ActionScript | 472 lines | 313 code | 44 blank | 115 comment | 121 complexity | 73b0a6e8c9c59821f061066a11918bd4 MD5 | raw file
- /* ,----,
- * ,/ .`|
- * ,---, .--.--. ,` .' :,-.----. ,---, ,---,
- * ' .' \ / / '. ; ; /\ / \ ,`--.' | .' .' `\
- * / ; '. | : /`. /.'___,/ ,' ; : \ | : :,---.' \
- * : : \ ; | |--` | : | | | .\ : : | '| | .`\ |
- * : | /\ \| : ;_ ; |.'; ; . : |: | | : |: : | ' |
- * | : ' ;. :\ \ `.`----' | | | | \ : ' ' ;| ' ' ; :
- * | | ;/ \ \`----. \ ' : ; | : . / | | |' | ; . |
- * ' : | \ \ ,'__ \ \ | | | ' ; | | \ ' : ;| | : | '
- * | | ' '--' / /`--' / ' : | | | ;\ \| | '' : | / ;
- * | : : '--'. / ; |.' : ' | \.'' : || | '` ,/
- * | | ,' `--'---' '---' : : :-' ; |.' ; : .'
- * `--'' | |.' '---' | ,.' Tyler
- * ActionScript tested rapid iterative dev `---' Copyright2010'---' Larson
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * http://www.gnu.org/licenses
- */
- package framework.display
- {
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.geom.Matrix;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import framework.view.html.Element;
- import framework.utils.TypeUtils;
- import framework.debug.Log;
- public final class Position
- {
- private static const COMPUTED_STYLES:String = "computedStyles";
- private static const MARGIN:String = "margin";
- private static const PADDING:String = "padding";
- // private var current:Object = {top:0, bottom:0};
- // private var floatLeft:Object = {left:0, right:0, top:0, bottom:0};
- // private var floatRight:Object = {left:0, right:0, top:0, bottom:0};
- public function Position()
- {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * This is a very simple implimentation of absolute positioning, floats, margins, padding and so on need to be added back into this. I might want to make these bit of functionality modular so that all of the positioning methods can use them.
- * You can instanciate this from css by saying positioning:absolute;
- */
- public static function absolute( parentElement:Sprite, element:ElementBase ) : void
- {
- // TODO: pass in reference to frame, need scope to the highest thing
- //var appContainer:ApplicationContainer = ApplicationContainer.instance;
- //var local:Point = element.localToGlobal( new Point(appContainer.main.x, appContainer.main.y) );
- //element.x = -(local.x - element.style.x);
- //element.y = -(local.y - element.style.y);
- }
- /**
- * Auto is the default mode of positioning anything, it mirrors the standard way that HTML positions elements.
- * Currently this method impliments, margins(numbers, percents, 'auto'), padding(numbers, percents), float(left, right), clear(left, right, both), inline, text-align
- * There are still many things that need to be refined but it is pretty close to the way that a browser would handle positioning
- * Still TODO: z-index,
- */
- public static function auto( parentElement:Sprite, element:ElementBase ) : void
- {
- const paddingAddsToSize:Boolean = true;
- const marginSubtractsFromSize:Boolean = true;
- // end settings
- var parent:*
- var parentStyle:Object;
- var parentWidth:Number;
- var parentHeight:Number;
- var parentPadding:Object
- if( parentElement is ElementBase ) {
- parent = parentElement as ElementBase;
- parentStyle = parent.computedStyles;
- parentWidth = parentStyle.width;
- parentHeight = parentStyle.height;
- parentPadding = parentStyle.padding||{top:0, right:0, bottom:0, left:0};
- }else{
- /* // Dont need to position something that is not an elementBase
- parent = parentElement;
- parentWidth = parentElement.width;
- parentHeight = parentElement.height;
- parentPadding = {top:0, right:0, bottom:0, left:0};
- */
- return
- }
- var style:Object = element.computedStyles;
- var x:Number = style.left;
- var y:Number = style.top;
- var width:Number = style.width;
- var height:Number = style.height;
- var center:Number = ( parentWidth - parentPadding.left - parentPadding.right ) / 2;
- var middle:Number = ( parentHeight - parentPadding.top - parentPadding.bottom ) / 2;
- var standardItems:Array = [];
- var floatedItems:Array = [];
- var floatedLeft:Array = [];
- var floatRight:Array = [];
- var tableCells:Array = [];
- var tableRows:Array = [];
- var lastChildRect:Rectangle
- var lastChildMargin:Object
- // table related variables
- var definedWidth:Number = 0;
- var widthPadding:Number = 0;
- var widthMargin:Number = 0;
- var numDefinedWidth:int = 0;
- var definedHeight:Number = 0;
- var heightPadding:Number = 0;
- var heightMargin:Number = 0;
- var numDefinedHeight:int = 0;
- // display:none;
- if( style.display == "none" ){
- style.width = 0;
- style.height = 0;
- element.visible = false;
- }
- // Changes depths of items based on there properties, floats are above. I'm not sure if this is correct.
