OTA restore.
- Ensure also that changes in phone and addresses also show up in OTA restore.
- This test also uses django_digest to authenticate to the OTA restore URL.
- Verify all the phone and address information
- """
- patient_doc = self.test0CreatePatient()
- client = DigestClient()
- client.set_authorization(self.user.username, 'mockmock', 'Digest')
- restore_payload = client.get('/provider/caselist')
- case_id_re = re.compile('<case_id>(?P<case_id>\w+)<\/case_id>')
- case_id_xml = case_id_re.search(restore_payload.content).group('case_id')
- casedoc = CommCareCase.get(patient_doc.case_id)
- self.assertEqual(case_id_xml, casedoc._id)
- def test3PushPhonesIteratively(self):
- """
- Check to see if transactional single updates can do it vs. doing all each time
- """
- patient_doc = self.test0CreatePatient()
- allphones = []
- addresses = []
- for n in range(0, self.NUM_PHONES):
- newphone = make_random_cphone()
- newphone.description += "%s" % str(n + 1)
- allphones.append(newphone)
- to_send = [None for q in range(0, n)]
- to_send.append(newphone)
- #now, submit the xml.
- xml_body = generate_update_xml_old(User.objects.all()[0], patient_doc, to_send, addresses)
- xml_stream = StringIO(xml_body.encode('utf-8'))
- xml_stream.name = "xml_submission_file"
- uid_re = re.compile('<uid>(?P<doc_id>\w+)<\/uid>')
- submit_doc_id = uid_re.search(xml_body).group('doc_id')
- response = self.client.post(reverse('receiver.views.post'), {'xml_submission_file': xml_stream})
- #verify submission worked
- try:
- XFormInstance.get(submit_doc_id)
- except:
- self.fail("XForm submit failed")
- #verify casexml updated
- casedoc_updated = CommCareCase.get(patient_doc.case_id)
- for i, p in enumerate(allphones, start=1):
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(casedoc_updated, 'Phone%d' % i))
- self.assertEquals(p.number, getattr(casedoc_updated, 'Phone%d' % i))
- self.assertEquals(p.description, getattr(casedoc_updated, 'Phone%dType' % i))
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(casedoc_updated, 'Phone%dType' % i))
- def test2PushNewPhone(self):
- """
- Verify on the webform that the display is showing up on the patient view.
- """
- patient, phones, addresses = self.test1CreatePatientVerifyAddressAPI()
- response = self.client.post('/accounts/login/', {'username': 'mockmock@mockmock.com', 'password': 'mockmock'})
- response = self.client.get(reverse('view_pactpatient', kwargs={'patient_guid': patient._id}))
- content = response.content
- phone_indices = []
- for p in phones:
- #make sure the numbers are in the right order
- phone_indices.append(content.index(p.number))
- self.assertEquals(sorted(phone_indices), phone_indices)
- def test1CreatePatientVerifyAddressAPI(self):
- """
- Test create phone and addresses, submit via casexml and verify casexml gets updated with latest from patient model.
- This does it via API
- """
- patient_doc = self.test0CreatePatient()
- phones = []
- addresses = []
- for n in range(0, self.NUM_PHONES):
- newphone = make_random_cphone()
- newphone.description += "%s" % str(n + 1)
- phones.append(newphone)
- for n in range(0, self.NUM_ADDRESSES):
- newaddress = make_random_caddress()
- newaddress.description += "%s" % str(n + 1)
- addresses.append(newaddress)
- patient_doc.save()
- #first verify that the case got nothing
- casedoc_blank = CommCareCase.get(patient_doc.case_id)
- for n in range(1, self.NUM_PHONES + 1):
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(casedoc_blank, 'Phone%d' % n))
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(casedoc_blank, 'Phone%dType' % n))
- for n in range(1, self.NUM_ADDRESSES + 1):
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(casedoc_blank, 'address%d' % n))
- self.assertFalse(hasattr(casedoc_blank, 'address%dtype' % n))
- #now, submit the xml.
