ActionScript | 442 lines | 309 code | 53 blank | 80 comment | 83 complexity | bedc30e1cbdd38ee4d936f8885825aef MD5 | raw file
- /* ,----,
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- * ActionScript tested rapid iterative dev `---' Copyright2010'---' Larson
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * http://www.gnu.org/licenses
- */
- package framework.controller
- {
- import com.asual.swfaddress.SWFAddress;
- import com.asual.swfaddress.SWFAddressEvent;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
- import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
- import framework.cache.Cache;
- import framework.config.Boot;
- import framework.events.ControllerEvent;
- import framework.events.ViewEvent;
- import framework.net.Assets;
- import framework.net.Asset;
- import framework.view.RendererBase;
- import framework.data.UndoRedo;
- [Event(name='contextNotFound', type='flash.events.Event')]
- [Event(name='methodNotFound', type='flash.events.Event')]
- /**
- * Your applications trafic cop, the controller will manage calling
- * the applications contexts that are mapped though Routes.
- */
- public class Controller extends EventDispatcher
- {
- public static const TEMP_DISABLE:String = "tempDisable";
- public static const DEEPLINKING_ON:String = "deeplinkingOn";
- public static const DEEPLINKING_OFF:String = "deeplinkingOff";
- public static const CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND:String = "contextNotFound";
- public static const METHOD_NOT_FOUND:String = "methodNotFound";
- public static const DEFAULT_METHOD:String = "index";
- public var contexts:Object = {};
- public var viewBase:String = "assets/context/";
- public var viewExtension:String = ".html";
- public var currentRoute:Object;
- public var currentContext:String;
- public var currentMethod:String;
- public var currentParams:Object;
- public var currentViewData:Object;
- public var currentView:RendererBase;
- public var started:Boolean;
- // separators
- private static const PATH_SEPARATOR:String = "|";
- private static const SLASH:String = "/";
- private static const DOT:String = ".";
- private static const QUESTION:String = "?";
- private static const AND:String = "&";
- private static const EQUALS:String = "=";
- private static const COLON:String = ":";
- private var _assets:Assets;
- private var _routes:Routes;
- private var _container:Boot; // Container must be class that extends Sprite
- private var _deeplinking:String = DEEPLINKING_ON;
- private var _tracking:Function;
- private var _pathParts:Array;
- private var _pathPartIndex:int;
- private var _currentPathPart:int;
- private var _history:UndoRedo;
- /**
- * @param routes Routes
- * @param container Sprite
- * @param deeplinking String
- * @param tracking Function
- */
- public function Controller( container:Boot, routes:Routes, assets:Assets, deeplinking:String=DEEPLINKING_ON, tracking:Function=null ):void
- {
- super();
- _container = container;
- _routes = routes;
- _deeplinking = deeplinking;
- _tracking = tracking;
- _assets = assets;
- _history = new UndoRedo();
- addEventListener( ControllerEvent.REDIRECT, redirectEvent );
- if( _container.parent == null ) {
- _container.addEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, start );
- }
- }
- public function get assets():Assets
- {
- return _assets;
- }
- public function get container():Boot
- {
- return _container;
- }
- public function set deeplinking(value:String):void
- {
- _deeplinking = value;
- }
- public function get deeplinking():String
- {
- return _deeplinking;
- }
- public function set tracking(value:Function):void
- {
- _tracking = value;
- }
- public function get tracking():Function
- {
- return _tracking;
- }
- public function add( ...classes ):void
- {
- for each( var clazz:Class in classes ) {
- var instance:ContextBase = new clazz();
- instance.setup( this );
- contexts[ instance.name ] = instance;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Start your application when everything is loaded
- * @param event Event, optional
- */
- public function start(event:Event=null):void
- {
- if( _deeplinking == DEEPLINKING_ON ){
- SWFAddress.addEventListener(SWFAddressEvent.CHANGE, onAddressChange);
- }else{
- redirectTo("");
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param path String
- * @param params Object
- */
- public function redirectTo(path:String, params:Object=null):void
- {
- if( path.indexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR) != -1 ){
- _pathParts = path.split(PATH_SEPARATOR);
- _pathPartIndex = 0;
- currentParams = params;
- nextPart();
- }else{
- redirectToPart(path,params);
- }
- _history.add( { path:path, params:params } );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * @param path String
- * @param params Object
- */
- private function redirectToPart( path:String, params:Object=null ):void
- {
- currentContext = null;
- currentParams = params||{};
- if( path.charAt(0) == SLASH ) { // strip out leading slash
- path = path.substr(1);
- }
- var pathParts:Array = breakPathUp( path );
- var isMatch:Boolean;
- var chosenRoute:Object;
- var chosenContext:String;
- var chosenMethod:String;
- routesLoop : for each( var route:Object in _routes.cache ){
- var matchingParts:Array = [];
- var routeParts:Array = breakPathUp( route.name, true );
- var matchingContexts:Array = [];
- if( routeParts.toString() == "" && pathParts.toString() == "" ) {
- chosenRoute = route;
- chosenContext = route.options.context;
- chosenMethod = route.options.method;
- isMatch = true;
- break routesLoop;
- }else if( pathParts.toString() == "" ){
- continue;
- }
- pathPartLoop : for each( var pathPart:String in pathParts ){
- var partsCount:int = 0;
- routePartLoop: for each( var routePart:String in routeParts ){
- if( partsCount > pathParts.length ) {
- if( chosenContext != null ) {
- isMatch = true;
- break pathPartLoop;
- }
- }
- partsCount++
