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- # Copyright 2003-2009 by Bartek Wilczynski. All rights reserved.
- # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its
- # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included
- # as part of this package.
- """Tools for sequence motif analysis (OBSOLETE, see Bio.motifs instead).
- This module (Bio.Motif) is now obsolete, and will be deprecated and
- removed in a future release of release of Biopython. Please use the
- new module Bio.motifs instead.
- This contains the core Motif class containing various I/O methods as
- well as methods for motif comparisons and motif searching in sequences.
- It also inlcudes functionality for parsing AlignACE and MEME programs.
- """
- import warnings
- warnings.warn("The module Bio.Motif is now obsolete, and will be"
- "deprecated and removed in a future release of"
- "release of Biopython. As a replacement for Bio.Motif,"
- "please use the new module Bio.motifs instead. Please"
- "be aware that though the functionality of Bio.Motif"
- "is retained (and extended) in Bio.motifs, usage may"
- "be different.",
- PendingDeprecationWarning)
- from Bio.Motif._Motif import Motif
- from Bio.Motif.Parsers.AlignAce import read as _AlignAce_read
- from Bio.Motif.Parsers.MEME import read as _MEME_read
- from Bio.Motif.Thresholds import ScoreDistribution
- _parsers={"AlignAce" : _AlignAce_read,
- "MEME" : _MEME_read,
- }
- def _from_pfm(handle):
- return Motif()._from_jaspar_pfm(handle)
- def _from_sites(handle):
- return Motif()._from_jaspar_sites(handle)
- _readers={"jaspar-pfm": _from_pfm,
- "jaspar-sites": _from_sites
- }
- def parse(handle,format):
- """Parses an output file of motif finding programs.
- Currently supported formats:
- - AlignAce
- - MEME
- You can also use single-motif formats, although the Bio.Motif.read()
- function is simpler to use in this situation.
- - jaspar-pfm
- - jaspar-sites
- For example:
- >>> from Bio import Motif
- >>> for motif in Motif.parse(open("Motif/alignace.out"),"AlignAce"):
- ... print motif.consensus()
- """
- try:
- parser=_parsers[format]
- except KeyError:
- try: #not a true parser, try reader formats
- reader=_readers[format]
- except:
- raise ValueError("Wrong parser format")
- else: #we have a proper reader
- yield reader(handle)
- else: # we have a proper reader
- for m in parser(handle).motifs:
- yield m
- def read(handle,format):
- """Reads a motif from a handle using a specified file-format.
- This supports the same formats as Bio.Motif.parse(), but
- only for files containing exactly one record. For example,
- reading a pfm file:
- >>> from Bio import Motif
- >>> motif = Motif.read(open("Motif/SRF.pfm"),"jaspar-pfm")
- >>> motif.consensus()
- Seq('GCCCATATATGG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())
- Or a single-motif MEME file,
- >>> from Bio import Motif
- >>> motif = Motif.read(open("Motif/meme.out"),"MEME")
- >>> motif.consensus()
- Seq('CTCAATCGTA', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())
- If the handle contains no records, or more than one record,
- an exception is raised:
- >>> from Bio import Motif
- >>> motif = Motif.read(open("Motif/alignace.out"),"AlignAce")
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: More than one motif found in handle
- If however you want the first record from a file containing
- multiple records this function would raise an exception (as
- shown in the example above). Instead use:
- >>> from Bio import Motif
- >>> motif = Motif.parse(open("Motif/alignace.out"),"AlignAce").next()
- >>> motif.consensus()
- Seq('TCTACGATTGAG', IUPACUnambiguousDNA())
- Use the Bio.Motif.parse(handle, format) function if you want
- to read multiple records from the handle.
- """
- iterator = parse(handle, format)
- try:
- first = iterator.next()
- except StopIteration:
- first = None
- if first is None:
- raise ValueError("No motifs found in handle")
- try:
- second = iterator.next()
- except StopIteration:
- second = None
- if second is not None:
- raise ValueError("More than one motif found in handle")
- return first
- def _test():
- """Run the Bio.Motif module's doctests.
- This will try and locate the unit tests directory, and run the doctests
- from there in order that the relative paths used in the examples work.
- """
- import doctest
- import os
- if os.path.isdir(os.path.join("..","..","Tests")):
- print "Runing doctests..."
- cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
- os.chdir(os.path.join("..","..","Tests"))
- doctest.testmod()
- os.chdir(cur_dir)
- del cur_dir
- print "Done"
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- #Run the doctests
- _test()