Python | 462 lines | 421 code | 30 blank | 11 comment | 16 complexity | 6ccc85ddf9ad6f02a34d37808049266a MD5 | raw file
- import argparse
- import random
- import time
- from typing import Callable, TypeVar
- from unittest.mock import Mock
- from urllib.parse import urlparse
- import pytest
- from packaging.version import Version
- import redis
- from redis.backoff import NoBackoff
- from redis.connection import parse_url
- from redis.exceptions import RedisClusterException
- from redis.retry import Retry
- default_redis_url = "redis://localhost:6379/9"
- default_redismod_url = "redis://localhost:36379"
- default_redis_unstable_url = "redis://localhost:6378"
- # default ssl client ignores verification for the purpose of testing
- default_redis_ssl_url = "rediss://localhost:6666"
- default_cluster_nodes = 6
- _DecoratedTest = TypeVar("_DecoratedTest", bound="Callable")
- _TestDecorator = Callable[[_DecoratedTest], _DecoratedTest]
- # Taken from python3.9
- class BooleanOptionalAction(argparse.Action):
- def __init__(
- self,
- option_strings,
- dest,
- default=None,
- type=None,
- choices=None,
- required=False,
- help=None,
- metavar=None,
- ):
- _option_strings = []
- for option_string in option_strings:
- _option_strings.append(option_string)
- if option_string.startswith("--"):
- option_string = "--no-" + option_string[2:]
- _option_strings.append(option_string)
- if help is not None and default is not None:
- help += f" (default: {default})"
- super().__init__(
- option_strings=_option_strings,
- dest=dest,
- nargs=0,
- default=default,
- type=type,
- choices=choices,
- required=required,
- help=help,
- metavar=metavar,
- )
- def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
- if option_string in self.option_strings:
- setattr(namespace, self.dest, not option_string.startswith("--no-"))
- def format_usage(self):
- return " | ".join(self.option_strings)
- def pytest_addoption(parser):
- parser.addoption(
- "--redis-url",
- default=default_redis_url,
- action="store",
- help="Redis connection string," " defaults to `%(default)s`",
- )
- parser.addoption(
- "--redismod-url",
- default=default_redismod_url,
- action="store",
- help="Connection string to redis server"
- " with loaded modules,"
- " defaults to `%(default)s`",
- )
- parser.addoption(
- "--redis-ssl-url",
- default=default_redis_ssl_url,
- action="store",
- help="Redis SSL connection string," " defaults to `%(default)s`",
- )
- parser.addoption(
- "--redis-cluster-nodes",
- default=default_cluster_nodes,
- action="store",
- help="The number of cluster nodes that need to be "
- "available before the test can start,"
- " defaults to `%(default)s`",
- )
- parser.addoption(
- "--redis-unstable-url",
- default=default_redis_unstable_url,
- action="store",
- help="Redis unstable (latest version) connection string "
- "defaults to %(default)s`",
- )
- parser.addoption(
- "--uvloop", action=BooleanOptionalAction, help="Run tests with uvloop"
- )
- def _get_info(redis_url):
- client = redis.Redis.from_url(redis_url)
- info = client.info()
- try:
- client.execute_command("DPING")
- info["enterprise"] = True
- except redis.ResponseError:
- info["enterprise"] = False
- client.connection_pool.disconnect()
- return info
- def pytest_sessionstart(session):
- redis_url = session.config.getoption("--redis-url")
- info = _get_info(redis_url)
- version = info["redis_version"]
- arch_bits = info["arch_bits"]
- cluster_enabled = info["cluster_enabled"]
- REDIS_INFO["version"] = version
- REDIS_INFO["arch_bits"] = arch_bits
- REDIS_INFO["cluster_enabled"] = cluster_enabled
- REDIS_INFO["enterprise"] = info["enterprise"]
- # module info, if the second redis is running
- try:
- redismod_url = session.config.getoption("--redismod-url")
- info = _get_info(redismod_url)
- REDIS_INFO["modules"] = info["modules"]
- except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError:
- pass
- except KeyError:
- pass
- if cluster_enabled:
- cluster_nodes = session.config.getoption("--redis-cluster-nodes")
- wait_for_cluster_creation(redis_url, cluster_nodes)
- use_uvloop = session.config.getoption("--uvloop")
- if use_uvloop:
- try:
- import uvloop
- uvloop.install()
- except ImportError as e:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "Can not import uvloop, make sure it is installed"
- ) from e
- def wait_for_cluster_creation(redis_url, cluster_nodes, timeout=60):
- """
- Waits for the cluster creation to complete.
- As soon as all :cluster_nodes: nodes become available, the cluster will be
- considered ready.