- var contextName:String;
- if( routePart.charAt(0) == COLON ){
- if( (routePart == ":context" || routePart == ":controller" ) && contexts.hasOwnProperty( pathPart ) != -1 ) {
- contextName = pathPart;
- matchingContexts.push( contextName );
- chosenContext = contextName;
- chosenRoute = route;
- }else if( routePart == ":method" || routePart == ":action" ){
- for each( contextName in matchingContexts ){
- if( contexts[contextName] && contexts[contextName].hasOwnProperty( pathPart.split(COLON).join("") ) ){
- chosenContext = contextName;
- chosenMethod = pathPart.split(COLON).join("");
- chosenRoute = route;
- isMatch = true;
- break routePartLoop;
- }
- }
- }else{
- currentParams[routePart.split(COLON).join("")] = pathPart;
- }
- }else if( pathPart == routePart ){
- matchingParts.push( pathPart );
- if( matchingParts.length == routeParts.length ) {
- contextName = route.options.context;
- chosenContext = contextName;
- chosenMethod = route.options.method;
- chosenRoute = route;
- isMatch = true;
- break routePartLoop;
- }
- }else{// Should be continue routesLoop; but this doesn't work in some version of the flash player
- isMatch = false;
- break routePartLoop;
- }
- }
- }
- if( isMatch ){
- break routesLoop;
- }
- }
- if( chosenRoute ) {
- for( var prop:String in chosenRoute.options ) {
- if( currentParams[prop] == null ){
- currentParams[prop] = chosenRoute.options[prop];
- }
- }
- }
- if( chosenContext == null ){
- contextName = "missing";
- chosenContext = contexts[contextName];
- // Debug.log( "MissingContext:", path );
- dispatchEvent( new Event( CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND ) );
- }
- currentContext = chosenContext;
- currentParams.context = currentContext;
- if( chosenMethod == null ){
- chosenMethod = DEFAULT_METHOD;
- // Debug.log( "MissingMethod:", path );
- dispatchEvent( new Event( METHOD_NOT_FOUND ) );
- }
- currentMethod = chosenMethod;
- currentParams.method = currentMethod;
- if( currentParams.content != null && contexts[currentContext] && contexts[currentContext][currentMethod] is Function ) {
- currentViewData = {data:currentParams.content};
- contexts[currentContext][currentMethod]( currentParams ); // call method on context
- started = true;
- }else if( currentParams.content == null ) {
- currentViewData = _assets.add( viewBase + currentContext + SLASH + currentMethod + viewExtension );
- currentViewData.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, onViewLoaded );
- currentViewData.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onViewNoFound );
- _assets.load();
- }
- currentRoute = chosenRoute;
- // trace( "redirect", path, contextName, currentMethod, currentParams );
- }
- public function back():void
- {
- var result:Object = _history.undo();
- if( result != null ) {
- redirectTo( result.path, result.params );
- }
- }
- public function forward():void
- {
- var result:Object = _history.redo();
- if( result != null ) {
- redirectTo( result.path, result.params );
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * @param event Event
- */
- private function nextPart(event:Event=null):void
- {
- if( hasEventListener(ViewEvent.RENDERED) ){
- removeEventListener( ViewEvent.RENDERED, nextPart );
- _currentPathPart++;
- }
- if( _pathParts.length > _pathPartIndex && _pathParts[_pathPartIndex] != "" ) {
- redirectToPart( _pathParts[_pathPartIndex], currentParams );
- addEventListener( ViewEvent.RENDERED, nextPart );
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * @param event Event
- */
- private function onAddressChange(event:Event):void
- {
- if( _deeplinking == DEEPLINKING_ON ) {
- redirectTo( SWFAddress.getValue() || "" );
- }else if( _deeplinking == TEMP_DISABLE ) {
- _deeplinking == DEEPLINKING_ON;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * @param event ControllerEvent
- */
- private function redirectEvent(event:ControllerEvent):void
- {
- redirectTo( event.path, event.params );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * @param event Event
- */
- private function onViewLoaded( event:Event ):void
- {
- event.target.removeEventListener( "removed", onViewNoFound );
- event.target.removeEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, onViewLoaded );
- currentParams.content = event.target.data;
- if( contexts[currentContext] != null && contexts[currentContext][currentMethod] != null ) {
- contexts[currentContext][currentMethod]( currentParams ); // call method on context
- }else{
- trace("missing context", currentContext, currentMethod );
- }
- started = true;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * @param event Event
- */
- private function onViewNoFound( event:Event ):void
- {
- event.target.removeEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onViewNoFound );
- event.target.removeEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, onViewLoaded );
- contexts[currentContext][currentMethod]( currentParams ); // call method on context
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * @param path String
- * @param temp Boolean
- * @return Array
- */
- private function breakPathUp( path:String, temp:Boolean=false ):Array
- {
- var parts:Array = path.split("?");
- var locationString:String = parts[0];
- var paramsString:String = parts[1];
- var result:Array = locationString.split( SLASH );
- var lastItem:String = result[ result.length - 1 ];
- if( lastItem == "" ) {
- result.pop();
- }
- var formatIndex:int = lastItem.indexOf( DOT );
- if( formatIndex != -1 ) {
- result[ result.length - 1 ] = lastItem.substr(0,formatIndex);
- result.push( DOT + lastItem.substr(formatIndex) );
- }
- if( paramsString != null && !temp ){
- var params:Array = paramsString.split(AND);
- for each( var param:String in params ) {
- var paramsParts:Array = param.split(EQUALS)
- currentParams[paramsParts[0]] = paramsParts[1];
- }
- }
- if(result.length == 0) {
- result.push("")
- }
- return result;
- }
- }
- }