Python | 316 lines | 304 code | 12 blank | 0 comment | 10 complexity | bc49d531db08890f791e54d9764cfc28 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): JSON
- import os
- import re
- import subprocess
- from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
- from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
- from textwrap import dedent
- try:
- from hashlib import sha1
- except ImportError:
- from sha import new as sha1
- from django import template
- from django.conf import settings as django_settings
- from django.template.loader import render_to_string
- from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
- from django.core.files.storage import default_storage
- from django.utils.encoding import smart_str
- from compressor.conf import settings
- from compressor import filters
- register = template.Library()
- class UncompressableFileError(Exception):
- pass
- def get_hexdigest(plaintext):
- p = smart_str(plaintext)
- return sha1(p).hexdigest()
- def exe_exists(program):
- def is_exe(fpath):
- return os.path.exists(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
- fpath, fname = os.path.split(program)
- if fpath:
- if is_exe(program):
- return True
- else:
- for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
- exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
- if is_exe(exe_file):
- return True
- return False
- class Compressor(object):
- def __init__(self, content, ouput_prefix="compressed", xhtml=False):
- self.content = content
- self.ouput_prefix = ouput_prefix
- self.split_content = []
- self.soup = BeautifulSoup(self.content)
- self.xhtml = xhtml
- try:
- from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
- self.domain = Site.objects.get_current().domain
- except:
- self.domain = ''
- def content_hash(self):
- """docstring for content_hash"""
- pass
- def split_contents(self):
- raise NotImplementedError('split_contents must be defined in a subclass')
- def get_filename(self, url):
- if not url.startswith(settings.MEDIA_URL):
- raise UncompressableFileError('"%s" is not in COMPRESS_URL ("%s") and can not be compressed' % (url, settings.MEDIA_URL))
- basename = url[len(settings.MEDIA_URL):]
- filename = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, basename)
- return filename
- @property
- def mtimes(self):
- return (os.path.getmtime(h[1]) for h in self.split_contents() if h[0] == 'file')
- @property
- def cachekey(self):
- """
- cachekey for this block of css or js.
- """
- cachebits = [self.content]
- cachebits.extend([str(m) for m in self.mtimes])
- cachestr = "".join(cachebits)
- return "%s.django_compressor.%s.%s" % (self.domain, get_hexdigest(cachestr)[:12], settings.COMPRESS)
- @property
- def hunks(self):
- """
- Returns a list of processed data
- """
- if getattr(self, '_hunks', ''):
- return self._hunks
- self._hunks = []
- for kind, v, elem in self.split_contents():
- if kind == 'hunk':
- input = v
- if self.filters:
- input = self.filter(input, 'input', elem=elem)
- self._hunks.append(input)
- if kind == 'file':
- fd = open(v, 'rb')
- input = fd.read()
- if self.filters:
- input = self.filter(input, 'input', filename=v, elem=elem)
- self._hunks.append(input)
- fd.close()
- return self._hunks
- def concat(self):
- return "\n".join(self.hunks)
- def filter(self, content, method, **kwargs):
- content = content
- for f in self.filters:
- filter = getattr(filters.get_class(f)(content, filter_type=self.type), method)
- try:
- if callable(filter):
- content = filter(**kwargs)
- except NotImplementedError:
- pass
- return str(content)
- @property
- def combined(self):
- if getattr(self, '_output', ''):
- return self._output
- output = self.concat()
- filter_method = getattr(self, 'filter_method', None)
- if self.filters:
- output = self.filter(output, 'output')
- self._output = output
- return self._output
- @property
- def hash(self):
- return get_hexdigest(self.combined)[:12]
- @property
- def new_filepath(self):
- filename = "".join((self.hash, self.extension))
- filepath = "/".join((settings.OUTPUT_DIR.strip('/'), self.ouput_prefix, filename))
- return filepath
- def save_file(self):
- if default_storage.exists(self.new_filepath):
- return False
- default_storage.save(self.new_filepath, ContentFile(self.combined))
- return True
- def return_compiled_content(self, content):
- """
- Return compiled css
- """
- if self.type != 'css':
- return content
- if not self.split_content:
- self.split_contents()
- if self.xhtml:
- return os.linesep.join((unicode(i[2]) for i in self.split_content))
- else:
- return os.linesep.join((re.sub("\s?/>",">",unicode(i[2])) for i in self.split_content))
- def output(self):
- """
- Return the versioned file path if COMPRESS = True
- """
- if not settings.COMPRESS:
- return self.return_compiled_content(self.content)
- url = "/".join((settings.MEDIA_URL.rstrip('/'), self.new_filepath))
- self.save_file()
- context = getattr(self, 'extra_context', {})
- context['url'] = url
- context['xhtml'] = self.xhtml
- return render_to_string(self.template_name, context)
- class CssCompressor(Compressor):
- def __init__(self, content, ouput_prefix="css", xhtml=False):
- self.extension = ".css"
- self.template_name = "compressor/css.html"
- self.filters = ['compressor.filters.css_default.CssAbsoluteFilter', 'compressor.filters.css_default.CssMediaFilter']
- self.filters.extend(settings.COMPRESS_CSS_FILTERS)
- self.type = 'css'
- super(CssCompressor, self).__init__(content, ouput_prefix, xhtml)
- @staticmethod
- def compile(filename,compiler):
- """
- Runs compiler on given file.
