Python | 357 lines | 207 code | 10 blank | 140 comment | 23 complexity | 15c2f05d5c1f181daa6556428cc413f1 MD5 | raw file
- """
- This module contains BASE classes of indicators ONLY.
- I'm using iterating conception for indicators calculating.
- Indicators are calculated just as it was done by our ancestors
- when there wasn't any computer. It works faster than a window-based
- calculation method which is used in the largest part of a trading software.
- There are two types of indicators: array-processing and step-poicessing.
- It's my own differentiation into two types:
- -> Array-Processing indicators are indicators which calculating same as
- window-based indicators. You have an array and calculate values on
- values containing in the array. The best example is the indicator
- which calculates a maximum or a minimum in the array. Other example is
- the simple moving average indicator but we have made it more effectively.
- -> Step-processing indicators are indicators which calculating continuously
- and based on all received data. You have not an data array. You have only
- a new value and any data you saved. The best example is the indicator
- which calculates an absolute maximum or an absolute minimum in the all
- recieved data. Other example is the exponential moving average which is
- calculated step by step when new data is recieved.
- """
- from __future__ import division
- def skipNone(x): return x == None
- def skipFalse(x): return not x
- def noskip(x): return False
- ########################################################################
- class Indicator(list):
- """
- Base class for indicators. Can explore input and output parameters and
- accumulate they into list.
- """
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def __init__(self):
- super(Indicator, self).__init__(self.defaults)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def isvalid(self, input_values):
- """
- Function which automatically checks input values with correspond skippers.
- """
- return not any([x[0](x[1]) for x in zip(self.skippers, input_values)])
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update(self, *values):
- """
- Methods for receiving new values.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- ########################################################################
- class ArrayProcessor(Indicator):
- """
- Accumulate input values in an array and calculate indicator's value with that values.
- For creating a new inidicator follow next steps:
- 1. Inherit this class at first.
- 2. Declare input and output parameters.
- 3. Create your own calculate method.
- 4. Add your actions when value appended or removed.
- """
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def __init__(self, period):
- super(ArrayProcessor, self).__init__()
- self.period = period
- self.limit = self.period
- self.array = []
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update(self, *values):
- """
- Extended indicator's routine.
- Calling by user for update an indicator's value. This method calls until an array isn't full.
- When array is full this method will changed with work method.
- """
- # Accumulate data.
- if self.isvalid(values):
- self.preappend(*values)
- self.array.append(values)
- # There is enough data. Calculate first result.
- if len(self.array) >= self.limit:
- # Start to calculate.
- self.update = self.work
- # Calculate first value when array of data is full
- self.calculate(*values)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def work(self, *values):
- """
- Main indicator's routine.
- """
- if self.isvalid(values):
- # Append newest and pop oldest value if it isn't NaN.
- self.preappend(*values)
- self.array.append(values)
- self.postremove(*self.array.pop(0))
- # Return last or new result if data was updated.
- self.calculate(*values)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def preappend(self, *newest):
- """
- Calling before a new value will appended to the array.
- You can override it.
- """
- pass
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def postremove(self, *oldest):
- """
- Calling after an oldest value have removed from the array.
- You can override it.
- """
- pass
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def calculate(self, *values):
- """
- Your main calculation routine must to be here.
- Store indicator's values in instance's fields.
- You must to override it.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- ########################################################################
- class StepProcessor(Indicator):
- """
- Process input values step-by-step and update (aggregate) indicator value.
- For creating a new inidicator follow next steps:
- 1. Inherit this class at first.
- 2. Declare input and output parameters.
- 3. Create your own calculate method.
- 4. Add your actions when first value added.
- """
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def __init__(self, period):
- super(StepProcessor, self).__init__()
- self.period = period
- self.limit = self.period
- self.count = 0
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update(self, *values):
- """
- Extended indicator's routine.
- Calling by user for update an indicator's value. This method calls until method
- have called n times equals period.
- When array is full this method will changed with work method.
- """
- if self.isvalid(values):
- # Calculating from first when it was set in constructor
- if hasattr(self, '_first'):
- self.calculate(*values)
- else:
- self._first = values
- self.firstadded(*self._first)
- self.count += 1
- if self.count == self.limit:
- del self.count
- # Start to calculate.
