Python | 116 lines | 67 code | 12 blank | 37 comment | 19 complexity | f8dda2ec3c109efc2a8b2ab71f8b9add MD5 | raw file
- #! /usr/bin/env python
- # ______________________________________________________________________
- """Module AST
- Defines a set of base classes for ASDL abstract syntax data types.
- Jonathan Riehl"""
- # ______________________________________________________________________
- # Class definition(s)
- class ASTError (Exception):
- """Base class for AST related exceptions."""
- # ______________________________________________________________________
- class ASTFieldMappingError (ASTError):
- """Exception class for problems related to instantiating a sequence of
- fields."""
- # ______________________________________________________________________
- class ASTInitError (Exception):
- """Exception class for AST instantiation violations."""
- # ______________________________________________________________________
- class AST (object):
- """Abstract base class for reprenting abstract syntax."""
- # ____________________________________________________________
- __asdl_meta__ = None
- # ____________________________________________________________
- # XXX This seems like taking the long road to get there. My
- # options are to just stick with the original plan (generate
- # custom code for each constructor), or refine this.
- def map_fields (self, field_list, match_tup, mapping = None):
- if mapping is None:
- mapping = {}
- field_len = len(field_list)
- match_len = len(match_tup)
- if field_len == 0:
- if match_len > 0:
- raise ASTFieldMappingError()
- else:
- field_name, field_type, field_opt, field_seq = field_list[0]
- if field_opt == 0:
- if len(match_tup) == 0:
- raise ASTFieldMappingError()
- mapping[field_name] = match_tup[0]
- mapping = self.map_fields(field_list[1:], match_tup[1:],
- mapping)
- else:
- try:
- mapping = mapping.copy()
- mapping[field_name] = match_tup[0]
- mapping = self.map_fields(field_list[1:], match_tup[1:],
- mapping)
- except ASTFieldMappingError:
- mapping = self.map_fields(field_list[1:], match_tup,
- mapping)
- return mapping
- # ____________________________________________________________
- def get_attributes (self):
- ret_val = []
- md = self.__asdl_meta__
- if "attributes" not in md:
- # ASSUMES: super type is either this class or a sum type.
- md = super(type(self), self).__asdl_meta__
- if "attributes" in md:
- ret_val = md["attributes"]
- return ret_val
- # ____________________________________________________________
- def __init__ (self, *args, **kws):
- if "types" in self.__asdl_meta__:
- raise ASTInitError("Can not directly instantiate a sum type "
- "(trying to create a %s)." %
- type(self).__name__)
- # Come up with a plausible map from fields to arguments.
- if "fields" in self.__asdl_meta__:
- field_map = self.map_fields(self.__asdl_meta__["fields"], args)
- for key, val in field_map.items():
- setattr(self, key, val)
- # Now handle attributes.
- attributes = self.get_attributes()
- for key, val in kws.items():
- if key not in attributes:
- raise ASTInitError("Not an attribute of %s: %s." %
- (type(self).__name__, key))
- setattr(self, key, val)
- # ____________________________________________________________
- def __eq__ (self, other):
- return ((type(self) == type(other)) and
- (self.__dict__ == other.__dict__))
- # ____________________________________________________________
- def __repr__ (self):
- if "fields" in self.__asdl_meta__:
- fields = self.__asdl_meta__["fields"]
- fields_str = ", ".join([repr(getattr(self,field[0]))
- for field in fields])
- return "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__, fields_str)
- # ______________________________________________________________________
- # Main (self-test) routine
- def main ():
- # XXX Would like the property that eval(repr(a)) == a, given the
- # definitions of AST.__eq__ and AST.__repr__. Write some tests
- # for that.
- pass
- # ______________________________________________________________________
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
- # ______________________________________________________________________
- # End of AST.py