ActionScript | 507 lines | 396 code | 53 blank | 58 comment | 113 complexity | ce5afe4f879907449946678eda08c3df MD5 | raw file
- /* ,----,
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- * ' .' \ / / '. ; ; /\ / \ ,`--.' | .' .' `\
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- * | | ,' `--'---' '---' : : :-' ; |.' ; : .'
- * `--'' | |.' '---' | ,.' Tyler
- * ActionScript tested rapid iterative dev `---' Copyright2010'---' Larson
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * http://www.gnu.org/licenses
- */
- package framework.display
- {
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import flash.geom.Matrix;
- import framework.display.graphics.Border;
- import framework.display.graphics.Fill;
- import framework.display.graphics.Filters;
- import framework.utils.ObjectUtils;
- import framework.utils.TypeUtils;
- import framework.tasks.TasksBase;
- import framework.debug.Log;
- import framework.components.ScrollBar;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- public class ElementBase extends Base
- {
- public static const TOP:String = "top";
- public static const MIDDLE:String = "middle";
- public static const BOTTOM:String = "bottom";
- public static const LEFT:String = "left";
- public static const RIGHT:String = "right";
- public static const WIDTH:String = "width";
- public static const HEIGHT:String = "height";
- private const DEFAULT:String = "default";
- private const BASE_PROPS:Array = [ "alpha","blendMode","buttonMode","cacheAsBitmap","doubleClickEnabled",
- "focusRect","mouseChildren","mouseEnabled","opaqueBackground","rotation",
- "rotationX","rotationY","rotationZ","scaleX","scaleY","scaleZ","tabEnabled",
- "tabIndex","useHandCursor","visible","x","y","z" ];
- // ,"height", "width" // it should be draw the width and height so you dont need to define this
- public var index:int;
- public var event:Object;
- public var afterTasks:Array = [];
- public var beforeTasks:Array = [];
- public var _currentState:String = DEFAULT;
- public var _style:Object = {"default":
- { left:0, top:0, width:"100%", height:0, position:"auto",
- background:{ type:"none", alpha:1 },
- border:{ type:"none", shape:"box", left:0, right:0, top:0, bottom:0 },
- margin:{ left:0, right:0, top:0, bottom:0 },
- padding:{ left:0, right:0, top:0, bottom:0 }}};
- public var style:Object = _style[_currentState];
- private var _computedStyles:Object;
- private var _currentAfterTask:uint = 0;
- private var _currentBeforeTask:uint = 0;
- private var _scrollbar:ScrollBar;
- private var _scrollRect:Rectangle;
- private var _rawChildren:Sprite;
- private var _components:Sprite;
- public function get currentState():String
- {
- return _currentState;
- }
- public function set currentState( value:String ):void
- {
- if( _currentState !== value ) {
- _currentState = value;
- //style = _style[_currentState];
- }
- }
- public function get computedStyles():Object
- {
- if( _computedStyles == null ) {
- _computedStyles = ObjectUtils.cloneObject( _style[_currentState] );
- }
- return _computedStyles;
- }
- public function get totalWidth() : Number
- {
- if( _computedStyles == null ) {
- _computedStyles = computedStyles;
- }
- var parentPadding:Number = 0;
- if( parent && parent.parent && parent.parent is ElementBase ) {
- parentPadding = (parent.parent as ElementBase).computedStyles.padding.left + (parent.parent as ElementBase).computedStyles.padding.right;
- }
- return _computedStyles.width + _computedStyles.margin.left + _computedStyles.margin.right + parentPadding;
- }
- public function get totalHeight() : Number
- {
- if( _computedStyles == null ) {
- _computedStyles = computedStyles;
- }
- var parentPadding:Number = 0;
- if( parent && parent.parent && parent.parent is ElementBase ) {