- for( var h:int = 0; h < element.parent.numChildren; h++ ){
- var currentItem:* = element.parent.getChildAt( h );
- if( currentItem.hasOwnProperty(COMPUTED_STYLES) ){
- if( currentItem.computedStyles.display == "table-cell" ){
- tableCells.push( currentItem );
- }else if( currentItem.computedStyles.display == "table-row" ){
- tableRows.push( currentItem );
- }else if( currentItem.computedStyles.hasOwnProperty("float") ) {
- if( currentItem.computedStyles.float == "left"){
- floatedLeft.push( currentItem );
- floatedItems.push( currentItem );
- }
- else if( currentItem.computedStyles.float == "right") {
- floatRight.push( currentItem );
- floatedItems.push( currentItem );
- }
- }else{
- standardItems.push( currentItem );
- }
- }else{
- standardItems.push( currentItem );
- }
- }
- var depthCount:int = 0;
- for each( var depthItem:* in standardItems ){
- element.parent.addChildAt(depthItem, depthCount);
- depthCount++;
- }
- for each( depthItem in floatedItems ){
- element.parent.addChildAt(depthItem, depthCount)
- depthCount++
- }
- // get the last child, we need to find out if we are the first element or need to be position relative to others
- if( element.parent.getChildIndex( element ) != 0 ) {
- var lastChildIndex:int = element.parent.getChildIndex( element ) - 1;
- var lastChild:* = element.parent.getChildAt( lastChildIndex );
- //// Log.debug(element.parent.numChildren, lastChildIndex, lastChild.name)
- for each( var child:ElementBase in element.parent ){
- if( child.index == ( element.index - 1 ) ) {
- lastChildIndex = child.index;
- lastChild = child;
- }
- }
- /*
- for( var i:int = element.parent.numChildren-1; i>= 0; i-- ){
- if( lastChild.hasOwnProperty(COMPUTED_STYLES) && !lastChild.computedStyles.hasOwnProperty("float") ){
- lastChild = element.parent.getChildAt( lastChildIndex );
- lastChildIndex--;
- if()
- break;
- }
- }
- */
- if( lastChild.hasOwnProperty(COMPUTED_STYLES) && !lastChild.computedStyles.hasOwnProperty("float") ){
- lastChildRect = new Rectangle(lastChild.x, lastChild.y, lastChild.computedStyles.width||lastChild.width, lastChild.computedStyles.height||lastChild.height)
- if( lastChild.computedStyles.hasOwnProperty(MARGIN) )
- lastChildMargin = {left:lastChild.computedStyles.margin.left, right:lastChild.computedStyles.margin.right, bottom:lastChild.computedStyles.margin.bottom, top:lastChild.computedStyles.margin.top}
- else
- lastChildMargin = {left:0, right:0, bottom:0, top:0};
- }else{
- lastChildRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
- lastChildMargin = {left:0, right:0, bottom:0, top:0};
- }
- }
- // implement clear
- var clearLeft:Boolean = false;
- var clearRight:Boolean = false;
- if( style.clear == "left" ) {
- clearLeft = true;
- }else if( style.clear == "both" || style.clear == "right" ) {
- clearRight = true;
- }
- if( element.parent.getChildIndex( element ) != 0 ) {
- var lastClearChild:* = element.parent.getChildAt( element.parent.getChildIndex( element ) - 1 );
- if( lastClearChild.hasOwnProperty(COMPUTED_STYLES) && ( lastClearChild.computedStyles.clear == "right" || lastClearChild.computedStyles.clear == "both" ) && int(lastClearChild.computedStyles.left) >= int(style.left) ){
- clearRight = true;
- }
- }
- if( style.hasOwnProperty(MARGIN) == false ) {
- style.margin = {left:0, right:0, bottom:0, top:0};
- }
- if( style.hasOwnProperty(PADDING) == false ) {
- style.padding = {left:0, right:0, bottom:0, top:0};
- }
