Python | 295 lines | 241 code | 39 blank | 15 comment | 56 complexity | 28c72a539810bfae991f4021ed763f13 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """Application that calculates the domain architecture of each gene and
- outputs them in a simple text-based format.
- """
- from collections import defaultdict
- import operator
- import optparse
- import sys
- from gfam.assignment import AssignmentOverlapChecker, SequenceWithAssignments
- from gfam.interpro import InterPro, InterProNames
- from gfam.scripts import CommandLineApp
- from gfam.utils import complementerset, redirected
- __author__ = "Tamas Nepusz"
- __email__ = "tamas@cs.rhul.ac.uk"
- __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2010, Tamas Nepusz"
- __license__ = "GPL"
- class FindDomainArchitectureApp(CommandLineApp):
- """\
- Usage: %prog [options] interpro_file clustering_file
- Application that calculates the domain architecture of each gene and
- oputs them in a simple text-based format, given the filtered InterPro
- assignments and a clustering of the unknown regions in a separate file.
- """
- short_name = "find_domain_arch"
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
- super(FindDomainArchitectureApp, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
- self.seqcat = {}
- def create_parser(self):
- """Creates the command line parser for this application"""
- parser = super(FindDomainArchitectureApp, self).create_parser()
- parser.add_option("-s", "--min-size", dest="min_size",
- metavar="N",
- help="consider only clusters with at least N elements as novel domains",
- config_key="analysis:find_domain_arch/min_novel_domain_size",
- default=2, type=int)
- parser.add_option("-S", "--sequences",
- dest="sequences_file", metavar="FILE",
- help="FASTA file containing all the sequences of the representative gene model",
- config_key="file.input.sequences", default=None)
- parser.add_option("-i", "--interpro-parent-child-file",
- dest="interpro_parent_child_file",
- metavar="FILE",
- help="use the InterPro parent-child FILE to remap IDs",
- config_key="file.mapping.interpro_parent_child",
- default=None)
- parser.add_option("--details",
- dest="details", metavar="FILE",
- help="print more details about the domain architecture into FILE",
- config_key="generated/file.domain_architecture_details",
- default=None)
- parser.add_option("--stats",
- dest="stats", metavar="FILE",
- help="print genome-level statistics about the domain architectures into FILE",
- config_key="generated/file.domain_architecture_stats",
- default=None)
- parser.add_option("-n", "--names",
- dest="interpro_names_file",
- metavar="FILE",
- help="use the given FILE to assign InterPro IDs to names",
- config_key="file.mapping.interpro2name",
- default=None)
- parser.add_option("-r", "--seq-id-regexp", metavar="REGEXP",
- help="remap sequence IDs using REGEXP",
- config_key="sequence_id_regexp",
- dest="sequence_id_regexp")
- parser.add_option("--max-overlap", metavar="SIZE",
- help="sets the maximum overlap size allowed between "
- "assignments of the same data source. Default: %default",
- config_key="max_overlap",
- dest="max_overlap", type=int, default=20)
- return parser
- def run_real(self):
- """Runs the applications"""
- if len(self.args) != 2:
- self.error("exactly two input files are expected")
- AssignmentOverlapChecker.max_overlap = self.options.max_overlap
- if self.options.interpro_parent_child_file:
- self.log.info("Loading InterPro parent-child assignments from %s..." % \
- self.options.interpro_parent_child_file)
- self.interpro = InterPro.FromFile(self.options.interpro_parent_child_file)
- else:
- self.interpro = InterPro()
- self.interpro_names = InterProNames.FromFile(self.options.interpro_names_file)
- if self.options.details:
- self.details_file = open(self.options.details, "w")
- else:
- self.details_file = None
- interpro_file, clustering_file = self.args
- self.process_interpro_file(interpro_file)
- self.process_clustering_file(clustering_file)
- self.sort_by_domain_architecture()
- for seqs in self.domain_archs.itervalues():
- seqs.sort()
- self.domain_archs = self.domain_archs.items()
- self.domain_archs.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True)
- for domain_arch, members in self.domain_archs:
- if domain_arch:
- arch_str = ";".join(domain_arch)
- else:
- arch_str = "NO_ASSIGNMENT"
- arch_str_pos = "NO_ASSIGNMENT"
- arch_desc = "NO_DESCRIPTION"
- family_length = len(members)
- for member in members:
- seq = self.seqcat[member]
- if domain_arch:
- arch_str_pos = ";".join(assignment.short_repr() \
- for assignment in seq.assignments)
- arch_desc = ";".join( \
- self.interpro_names[assignment.domain]
- for assignment in seq.assignments
- )
- print "%s\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%s" % (member, seq.length, arch_str, \
- family_length, arch_str_pos, \
- arch_desc)
- self.details_file.close()
- if self.options.stats:
- stats_file = open(self.options.stats, "w")
- total_residues, covered_residues, covered_residues_nonnovel = 0.0, 0, 0
- nonnovel_sources = complementerset(["Novel"])
- for seq in self.seqcat.itervalues():
- total_residues += seq.length
- covered_residues += round(seq.coverage() * seq.length)
- covered_residues_nonnovel += round(seq.coverage(sources=nonnovel_sources) * seq.length)
- all_archs = set(arch for arch, _ in self.domain_archs)
- num_archs = len(all_archs)
- if "" in self.domain_archs:
- num_archs -= 1
- def exclude_novel_domains(domain_architecture):
- """Excludes novel domains from a domain architecture and returns
- the filtered domain architecture as a tuple."""