- parentPadding = (parent.parent as ElementBase).computedStyles.padding.top + (parent.parent as ElementBase).computedStyles.padding.bottom;
- }
- return _computedStyles.height + _computedStyles.margin.top + _computedStyles.margin.bottom + parentPadding;
- }
- public function get rawChildren() : Sprite
- {
- if( _rawChildren == null ){
- _rawChildren = new Sprite();
- addChildAt( _rawChildren, 0 );
- }
- return _rawChildren;
- }
- public function get scrollbar():ScrollBar
- {
- return _scrollbar;
- }
- public function ElementBase( styles:Object=null, events:Object=null )
- {
- super();
- // style = new Style( this, styles );
- event = events;
- // addEventListener(Parser.PARSED, updateDisplayList);
- }
- public function create( params:Object=null ) : ElementBase
- {
- if( params.styles ) {
- _style = params.styles;
- }
- event = params.events;
- return this;
- }
- public function kill( state:String=null ):void
- {
- this.state = state;
- runAfterTasks();
- }
- public function appendChild( child:DisplayObject ):DisplayObject
- {
- return super.addChild( child );
- }
- override public function addChild( child:DisplayObject ):DisplayObject
- {
- rawChildren.addChild( child );
- return child;
- }
- override protected function init():void
- {
- draw( style );
- start();
- // stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resize);
- }
- private function start( event:Event=null ):void
- {
- removeEventListener( "content", start );
- runBeforeTasks();
- }
- public function draw( style:Object ):void
- {
- graphics.clear();
- cleanStyle();
- Position[ _computedStyles.position||"auto" ]( parent.parent, this );
- // Set all of the base sprite properties
- for each( var prop:String in BASE_PROPS ) {
- if( _computedStyles.hasOwnProperty(prop) ) {
- this[prop] = _computedStyles[prop];
- } }
- x = _computedStyles.left;
- y = _computedStyles.top;
- if( _computedStyles.hasOwnProperty( "mask" ) ) {
- mask = parent.getChildByName( _computedStyles.mask );
- }
- if( _computedStyles.hasOwnProperty("hitArea") ) {
- hitArea = parent.getChildByName( _computedStyles.hitArea ) as Sprite;
- }
- // Draw eveything
- drawBorder();
- graphics.endFill()
- if( _computedStyles.hasOwnProperty("scrollRect") ){
- var scrollArr:Array = _computedStyles.scrollRect.split(",");
- scrollRect = new Rectangle(parseFloat(scrollArr[0]),parseFloat(scrollArr[1]),
- parseFloat(scrollArr[2]),parseFloat(scrollArr[3]));
- }
- if( _computedStyles.hasOwnProperty("scale9Grid") ){
- var scaleArr:Array = _computedStyles.scale9Grid.split(",");
- scale9Grid = new Rectangle(parseFloat(scaleArr[0]),parseFloat(scaleArr[1]),
- parseFloat(scaleArr[2]),parseFloat(scaleArr[3]));
- }
- if( _computedStyles.hasOwnProperty("overflow") &&
- _computedStyles.overflow != "visible" && _computedStyles.overflow != "auto" ) {
- scrollRect = new Rectangle(0,0,_computedStyles.width,_computedStyles.height);
- }
- // TODO: Figure out how to define filters in CSS so that they can be parsed
- // Filters.applyFilters( this, _computedStyles );
- setScroll();
- dispatchEvent( new Event( "drawn" ) );
- // // Log.debug(name, parent.name, _computedStyles.width, _computedStyles.height);
- }
- private function drawBorder():void
- {
- // left right top bottom
- var border:Object = _computedStyles.border;
- if( border != null ) {
- // This only supports solid borders for now
- if( border.color == null) {
- border.alpha = 0;
- }
- if( border.color != null && border.color != undefined && border.alpha == undefined ) {
- border.alpha = 1;
- }
- graphics.beginFill( border.color||0, border.alpha );
- if( border.top && border.right && border.bottom && border.left ) {
- drawShape( 0, 0, _computedStyles.width, _computedStyles.height );
- }
- // shape
- drawBackground();
- drawShape( border.left, border.top,
- _computedStyles.width - border.left - border.right,
