Java | 73 lines | 54 code | 12 blank | 7 comment | 0 complexity | 88aec7253b45aaeccefd7cd2e89e2fc5 MD5 | raw file
- package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation;
- import groovy.lang.IntRange;
- import groovy.lang.ObjectRange;
- /**
- * Test cases for 'range' constraint.
- *
- * @author Sergey Nebolsin (<a href="mailto:nebolsin@gmail.com"/>)
- */
- public class RangeConstraintTests extends AbstractConstraintTests {
- protected Class getConstraintClass() {
- return RangeConstraint.class;
- }
- public void testValidation() {
- testConstraintMessageCodes(
- getConstraint( "testInteger", new IntRange( 1, 5 )),
- new Long(7),
- new String[] {"testClass.testInteger.range.error","testClass.testInteger.range.toobig"},
- new Object[] {"testInteger",TestClass.class,new Long(7),new Integer(1),new Integer(5)}
- );
- testConstraintMessageCodes(
- getConstraint( "testInteger", new IntRange( 1, 5 )),
- new Integer(0),
- new String[] {"testClass.testInteger.range.error","testClass.testInteger.range.toosmall"},
- new Object[] {"testInteger",TestClass.class,new Integer(0),new Integer(1),new Integer(5)}
- );
- testConstraintPassed(
- getConstraint( "testString", new ObjectRange("abca","abcf")),
- "abcd"
- );
- testConstraintPassed(
- getConstraint( "testInteger", new IntRange( 1, 7 )),
- new Integer( 5 )
- );
- // must always pass for null value
- testConstraintPassed(
- getConstraint( "testInteger", new IntRange( 1, 7 )),
- null
- );
- testConstraintDefaultMessage(
- getConstraint( "testInteger", new IntRange( 1, 5 ) ),
- new Integer( 7 ),
- "Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] does not fall within the valid range from [{3}] to [{4}]"
- );
- }
- public void testCreation() {
- RangeConstraint constraint = (RangeConstraint) getConstraint( "testInteger", new IntRange(1,5) );
- assertEquals( ConstrainedProperty.RANGE_CONSTRAINT, constraint.getName() );
- assertTrue( constraint.supports( Integer.class ));
- assertTrue( constraint.supports( Long.class ));
- assertTrue( constraint.supports( Double.class ));
- assertFalse( constraint.supports( Object.class ));
- assertFalse( constraint.supports( null ));
- assertEquals( new IntRange(1,5), constraint.getRange() );
- try {
- getConstraint( "testInteger", "wrong");
- fail("RangeConstraint must throw an exception for non-range parameters.");
- } catch( IllegalArgumentException iae ) {
- // Great
- }
- }
- }