- if( parent.computedStyles.hasOwnProperty(PADDING) == false ){
- parent.computedStyles.padding = {left:0, right:0, bottom:0, top:0};
- }
- if( style.display == "inline" || style.display == "inline-block" ){
- if( style.textAlign == "center" ){
- style.left = center - style.width/2;
- if( element.parent.getChildIndex( element ) == 0 ){
- style.left = parent.computedStyles.padding.top + style.margin.top + style.top;
- }else{
- style.top = lastChildRect.y - lastChildMargin.top + lastChildMargin.bottom + lastChildRect.height + style.margin.top + style.top;
- }
- }else if(style.textAlign == "right"){
- if( element.parent.getChildIndex( element ) == 0 ){
- style.left = parent.computedStyles.width - parent.computedStyles.padding.right - style.width - style.margin.right;
- style.top = parent.computedStyles.padding.top + style.top + style.margin.top;
- }else{
- if( lastChildRect.x - lastChildMargin.left - style.width - style.margin.right > 0 ){
- style.left = lastChildRect.x - lastChildMargin.left - style.width - style.margin.right;
- style.top = lastChildRect.y;
- }else{ // else wrap to next line
- style.left = parent.computedStyles.width - parent.computedStyles.padding.right - style.width - style.margin.right;
- style.top = style.top + style.margin.top + lastChildRect.y + lastChildRect.height + lastChildMargin.bottom;
- }
- }
- }else{ // left
- if( element.parent.getChildIndex( element ) == 0 ){
- style.left = parent.computedStyles.padding.left + style.margin.left + style.left;
- style.top = parent.computedStyles.padding.top + style.top + style.margin.top;
- }else{
- if( lastChildRect.x + lastChildRect.width + lastChildMargin.right + style.width + style.margin.left < parent.computedStyles.width ){
- style.left = lastChildRect.x + lastChildRect.width + lastChildMargin.right + style.margin.left;
- style.top = lastChildRect.y;
- }else{ // else wrap to next line
- style.left = parent.computedStyles.padding.left + style.margin.left + style.left;
- style.top = style.top + style.margin.top + lastChildRect.y + lastChildRect.height + lastChildMargin.bottom;
- }
- }
- }
- }else if( style.display == "table-cell" ){ // style.display == "table-row" ||
- for each( var item:Element in tableCells ){
- if( item.style.width ) {
- definedWidth += item.computedStyles.width;
- widthPadding += item.computedStyles.padding.left + item.computedStyles.padding.right;
- widthMargin += item.computedStyles.margin.left + item.computedStyles.margin.right;
- numDefinedHeight++;
- }
- if( item.style.height ){
- definedHeight += item.computedStyles.height;
- heightPadding += item.computedStyles.padding.top + item.computedStyles.padding.bottom;
- heightMargin += item.computedStyles.margin.top + item.computedStyles.margin.bottom;
- numDefinedHeight++;
- }
- }
- var tableWidth:Number = parent.computedStyles.width - parent.computedStyles.padding.left - parent.computedStyles.padding.right;
- var tableHeight:Number = parent.totalHeight;
- /*
- if( tableHeight < style.height )
- tableHeight = style.height;
- if( tableHeight == 0 )
- tableHeight = 100;
- */
- /*
- var isColumn:Boolean
- if( parent is ElementBase && parent.computedStyles.display == "table-cell" ) {
- if( parent.parent && parent.parent.parent is ElementBase && parent.parent.parent.computedStyles.display == "table-cell" ) {
- isColumn = false;
- }else{
- isColumn = true;
- }
- }else{
- isColumn = false;
- }
- */
