Python | 329 lines | 290 code | 26 blank | 13 comment | 9 complexity | c0cd053f69ab4c27f4abec7cb213eb4e MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- from __future__ import with_statement
- import re
- import datetime as dt
- import calendar
- import sys
- import os
- from utils import (bill_abbr, start_year, parse_action_date,
- bill_list_url, history_url, info_url, vote_url,
- legislators_url)
- sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
- from pyutils.legislation import (LegislationScraper, Bill, Vote, Legislator,
- NoDataForYear)
- class PALegislationScraper(LegislationScraper):
- state = 'pa'
- metadata = {
- 'state_name': 'Pennsylvania',
- 'legislature_name': 'Pennsylvania General Assembly',
- 'upper_chamber_name': 'Senate',
- 'lower_chamber_name': 'House of Representatives',
- 'upper_title': 'Senator',
- 'lower_title': 'Representative',
- 'upper_term': 4,
- 'lower_term': 2,
- 'sessions': [],
- 'session_details': {},
- }
- def scrape_metadata(self):
- metadata_url = "http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/"\
- "legis/home/session.cfm"
- with self.soup_context(metadata_url) as session_page:
- for option in session_page.find(id="BTI_sess").findAll('option'):
- if option['value'].endswith('_0'):
- year1 = int(option['value'][1:5])
- year2 = year1 + 1
- session = "%d-%d" % (year1, year2)
- self.metadata['sessions'].append(session)
- self.metadata['session_details'][session] = {
- 'years': [year1, year2],
- 'sub_sessions': [],
- }
- else:
- session = option.string[0:9]
- self.metadata['session_details'][session][
- 'sub_sessions'].append(option.string)
- # sessions were in reverse-chronological order
- self.metadata['sessions'].reverse()
- return self.metadata
- def scrape_session(self, chamber, session, special=0):
- session_url = bill_list_url(chamber, session, special)
- with self.soup_context(session_url) as bill_list_page:
- bill_link_re = "body=%s&type=(B|R)&bn=\d+" % bill_abbr(chamber)
- for link in bill_list_page.findAll(href=re.compile(bill_link_re)):
- self.parse_bill(chamber, session, special, link)
- def parse_bill(self, chamber, session, special, link):
- bill_number = link.contents[0]
- type = re.search('type=(B|R|)', link['href']).group(1)
- bill_id = "%s%s %s" % (bill_abbr(chamber), type, bill_number)
- bill_info_url = info_url(chamber, session, special, type, bill_number)
- with self.soup_context(bill_info_url) as info_page:
- title_label = info_page.find(text='Short Title:')
- title = title_label.findNext().contents[0]
- bill = Bill(session, chamber, bill_id, title)
- bill.add_source(bill_info_url)
- self.parse_bill_versions(bill, info_page)
- self.parse_history(bill, history_url(chamber, session, special,
- type, bill_number))
- self.parse_votes(bill, vote_url(chamber, session, special,
- type, bill_number))
- self.save_bill(bill)
- def parse_bill_versions(self, bill, info_page):
- """
- Grab links to all versions of a bill from its info page.
- """
- pn_table = info_page.find('div', {"class": 'pn_table'})
- text_rows = pn_table.findAll('tr')[1:]
- for row in text_rows:
- text_link = row.td.a
- text_url = 'http://www.legis.state.pa.us%s' % text_link['href']
- text_name = text_link.contents[0].strip()
- bill.add_version(text_name, text_url)
- def parse_history(self, bill, url):
- """
- Grab all history data (actions and votes) for a given bill provided
- the url to its history page.
- """
- bill.add_source(url)
- with self.soup_context(url) as history_page:
- self.parse_sponsors(bill, history_page)
- self.parse_actions(bill, history_page)
- def parse_sponsors(self, bill, history_page):
- """
- Grab all of a bill's sponsors from its history page.
- """
- # Sponsor format changed in 2009
- if int(start_year(bill['session'])) < 2009:
- sponsors = history_page.find(
- text='Sponsors:').parent.findNext('td').find(
- 'td').string.strip().replace(' and', ',').split(', ')
- bill.add_sponsor('primary', sponsors[0])
- for cosponsor in sponsors[1:]:
- bill.add_sponsor('cosponsor', cosponsor)
- else:
- sponsors = history_page.find(
- text='Sponsors:').parent.findNext().findAll('a')
- bill.add_sponsor('primary', sponsors[0].contents[0])
- for cosponsor in sponsors[1:]:
- bill.add_sponsor('cosponsor', cosponsor.contents[0])
- def parse_actions(self, bill, history_page):
- """
- Grab all of a bill's actions from its history page.
- """
- act_table = history_page.find(text="Actions:").parent.findNextSibling()
- act_chamber = bill['chamber']
- for row in act_table.findAll('tr'):
- act_raw = ""
- for node in row.td.div:
- if hasattr(node, 'contents'):
- if len(node.contents) > 0:
- act_raw += node.contents[0]
- else:
- act_raw += node
- act_raw = act_raw.replace(' ', ' ')
- act_match = re.match('(.*),\s+((\w+\.?) (\d+), (\d{4}))', act_raw)
- if act_match:
- date = parse_action_date(act_match.group(2).strip())
- bill.add_action(act_chamber, act_match.group(1),
- date)
- else:
- # Handle actions from the other chamber
- # ("In the (House|Senate)" row followed by actions that
- # took place in that chamber)
- cham_match = re.match('In the (House|Senate)', act_raw)
- if not cham_match:
- # Ignore?