- xml_body = generate_update_xml_old(User.objects.all()[0], patient_doc, phones, addresses)
- xml_stream = StringIO(xml_body.encode('utf-8'))
- xml_stream.name = "xml_submission_file"
- uid_re = re.compile('<uid>(?P<doc_id>\w+)<\/uid>')
- submit_doc_id = uid_re.search(xml_body).group('doc_id')
- response = self.client.post(reverse('receiver.views.post'), {'xml_submission_file': xml_stream})
- #verify submission worked
- try:
- XFormInstance.get(submit_doc_id)
- except:
- self.fail("XForm submit failed")
- #verify casexml updated
- casedoc_updated = CommCareCase.get(patient_doc.case_id)
- for n in range(1, self.NUM_PHONES + 1):
- p = phones[n - 1]
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(casedoc_updated, 'Phone%d' % n))
- self.assertEquals(p.number, getattr(casedoc_updated, 'Phone%d' % n))
- self.assertEquals(p.description, getattr(casedoc_updated, 'Phone%dType' % n))
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(casedoc_updated, 'Phone%dType' % n))
- for n in range(1, self.NUM_ADDRESSES + 1):
- address = addresses[n - 1]
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(casedoc_updated, 'address%d' % n))
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(casedoc_updated, 'address%dtype' % n))
- self.assertEquals(address.description, getattr(casedoc_updated, 'address%dtype' % n))
- #next verify OTA restore
- client = DigestClient()
- client.set_authorization(self.user.username, 'mockmock', 'Digest')
- restore_payload = client.get('/provider/caselist')
- for n in range(1, self.NUM_PHONES + 1):
- phone = phones[n - 1]
- phone_re = re.compile('<Phone%d>(?P<phone>.*)<\/Phone%d>' % (n, n))
- phone_str = phone_re.search(restore_payload.content).group('phone')
- self.assertEquals(phone.number, phone_str)
- desc_re = re.compile('<Phone%dType>(?P<desc>.*)<\/Phone%dType>' % (n, n))
- desc_str = desc_re.search(restore_payload.content).group('desc')
- self.assertEquals(phone.description, desc_str)
- for n in range(1, self.NUM_ADDRESSES + 1):
- address = addresses[n - 1]
- address_re = re.compile('<address%d>(?P<address>.*)<\/address%d>' % (n, n))
- address_str = address_re.search(restore_payload.content).group('address')
- self.assertEquals(address.get_full_address(), address_str)
- desc_re = re.compile('<address%dtype>(?P<desc>.*)<\/address%dtype>' % (n, n))
- desc_str = desc_re.search(restore_payload.content).group('desc')
- self.assertEquals(address.description, desc_str)
- casedoc = CommCareCase.get(patient_doc.case_id)
- return patient_doc, phones, addresses
- def test0CreatePatient(self):
- """
- Test creates new patients and verify casexml is made alongside them
- Returns a patient couchdoc.
- """
- chws = []
- for x in range(0,5):
- chws.append(self._new_chw(self.tenant, generator.get_or_create_user()))
- response = self.client.post('/accounts/login/', {'username': 'mockmock@mockmock.com', 'password': 'mockmock'})
- response = self.client.post('/patient/new', {'first_name':'foo',
- 'last_name': 'bar',
- 'gender':'m',
- 'birthdate': '1/1/2000',
- 'pact_id': 'mockmock',
- 'arm': 'DOT',
- 'art_regimen': 'QD',
- 'non_art_regimen': 'BID',
- 'primary_hp': random.choice(chws).django_actor.user.username,
- 'patient_id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
- 'race': 'asian',
- 'is_latino': 'yes',
- 'mass_health_expiration': '1/1/2020',
- 'hiv_care_clinic': 'brigham_and_womens_hospital',
- 'ssn': '1112223333',
- 'preferred_language': 'english',
- })
- self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 302) #if it's successful, then it'll do a redirect.
- # rf = RequestFactory()
- # request = rf.get('/')
- # request.session = SessionStore()
- # request.user = self.user
- # request.POST = newpatient_data
- # request.method = "POST"
- # response = new_patient(request)
- self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 302) #if it's successful, then it'll do a redirect.
- self.assertEqual(1, Patient.objects.all().count())
- patient = Patient.objects.all()[0]
- casedoc = CommCareCase.get(patient.couchdoc.case_id)
- self.assertEquals(casedoc.external_id, patient.couchdoc.pact_id)
- return patient.couchdoc
- #start pushing xml submissions via form
- #verify that they get updated on casexml
- #verify on website that those phone numbers appear with client view..
- #setup phone numbers using old style