- _computedStyles.height - border.top - border.bottom);
- }
- }
- private function drawShape( x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number ):void
- {
- if( _computedStyles.border.shape == null || _computedStyles.border.shape == "box" || _computedStyles.border.shape == "Rect" ) {
- graphics.drawRect( x, y, width, height );
- }else if( _computedStyles.border.shape == "Ellipse" ){
- graphics.drawEllipse( x, y, width, height);
- }else if( _computedStyles.border.shape == "RoundRect" ){
- graphics.drawRoundRect( x, y, width, height, _computedStyles.border.radius, _computedStyles.border.radius);
- }else if( _computedStyles.border.shape == "RoundRectComplex" ){
- graphics.drawRoundRectComplex( x, y, width, height,
- _computedStyles.border.topLeftRadius, _computedStyles.border.topRightRadius,
- _computedStyles.border.bottomLeftRadius, _computedStyles.border.bottomRightRadius );
- }
- }
- private function drawBackground():void
- {
- if( _computedStyles.background == null )
- _computedStyles.background = {};
- if( _computedStyles.background.type == null || _computedStyles.background.type == "none" ) {
- return;
- }else if( _computedStyles.background.type == "gradient" ) {
- gradient();
- //}else if( _computedStyles.background.type == "bitmap" ) {
- // image(); // TODO: bitmap
- }else{
- solid();
- }
- }
- private function solid() :void
- {
- if( _computedStyles.background.color == null ) {
- _computedStyles.background.color = uint(Math.random()*0xFFFFFF)
- }
- graphics.beginFill( _computedStyles.background.color, _computedStyles.background.alpha||1 );
- }
- /* The width and height of the gradients matrix are based on percentages not pixels */
- private function gradient() :void
- {
- var _gradient:Object = _computedStyles.background.gradient;
- var item:String
- for( item in _gradient.colors ) {
- _gradient.colors[item] = parseInt(_gradient.colors[item].split("#").join(""),16);
- }
- if( _gradient.alphas == null ) {
- _gradient.alphas = [];
- for( item in _gradient.colors ) { _gradient.alphas.push(1); }
- }else{
- for( item in _gradient.alphas ) {
- _gradient.alphas[item] = parseFloat(_gradient.alphas[item]);
- }
- }
- if( _gradient.ratios == null ){
- _gradient.ratios = [];
- for( var i:String in _gradient.colors ) {
- _gradient.ratios.push((255/(_gradient.colors.length-1))*int(i));
- }
- }else{
- for( item in _gradient.ratios ) {
- _gradient.ratios[item] = parseInt(_gradient.ratios[item]);
- }
- }
- var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
- var matrixValues:Array = [0,0,90,100,100];
- if( _gradient.matrix == null ){
- _gradient.matrix = matrixValues;
- }else if( _gradient.matrix.length != 5 ){
- var matrixProps:Array = ["x","y","rotation","width","height"];
- var count:int = 0;
- for each( var prop:String in matrixProps ){
- if( _gradient.matrix[prop] == null ) {
- _gradient.matrix[prop] = matrixValues[count];
- }
- count++;
- }
- }
- matrix.createGradientBox(
- ( _computedStyles.width*.01 ) * (_gradient.matrix[3]||100),
- ( _computedStyles.height*.01 ) * (_gradient.matrix[4]||100),
- ( ( _gradient.matrix[2]||90 )/180 )*Math.PI,
- _gradient.matrix[0]||0, _gradient.matrix[1]||0 );
- graphics.beginGradientFill(
- _gradient.kind||"linear",
- _gradient.colors,
- _gradient.alphas,
- _gradient.ratios,
- matrix,
- _gradient.spreadMethod||"pad",
- _gradient.interpolationMethod||"rgb",
- parseInt(_gradient.focalPointRatio) );
- }
- public function redraw():void
- {
- draw( style );
- }
- public function updateDisplayList(event:Event=null):void
- {
- var isChanged:Boolean = false;
- var lastChild:ElementBase
- if( totalWidth > _computedStyles.width ) {
- if( getChildAt(parent.getChildIndex(this)-1) is ElementBase ){
- lastChild = getChildAt(parent.getChildIndex(this)-1) as ElementBase
- style.width = width + totalWidth - _computedStyles.width + (parent as ElementBase).computedStyles.padding.right +