- return tuple(a for a in domain_architecture if not a.startswith("NOVEL"))
- archs_without_novel = set(exclude_novel_domains(arch)
- for arch in all_archs)
- archs_without_novel.discard(())
- num_archs_without_novel = len(archs_without_novel)
- num_seqs_with_nonempty_domain_arch = \
- sum(len(value) for key, value in self.domain_archs if key)
- num_seqs_with_nonempty_domain_arch_ignore_novel = \
- sum(len(value) for key, value in self.domain_archs
- if exclude_novel_domains(key) in archs_without_novel)
- num_seqs_with_nonempty_nonnovel_domain_arch = \
- sum(len(value) for key, value in self.domain_archs
- if key and not any(a.startswith("NOVEL") for a in key))
- with redirected(stdout=stats_file):
- print "Domain architectures"
- print "===================="
- print ""
- print "Non-empty: %d" % num_archs
- print "Non-empty (when ignoring novel domains): %d" % num_archs_without_novel
- print ""
- print "Sequences"
- print "========="
- print ""
- print "Total: %d" % len(self.seqcat)
- print "With at least one domain: %d (%.4f%%)" %\
- (num_seqs_with_nonempty_domain_arch,
- 100.0 * num_seqs_with_nonempty_domain_arch / len(self.seqcat))
- print "With at least one non-novel domain: %d (%.4f%%)" %\
- (num_seqs_with_nonempty_domain_arch_ignore_novel,
- 100.0 * num_seqs_with_nonempty_domain_arch_ignore_novel / len(self.seqcat))
- print "With at least one domain and no novel domains: %d (%.4f%%)" %\
- (num_seqs_with_nonempty_nonnovel_domain_arch,
- 100.0 * num_seqs_with_nonempty_nonnovel_domain_arch / len(self.seqcat))
- print ""
- print "Residues"
- print "========"
- print ""
- print "Total: %d" % total_residues
- print "Covered: %d (%.4f%%)" % (covered_residues, 100.0*covered_residues/total_residues)
- print "Covered by non-novel: %d (%.4f%%)" % (covered_residues_nonnovel, 100.0*covered_residues_nonnovel/total_residues)
- stats_file.close()
- def process_interpro_file(self, interpro_file):
- from gfam.scripts.find_unassigned import FindUnassignedApp
- unassigned_app = FindUnassignedApp()
- unassigned_app.set_sequence_id_regexp(self.options.sequence_id_regexp)
- unassigned_app.process_sequences_file(self.options.sequences_file)
- unassigned_app.process_infile(interpro_file)
- self.seqcat = unassigned_app.seqcat
- for seq_id in set(unassigned_app.seq_ids_to_length.keys()) - set(self.seqcat.keys()):
- self.seqcat[seq_id] = SequenceWithAssignments(seq_id, \
- unassigned_app.seq_ids_to_length[seq_id])
- def process_clustering_file(self, fname):
- f = open(fname)
- idx = 1
- for line in f:
- ids = line.strip().split()
- if len(ids) < self.options.min_size:
- continue
- domain_name = "NOVEL%05d" % idx
- idx += 1
- for id in ids:
- seq_id, _, limits = id.rpartition(":")
- start, end = map(int, limits.split("-"))
- self.seqcat[seq_id].assign_(start, end, domain_name)
- f.close()
- def sort_by_domain_architecture(self):
- self.domain_archs = defaultdict(list)
- for seq_id, seq in self.seqcat.iteritems():
- assignments = sorted(seq.assignments, key=operator.attrgetter("start"))
- domains = []
- if self.details_file:
- print >>self.details_file, seq_id
- primary_source = set()
- new_assignments = []
- for assignment in assignments:
- new_assignment = assignment.resolve_interpro_ids(self.interpro)
- if assignment.comment == "1":
- primary_source.add(assignment.source)
- domains.append(new_assignment.domain)
- new_assignments.append(new_assignment)
- self.domain_archs[tuple(domains)].append(seq_id)
- if not primary_source:
- primary_source = None
- else:
- primary_source = ", ".join(primary_source)
- if self.details_file:
- seq2 = SequenceWithAssignments(seq.name, seq.length)
- seq2.assignments = [assignment for assignment in assignments \
- if assignment.source != "Novel"]
- sources = sorted(set(assignment.source \
- for assignment in assignments \
- if assignment.source != "Novel"))
- print >>self.details_file, " Primary assignment source:", primary_source
- print >>self.details_file, " Number of data sources used:", len(sources)
- print >>self.details_file, " Data sources: %s" % ", ".join(sources)
- print >>self.details_file, " Coverage: %.3f" % seq.coverage()
- print >>self.details_file, " Coverage w/o novel domains: %.3f" % seq2.coverage()
- for assignment in assignments:
- attrs = assignment._asdict()
- if assignment.comment is None and \
- assignment.domain.startswith("NOVEL"):
- attrs["comment"] = "novel"
- row = " %(start)4d-%(end)4d: %(domain)s "\
- "(%(source)s, stage: %(comment)s)" % attrs
- print >>self.details_file, row,
- interpro_id = assignment.interpro_id
- if not interpro_id and assignment.domain in self.interpro.mapping:
- interpro_id = self.interpro.mapping[assignment.domain]
- if interpro_id:
- anc = self.interpro.tree.get_most_remote_ancestor(interpro_id)
- if interpro_id == anc:
- print >>self.details_file, "(InterPro ID: %s)" % anc
- else:
- print >>self.details_file, "(InterPro ID: %s --> %s)" % (interpro_id, anc)
- if anc in self.interpro_names:
- print >>self.details_file, " "*(row.index(":")+1), self.interpro_names[anc]
- else:
- print >>self.details_file, ""
- if assignment.domain in self.interpro_names:
- print >>self.details_file, " "*(row.index(":")+1), self.interpro_names[assignment.domain]
- print >>self.details_file, ""
- seq.assignments = new_assignments
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit(FindDomainArchitectureApp().run())