- :param redis_url: the cluster's url, e.g. redis://localhost:16379/0
- :param cluster_nodes: The number of nodes in the cluster
- :param timeout: the amount of time to wait (in seconds)
- """
- now = time.time()
- end_time = now + timeout
- client = None
- print(f"Waiting for {cluster_nodes} cluster nodes to become available")
- while now < end_time:
- try:
- client = redis.RedisCluster.from_url(redis_url)
- if len(client.get_nodes()) == int(cluster_nodes):
- print("All nodes are available!")
- break
- except RedisClusterException:
- pass
- time.sleep(1)
- now = time.time()
- if now >= end_time:
- available_nodes = 0 if client is None else len(client.get_nodes())
- raise RedisClusterException(
- f"The cluster did not become available after {timeout} seconds. "
- f"Only {available_nodes} nodes out of {cluster_nodes} are available"
- )
- def skip_if_server_version_lt(min_version: str) -> _TestDecorator:
- redis_version = REDIS_INFO.get("version", "0")
- check = Version(redis_version) < Version(min_version)
- return pytest.mark.skipif(check, reason=f"Redis version required >= {min_version}")
- def skip_if_server_version_gte(min_version: str) -> _TestDecorator:
- redis_version = REDIS_INFO.get("version", "0")
- check = Version(redis_version) >= Version(min_version)
- return pytest.mark.skipif(check, reason=f"Redis version required < {min_version}")
- def skip_unless_arch_bits(arch_bits: int) -> _TestDecorator:
- return pytest.mark.skipif(
- REDIS_INFO.get("arch_bits", "") != arch_bits,
- reason=f"server is not {arch_bits}-bit",
- )
- def skip_ifmodversion_lt(min_version: str, module_name: str):
- try:
- modules = REDIS_INFO["modules"]
- except KeyError:
- return pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason="Redis server does not have modules")
- if modules == []:
- return pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason="No redis modules found")
- for j in modules:
- if module_name == j.get("name"):
- version = j.get("ver")
- mv = int(min_version.replace(".", ""))
- check = version < mv
- return pytest.mark.skipif(check, reason="Redis module version")
- raise AttributeError(f"No redis module named {module_name}")
- def skip_if_redis_enterprise() -> _TestDecorator:
- check = REDIS_INFO.get("enterprise", False) is True
- return pytest.mark.skipif(check, reason="Redis enterprise")
- def skip_ifnot_redis_enterprise() -> _TestDecorator:
- check = REDIS_INFO.get("enterprise", False) is False
- return pytest.mark.skipif(check, reason="Not running in redis enterprise")
- def skip_if_nocryptography() -> _TestDecorator:
- try:
- import cryptography # noqa
- return pytest.mark.skipif(False, reason="Cryptography dependency found")
- except ImportError:
- return pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason="No cryptography dependency")
- def skip_if_cryptography() -> _TestDecorator:
- try:
- import cryptography # noqa
- return pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason="Cryptography dependency found")
- except ImportError:
- return pytest.mark.skipif(False, reason="No cryptography dependency")
- def _get_client(
- cls, request, single_connection_client=True, flushdb=True, from_url=None, **kwargs
- ):
- """
- Helper for fixtures or tests that need a Redis client
- Uses the "--redis-url" command line argument for connection info. Unlike
- ConnectionPool.from_url, keyword arguments to this function override
- values specified in the URL.
- """
- if from_url is None:
- redis_url = request.config.getoption("--redis-url")
- else:
- redis_url = from_url
- cluster_mode = REDIS_INFO["cluster_enabled"]
- if not cluster_mode:
- url_options = parse_url(redis_url)
- url_options.update(kwargs)
- pool = redis.ConnectionPool(**url_options)
- client = cls(connection_pool=pool)
- else:
- client = redis.RedisCluster.from_url(redis_url, **kwargs)
- single_connection_client = False
- if single_connection_client:
- client = client.client()
- if request:
- def teardown():
- if not cluster_mode:
- if flushdb:
- try:
- client.flushdb()
- except redis.ConnectionError:
- # handle cases where a test disconnected a client
- # just manually retry the flushdb
- client.flushdb()
- client.close()
- client.connection_pool.disconnect()
- else:
- cluster_teardown(client, flushdb)
- request.addfinalizer(teardown)
- return client
- def cluster_teardown(client, flushdb):
- if flushdb:
- try:
- client.flushdb(target_nodes="primaries")