- self.update = self.work
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def work(self, *values):
- """
- Main indicator's routine.
- """
- if self.isvalid(values):
- # Return last or new result if data was updated.
- self.calculate(*values)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def firstadded(self, *values):
- """
- Calling when first value was get. If you need to calculate initial values for
- calculate method fo it here.
- """
- pass
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def calculate(self, *values):
- """
- Your main calculation routine must to be here.
- Store indicator's values in instance's fields.
- You must to override it.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- ########################################################################
- class PartialGenerator(object):
- """
- This class is usesd for generating partial initialized indicator classes.
- """
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- @classmethod
- def partial(cls, name, doc, **kwargs):
- """
- Generate a new type based on a calling class with some named
- parameters preset. skippers and Outpust parameters got from
- skippers and defaults of a super class.
- """
- attr = {}
- def __init__(self, *prms, **nprms):
- kwargs.update(nprms)
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*prms, **kwargs)
- attr['__init__'] = __init__
- attr['__doc__'] = doc
- #attr.update(dict(cls.skippers)) # Bug already fixed in __new__
- #attr.update(dict(cls.defaults)) # of ParameterSequencer metaclass
- return type(name, (cls,), attr)
- ########################################################################
- class FuncProcessor(ArrayProcessor, PartialGenerator):
- """
- Calculates function for each first value of each array cell of the data.
- """
- skippers = (skipNone,)
- defaults = (None,)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def __init__(self, period, func, reduce=False): # Don't reduce by default
- super(FuncProcessor, self).__init__(period)
- self.func = func
- self.calculate = self.calculateReduce if reduce else self.calculatePlain
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def calculateReduce(self, *values):
- "Calls if self.reduce is True."
- result = self.array[0][0]
- for next in self.array[1:]:
- result = self.func(result, next[0])
- self[0] = result
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def calculatePlain(self, *values):
- "Calls if self.reduce is False."
- self[0] = self.func([value[0] for value in self.array])
- ########################################################################
- class AggregateProcessor(StepProcessor, PartialGenerator):
- """
- Calculates function with the previous result and a new value.
- This function works like 'reduce' based on stream processing.
- """
- skippers = (skipNone,)
- defaults = (None,)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def __init__(self, func, period=1, plain=False): # Reduce by default
- super(AggregateProcessor, self).__init__(period)
- self.func = func
- if plain:
- # Skip calling of self.firstadded and calls self.calculate instead
- self._first = True
- self.calculate = self.calculatePlain
- else:
- self.calculate = self.calculateReduce
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def firstadded(self, *values):
- self[0] = values[0]
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def calculateReduce(self, *values):
- "Calls if self.plain is False."
- self[0] = self.func(self[0], values[0])
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def calculatePlain(self, *values):
- "Calls if self.plain is True."
- self[0] = self.func(values[0])
- ########################################################################
- class Filter(StepProcessor, PartialGenerator):
- """
- Base class for creating stream filters.
- * Stateful is a filtor which keep the lastest value.
- * Stateless every time switched to None when input
- value haven't met the condition.
- """
- skippers = (skipNone,)
- defaults = (None,)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def __init__(self, comparator, base=None, asbase=False):
- """Constructor"""
- super(Filter, self).__init__(1)
- self._first = True
- self.comparator = comparator
- self.base = base
- self.asbase = asbase
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def calculate(self, price):
- """"""
- if not self.asbase and self.comparator(price, self.base) or \
- self.asbase and self.comparator(self.base, price):
- self[0] = price
- else:
- self[0] = self.defaults[0]
- ########################################################################
- class Chain(Indicator):
- """
- Get input arguments from first indicator, and defaults from last.
- """
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def __init__(self, *indicators):
- self.indicators = indicators
- # Override skippers and defaults
- self.skippers = self.indicators[0].skippers # Expected one or more indicators
- self.defaults = self.indicators[-1].defaults
- self.parameters = self.skippers + self.defaults
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update(self, *values):
- """
- Transfer values from one indicator to another.
- """
- for indicator in self.indicators:
- indicator.update(*values)
- values = indicator
- self[:] = self.indicators[-1]
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- """
- Return attributes from the lastest element of a chain.
- """
- return getattr(self.indicators[-1], name)