- style.width = (tableWidth - widthPadding - widthMargin)/( tableCells.length - numDefinedWidth );
- //style.height = (tableHeight)/( tableCells.length - numDefinedHeight );
- // - heightPadding - heightMargin
- if( element.parent.getChildIndex(element) == 0 ) {
- style.left = style.margin.left;
- style.top = style.margin.top;
- }else{
- var lastCell:Element = element.parent.getChildAt(element.parent.getChildIndex(element) - 1) as Element;
- style.left = lastCell.x + lastCell.computedStyles.width + lastCell.computedStyles.margin.right + style.margin.left;
- style.top = lastCell.y;
- }
- /*
- if( isColumn ) {
- }else{
- if( element.parent.getChildIndex( element ) == 0 ){
- style.left = parent.computedStyles.padding.left + style.margin.left + style.left;
- style.top = parent.computedStyles.padding.top + style.top + style.margin.top;
- }else{
- style.left = parent.computedStyles.padding.left + style.margin.left + style.left;
- style.top = style.margin.top + lastChildRect.y + lastChildRect.height + lastChildMargin.bottom;
- }
- }
- */
- //// Log.debug(style.left, lastCell.x, lastCell.computedStyles.width, lastCell.computedStyles.margin.right, style.margin.left)
- }else{ // if( style.display == "block" || style.display == "table" ) // I dont know what layout options a table has over a block, for now I'm going to say they are the same
- if( element.parent.getChildIndex( element ) == 0 ){
- style.left = parent.computedStyles.padding.left + style.margin.left + TypeUtils.cleanNumber( element.style.left, parentWidth ); // style.left;
- style.top = parent.computedStyles.padding.top + style.margin.top + TypeUtils.cleanNumber( element.style.top, parentHeight ); // style.top;
- }else{
- style.left = parent.computedStyles.padding.left + style.margin.left + TypeUtils.cleanNumber( element.style.left||0, parentWidth ); // style.left;
- style.top = style.margin.top + lastChildRect.y + lastChildRect.height + lastChildMargin.bottom;
- }
- // // Log.debug("lastChildRect", lastChildRect.height, lastChildRect.y)
- // margin auto
- if(style.margin.left == "auto" || style.margin.right == "auto"){
- style.left = center - style.width/2;
- }
- if(style.margin.top == "auto" || style.margin.bottom == "auto"){
- style.top = middle - style.height/2;
- }
- // vertical-align
- if( style.verticalAlign == "middle" ){
- style.top = middle - style.margin.top;
- }else if( style.verticalAlign == "bottom" ){
- style.top = parent.computedStyles.height - parent.computedStyles.padding.bottom - style.margin.bottom;
- }else{
- if( element.parent.getChildIndex( element ) == 0 )
- style.top = style.margin.top + style.padding.top + style.top;
- else{
- /*
- if( lastChildRect.x + lastChildRect.width + par.parent.clean.padding.left + n.margin.left + lastChild.clean.padding.right + par.parent.clean.padding.right < par.parent.clean.width ){
- }else{
- }
- */
- }
- }
- var lastFloatIndex:Number;
- var currentLoopIndex:int;
- var lastFloatRect:Rectangle;
- var lastFloatMargin:Object;
- var lastFloatPadding:Object;
- var largestRightFloatY:Number;
- var lastFloat:*;
- var lastFloat2:*;
- var floatCount:int = 0;
- var floatIndex:int = 0;
- var i:int;
- if( style.float == "right" ){
- if( element.parent.getChildIndex( element ) == 0 ){
- style.left = parent.computedStyles.width - parent.computedStyles.padding.right - style.width - style.margin.right;
- style.top = parent.computedStyles.padding.top + style.margin.top;
- }else{
- // figure out what the last floated element is.