- except redis.ConnectionError:
- # handle cases where a test disconnected a client
- # just manually retry the flushdb
- client.flushdb(target_nodes="primaries")
- client.close()
- client.disconnect_connection_pools()
- # specifically set to the zero database, because creating
- # an index on db != 0 raises a ResponseError in redis
- @pytest.fixture()
- def modclient(request, **kwargs):
- rmurl = request.config.getoption("--redismod-url")
- with _get_client(
- redis.Redis, request, from_url=rmurl, decode_responses=True, **kwargs
- ) as client:
- yield client
- @pytest.fixture()
- def r(request):
- with _get_client(redis.Redis, request) as client:
- yield client
- @pytest.fixture()
- def r_timeout(request):
- with _get_client(redis.Redis, request, socket_timeout=1) as client:
- yield client
- @pytest.fixture()
- def r2(request):
- "A second client for tests that need multiple"
- with _get_client(redis.Redis, request) as client:
- yield client
- @pytest.fixture()
- def sslclient(request):
- with _get_client(redis.Redis, request, ssl=True) as client:
- yield client
- def _gen_cluster_mock_resp(r, response):
- connection = Mock()
- connection.retry = Retry(NoBackoff(), 0)
- connection.read_response.return_value = response
- r.connection = connection
- return r
- @pytest.fixture()
- def mock_cluster_resp_ok(request, **kwargs):
- r = _get_client(redis.Redis, request, **kwargs)
- return _gen_cluster_mock_resp(r, "OK")
- @pytest.fixture()
- def mock_cluster_resp_int(request, **kwargs):
- r = _get_client(redis.Redis, request, **kwargs)
- return _gen_cluster_mock_resp(r, "2")
- @pytest.fixture()
- def mock_cluster_resp_info(request, **kwargs):
- r = _get_client(redis.Redis, request, **kwargs)
- response = (
- "cluster_state:ok\r\ncluster_slots_assigned:16384\r\n"
- "cluster_slots_ok:16384\r\ncluster_slots_pfail:0\r\n"
- "cluster_slots_fail:0\r\ncluster_known_nodes:7\r\n"
- "cluster_size:3\r\ncluster_current_epoch:7\r\n"
- "cluster_my_epoch:2\r\ncluster_stats_messages_sent:170262\r\n"
- "cluster_stats_messages_received:105653\r\n"
- )
- return _gen_cluster_mock_resp(r, response)
- @pytest.fixture()
- def mock_cluster_resp_nodes(request, **kwargs):
- r = _get_client(redis.Redis, request, **kwargs)
- response = (
- "c8253bae761cb1ecb2b61857d85dfe455a0fec8b "
- "slave aa90da731f673a99617dfe930306549a09f83a6b 0 "
- "1447836263059 5 connected\n"
- "9bd595fe4821a0e8d6b99d70faa660638a7612b3 "
- "master - 0 1447836264065 0 connected\n"
- "aa90da731f673a99617dfe930306549a09f83a6b "
- "myself,master - 0 0 2 connected 5461-10922\n"
- "1df047e5a594f945d82fc140be97a1452bcbf93e "
- "slave 19efe5a631f3296fdf21a5441680f893e8cc96ec 0 "
- "1447836262556 3 connected\n"
- "4ad9a12e63e8f0207025eeba2354bcf4c85e5b22 "
- "master - 0 1447836262555 7 connected 0-5460\n"
- "19efe5a631f3296fdf21a5441680f893e8cc96ec "
- "master - 0 1447836263562 3 connected 10923-16383\n"
- "fbb23ed8cfa23f17eaf27ff7d0c410492a1093d6 "
- "master,fail - 1447829446956 1447829444948 1 disconnected\n"
- )
- return _gen_cluster_mock_resp(r, response)
- @pytest.fixture()
- def mock_cluster_resp_slaves(request, **kwargs):
- r = _get_client(redis.Redis, request, **kwargs)
- response = (
- "['1df047e5a594f945d82fc140be97a1452bcbf93e "
- "slave 19efe5a631f3296fdf21a5441680f893e8cc96ec 0 "
- "1447836789290 3 connected']"
- )
- return _gen_cluster_mock_resp(r, response)
- @pytest.fixture(scope="session")
- def master_host(request):
- url = request.config.getoption("--redis-url")
- parts = urlparse(url)
- yield parts.hostname, parts.port
- @pytest.fixture()
- def unstable_r(request):
- url = request.config.getoption("--redis-unstable-url")
- with _get_client(
- redis.Redis, request, from_url=url, decode_responses=True
- ) as client:
- yield client
- def wait_for_command(client, monitor, command, key=None):
- # issue a command with a key name that's local to this process.
- # if we find a command with our key before the command we're waiting
- # for, something went wrong
- if key is None:
- # generate key
- redis_version = REDIS_INFO["version"]
- if Version(redis_version) >= Version("5.0.0"):
- id_str = str(client.client_id())
- else:
- id_str = f"{random.randrange(2 ** 32):08x}"
- key = f"__REDIS-PY-{id_str}__"
- client.get(key)
- while True:
- monitor_response = monitor.next_command()
- if command in monitor_response["command"]:
- return monitor_response
- if key in monitor_response["command"]:
- return None