- continue
- if cham_match.group(1) == 'House':
- act_chamber = 'lower'
- else:
- act_chamber = 'upper'
- def parse_votes(self, bill, url):
- """
- Grab all of the votes for a bill given the url of its primary
- votes page.
- """
- bill.add_source(url)
- with self.soup_context(url) as votes_page:
- for td in votes_page.findAll('td', {'class': 'vote'}):
- prev = td.findPrevious().contents[0].strip()
- if prev == 'Senate':
- chamber = 'upper'
- location = ''
- elif prev == 'House':
- chamber = 'lower'
- location = ''
- else:
- # Committee votes come in a number of different formats
- # that we don't handle yet
- continue
- chamber_votes_url = td.a['href']
- self.parse_chamber_votes(chamber, bill, chamber_votes_url)
- def parse_chamber_votes(self, chamber, bill, url):
- """
- Grab all votes for a bill that occurred in a given chamber.
- """
- bill.add_source(url)
- with self.soup_context(url) as chamber_votes_page:
- for link in chamber_votes_page.findAll(
- 'a', href=re.compile('rc_view')):
- vote_details_url = "http://www.legis.state.pa.us/CFDOCS/"\
- "Legis/RC/Public/%s" % link['href']
- vote = self.parse_vote_details(vote_details_url)
- bill.add_vote(vote)
- def parse_vote_details(self, url):
- """
- Grab the details of a specific vote, such as how each legislator
- voted.
- """
- def find_vote(letter):
- return vote_page.findAll('span', {'class': 'font8text'},
- text=letter)
- with self.soup_context(url) as vote_page:
- header = vote_page.find('div', {'class': 'subHdrGraphic'})
- if 'Senate' in header.string:
- chamber = 'upper'
- else:
- chamber = 'lower'
- # we'll use the link back to the bill as a base to
- # get the motion/date
- linkback = vote_page.find(
- 'a', href=re.compile('billinfo')).parent.parent
- date = linkback.find('div').string
- date = dt.datetime.strptime(date, "%A, %B %d, %Y")
- motion = linkback.findNextSibling('div')
- if motion.a:
- motion = "%s %s" % (motion.a.string,
- motion.contents[-1].string.strip())
- elif motion.span:
- motion = "%s %s" % (motion.span.string.strip(),
- motion.contents[-1].string.strip())
- else:
- motion = motion.string.strip().replace(' ', '')
- yes_count = int(vote_page.find('div', text='YEAS').next.string)
- no_count = int(vote_page.find('div', text='NAYS').next.string)
- lve_count = int(vote_page.find('div', text='LVE').next.string)
- nv_count = int(vote_page.find('div', text='N/V').next.string)
- other_count = lve_count + nv_count
- passed = yes_count > no_count
- vote = Vote(chamber, date, motion, passed, yes_count, no_count,
- other_count)
- vote.add_source(url)
- # find the votes by the inner text. because background colors lie.
- yes_votes = [vote.yes, find_vote('Y')]
- no_votes = [vote.no, find_vote('N')]
- nv_votes = [vote.other, find_vote('E') + find_vote('X')]
- for (action, votes) in (yes_votes, no_votes, nv_votes):
- for a_vote in votes:
- action(a_vote.parent.findNextSibling('span').string)
- if len(vote['yes_votes']) != yes_count:
- raise ScrapeError('wrong yes count %d/%d' %
- (len(vote['yes_votes']), yes_count))
- if len(vote['no_votes']) != no_count:
- raise ScrapeError('wrong no count %d/%d' %
- (len(vote['no_votes']), no_count))
- if len(vote['other_votes']) != other_count:
- raise ScrapeError('wrong other count %d/%d' %
- (len(vote['other_votes']), other_count))
- return vote
- def scrape_bills(self, chamber, year):
- session = "%s-%d" % (year, int(year) + 1)
- if not session in self.metadata['session_details']:
- raise NoDataForYear(year)
- self.scrape_session(chamber, session)
- specials = self.metadata['session_details'][session]['sub_sessions']
- for special in specials:
- session_num = re.search('#(\d+)', special).group(1)
- self.scrape_session(chamber, session, int(session_num))
- def scrape_legislators(self, chamber, year):
- # Pennsylvania doesn't make member lists easily available
- # for previous sessions, unfortunately
- if int(year) < 2009:
- #raise NoDataForYear(year)
- return
- session = "%s-%d" % (year, int(year) + 1)
- leg_list_url = legislators_url(chamber)
- with self.soup_context(leg_list_url) as member_list_page:
- for link in member_list_page.findAll(
- 'a', href=re.compile('_bio\.cfm\?id=')):
- full_name = link.contents[0][0:-4]
- last_name = full_name.split(',')[0]
- first_name = full_name.split(' ')[1]
- if len(full_name.split(' ')) > 2:
- middle_name = full_name.split(' ')[2].strip(',')
- else:
- middle_name = ''
- party = link.contents[0][-2]
- if party == 'R':
- party = "Republican"
- elif party == 'D':
- party = "Democrat"
- district = re.search(
- "District (\d+)", link.parent.contents[1]).group(1)
- legislator = Legislator(session, chamber, district,
- full_name, first_name, last_name,
- middle_name, party)
- legislator.add_source(leg_list_url)
- self.save_legislator(legislator)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- PALegislationScraper.run()