- Results are expected to appear nearby, same name, .css extension
- """
- try:
- bin = compiler['binary_path']
- except:
- raise Exception("Path to CSS compiler must be included in COMPILER_FORMATS")
- arguments = compiler.get('arguments','').replace("*",filename)
- command = '%s %s' % (bin, arguments)
- p = subprocess.Popen(command,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- if p.wait() != 0:
- err = p.stderr.read()
- p.stderr.close()
- if not err:
- err = 'Invalid command to CSS compiler: %s' % command
- raise Exception(err)
- def compile_inline(self,data,ext):
- """
- Compile inline css. Have to compile to a file, because some css compilers
- may not output to stdout, but we know they all output to a file. It's a
- little hackish, but you shouldn't be compiling in production anyway,
- right?
- """
- compiler = settings.COMPILER_FORMATS[ext]
- try:
- bin = compiler['binary_path']
- except:
- raise Exception("Path to CSS compiler must be included in COMPILER_FORMATS")
- tmp_file = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w',suffix=ext)
- tmp_file.write(dedent(data))
- tmp_file.flush()
- path, ext = os.path.splitext(tmp_file.name)
- tmp_css = ''.join((path,'.css'))
- self.compile(path,compiler)
- data = open(tmp_css,'r').read()
- # cleanup
- tmp_file.close()
- os.remove(tmp_css)
- return data
- @staticmethod
- def recompile(filename):
- """
- Needed for CCS Compilers, returns True when file needs recompiling
- """
- path, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
- compiled_filename = path + '.css'
- if not os.path.exists(compiled_filename):
- return True
- else:
- if os.path.getmtime(filename) > os.path.getmtime(compiled_filename):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def split_contents(self):
- """ Iterates over the elements in the block """
- if self.split_content:
- return self.split_content
- split = self.soup.findAll({'link' : True, 'style' : True})
- for elem in split:
- if elem.name == 'link' and elem['rel'] == 'stylesheet':
- filename = self.get_filename(elem['href'])
- path, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
- if ext in settings.COMPILER_FORMATS.keys():
- if self.recompile(filename):
- self.compile(path,settings.COMPILER_FORMATS[ext])
- basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
- elem = BeautifulSoup(re.sub(basename+ext,basename+'.css',unicode(elem)))
- filename = path + '.css'
- try:
- self.split_content.append(('file', filename, elem))
- except UncompressableFileError:
- if django_settings.DEBUG:
- raise
- if elem.name == 'style':
- data = elem.string
- elem_type = elem.get('type', '').lower()
- if elem_type and elem_type != "text/css":
- # it has to be preprocessed
- if '/' in elem_type:
- # we accept 'text/ccss' and plain 'ccss' too
- elem_type = elem_type.split('/')[1]
- # TODO: that dot-adding compatibility stuff looks strange.
- # do we really need a dot in COMPILER_FORMATS keys?
- ext = '.'+elem_type
- data = self.compile_inline(data,ext)
- elem = ''.join(("<style type='text/css'>\n",data,"\n</style>"))
- self.split_content.append(('hunk', data, elem))
- return self.split_content
- class JsCompressor(Compressor):
- def __init__(self, content, ouput_prefix="js", xhtml=False):
- self.extension = ".js"
- self.template_name = "compressor/js.html"
- self.filters = settings.COMPRESS_JS_FILTERS
- self.type = 'js'
- super(JsCompressor, self).__init__(content, ouput_prefix, xhtml)
- def split_contents(self):
- """ Iterates over the elements in the block """
- if self.split_content:
- return self.split_content
- split = self.soup.findAll('script')
- for elem in split:
- if elem.has_key('src'):
- try:
- self.split_content.append(('file', self.get_filename(elem['src']), elem))
- except UncompressableFileError:
- if django_settings.DEBUG:
- raise
- else:
- self.split_content.append(('hunk', elem.string, elem))
- return self.split_content