- lastFloatIndex = element.parent.getChildIndex( element );
- floatIndex = floatRight.indexOf(element);
- lastFloat = floatRight[ floatIndex - 1 ];
- if( lastFloat.computedStyles.clear == "right" || lastFloat.computedStyles.clear == "both" ){
- clearRight = true;
- }
- if(floatIndex != 0){
- lastFloatRect = new Rectangle(lastFloat.x, lastFloat.y , lastFloat.computedStyles.width, lastFloat.computedStyles.height)
- lastFloatMargin = {left:lastFloat.computedStyles.margin.left, right:lastFloat.computedStyles.margin.right, top:lastFloat.computedStyles.margin.top, bottom:lastFloat.computedStyles.margin.bottom}
- lastFloatPadding = {left:lastFloat.computedStyles.padding.left, right:lastFloat.computedStyles.padding.right, top:lastFloat.computedStyles.padding.top, bottom:lastFloat.computedStyles.padding.bottom}
- }else{
- lastFloatRect = new Rectangle(parent.computedStyles.width - parent.computedStyles.padding.right, parent.computedStyles.padding.top, lastFloat.computedStyles.width, lastFloat.computedStyles.height)
- lastFloatMargin = {left:lastFloat.computedStyles.margin.left, right:lastFloat.computedStyles.margin.right, top:lastFloat.computedStyles.margin.top, bottom:lastFloat.computedStyles.margin.bottom}
- lastFloatPadding = {left:lastFloat.computedStyles.padding.left, right:lastFloat.computedStyles.padding.right, top:lastFloat.computedStyles.padding.top, bottom:lastFloat.computedStyles.padding.bottom}
- }
- if( !clearLeft && !clearRight && lastFloatRect.x - lastFloatMargin.left - style.width - style.margin.left - style.margin.right >= 0 ){
- style.left = lastFloatRect.x - style.width - style.margin.right - lastFloatMargin.right;
- style.top = (lastFloatRect.y + style.margin.top);
- if(floatIndex != 0) style.top = style.top - lastFloatMargin.top;
- }else{ // wrapp to the next line
- largestRightFloatY = lastFloat.computedStyles.base.y + lastFloat.computedStyles.height + lastFloat.computedStyles.margin.bottom
- for( var j:int = element.parent.numChildren-1; j >= 0; j-- ){
- var q:* = element.parent.getChildAt( j );
- if( q.hasOwnProperty(COMPUTED_STYLES) && q.computedStyles.float == "right" && largestRightFloatY < q.computedStyles.top + q.computedStyles.height + q.computedStyles.margin.bottom ){
- largestRightFloatY = q.computedStyles.top + q.computedStyles.height + q.computedStyles.margin.bottom;
- }
- }
- style.left = parent.computedStyles.width - parent.computedStyles.padding.right - style.width - style.margin.right;
- style.top = largestRightFloatY; // - n.base.height
- }
- }
- }else if( style.float == "left" ){
- if( element.parent.getChildIndex( element ) == 0 ){ // if this is the first element
- style.left = parent.computedStyles.padding.left + style.margin.left;
- style.top = parent.computedStyles.padding.top + style.margin.top;
- }else{ // else we have to find the other elements that have relation to this one
- // figure out what the last floated element is.
- lastFloatIndex = element.parent.getChildIndex( element );
- floatIndex = floatedLeft.indexOf(element);
- lastFloat = floatedLeft[ floatIndex - 1 ];
- if( lastFloat == null ) return
- if( lastFloat.computedStyles.clear == "right" || lastFloat.computedStyles.clear == "both" ){
- clearRight = true;
- }
- // if this is the first floated item just place it, else position relative to last floated item
- if(floatIndex != 0){
- lastFloatRect = new Rectangle(lastFloat.x, lastFloat.y, lastFloat.computedStyles.width, lastFloat.computedStyles.height )
- lastFloatMargin = {left:lastFloat.computedStyles.margin.left, right:lastFloat.computedStyles.margin.right, top:lastFloat.computedStyles.margin.top, bottom:lastFloat.computedStyles.margin.bottom}
- lastFloatPadding = {left:lastFloat.computedStyles.padding.left, right:lastFloat.computedStyles.padding.right, top:lastFloat.computedStyles.padding.top, bottom:lastFloat.computedStyles.padding.bottom}
- }else{
- lastFloatRect = new Rectangle(0,0,0,0)
- lastFloatMargin = {left:0, right:0, top:0, bottom:0}
- lastFloatPadding = {left:0, right:0, top:0, bottom:0}
- }
- if( !clearLeft && !clearRight && lastFloatRect.x + lastFloatMargin.left + style.width + style.margin.left + style.margin.right + lastFloatRect.width <= parent.computedStyles.width ){
- style.left = lastFloatRect.x + lastFloatRect.width + style.margin.left + lastFloatMargin.right// + n.base.x
- style.top = (lastFloatRect.y + style.margin.top);
- if(floatIndex != 0) style.top = style.top - lastFloatMargin.top;
- }else{ // wrapp to the next line
- largestRightFloatY = lastFloat.computedStyles.top + lastFloat.computedStyles.height + lastFloat.computedStyles.margin.bottom // - par.parent.clean.padding.top
- style.left = parent.computedStyles.padding.left + style.margin.left;
- style.top = largestRightFloatY;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public static function relative( parentElement:Sprite, element:ElementBase ) : void
- {
- // Flash uses relative positioning by default, this method doesn't need to do anything
- element.x = element.style.x + element.style.margin.left + element.style.padding.left;
- element.y = element.style.y + element.style.margin.top + element.style.padding.top;
- }
- }
- }