- lastChild.computedStyles.margin.right;
- }else{
- style.width = totalWidth + (parent as ElementBase).computedStyles.padding.right;
- }
- _computedStyles.width = style.width;
- isChanged = true;
- }
- if( totalHeight > _computedStyles.height ) {
- if( getChildAt(parent.getChildIndex(this)-1) is ElementBase ){
- lastChild = getChildAt(parent.getChildIndex(this)-1) as ElementBase;
- style.height = height + totalHeight - _computedStyles.height + (parent as ElementBase).computedStyles.padding.bottom +
- lastChild.computedStyles.margin.bottom;
- }else{
- style.height = totalHeight + (parent as ElementBase).computedStyles.padding.bottom;
- }
- _computedStyles.height = style.height;
- isChanged = true;
- }
- //if( isChanged ) redraw();
- }
- private function setScroll() : void
- {
- if( _computedStyles.overflow == "auto" || _computedStyles.overflow == "scroll" || _computedStyles.overflow == "scrollX" || _computedStyles.overflow == "scrollY" ) {
- if( !_scrollbar ){
- _scrollbar = new ScrollBar( this, rawChildren, _computedStyles, _computedStyles.overflow );
- appendChild( _scrollbar );
- }
- if( stage && _scrollbar ) {
- stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _scrollbar.updateScroller);
- }
- }
- }
- public function setProperties() : void
- {
- const props:Array = ["x", "y", WIDTH, HEIGHT, "alpha","rotation","scaleX","scaleY","visible","cacheAsBitmap","buttonMode",
- "mouseChildren","mouseEnabled","focusRect","blendMode","rotationX","rotationY","rotationZ","scaleZ","z"];
- const propsLength:int = props.length;
- for each(var prop:String in props){
- if( style[ prop ] ) {
- this[ prop ] = style[ prop ]
- }
- }
- }
- /* public function resize( event:Event=null ):void
- {
- redraw()
- }*/
- private function runBeforeTasks( event:Event=null ):void
- {
- if( beforeTasks.length != 0 && _currentBeforeTask != beforeTasks.length ){
- var task:TasksBase = beforeTasks[_currentBeforeTask];
- task.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, runBeforeTasks );
- task.start( this );
- _currentBeforeTask++;
- }else{
- _currentBeforeTask = 0;
- dispatchEvent( new Event( "running" ) );
- }
- }
- private function runAfterTasks( event:Event=null ):void
- {
- if( afterTasks.length != 0 && _currentAfterTask != afterTasks.length ){
- var task:TasksBase = afterTasks[_currentAfterTask];
- task.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, runAfterTasks );
- task.start( this );
- _currentAfterTask++;
- }else{
- deleted( state );
- }
- }
- private function trash( state:String=null ):void
- {
- this.state = state;
- runAfterTasks();
- dispatchEvent(new Event( "trashed" ) );
- }
- private function deleted( state:String=null ):void
- {
- destroy();
- dispatchEvent(new Event( "deleted" ) );
- }
- private function cleanStyle(state:String="default") : void
- {
- _computedStyles = ObjectUtils.cloneObject( _style[_currentState] );
- for each( var prop:String in BASE_PROPERTIES ){
- if( _computedStyles[prop] is String ){
- var w:*;
- var h:*;
- if( parent.parent is ElementBase ) {
- w = ElementBase(parent.parent).computedStyles.width;
- h = ElementBase(parent.parent).computedStyles.height;
- }else{
- w = parent.parent.width;
- h = parent.parent.height;
- }
- //// Log.debug(w,h, name)
- if( prop == "x" || prop == WIDTH ){
- _computedStyles[prop] = TypeUtils.percentToNumber( _computedStyles[prop], w );
- }else{
- _computedStyles[prop] = TypeUtils.percentToNumber( _computedStyles[prop], h );
- }
- }else if( _computedStyles[prop] == null ){
- _computedStyles[prop] = 0;
- /*
- if( prop == LEFT || prop == TOP ){
- _computedStyles[prop] = 0;
- }else if( prop == WIDTH ){
- _computedStyles[prop] = w;
- }else{
- _computedStyles[prop] = 0;
- }
- */
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }